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The Burning Of Khalazdad Soul


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Gates of despair:

[b]war period:

[24/09/09 20:50] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. comes in whistling a low monotone song[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 20:51] [b]Liberty:[/b]please we dont like idea of having observers becoz it screws our online list
[24/09/09 20:51] [b]Liberty:[/b]and there will be mad clicking so plase neutrals stay out, come 10 mins after 21h
[24/09/09 20:52] [b]Liberty:[/b]buns back to the cave
[24/09/09 20:52] [b]Jester:[/b]10 mins left MB...
[24/09/09 20:52] [b]Liberty:[/b]:D
[24/09/09 20:55] [b]Liberty:[/b]lady renate please step back ... 4 mins to go
[24/09/09 20:56] [b]Liberty:[/b]umm coe players... please step back to deathmarrow
[24/09/09 20:56] [b]Jester:[/b]argh...
[24/09/09 20:56] [b]Liberty:[/b]ya jump when ingame clock hits 21h
[24/09/09 20:56] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]o.O
[24/09/09 20:59] [b].Akasha.:[/b]so i can\'t watch O.o
[24/09/09 21:00] [b]Liberty:[/b]go go go
[24/09/09 21:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel roars out in challenge[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:01] [b]Jinta Shook:[/b]Raaaarrrrrrrrwrrr!!
[24/09/09 21:02] [b]Jinta Shook:[/b]Take this!
[24/09/09 21:02] [b]Jinta Shook:[/b]And that!
[24/09/09 21:02] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jinta Shook bites Liberty on the ankle[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:02] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel lunges with sword at Handy[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:02] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]lol
[24/09/09 21:03] [b].Tarquinus.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]I am dead[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:03] [b].Tarquinus.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]idling[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:03] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jinta Shook dies[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:03] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]so wait
[24/09/09 21:03] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]is raven dead now?
[24/09/09 21:03] [b]Liberty:[/b]huh
[24/09/09 21:03] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]did I kill him or am I confused with the rules?
[24/09/09 21:03] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. killed Lib[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:04] [b]Liberty:[/b]just keep hitting
[24/09/09 21:04] [b]Liberty:[/b]actually pample killed me :P
[24/09/09 21:04] [b].Tarquinus.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]if you won, he\'s dead, MB[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:04] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]ah k, raven is dead[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:04] [b].Ailith.:[/b]Wooooo! :D
[24/09/09 21:04] [b]Liberty:[/b]nobody left to attack i guess
[24/09/09 21:04] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]winks at Lib[/i]*[/color] It was nice.
[24/09/09 21:04] [b]Liberty:[/b]:P
[24/09/09 21:05] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]dang, changed my def rit a bit too slow
[24/09/09 21:05] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]guybrush took me in a moment of weakness :(
[24/09/09 21:05] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]lol still alive
[24/09/09 21:05] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Who\'s left?
[24/09/09 21:05] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]but finished attacking everyone already:P
[24/09/09 21:05] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Sorry MB...
[24/09/09 21:05] [b]Liberty:[/b]ah nice
[24/09/09 21:05] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]lol, is okay :P
[24/09/09 21:05] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]and didn\'t kill many :(
[24/09/09 21:06] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I am enjoying this :P
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Liberty:[/b]so can anyone involved attack anyone?
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Liberty:[/b]if not then first round is over
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Jester:[/b]I\'m dead
[24/09/09 21:06] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I\'m dead :P
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]everyone I can attack is dead already I think
[24/09/09 21:06] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Im dead.
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Liberty:[/b]upload your screenshots and post them on forum in that topic
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]I\'m alive
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]:)
[24/09/09 21:06] [b].Tarquinus.:[/b]I was dead when you hit me Jtz :)
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Liberty:[/b]yay
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]:)
[24/09/09 21:06] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]It\'s ok, you are dead now Jtz.
[24/09/09 21:06] [b].Ailith.:[/b]I\'m alive
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Death Ring tries to pull himself up but n use[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]lol, gj
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]Death Ring:[/b]ohh yesh me also dead
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]Death Ring:[/b]sorry boss...
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]Liberty:[/b] [[url="topic/5156-cr-from-war/"]Forum link[/url]]
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]Why the hell Loreroot attack me?
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]Liberty:[/b]post your logs
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]Handy Pockets:[/b]I am done\'
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel rests one knee on the ground, panting heavily[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:07] [b]Liberty:[/b]aql lore is against us
[24/09/09 21:08] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]what the hell?
[24/09/09 21:08] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]have no idea
[24/09/09 21:08] [b]Death Ring:[/b]Oops i think i killed 2 extra people... but since i lost alot of lost fights it went down
[24/09/09 21:08] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]no not lore just coe
[24/09/09 21:08] [b]Liberty:[/b]lol oke... lets see
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. notes that is just watching :D[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]Liberty:[/b]anyone of my guys still alive?
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]Death Ring:[/b]yo eigger whats up man :D
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Kalamanira Kol is just watching also.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]eigger:[/b]hehe
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jinta Shook is still quite utterly dead[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]Guy attack me -___-
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Tarquinus. has been dead some time[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:09] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I alreday attacked you...
[24/09/09 21:09] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]well while there seems to be a break going on
[24/09/09 21:10] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel looks at log and sees only one left alive[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:10] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]NOTE to Necrovian people
[24/09/09 21:10] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]yea you killed me
[24/09/09 21:10] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]while I was talking
[24/09/09 21:10] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]If peace does not hand back my allaince by 22:00
[24/09/09 21:10] [b].Firsanthalas.:[/b]Ahoy hoy
[24/09/09 21:10] [b].Ailith.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]forum link again pls[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:10] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I will destroy Khals soul
[24/09/09 21:10] [b]Liberty:[/b] [[url="topic/5156-cr-from-war/"]Forum link[/url]]
[24/09/09 21:10] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]thought only three badges were participating
[24/09/09 21:10] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]didn\'t expect Lore to participate as well
[24/09/09 21:10] [b]Liberty:[/b]yeah only 3 badges
[24/09/09 21:11] [b]eigger:[/b]the 3 badges are CoE, Necro and KoB
[24/09/09 21:11] [b]Liberty:[/b]one badge is from loreroot land
[24/09/09 21:11] [b]Liberty:[/b]coe
[24/09/09 21:11] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Only the CoE, AqlBeast.
[24/09/09 21:11] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Aql 3 badge are NC, COR and MB
[24/09/09 21:11] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]oop sorry COE
[24/09/09 21:11] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Again NOTE to necrovain people
[24/09/09 21:11] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]If the GG allaince is not handed back by 22:00
[24/09/09 21:11] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]Darn
[24/09/09 21:11] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]miss read it then
[24/09/09 21:11] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I will destroy Khals soul
[24/09/09 21:11] [b]eigger:[/b]The Sentinels do not have GG, the Dynasty does
[24/09/09 21:12] [b]Death Ring:[/b]hehe i hope they wont hand it oover.. we can see another war :D
[24/09/09 21:12] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]that is not my care Necrovian has been warned
[24/09/09 21:12] [b]Jinta Shook:[/b]Yeah :P
[24/09/09 21:12] [b]Kalamanira Kol:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]ooc: Anthalas, just watching?[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:12] [b]Death Ring:[/b]lol both eigger and SS on there side :P hehe
[24/09/09 21:13] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I\'m just watching actually.
