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Here we go to combine our forces to unfold questions of common interest
concerning environmental protection. To make future more easy to live in,
we have responsibility to start thoughts today and try to get answers to them.

Everyone with ideas is invited :good:

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I am not entirely sure what the environment has to do with Magic Duel.

Magic Duel has a very stable environment. In fact, you can hardly see the leaves move, and I have never seen an animal frolicking around, but [s]occasionally[/s] [color="#FF0000"]all the time[/color] there are frogs.


Edited by awiiya
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Well Grido, I will change that for you.

And yes, MD usually does have good weather. Though I have noticed more rain lately. I blame Realm Warming, who is with me? All this talking and fighting is releasing too much Heat, and the Principle atmosphere is keeping all of it in! Soon our entire land will be very hot!


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Environment? Protect it? No way! I will not live enough to experience all the bad things that will come from destroying the environment. As for my kids (in case I will ever have which I doubt) well....that's their problem ^_^

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[quote name='dst' post='34570' date='Jun 24 2009, 09:48 AM']Environment? Protect it? No way! I will not live enough to experience all the bad things that will come from destroying the environment. As for my kids (in case I will ever have which I doubt) well....that's their problem ^_^[/quote]

wt...? hope most of the people don't think like that...

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Dst! I really love your thought process.. e-v-i-l. I truely admire you. XD

Now for real life environment.. Its cold here and all I can do is sit in the blanket. I would do something for it. But then i have more important problems to attend like write exams, spamming chewett for calling me cute, filing my toe nails, and work out how to spam chewett.. Environment has enough funds given by UN. I stay clean frm my side. Thats what matters. Alerting other people, trying to spread awareness.. for me HIV and swine flu are more urgent matters than the environment.

When it comes to MD! Ooh! You should go to death marrow.. Storm says he hid all his creatures there! And i did see lots of flora in md! Flowers! And where can i spot frogs? Or was it Phrog? Never mind, I would love to see different varieties of them though.. And the climate is awesome in MD. Especially near the cliffs!

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[quote name='Esmerelda' post='34591' date='Jun 24 2009, 02:18 PM']Environment has enough funds given by UN. I stay clean frm my side. Thats what matters. Alerting other people, trying to spread awareness.. for me HIV and swine flu are more urgent matters than the environment.[/quote]

Enough funds hah!
The UN has a budget of $4.19 billion and half of that is spent on peacekeeping missions.
The US spends over $500 billion on military.
The UN doesn't have enough funds nor power to regulate the environment and they are slow to take action too. eg The Kyoto treaty is still not ratified by all nations. Not that I believe in global warming, but the measures to reduce CO2 often also reduce toxic waste. And it is generally a good idea to be cautious even if you are not convinced that a catastrophe will happen.

And then there's the question where those funds go to. A lot of institutions spend [b]half[/b] of their budget on acquiring funds. A deep rooted problem in bureaucracy, combined with the fact that charity, development and research organizations all have to compete for the ridiculously small amount of money that people are willing to pay. Even if I donate a single euro, I'll get at least 5 thank you letters by mail, written on fancy paper, stamped and sometimes wrapped in plastic. Included is of course a request to donate more. If I don't donate more, they probably used up all I gave them on ink, paper and stamps, which is not why I gave them money... but it's the way things work because even charity bows to the rules of capitalism.

Swine flu has killed less people than your average flu so far. With a bit of luck the 'problem' will be solved by next year and we can forget about it, like we did with bird flu.

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If you bring corruption into the picture, and the US Army into the picture then there is no arguing back. What I meant by HIV and swine flu is the health issues in general. If people wont survive to see the future whats the point in fighting against global warming?

Now for the funds.. You say that the funds are hardly enough.. It wont matter even if you increase the contributions.. Coz anyways they are going to go in the unending pit of corruption.. All we can do is stay clean from our sides.. And thats precisely what I am doing. I try my best trying not to pollute. But that doesnt mean i live in stoneage..

ok.. So i deviated frm the topic.. Oops.

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Like our race is not overpopulated already.. HIV and such exist to reduce our numbers, as animals can't do it.
And I'm sure some of the 6,7 million people will survive to see the work of their ancestors, or to continue it.

