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Fenrir Greycloth

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Roleplay is akin to children playing in a playground. We all start as simple children and some of us may decide to play a game, like hide-and-seek, or tag. Others want to play a different game, more complex, like soccer, or cops&thieves.
Then there are a few others who play like they have superpowers, or that they are a tyranosaurus rex, hunting prey.
At one point, the imagination of children takes over and to make their game more interesting, rules and special roles/circumstances come into play.
Next thing you know it, you can T-rex the ball, but only if you were a cop beforehand. The other cops may ninja kick the T-rex, but to do so, is to turn into a thief, unless you have the crown of cool, which can only be granted if you won with a +7 advantage in the previous tournament.

(no, not made up)
(my childhood was awesome :))

With grownups however (though, who is to say they are really grownups :P) it's slightly different, because they don't want to mix it all together, they don't want to leave their comfortable zone. To such things I can only say; conform or ignore. It's not hard, it's what kids do.
So, I agree with what deathbell said.
But, you guys are grownups.
So try and at least make it look like it makes sense. Roleplay a werewolf? Okay, but please don't roleplay like you are stronger than every mortal human, when that mortal human is a higher mp level, has higher stats, better understanding of rituals and has better creatures.
It's like seeing that dude as a ''lvl 80 commoner'' and you are a ''lvl 1 changeling''.

In this game however, it's not fixed into a structure, like; I am lvl 80!
No, in this game you need to use several factors and use your instinct and intuition.
It feels more natural to me and you should roleplay accordingly.

So next time, please don't roleplay as if you can actually eat me.
Roleplay that you want to eat me.
Then roleplay that you realize only [i]several players[/i] can beat me.
Because really, the ''I eatz bunnz, yum yum" thing, is getting annoying.

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I just want to say, awesome post MetalBunny! You said a lot of what what I have been meaning to and likely much more eloquently than I could have.

This game gives you a lot of freedom, but more and more I see so much that is ridiculous that I think people need to have a little self control otherwise I am very tempted to start ignoring your pretty blue text. And honestly I don't want to have to do that.

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Its role play, its creativity, its their choice.

Thats what makes roleplay interesting. There are no boundaries.

Its entertainment.

Just like TV, if u dont like what you see, change the channel.

I would prefer a player who makes an effort in role playing over a player who just knows how to criticize.

I do agree that some is just plain ridicilous, but its their choice, and if you dont wanna play... move along.

Nobody put a gun on your head and force you to play along.

I know its freedom of speech, freedom to express yourself, so its your right to express yourself, but keep in mind what is ridiculous to you might not be ridiculous to others.

One man's meat is another man's poison.

Btw, are you role playing an a**h**e?

Congrats, you are doing great at it.

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' post='35079' date='Jun 27 2009, 03:04 AM']So try and at least make it look like it makes sense. Roleplay a werewolf? Okay, but please don't roleplay like you are stronger than every mortal human, when that mortal human is a higher mp level, has higher stats, better understanding of rituals and has better creatures.
It's like seeing that dude as a ''lvl 80 commoner'' and you are a ''lvl 1 changeling''.[/quote]
drifting oftopic but I strongly oppose the idea that mp level, ritual knowledge and stats have anything to do with roleplay. How many 'protectors of the weak' and other paladinlike characters are there in the game? And how many of them sacrifice defenseless creatures on an altar in order to get better stats?

[quote]So next time, please don't roleplay as if you can actually eat me.
Roleplay that you want to eat me.[/quote]
Quoted for truth. (although I think metal bunny would taste awful)

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My apologies for insulting you but on reflection, my paternal instincts kicked in when I saw the baby bashing. At no time did you thrash the birth ritual or the existence of babies but questioned the roles of babies in RP.

I do agree that the roles of babies or children are veryminimal, but they can play a supporting role in the RP that players are playing.

A birth is something very beautiful and it is possible that some players want to share it with everyone. Recently, there was such an incident in Loreroot, the whole works, midwife, an anxious father and of course the mother in labour.

Will the child make a difference in RP in the future, it is up to the players to decide.

Maybe it will or it will not, but it has effected all Lorerootians.

Thus the baby himself may not have made an impact on RP, but the birth ritual itself has effected the RP of Lorerootians.

Again, my apologies for the harsh words said.