[24/09/09 21:13] [b].Firsanthalas.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]getting wins :[/i][/color]) )
[24/09/09 21:13] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]And killing the ones who attack me.
[24/09/09 21:13] [b]Jinta Shook:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]seriously are people that bad at reading ? why is GoTR here? [/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:14] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]caus people like to watch?[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:14] [b]Death Ring:[/b]guys shall we all go to GGG and train
[24/09/09 21:14] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran is still dead.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:14] [b].Firsanthalas.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]why can\'t I be?[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:14] [b]Death Ring:[/b]what say you..
[24/09/09 21:14] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]wow Lifeline so strong :P
[24/09/09 21:14] [b].Firsanthalas.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]is there a law?[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:14] [b]Death Ring:[/b]he is the strongest right ?
[24/09/09 21:14] [b]Lifeline:[/b]that reminds me i have a challenge for everybody
[24/09/09 21:14] [b]Lifeline:[/b] [[url="topic/5171-challenge-to-all-war-participants/"]Forum link[/url]]
[24/09/09 21:14] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]lol.
[24/09/09 21:15] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]I tried and failed
[24/09/09 21:15] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]hahahaha
[24/09/09 21:15] [b]Death Ring:[/b]ohh yeh i am gonna attack him just to see his ritual
[24/09/09 21:15] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Too bad I\'m no war participant :P
[24/09/09 21:15] [b]Jinta Shook:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i] I thought iw as just the 3 allies supposed to be here till it was all posted for acurate results.. but then again that would make sense.. [/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:15] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]six dracs -__-
[24/09/09 21:15] [b]Lifeline:[/b]whoever manages to defeat me the quickest or most deadlist gets my sharpening stone
[24/09/09 21:15] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]lol
[24/09/09 21:16] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]lifeline challenge=lots of luck
[24/09/09 21:16] [b]Lifeline:[/b]eigger here is ur chance to finally fight me xD
[24/09/09 21:16] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Handy Pockets still dead[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:16] [b].Firsanthalas.:[/b]I\'ll be leaving then seeing as its such a problem
[24/09/09 21:16] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]lol
[24/09/09 21:16] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I don\'t wanto lose my combo...
[24/09/09 21:16] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]uh oh....calling out players now
[24/09/09 21:16] [b]Death Ring:[/b]yeah eigger give it a try.. or just ask him to attack you
[24/09/09 21:16] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..
[24/09/09 21:16] [b]Death Ring:[/b]i think he said he is willing to hit also
[24/09/09 21:17] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Touch the earth to feel grounded. - .Firsanthalas.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:18] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel gets back up and wipes off her blade, then sheaths it[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:18] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Reverse the Order- Lifeline[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:18] [b]Death Ring:[/b]if expect the leaders.. every1 else leaves the alliance this can be a AWESUM training time.. :D
[24/09/09 21:18] [b]Lifeline:[/b]hehe mirrorrit
[24/09/09 21:18] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]There, a loss :P
[24/09/09 21:19] [b]Death Ring:[/b]lol SS u beat him with a mirror ritual?
[24/09/09 21:19] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Well, win is win.
[24/09/09 21:19] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. yawns[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:19] [b]Jtz Champion:[/b]lol
[24/09/09 21:19] [b]Death Ring:[/b]haha nice
[24/09/09 21:19] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]kaka
[24/09/09 21:19] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]smart....
[24/09/09 21:20] [b]Lifeline:[/b]wellchallenge is still running
[24/09/09 21:20] [b]Lifeline:[/b]otherwise i have to give the sharpening stone to shadow for a mean hit
[24/09/09 21:20] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]:P
[24/09/09 21:20] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Wait till the mirror wears off.
[24/09/09 21:20] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]else it\'s just a copy.
[24/09/09 21:20] [b]Lifeline:[/b]ah true
[24/09/09 21:21] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]I won battle with you LIfeline [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 21:21] [b]Lifeline:[/b]but actually how am i to decide now?
[24/09/09 21:21] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]And I didn\'t even take a risk against you..I usually would use an elemental.
[24/09/09 21:21] [b]Lifeline:[/b]more ppl attacked while mirrorrit was on me
[24/09/09 21:21] [b]Lifeline:[/b]its the same win as u shadow
[24/09/09 21:21] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so since people are beeing shooed out for not beeing of the 3 badge. WHAT the HELL is Kala doing here
[24/09/09 21:22] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]See? That\'s why I was mean :P
[24/09/09 21:22] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I am messing your nice challenge up :P
[24/09/09 21:22] [b]Kalamanira Kol:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]ooc: Observing.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:22] [b]Death Ray:[/b]i beat you
[24/09/09 21:22] [b]Lifeline:[/b]nooo
[24/09/09 21:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so why are you allowd and other not?
[24/09/09 21:22] [b]Lifeline:[/b]if u attack me now u just get a mirrorrit :(
[24/09/09 21:22] [b]Death Ring:[/b]lifeline is ur profile covered or open?
[24/09/09 21:22] [b]Kalamanira Kol:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]ooc: I have no defending forces and am not a part of this battle.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:22] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]actually, this is kind of fun
[24/09/09 21:22] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]That\'s..why I used it :P
[24/09/09 21:22] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]we should do this more often, except with different rewards
[24/09/09 21:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]SO you should not be here[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:23] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]like silver
[24/09/09 21:23] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]wont mind if I start attacking Lore will you/
[24/09/09 21:23] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I was the one to start killing you
[24/09/09 21:23] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]instead of sovereignty
[24/09/09 21:23] [b]Lifeline:[/b]auch i even get neg states for that
[24/09/09 21:23] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]anyone?
[24/09/09 21:23] [b]Liberty:[/b]guys its over anyway
[24/09/09 21:23] [b]Lifeline:[/b]curse u shadow
[24/09/09 21:23] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]And everyone else, though not admitting perhaps, is following my orders in a sense.
[24/09/09 21:23] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Each of them, attacks, adding more losses.
[24/09/09 21:23] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel starts edging away from the crowd slowly, heading for the Cave[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:23] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]the point is she was allowd and as soon as others are here there is a bitch session at them for beeing here[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:24] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]so it seems one rule for her AGAIN and another for others[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:24] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. whistles a low monotone song[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:24] [b]Lifeline:[/b]whyis there no prot_spellblock?
[24/09/09 21:24] [b]Lifeline:[/b]i got prot_movelock
[24/09/09 21:25] [b]Lifeline:[/b]damn shadow
[24/09/09 21:25] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]so bay all right the war is false by the rules set by bothe sides[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:25] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Ah, fun.
[24/09/09 21:25] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Your fault for putting such a challenge up.
[24/09/09 21:25] [b]Lifeline:[/b]meany
[24/09/09 21:25] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..by now it should be..over 10 losses?
[24/09/09 21:25] [b]Lifeline:[/b]well i will keep running it
[24/09/09 21:25] [b]Lifeline:[/b]there cant be a winner if 3 ppl have the exact same fight
[24/09/09 21:25] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. chuckles[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:26] [b]Lifeline:[/b]3
[24/09/09 21:26] [b]Lifeline:[/b]u took 12 rounds
[24/09/09 21:26] [b]Lifeline:[/b]death ray and phantom 2
[24/09/09 21:27] [b]Lifeline:[/b]hope this is not a rpc spell
[24/09/09 21:27] [b]Lifeline:[/b]otherwise u are limited on ur charges
[24/09/09 21:27] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]mirrorrit is public, wishshop.
