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Hello everybody.

With the recent announcement of the Festival of Pain, Akasha and I were talking, and she asked the question, "Maybe confessing will help?"

So in that vein, I propose that we all confess our sins so that the punishment will be less severe.

I, as the one bringing up the topic, will of course go first.

1. I admit, I have not spent as much in the Paper Cabin as I would have liked.
2. I have used mp2s to gain stats and wins when I was severely out of balance.
3. I talked about Quests, and asked some people the questions that were posed to me, in hopes that they could help.
4. I have used a number of bugs out of laziness(mostly having to do with frames, eids, and the like)
5. I semi-cheated in the first Torch Competition by jumping to Pamplemousse repeatedly.
6. I have annoyed people with pestering them for information.
7. I put off doing work until the last minute, then complained about having too much to do. In reality, if I had done it a little bit at a time, it would not have been too much to handle.
8. I set up regen trees because I was sick and tired of being attacked by other people, and wanted some form of revenge.
9. I negative repped a person that I did not like, repeatedly.

I think that is all my sins. If I think of more, I will add them.

So there! Punish me! Bring out the whips and the chains!


Edited by awiiya
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I'm using an alt to store creatures which don't fit in my own inventory.
I tend to kill people just because i can.
I have abused glitches in protector-spells, mainly because it was fun.
I'm sometimes really evil with the newbies [insert lunatic laughter].
I create quests that destroy peoples clothing [insert another lunatic laughter].
I repeatedly, though without success, tried to destroy Bob.

And of top of all that: I totally enjoy what i'm doing :D

so, i'm not just a sinner, i even like being a sinner [insert a final lunatic laughter]!

PS: does it count as confession if i'm not rueful?

Edited by Burns
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[quote name='Grim Angel' date='24 September 2009 - 10:50 AM' timestamp='1253807434' post='42529']
Well, the page isn't big enough but here goes:

I farm the rits at the GGG and use a summon army to delibrately unbind them (the shame)
I silenced Mur once
I hate Bob and succesfully burned part of him
And loads of stuff

:D You silenced the Mur? What scandal! What outrage! I don't think your Angelic Powers will save you. Two thumbs up from me though for sheer bravery and balls!

Is two thumbs up a sin? :))

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Quite, aeoshattr. But then again, I never expected people to be serious about their sins. It is difficult to stand up and tell people why you are not a good person, because we all want to appear good.

But the option has now been presented to you, so you can never say that you did not have a time to confess. This will likely make the punishments even harsher


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As Windy, I annoyed Mur with the, "May his name always be red" quote.
Went skinny dipping in the lake at Wasp's Totem.

Are these considered sins? I can't think of anything I've really done except maybe the "Adult conspiracy" thing that went nowhere. ^_^

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[quote name='awiiya' date='26 September 2009 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1253992689' post='42790']
Quite, aeoshattr. But then again, I never expected people to be serious about their sins. It is difficult to stand up and tell people why you are not a good person, because we all want to appear good.

But the option has now been presented to you, so you can never say that you did not have a time to confess. This will likely make the punishments even harsher


I disagree with your comment that everyone wants to appear good. I think it is safer to say that most people just want to be accepted and belong. Good and bad are relative and can't exist one with out the other. But human behavior shows that we all have a need and a desire to belong.

I do agree with you that admitting a sin most often makes the punishment greater. If you don't admit to anything than you still have some safety in reasonable doubt and plausible deniability. But then how can one commit a sin in a world with so few rules and where unfairness is the norm?

My two bits...

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I would say that all humans views things (even if they try not to) in good and bad, and that they tend to work towards the good.

What you percieve to be virtuous, good, and worth working towards is usually what you will attempt to work towards in the long run.

The part of the need for belonging is undeniably true. However I would argue that the reason it is true is because we are hardwired to put "belonging" in the good column of our lives without fail. The rest of things and how they are sorted, good and bad, are not quite as fixed, and overtime they are likely to change.

However, that good list dictates what we do and how we behave; constantly working towards those goals.


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I confess that I, along with a couple of trusted friends, built and tested a bomb made largely of knator dung inside the Gazebo of Chaos cavern, during the last HC. It is powerful enough to move large boulders. And I am not sharing this technology cheaply. :)

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[quote name='awiiya' date='30 September 2009 - 01:03 PM' timestamp='1254330193' post='43235']
I would say that all humans views things (even if they try not to) in good and bad, and that they tend to work towards the good.

What you percieve to be virtuous, good, and worth working towards is usually what you will attempt to work towards in the long run.

The part of the need for belonging is undeniably true. However I would argue that the reason it is true is because we are hardwired to put "belonging" in the good column of our lives without fail. The rest of things and how they are sorted, good and bad, are not quite as fixed, and overtime they are likely to change.

However, that good list dictates what we do and how we behave; constantly working towards those goals.


I can agree with the first part that humans tend to view things in good or bad terms but I disagree that humans work towards the good in the long run. I say that humans are selfish and self centered in general and do what they perceive is best for them and in turn label that as being good. This is how 2 neutral parties can get into conflict with each other over a resource for example.

I agree that humans do seem hardwired having a need to belong. Sociologists have been saying humans are very social creatures for decades and they we gather, form groups and social communities out of some basic need we have.

But I still argue that we humans don't work toward good or bad, we simple work toward our on needs and label them how ever we need to to help justify the needs being met. One example is the need to confess a sin. Usually people do it in a hope of achieving some sort of salvation or to avoid punishment or some level of damnation. How many people would repent of their sins if there were no eternal consequence for doing them? But I guess that can start a whole different conversation.

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[quote name='Daemon Torvez' date='30 September 2009 - 11:22 AM' timestamp='1254334942' post='43245']
I can agree with the first part that humans tend to view things in good or bad terms but I disagree that humans work towards the good in the long run. I say that humans are selfish and self centered in general and do what they perceive is best for them and in turn label that as being good. This is how 2 neutral parties can get into conflict with each other over a resource for example.I agree that humans do seem hardwired having a need to belong. Sociologists have been saying humans are very social creatures for decades and they we gather, form groups and social communities out of some basic need we have.But I still argue that we humans don't work toward good or bad, we simple work toward our on needs and label them how ever we need to to help justify the needs being met. One example is the need to confess a sin. Usually people do it in a hope of achieving some sort of salvation or to avoid punishment or some level of damnation. How many people would repent of their sins if there were no eternal consequence for doing them? But I guess that can start a whole different conversation.

This is exactly what I was trying to say, but I suppose not making any sense. Yes, people work towards what they perceive to be good, because they often label personal gain as good.


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