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[quote name='Kafuuka' post='35125' date='Jun 27 2009, 02:09 PM']drifting oftopic but I strongly oppose the idea that mp level, ritual knowledge and stats have anything to do with roleplay. How many 'protectors of the weak' and other paladinlike characters are there in the game? And how many of them sacrifice defenseless creatures on an altar in order to get better stats?[/quote]

I understand, let me elaborate. What I meant with mp level, stats and creatures etc, is to give an indication as to how the structure of the game and the progress made by the player so far in that structure, should at least intuitively affect the actions of others players, /in that aspect it is best represented in/.

But if you roleplay an intellectual, a bartender, a weakling or a beggar, then in these aspects, stats and such, should not even come close to becoming a factor. Instead, your own papers, your own believable and probable actions become much more a suitable /intuitive factor/.

If you think that virtuous, intellectual, curious or vile villanous players are hard to roleplay, because there is a lack of structure, such as stats for ''fighter-roleplayers'', then you have not fully thought it through yet.
There are numerous options, starting with papers, but not just on your own profile, it is the act of taking initiative and posting on the forum, or dare you to be ambitious, posting on the MD-archive. It is the act of continuous friendliness or brutal savagery in the subtleness of context merely conversing with others. To follow your paragorn examples or hold secret resentment (or open if you are a dumb villain) towards those paragorns, is part of structure as well. In what form, you may ask, in RPC or PWR form I say.

But small details can also be quite useful. Having very low honor, if you play a villain, will in my eyes, make you more believable. It is finding these subtle things and adapting your own role towards it, as a normal human being would, should he find himself in a new world, that is roleplay.

However, a seemingly lack of structure, a lack of boundaries (even though there are many, I mean really, vampires? This game has not yet shown a moon yet, meaning there is a constant sun shining on you. Don't you dare tell me that you are a ''twilight-vampire'' who glitters like a true boy-toy in the sun, instead of bursting into flames like normal vampires, conform to the legends that have existed for decades, if not centuries), can invite exaggerated and quite unbelievable roleplay.
I say to you, you're not ever going to get far in this game, as you would never get far in any world if you behaved like that.

To get back to the quote on hand, while I did say that some form of structure, like stats, help with more intuitive-based roleplay, I did not say that this is the only form of structure, or only form of roleplay.
To roleplay properly, IMO, you should adapt yourself to the world, and not force the world to adapt to you. For adaption to exist, a structure is necessary and even if you think there is a great lack of structure in the game, realize that even structureless, there are untold paradigms and indeed principles that give you a general understanding of it all.
Thus nothing is structureless, if it was, you wouldn't be able to play it.
So if you want to be a good or even great roleplayer, you still need to learn the ins-and-outs of the game. Find the intricate details in the structure, most suited to your role or actions, and adapt your own role to it.

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[quote name='Metal Bunny' post='35144' date='Jun 27 2009, 10:48 AM']This game has not yet shown a moon yet, meaning there is a constant sun shining on you.[/quote]
I beg your pardon, Sieur, but it has, so: I direct you the Adventure Log, pp. 414-417.

I do not mean to derail your excellent points or launch a tangent from your excellent posts. I personally disdain powers and attributes that are unsupported by the combat system, or failing that, the setting. I merely wish to call attention to a minor but significant detail that bears directly on my stated role of Moon Knight. Night has come to MagicDuel, and shall return: but sure there is not enough darkness to afford comfort to those to whom the sun's rays are fatal.

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[quote name='Tarquinus' post='35173' date='Jun 28 2009, 12:04 AM']I beg your pardon, Sieur, but it has, so: I direct you the Adventure Log, pp. 414-417.

I do not mean to derail your excellent points or launch a tangent from your excellent posts. I personally disdain powers and attributes that are unsupported by the combat system, or failing that, the setting. I merely wish to call attention to a minor but significant detail that bears directly on my stated role of Moon Knight. Night has come to MagicDuel, and shall return: but sure there is not enough darkness to afford comfort to those to whom the sun's rays are fatal.[/quote]

Ah true, my mistake. Sorry about that, but I do hope people still get my point.

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Hmm.. strange topic. I imagine people RP'ing that and it gives me the creeps. They might not even know how old the other is. *cringes* Good thing I don't RP making babies.

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I like using th bathrooms in MDA. Very useful when you need emergency reliefs. As for the bedroom, I don't want to use it at all. Too many people have gone on it, and you know what that means.

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Hehehe... if I put what it means here, they will take it off, so there isn't much point. All I mean to say is I don't want to lie down on a bed that's.... over-used...

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Exactly, Fenrir! Exactly my point! There's remnants of all sorts of bodily fluids there! Poor, poor Marind....

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