[24/09/09 21:27] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]If I\'d use rpc spells..
[24/09/09 21:27] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]that\'d be another story.
[24/09/09 21:28] [b]Sparrhawk:[/b]So.. Is anyone left alive?
[24/09/09 21:28] [b]Liberty:[/b]no
[24/09/09 21:28] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]And actually, there is a winner. Me, even though you can claim there isn\'t, since it is your challenge.
[24/09/09 21:28] [b].Ailith.:[/b]Yes
[24/09/09 21:28] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]I am alive
[24/09/09 21:28] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]is cless dead?
[24/09/09 21:28] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Me, for breaking you first, quickest after you issued the challenge.
[24/09/09 21:28] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Yes, I killed Cless.
[24/09/09 21:28] [b]Cless:[/b]:(
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]Lifeline:[/b]why is it u? u took 12 rounds
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. smiles at Cless[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]Lifeline:[/b]phantom and death ray only 2
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]Death Ring:[/b]hehe
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]Phantom Orchid:[/b]ok. cless last attack doesn\'t count?
[24/09/09 21:29] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Heh, you don\'t get the joke.
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. shakes her horns at Pample and grins[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:29] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]No, last attack doesn\'t count. He be dead.
[24/09/09 21:29] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]the quickest.
[24/09/09 21:29] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Means, the first to attack and win.
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]Cless:[/b]depends if pample was killed before she killed me
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. shakes her horns and laughs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]Lifeline:[/b]NOTE: mirrorrit is finished
[24/09/09 21:29] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]I am still alive.
[24/09/09 21:29] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]There is no such thing as another fight in a real war, for each defeat is the kill.
[24/09/09 21:29] [b]Lifeline:[/b]it run out
[24/09/09 21:30] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]My logs are up.
[24/09/09 21:30] [b]Lifeline:[/b]i am no part of this war
[24/09/09 21:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. chuckles again[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:30] [b]Lifeline:[/b]this was a challenge and i said winner is who does it quickest or most deadliest
[24/09/09 21:30] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Ah, how interesting.
[24/09/09 21:30] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]Anyone knows if there is going to be a \"balance won/fight\" from the wish shop?
[24/09/09 21:30] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Yes, quickest.
[24/09/09 21:30] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]I really need it
[24/09/09 21:30] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I was the first.
[24/09/09 21:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. laughs out[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:31] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I dunno aql
[24/09/09 21:31] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]you could suggest it
[24/09/09 21:31] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]would be nice for some :P
[24/09/09 21:31] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Oh heck in a hand basket.
[24/09/09 21:31] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I forgot to use heat during all htat.
[24/09/09 21:31] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]hmmm......
[24/09/09 21:31] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]kakka
[24/09/09 21:31] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]bummer
[24/09/09 21:31] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]thank you MB
[24/09/09 21:31] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]hope there will be that option
[24/09/09 21:32] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]esle I reset the balance myself
[24/09/09 21:32] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Death Ray DR and Phantom win,YAY![/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:32] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]Congrats
[24/09/09 21:33] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Ah, you guys don\'t understand the finesse.
[24/09/09 21:33] [b]Lifeline:[/b]so if anyone is still up for the challenge attack me now or ask me to attack u. damn mirrorrit is gone
[24/09/09 21:33] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]hmm tokens
[24/09/09 21:33] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Hmmm
[24/09/09 21:33] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Alright, Lifeline, Ill bite.
[24/09/09 21:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Kittiness kneels near Tarquinus[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:35] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..Lifeline, I\'ll give you something else. How about this: When I tell you to attack, you attack me without delay.
[24/09/09 21:35] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]2289084 damage....
[24/09/09 21:35] [b]Death Ring:[/b]wow
[24/09/09 21:35] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]That fine with you?
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]Alright I am out
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]AqlBeast:[/b]see you all later
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]Lifeline:[/b]lol i should disqualify u for messing my nice challenge
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]Lifeline:[/b]later aql
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]Liberty:[/b]oke buns leave ally :P
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]Liberty:[/b]tnx for help
[24/09/09 21:36] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Well, take this or not?
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. smiles[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:36] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Take it! Fight to the death!
[24/09/09 21:36] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. chuckles to himself[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:37] [b]Liberty:[/b]tnx everyone for showing up, we lost, defenders won
[24/09/09 21:37] [b]Death Ring:[/b]next time boss
[24/09/09 21:37] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Good fights, everyone.
[24/09/09 21:37] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Thank you for the battles.
[24/09/09 21:37] [b]Lifeline:[/b]u relize that u particpated alrdy shadow?
[24/09/09 21:37] [b].Tarquinus.:[/b]Well and honourably fought. Knights of the Bell, I salute you.
[24/09/09 21:37] [b]Lifeline:[/b]u attacked me once
[24/09/09 21:38] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Heh, I don\'t care for the challenge in itself.
[24/09/09 21:38] [b]Death Ring:[/b]so many mp5.. training now will be awesum :D
[24/09/09 21:38] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]What I present you is another challenge.
[24/09/09 21:38] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]The hcallenge of something out of your planned boundaries.
[24/09/09 21:38] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]nods[/i]*[/color] It was quite the adrenaline pumping battle.
[24/09/09 21:39] [b]Lifeline:[/b]well then i willlet myself be suprised
[24/09/09 21:39] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]The Order aids you- Lifeline[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:39] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Attack me.
[24/09/09 21:39] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]ONLY lifeline.
[24/09/09 21:39] [b]Lifeline:[/b]lol... ok
[24/09/09 21:39] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I wonder..if this actually works.
[24/09/09 21:40] [b]Lifeline:[/b]yay i won
[24/09/09 21:40] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. chuckles to himself[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:40] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Actually, you did not.
[24/09/09 21:40] [b]Death Ring:[/b]ohhh
[24/09/09 21:40] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Because it was a fight on my terms: The log shows me fighting myself, you not being in it at all.
[24/09/09 21:40] [b]Lifeline:[/b]well then ur summoned army on me won
[24/09/09 21:40] [b]Death Ring:[/b]lol logic over fists :D
[24/09/09 21:41] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]When you do not take part in the fight at all, how can you claim you won?
[24/09/09 21:41] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. laughs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:41] [b]Death Ring:[/b]i say we all should go to GGG and train like crazy..
[24/09/09 21:41] [b]Jester:[/b]but how can you claim he lost?
[24/09/09 21:41] [b]Lifeline:[/b]as i said the summoned army u cast on me won
[24/09/09 21:41] [b]Jester:[/b]if he wasn\'t part of the fight he can\'t lose either
[24/09/09 21:41] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Neither.
[24/09/09 21:41] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]This case, there is no win nor loss.
[24/09/09 21:42] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]laughs to himself[/i]*[/color] Ah, this is fun.
[24/09/09 21:42] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Did your critters get a win?
[24/09/09 21:42] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Or exp? For killing themseleves?
[24/09/09 21:42] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]let me check
[24/09/09 21:43] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel Yrthilian[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:43] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel walks out of the Cave and approaches the battle field[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:43] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]..[raises voice above the crowd]
[24/09/09 21:43] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..