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[quote name='Shantu' post='34631' date='Jun 25 2009, 01:46 AM']Like our race is not overpopulated already.. HIV and such exist to reduce our numbers, as animals can't do it.
And I'm sure some of the 6,7 million people will survive to see the work of their ancestors, or to continue it.[/quote]

So you want to say that we stop saving people so that the world population would reduce?

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eww... what a barbarian approach...

law of the jungle is all cool, but not exactly fitting humanity, is it?
we are reducing ourselves thoroughly enough the way we are... civil wars, pandemics, catastrophes...

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[quote name='Burns' post='34655' date='Jun 25 2009, 12:23 AM']eww... what a barbarian approach...

law of the jungle is all cool, but not exactly fitting humanity, is it?
we are reducing ourselves thoroughly enough the way we are... civil wars, pandemics, catastrophes...[/quote]
...not breeding

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[quote name='Shantu' post='34631' date='Jun 24 2009, 09:16 PM']Like our race is not overpopulated already.. HIV and such exist to reduce our numbers, as animals can't do it.
And I'm sure some of the 6,7 million people will survive to see the work of their ancestors, or to continue it.[/quote]

Because of our diverse gene pool, for every disease an amount of people are resistant to it. Some humans survive, otherwise the disease will get extinct after killing it's last host too. Killing humanity is not their purpose anyway, although the high population density is required for them to develop and the result can be a sudden decline in population.
For global warming, engineers are already working on backup plans like putting mirrors in orbit around the earth and shield against the sun. Of course if they mess up inches and meters again, we're all doomed.

Overpopulation: I don't think the earth is incapable of supporting this many humans, but if everybody were to have the same standard of life as we enjoy and we don't advance our technology and change our production methods...
I read some articles stating we should all add insects to our diet, because they are more efficient to grow and are very nutritive, can't see it becoming popular yet, but it's an interesting idea.
Save the forest, eat more termites!

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  • Root Admin

I don't think you could go more generaly offtopic with any other subject...lol
i can't imagine myself doing something as offtopic as this entire topic :blink: ..but its funny.

anyway, speaking about environemen, i proudly announce that MD is hosted on servers with low carbon signature / friendly to nature. I put a link on the bottom of the interface.

Its not advertising to hosting, its just that i am very into this 'green' things, from recycled paper to nature friendly server, its a small thing, but big things are done from lots of such small things.

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Look. Nature has its own means to purify itself. Tsunamis and katrinas are a few examples. We have already enough deaths due to famine.. Apart from that if death due to disease is being selected as a means of natural selection.. Its absurd.

And let me tell you something. There is NO natural selection when it comes to HIV. The whole point is non existent as your immune system is shattered. Wiki it and see the mastermind at work. Mr. Retro is not retro at all. He is extremely advanced, insanely intelligent.

And we are not animals. We dont live in forests. We are CIVILISED people. You and I have social barriers, we have desires, weakness. WE THINK. Animals dont. So please dont compare us, atleast me, with animals. Your dog wouldnt be arguing about global warming..

As for global warming, heard of yin and yang? The eternal balance? Well, there is a cooling therapy proposed by scientists which seemingly will balance the heat. And you know what they formulated the plan on? Dust. Cooling due to water accumulation on the dust due to polution.. It will balance the warming...

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So...am I the only not friendly to environment in here? Or the only one admitting it?

Also: eco friendly guys say:save water, use less chemicals(like soaps, shampoos, detergents bla bla). I cannot save water! And I cannot stop using soaps, shampoos and other nice things.
Save energy! Well...I would if all my appliances would work with sun power. Or if they would install devices that store sun power and then use it for supplying appliances. Or at least if they would offer a subvention for it cause here they are quite expensive...

What about poor countries? Let's say I do all those eco friendly stuff cause it is supposed that I live in a civilized country and I have the methods and money and proper education. Or we have to keep the balance? :blink: We must be enough eco-friendly to counter the eco-phobics from other regions of the globe where they have other, bigger problems then environmental....?

Ok, I will stop cause I am starting to write non-sense...

LE: @Esme: We are SUPPOSED to be civilized...

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