[24/09/09 21:43] [b]Falen Angel:[/b].. [color="#305681"]*[i]YRTHILIAN[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 21:44] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]What
[24/09/09 21:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Tarquinus. hugs Amoran and whirls her around[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]No result in total, I think.
[24/09/09 21:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]nullifies.
[24/09/09 21:44] [b]Amoran:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]hugs him back, clinging to him and giggling[/i]*[/color] We are victorious, love!
[24/09/09 21:44] [b].Tarquinus.:[/b]I retire. Again, well fought, all.
[24/09/09 21:45] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]I am still FirstWife of Khalazdad and I protest your ultimatum of the destruction of His Soul.
[24/09/09 21:45] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]do you have my allaince to hand back?
[24/09/09 21:45] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Peace is unable to meet your demand. Will you not consider extention?
[24/09/09 21:45] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]if not then no point intalking
[24/09/09 21:46] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]NO
[24/09/09 21:46] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]I did not take possession. You know this.
[24/09/09 21:46] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]It would appear that yrthillian is not interested in gaining his alliance back.
[24/09/09 21:46] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Just revenge.
[24/09/09 21:46] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]She knew the risk
[24/09/09 21:47] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Perhaps a higher stake then, King of Golemus.
[24/09/09 21:47] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Will you listen to my offer?
[24/09/09 21:47] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I have no care for a higher stake
[24/09/09 21:48] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Not even if it may give back your Lands, O King?
[24/09/09 21:48] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Well, I am curious as to how you plan on killing his soul...his rests in all of us, to this day. And you cannot destroy us all.
[24/09/09 21:48] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]laughs[/i]*[/color] you cant take the land
[24/09/09 21:49] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Pamps i hold his true soul
[24/09/09 21:49] [b]Liberty:[/b]done
[24/09/09 21:49] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Your occupation of Necrovion forced Peace to occupy yours in return.
[24/09/09 21:49] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]the onr peace that he left behind
[24/09/09 21:49] [b]Amoran:[/b]you insult the house of khalazdad, and expect us to cave to your demands?
[24/09/09 21:49] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]and she will pay a price for the damge she has done to wodin
[24/09/09 21:49] [b]Amoran:[/b]Corrupt King of Golemus, you are mad.
[24/09/09 21:50] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran laughs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:50] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]talking of the croup. [color="#305681"]*[i]Looks at Amoran[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 21:50] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]corrupt*
[24/09/09 21:50] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]I too, am of the Dynasty. Not only am I FirstWife, but his Rajji, a Queen.
[24/09/09 21:50] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran throws her head back in a throaty laugh.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:50] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]So you hold his true soul, that is but a vessel. We will not forget him no matter what you do.
[24/09/09 21:51] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]good then you wont miss his soul
[24/09/09 21:51] [b]Amoran:[/b]Ah yes, call me \"croup\".
[24/09/09 21:51] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel Yrthilian, I offer my self as a hostage.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:51] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran shakes her head and heads back to deathmarrow, disgusted.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:51] [b]Falen Angel:[/b].. [color="#305681"]*[i]waits for it[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 21:51] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]fuck off on spellng error[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:51] [b]Lady Renata:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]language...in chat...[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:52] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Is there a reason we shouldn\'t just kill you now and take the cube?
[24/09/09 21:52] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I mean, I\'m not saying I\'m for it.
[24/09/09 21:52] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. because YOU cant[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:52] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]But with your army defeated it does seem like a bad idea to stand around threatening people.
[24/09/09 21:52] [b]Liberty:[/b]damn i lost 3,5k loyalty
[24/09/09 21:52] [b]Liberty:[/b]auch
[24/09/09 21:52] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]i am not threatening people here
[24/09/09 21:53] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]i am promiseing the destruction of a soul
[24/09/09 21:53] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Just their family.
[24/09/09 21:54] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Frankly I don\'t think you can destroy the cube. Even if you did, you don\'t know what that would do.
[24/09/09 21:54] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]..*Yrthilian\"
[24/09/09 21:54] [b]Jester:[/b]Guy, why are you involved?
[24/09/09 21:54] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]fallen Peace did not wait for me to be here when she decided to take my allaince so why should i care if she can make it here now
[24/09/09 21:54] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Think O King.
[24/09/09 21:54] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Guy i can and i will destroy it.
[24/09/09 21:55] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]To have not only the Cube but ALSO his FirstWife as a willing Hostage...
[24/09/09 21:55] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]I beg you. Think upon it.
[24/09/09 21:55] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you think i want hostages. you think i want land. you are all sadly mistaken
[24/09/09 21:56] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]He doesn\'t even want his own land Falen Angel.
[24/09/09 21:56] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Or his own alliance.
[24/09/09 21:56] [b]Lady Renata:[/b]then what do you want?
[24/09/09 21:56] [b]Jester:[/b]sigh...
[24/09/09 21:56] [b]Falen Angel:[/b].. [color="#305681"]*[i]Is that your finally answer or do you want to call a friend?[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 21:56] [b]Jester:[/b]are you Dynasty or Sentinels? If not stop arguing.
[24/09/09 21:56] [b]Falen Angel:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i] X D[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:56] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]the reall irony of this war is it is born out of fear
[24/09/09 21:57] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]why should i wait
[24/09/09 21:57] [b]Jester:[/b]fear of what?
[24/09/09 21:57] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. laughs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:57] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you take my allaince and now say you will take my land
[24/09/09 21:57] [b]Jester:[/b]who\'s taking what now?
[24/09/09 21:57] [b]Amoran:[/b]Who said we want your land?
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Umm, I don\'t recall anyone saying they\'d take your land.
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]Jester:[/b]and why wasn\'t I informed?
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]Amoran:[/b]You are hearing things.
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]Granos:[/b]If nobody wants it, Ill take it.. [color="#305681"]*[i]sighs[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Remove the Order- Lifeline[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]Death Ring:[/b]u mean u are seeing things
[24/09/09 21:58] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]it was stated earler in the chat[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Limitation of Order- Lifeline[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]Death Ring:[/b]lol granos
[24/09/09 21:58] [b]Amoran:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]in character, you hear it.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:59] [b]Death Ring:[/b]hehe my bad
[24/09/09 21:59] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]I just said you didn\'t want your land. I never said anyone else did.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:59] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Here[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 21:59] [b]Lifeline:[/b]...
[24/09/09 21:59] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]yes it was stated in chat not under the brackets[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:59] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Interesting enough.
[24/09/09 21:59] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]and yeah, no more toying with you..:P[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 21:59] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]..Very well. I withdraw my offer.
[24/09/09 21:59] [b]Amoran:[/b]Falen, you seem to have been mistaken. We do not want his land.
[24/09/09 21:59] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]and as my demad stated i want me allaince back or the soul dies
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]But you want it back before it can possibly be given?
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]CoE? Of course we don\'t.
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Jester:[/b]When do you want the alliance back by?
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]Peace did not want his land either, Amoran.
[24/09/09 22:00] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]now
[24/09/09 22:00] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]as stated
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Amoran:[/b]No, we don\'t. We are ally and both a part of the House of Khalazdad.
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Lifeline:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]ppl can still attack me for the challenge i dont care about the spells that are currently on me[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 22:00] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i] of course you don\'t with that ritual :P[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]Sadly, I can\'t attack you.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 22:00] [b]Amoran:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]you will own me in the face. :P [/i][/color])
[24/09/09 22:01] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]I am still Rajji, even if in name only.
[24/09/09 22:01] [b]Falen Angel:[/b]No good will come of this, King of Golemus. You should have taken my sacrifice.
[24/09/09 22:01] [b]Death Ring:[/b]while u guys are fighting.. can u set up non damage ritual so i can train plz
[24/09/09 22:02] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Falen Angel turns and walks away[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:03] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]So no allaince i think it is time to do as i promised
[24/09/09 22:03] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. turn and walk towards the capitol[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:03] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran smirks[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:04] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Kittiness follows to see what will happen[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:04] [b]Amoran:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]shakes her head[/i]*[/color] His stupidity amazes me.
[24/09/09 22:04] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Wow, glad I didn\'t listen to Grido...
[24/09/09 22:05] [b]Lifeline:[/b]btw i send a pm to death ray and phantom
[24/09/09 22:05] [b]Lifeline:[/b]i will be at the capitol
[24/09/09 22:16] [b].Akasha.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks behind[/i]*[/color] come here
[24/09/09 22:16] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. approaches[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:16] [b].Akasha.:[/b]now
[24/09/09 22:16] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks at the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:16] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i know this gate can make miracles
[24/09/09 22:17] [b].Akasha.:[/b]you see...while i was at the stone i was looking at it from there and noticed that it was actualy another one
[24/09/09 22:17] [b].Akasha.:[/b]so..
[24/09/09 22:17] [b].Akasha.:[/b]the gates comunicate
[24/09/09 22:17] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]fools
[24/09/09 22:17] [b].Akasha.:[/b]or this one can get me in another place
[24/09/09 22:17] [b]Jester:[/b]No, THE Fool
[24/09/09 22:17] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. a look of realisiation[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:17] [b]Jester:[/b]stop saying that.
[24/09/09 22:17] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]i see
[24/09/09 22:17] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. smiles widly[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:18] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so i should be able to use this gate to get there
[24/09/09 22:18] [b].Akasha.:[/b]if i were you, i would take that soul and get it near the gate . take it out
[24/09/09 22:18] [b].Akasha.:[/b]oh, i am nervous
[24/09/09 22:18] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. takes out the cube containing the soul[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:18] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]walks towards the gate*
[24/09/09 22:19] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. walks towards the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:19] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. looks at the cube[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:19] [b].Akasha.:[/b]maybe
[24/09/09 22:19] [b].Akasha.:[/b]neah
[24/09/09 22:21] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so you say this should let me through to the other side?
[24/09/09 22:21] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. keeps walking towards the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:21] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i he gave that soul with pure heart
[24/09/09 22:21] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. holds the cube in both hands[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I feel nothing of this.
[24/09/09 22:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]the gate does not seem to respond
[24/09/09 22:22] [b].Akasha.:[/b]well...go thru it
[24/09/09 22:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Look at her* are you sure
[24/09/09 22:23] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. take a step through the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:23] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Pith - .yrthilian.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:23] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i am not sure , it just came to me knowing the gate i saw from there
[24/09/09 22:24] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. looks at the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:24] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you try to stop me it wont work
[24/09/09 22:25] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]who ever that was you will fail
[24/09/09 22:25] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks at akasha[/i]*[/color] it appear you might be corect
[24/09/09 22:25] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. walks throught the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:27] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. looks at his shadow dissapering thru the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:27] [b].Akasha.:[/b]IT WORKED
[24/09/09 22:27] [b].Akasha.:[/b]!
[24/09/09 22:27] [b].Akasha.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]hurries[/i]*[/color] i must try to follow
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester sets up a ticket booth[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Hmm...
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]Jester:[/b]5 silver to go through!
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood starts moving closer to the gate.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]Huginn:[/b]LOL
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. gets near the gate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]snaps.[/i]*[/color] Curses.
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. sneaks closer[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I don\'t have that much.
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. steps thru it[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. follows closely behind her[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]shrugs.[/i]*[/color] What the heck?
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood steps through.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* closes eyes, and reaches behind Akasha[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester attempts to dive through as well[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]Amoran:[/b]We have to move out.
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Apparently, I am not twisted enough to pass.
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]Amoran:[/b]Move out!
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]Amoran:[/b]Clear out!
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]That clearly must not be the requirment Pamplemousse.
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]Huginn:[/b]why?
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran growls, watching everyone stay where they are[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]You would deffinately make it through.
[24/09/09 22:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran rushes to Deathmarrow[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Granos quickly walks off to get out of Necrovion[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* comes very near the gate, runs a figner through[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* whoosh[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:42] [b].Tarquinus.:[/b]Captain Sparrowhawk, come with me to Wasp\'s Totem.
[24/09/09 22:43] [b]Sparrhawk:[/b]Brother I am out of Action, I am soon to regenerate, I shall jump to thee?
[24/09/09 22:48] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Lifeline departs to Marinds Bell[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:01] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]bunny [color="#305681"]*[i]smiles[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 23:01] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]hi
[24/09/09 23:02] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]you do not run like the others? [color="#305681"]*[i]laughs[/i]*[/color]
[24/09/09 23:02] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I don\'t fear the shades
[24/09/09 23:02] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]:)
[24/09/09 23:03] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I take it you do not either
[24/09/09 23:04] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]i am fond of them
[24/09/09 23:05] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]and close to them. though if yrth squishes k\'s soul i don\'t know the reaction
[24/09/09 23:05] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]the sentinels use humans
[24/09/09 23:05] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]they do not know love for them
[24/09/09 23:05] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]although, one can always react violently to vandalisers
[24/09/09 23:05] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]do bunnies love humans?
[24/09/09 23:05] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]and K was special, half shade, half man
[24/09/09 23:06] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]ugh, no, you bald monkeys
[24/09/09 23:06] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]yes, indeed.
[24/09/09 23:06] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]i take no offense, as i\'m already dead... as least i think so
[24/09/09 23:06] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]:P
[24/09/09 23:07] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]will not the shades become infuriated if k\'s soul is destroyed...being half shade?
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I believe so
[24/09/09 23:08] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]grins[/i]*[/color] as do i
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]but the main object of despair would be on whom they would be furious to
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]yrthilian punished? most likely
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]but the necrovions punished for not being able to have stopped yrthilian
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]quite likely too
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]they don\'t look kind on weakness and failures
[24/09/09 23:09] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]yes, yes. quite childish action, quite silly it is not stopped
[24/09/09 23:09] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]childish in a reactionary way
[24/09/09 23:10] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]then again
[24/09/09 23:10] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]the cube contains K\'s pure soul
[24/09/09 23:10] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]from before he became half shade half man
[24/09/09 23:10] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I\'m not sure what to expect anymore :P
[24/09/09 23:10] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]i stopped doing that while i was still living :D
[24/09/09 23:11] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]didn\'t help none lol
[24/09/09 23:11] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]but i do enjoy being here
[24/09/09 23:11] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]well it\'s quiet
[24/09/09 23:11] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]you are only one who is not afraid. perhaps we be friends
[24/09/09 23:11] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]and the atmosphere is nice
[24/09/09 23:11] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]sure, why not
[24/09/09 23:11] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I\'m not like humans
[24/09/09 23:11] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I have often seen and caused death
[24/09/09 23:12] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]so this place doesn\'t really bother me
[24/09/09 23:12] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]death is the same as life, just different
[24/09/09 23:12] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]if it is different, how can it be the same?
[24/09/09 23:12] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]:)
[24/09/09 23:13] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]like a coin. one on each side but needing the other to be whole
[24/09/09 23:13] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]then are they are still not the same, they are equals
[24/09/09 23:14] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]there is slight difference there, but we are talking semantics here, it\'s no real bother
[24/09/09 23:14] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]right. i haven\'t spoken in a while, language is a little rough still for me
[24/09/09 23:14] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]what do you do, if i may ask?
[24/09/09 23:15] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]do?
[24/09/09 23:15] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]right now?
[24/09/09 23:15] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]breathing
[24/09/09 23:15] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]and talking
[24/09/09 23:15] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]and I guess a bit of thinking
[24/09/09 23:16] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]wonderful
[24/09/09 23:17] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]if you pm me we can chat later, but for now i must go
[24/09/09 23:18] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]pleasure to talk with you
[24/09/09 23:18] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]You can also pm me you know :P
[24/09/09 23:18] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]you too
[24/09/09 23:18] [b]Nicola LaJardiniere:[/b]do make yourself comfortable here, at home if you will
[24/09/09 23:19] [b].Metal Bunny.:[/b]I have
[25/09/09 00:37] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Fosil Sound[/i][/color]

[b]and at Stone of Twisted Souls:

[24/09/09 22:27] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks with amzsment[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:27] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so this is there weapon
[24/09/09 22:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks at the shads[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:28] [b].Akasha.:[/b]it worked
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].Akasha.:[/b]it really worked
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].Akasha.:[/b]see
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]yes it did
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].Akasha.:[/b]the 2 gates
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I see the one on this side you speak of
[24/09/09 22:29] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. finger point[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].Akasha.:[/b]that one
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].Akasha.:[/b]it worked
[24/09/09 22:29] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]point[/i]*[/color] but what of thoes
[24/09/09 22:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. peers down into the hole[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. crouches and feels the ground shaking[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* coughs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:31] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. starts doing his work[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:31] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. the cube is set alight[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:31] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Well, that was interesting.
[24/09/09 22:31] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]You are all to late now i told you i will destroy his soul
[24/09/09 22:32] [b].Akasha.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks at the surrounding people[/i]*[/color] oh my..the gate remained opened? is it still opened?
[24/09/09 22:32] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood wonders how deep that hole is.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:32] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i need to note this
[24/09/09 22:32] [b]*Awiiya*:[/b]I came on your curtails. Our connection and the already opened portal was enough to get me through.
[24/09/09 22:32] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Actually, I tend to believe the gate will close itself after some time.
[24/09/09 22:33] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]that is, if nobody here is left anymore.
[24/09/09 22:33] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. concentrats and watchs the cube burning[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:33] [b].Akasha.:[/b]indeed..
[24/09/09 22:33] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I only sneaked closer, and got drawn in it seems.
[24/09/09 22:33] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood moves to the point that the heat is almost unbearable and takes a closer look.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:33] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..heat..
[24/09/09 22:34] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I may be able to do something..heat..
[24/09/09 22:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. reaches out to the cube without a care for the heat it produces[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:34] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Then again, it would be devasting, in it\'s own sense.
[24/09/09 22:34] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Starts breaking the cube appart*
[24/09/09 22:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. Starts breaking the cube appart[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:35] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood jumps back, startled.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:35] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. screams[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:35] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]What was that!
[24/09/09 22:35] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. eyes are pure green from the energy pooring through him[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:35] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Ow, that jurt.
[24/09/09 22:35] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]*hurt
[24/09/09 22:35] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* takes a few steps back[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:36] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][color="#999999"][i]Spell failed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:36] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. remains shoked[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:36] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. mumbles some words to himself[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:36] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester sits on a rock next to DarkLord HappyPants[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:36] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]Need heat Shadowseeker? I could ablidge.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 22:37] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]*oblige
[24/09/09 22:37] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. remains crouched on the ground, poised to strike[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:37] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]That was something fueled with heat..something not perfected yet.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 22:38] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. ignoring the sroundings and thes that are there he keep pulling more parts off the cube[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:38] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Should we maybe try and stop him before he blows us all up?
[24/09/09 22:38] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester puts an arm around DarkLord HappyPants[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:38] [b].Akasha.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]starts to draw the gates [/i]*[/color] i knew it!
[24/09/09 22:39] [b]Jester:[/b]are you having as much fun as I am?
[24/09/09 22:39] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. each part he take crumples and he increases the fire[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:39] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Stopping him will probably hurt more.
[24/09/09 22:39] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]shrugs[/i]*[/color] Eh, no skin off my nose.
[24/09/09 22:39] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]As long as I get to keep the skin on my nose that is.
[24/09/09 22:39] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. growls nervously[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:39] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. tears start falling down his face[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:40] [b]*Awiiya*:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]covers eyes in the light[/i]*[/color] It is blindingly light... what is he doing...
[24/09/09 22:40] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I tried, i warned them but they would not listen*
[24/09/09 22:41] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. takes yet another peice[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:41] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood attempts to look ay Ythillian\'s hands to see if they are alright.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:41] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood covers his face and falls to the ground.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:42] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester kicks Guy in the shin[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:42] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]screams again[/i]*[/color] What is happening?!
[24/09/09 22:42] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]blinks furiously.[/i]*[/color] Ow, who did that?
[24/09/09 22:42] [b]*Awiiya*:[/b]Yrthilian, stop, this is not good...
[24/09/09 22:42] [b]Jester:[/b]No, I want to see what happens, keep going
[24/09/09 22:43] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Actually, he may do the sentinels a favor.
[24/09/09 22:43] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks up with tears in he eye[/i]*[/color] i can not
[24/09/09 22:43] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. shrugs and plucks a few more shades apart[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:43] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]hisses[/i]*[/color] You\'ve come this far, then you stop?
[24/09/09 22:44] [b]Jester:[/b]Stay away from DarkLord HappyPants!
[24/09/09 22:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. takes another peace and burns it[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester gets between Shadow and the shade[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* reaches out to try and grab Yrthilian, but the heat is too much[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Don\'t worry, he\'s safe from me for now.
[24/09/09 22:44] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]laughs[/i]*[/color] did i say i would stop
[24/09/09 22:44] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I ment i cannot stop
[24/09/09 22:45] [b]Jester:[/b]whew...
[24/09/09 22:45] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I told you all but you would not listen
[24/09/09 22:45] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..
[24/09/09 22:45] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]And what the heck was it you told us?
[24/09/09 22:45] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so now i will destroy the cube andKhalazdad\'s soul
[24/09/09 22:45] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Should I attempt to kill you, King or Golemus?
[24/09/09 22:45] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]*of
[24/09/09 22:46] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I wonder..what would happen.
[24/09/09 22:46] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* shakes head slowly, but cannot move for fear of the heat[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:46] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]No i will die when my time come
[24/09/09 22:46] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Maybe it\'s now?
[24/09/09 22:46] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]But I myself am a huge fan of not being dead.
[24/09/09 22:47] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I wonder.
[24/09/09 22:47] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. pulls more from the cube and lets the ash fall to the ground[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:47] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Call me selfish, but surviving the war just to get blown up by some rock would not sit well with me.
[24/09/09 22:48] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. still with what looks like sorroy he continues to detroy the cube[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:48] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]sorrow*
[24/09/09 22:48] [b].Akasha.:[/b]oh..so now ..the gates ..
[24/09/09 22:49] [b].Akasha.:[/b]wait...you
[24/09/09 22:49] [b].Akasha.:[/b]the gates
[24/09/09 22:49] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]What\'s going on in that head of yours Akasha?
[24/09/09 22:49] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i need to search now for a new way to activate
[24/09/09 22:49] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. sighs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:49] [b]Jester:[/b]Everyone dies, Guy, but how many people get blown apart by a Land Weapon?!
[24/09/09 22:49] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester laughs crazily[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:49] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Assuming this doesn\'t jam them open.
[24/09/09 22:49] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Can\'t we just chuck someone in there and kickstart it?
[24/09/09 22:50] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Ummm...
[24/09/09 22:50] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. ignors the sound around him as he continues to pull the soul apart[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:50] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks around and points at the large army.[/i]*[/color] Ummm, was THAT here before, am I that unobservant?
[24/09/09 22:50] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* watches as Khalazdad\'s soul vanishes and burns[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:51] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. starts to look at the shades and the fire that is bigger[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:51] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]screams[/i]*[/color] Khalazdad i am sorry but they would not listen
[24/09/09 22:51] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]backs away slightly and stares at the army[/i]*[/color] No, that was not there before....
[24/09/09 22:52] [b].Akasha.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks worries[/i]*[/color] what?
[24/09/09 22:52] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks at Pamplemousse.[/i]*[/color] Why are you backing away, you\'re a Sentinel.
[24/09/09 22:52] [b]*Awiiya*:[/b]There is a summoned army...
[24/09/09 22:52] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Go make it happy, tell it I\'m not food.
[24/09/09 22:52] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. defends against teh army[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:52] [b].Akasha.:[/b]oh my that is not good
[24/09/09 22:53] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Ow.
[24/09/09 22:53] [b].Akasha.:[/b]last time...
[24/09/09 22:53] [b].Akasha.:[/b]oh well...
[24/09/09 22:53] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]nods and stares at the Summoned Army[/i]*[/color] They are many.
[24/09/09 22:53] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. gets out his blade, ready to strike[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:53] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Ow?
[24/09/09 22:53] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. is in a daze and does not notice his sroundings take another part of the cube and watch the ash fall[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:53] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]That..thing..hurt my drachorns.
[24/09/09 22:53] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I won, in the end..but it..actually..hit me.
[24/09/09 22:53] [b]Summoned Army:[/b]YOU ARE FEW
[24/09/09 22:53] [b].Akasha.:[/b]he speaks
[24/09/09 22:53] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]If Shadowseeker is saying ow...
[24/09/09 22:54] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood flinches.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:54] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* covers his face[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:54] [b]Jester:[/b]hmm, he barely beat me
[24/09/09 22:54] [b].Akasha.:[/b]few?
[24/09/09 22:54] [b]*Awiiya*:[/b]They are many.
[24/09/09 22:54] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. crouches then strikes at the summoned army[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:55] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. hears a deep sound but ignores it and keeps goin[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:55] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Ow...
[24/09/09 22:55] [b]Jester:[/b]I used the wrong ritual, dang it
[24/09/09 22:56] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]bounces off the summoned army and falls back[/i]*[/color] I cannot attack it
[24/09/09 22:56] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. slowly pulls the next peace away and watch that fall to the wind[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:56] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]...
[24/09/09 22:56] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]In case I shout to everyone to leave
[24/09/09 22:56] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]For your own safety. Please do so.
[24/09/09 22:57] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]No, I will not leave.
[24/09/09 22:57] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]Oo, Darn that hurt my stats. And my Vp, and my Ap.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 22:57] [b]Jester:[/b]No thanks.
[24/09/09 22:57] [b]*Awiiya*:[/b]I cannot take it...
[24/09/09 22:57] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]*Awiiya* faints[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:57] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I am just warning you beforehand. It will hurt.
[24/09/09 22:57] [b].Raven.:[/b]Nah, we don\'t want to miss interesting part.
[24/09/09 22:57] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Why would the not listen. The FOOLS
[24/09/09 22:57] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I can barely move as it is, much less run.
[24/09/09 22:58] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. looses his muscles, just in case it\'s needed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:58] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. pulls more of the soul appart[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:58] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]*loosens
[24/09/09 22:58] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i know someone who would enjoy to take a real fight
[24/09/09 22:58] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i am sure you all know him
[24/09/09 22:58] [b].Akasha.:[/b]:D
[24/09/09 22:58] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. fights against the charge of the Summoned Army, this time deflecting it[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 22:58] [b]Jester:[/b]Hurray!
[24/09/09 22:59] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]raises her brow at Akasha[/i]*[/color] Who...?
[24/09/09 22:59] [b].Akasha.:[/b]Lifeline
[24/09/09 22:59] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hmpf.
[24/09/09 22:59] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]A duelist perhaps, but no real fighter.
[24/09/09 22:59] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Have we decided fighting it\'s a good idea already?
[24/09/09 22:59] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Call him, if you want.
[24/09/09 22:59] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Did I miss that?
[24/09/09 23:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. chuckles a bit at Shadow, then resumes her grim countenece[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. reachs deep into the flaming cube and rips out yet another part[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. watches as the wind takes the ash away[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. untill nothing else is in his hand[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. then reach in and takes yet another peace[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:00] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i don\'t know if i can
[24/09/09 23:00] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks at the massive army.[/i]*[/color] Uh, hi.
[24/09/09 23:01] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. all the will green tears fall from his face[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:01] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]How are you?
[24/09/09 23:01] [b].Akasha.:[/b]but i can try...there are 2 way
[24/09/09 23:01] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood flinches again.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:01] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Try what?
[24/09/09 23:01] [b].Akasha.:[/b]1 painfull for me and 1 that might turn bad for all
[24/09/09 23:01] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Stopping him?
[24/09/09 23:01] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. jumps at the noise[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:01] [b]Jester:[/b]All!
[24/09/09 23:01] [b].Akasha.:[/b]no, call Lifeline
[24/09/09 23:02] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I think it doesn\'t like being talked to...
[24/09/09 23:02] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]shrugs[/i]*[/color] Do what you want, I believe there is no need to call him.
[24/09/09 23:02] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. deflects the summoned army again[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:03] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]This is the third strike. Two where I deflect you entirely, one, the first, you actually harming me.
[24/09/09 23:03] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Do you really wish to incur my wrath?
[24/09/09 23:03] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Summoned Army retires for a bit, hurt by shadowseekers army[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:03] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]LOL[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 23:04] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]pats his drachorns[/i]*[/color] You did well, beauties.
[24/09/09 23:04] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. reaches deep into the cube again and ripps out some more[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:06] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]rubs his wounds.[/i]*[/color] Ow. Ok, we seem to be safe for now.
[24/09/09 23:06] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Everyone, please don\'t attack the army even if you can yet.
[24/09/09 23:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. rips more of the cube appart[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. takes a defensive stance for now[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:07] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]What are we doing here?
[24/09/09 23:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. crouches and waits, glaring at the summoned army[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:07] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Summoned Army looks at the last piece of Khals cube in yrthilians hand[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]yrthilian. Don\'t you think it is time to stop?
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]*looks up with the last and final peace the is left
[24/09/09 23:08] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Leave the very last part alive.
[24/09/09 23:08] [b]Jester:[/b]hes come so far already, just let him finish
[24/09/09 23:08] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks up with the last and final peace the is left[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:08] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. sees the summoned army[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:09] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Leaving a broken and shattered piece around? I am not sure that would be kidn.
[24/09/09 23:09] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so you are awake
[24/09/09 23:09] [b].Akasha.:[/b]this way you could still control the...remains ?
[24/09/09 23:09] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]mutters.[/i]*[/color] He notices it now?
[24/09/09 23:10] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks with deep green eyes[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:10] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you meen i could control him?
[24/09/09 23:10] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Summoned Army with so many necro people against, disipates into more and fades away[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:11] [b]Jester:[/b]Oh, was I supposed to be helping?
[24/09/09 23:11] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. charges in and hits as it tries to dissipate[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:11] [b]Jester:[/b]You could at least tell me if I\'m supposed to do something, its your own fault.
[24/09/09 23:11] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..I got it, that I felt.
[24/09/09 23:12] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. watches Yrth closely[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:12] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Hey, it just up and attacked me.
[24/09/09 23:12] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]I don\'t feel sorry for the thing.
[24/09/09 23:12] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks are akasha[/i]*[/color] is it ture i could control him with this remaining peace?
[24/09/09 23:13] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]true*
[24/09/09 23:13] [b].Akasha.:[/b]how should i know?
[24/09/09 23:13] [b].Akasha.:[/b]i would defenetly do some experiments
[24/09/09 23:13] [b].Akasha.:[/b]and see what comes out, but ... that is only a remain
[24/09/09 23:13] [b].Akasha.:[/b]nothing more
[24/09/09 23:14] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. sits feeling exacusted[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:14] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. wipes his sword clean..and seals the tissue into a bottle, like he did with Khalazdad\'s blood[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:14] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I wonder.
[24/09/09 23:14] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]The penultimate side of The cube of Khalazdad is burned to ashes.
[24/09/09 23:15] [b]Jester:[/b]Well, you sure showed us.
[24/09/09 23:15] [b]Jester:[/b]Its too bad we didn\'t give you the alliance back.
[24/09/09 23:15] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Should i complet the job
[24/09/09 23:16] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Ys.
[24/09/09 23:16] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]*Yes.
[24/09/09 23:16] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]DO what you want, but remember the sins.
[24/09/09 23:18] [b]Jester:[/b]Well, you could tell us what the \"job\" is before asking us our opinions?
[24/09/09 23:18] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Be gone you - Jester[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:19] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. gets back up[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:20] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]he wast anoying me
[24/09/09 23:21] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]he deserved that
[24/09/09 23:21] [b]Jester:[/b]I did, I agree
[24/09/09 23:21] [b]Jester:[/b]I\'m done now, hehe
[24/09/09 23:21] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I will keep this peace i think
[24/09/09 23:22] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Ah!
[24/09/09 23:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]i wonder if i try
[24/09/09 23:22] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. points, speechless[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]yes it workes
[24/09/09 23:22] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]What in the name of all that is good and holy?
[24/09/09 23:22] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]The White.
[24/09/09 23:22] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I warned you
[24/09/09 23:23] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you would not listen
[24/09/09 23:23] [b].Akasha.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]steps back[/i]*[/color] i only did a research
[24/09/09 23:24] [b].Akasha.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]gets near Yrthilian[/i]*[/color] you still got the last part?
[24/09/09 23:25] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]yes i have it here
[24/09/09 23:26] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. hold out his hand[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:27] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. pulls back his hand[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:27] [b].Akasha.:[/b]well..if that thing moves
[24/09/09 23:27] [b].Akasha.:[/b]we should do something
[24/09/09 23:27] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm.
[24/09/09 23:27] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]The stone..
[24/09/09 23:27] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Heat against heat, which would be more intense?
[24/09/09 23:27] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks at Khalasdad the white[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:28] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]So it really worked
[24/09/09 23:28] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I know this feeling..this feeling, calling me to do something dangerous.
[24/09/09 23:29] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I was not sure but now i know
[24/09/09 23:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. stares in disbelief[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. stares at the remaing peace of the cube[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Lifeline gets interrupted in his conversation with MRD[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:30] [b]Lifeline:[/b]hey all
[24/09/09 23:31] [b]Jester:[/b]hey, good to see you
[24/09/09 23:31] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:31] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. inclines her chin in greeting, not taking her eyes from the suspicious Khalazdad[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:31] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Hi I suppose.
[24/09/09 23:31] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. concentrates[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:32] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I can hear aomething
[24/09/09 23:32] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]no feel something
[24/09/09 23:32] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. delved deeper into the feeling[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:32] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]*there it is
[24/09/09 23:33] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. lifts his arm up[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:33] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Khalazdad the White lifts his arm up[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:33] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]it works it truly works
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. put his arm by his side[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Khalazdad the White put his arm by his side[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. hisses in disgust as Yrth controls Khalazdad[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. growls[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran hisses[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester claps his hands[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:34] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]I warned you all
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran glares at Yrthilian[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Raven. watches calmly[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:35] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]You keep saying that.
[24/09/09 23:35] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you would not listen
[24/09/09 23:35] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]That too.
[24/09/09 23:36] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]sits down[/i]*[/color] i need to rest a bit
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. looks at khal the withe[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:37] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]I think we can arrange it that you rest forever, if you\'d like.
[24/09/09 23:37] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]please site
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. nods to Pample[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Khalazdad the White moves to beside yrthilian and site[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]Amoran:[/b]I think we should, Pample.
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran growls, glaring at yrthilian[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. wrinkles her nose with hatred[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:37] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you people created this imballance
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]Amoran:[/b]No.
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]Amoran:[/b]You did.
[24/09/09 23:37] [b]Amoran:[/b]Swine!
[24/09/09 23:37] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]i only worked to rebalance
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]Jester:[/b]technically, we did
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. starts to think at the possible outcomes[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Imbalanec.
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]Jester:[/b]well, the Dynasty did anyway
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Balance.
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. smiles[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:38] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]you speak of what you dont know little one
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Words, and this hardly brings balance.
[24/09/09 23:38] [b]Amoran:[/b]I know more than I ever needed to know.
[24/09/09 23:39] [b]Amoran:[/b]I weep for my brother.
[24/09/09 23:39] [b]Amoran:[/b]Who is now controlled at the hands of a tyrant, a corrupt king.
[24/09/09 23:39] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. gets out 5 pages of blank paper[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:39] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Whoever stays here from now on is doing so on his own risk.
[24/09/09 23:39] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]so you keep saying
[24/09/09 23:39] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]I am not leaving.
[24/09/09 23:39] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. cuts his right hand, his sword wielding hand, to use the blood, writing on the papers[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:40] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]\'Cause it wasn\'t a risk earlier?
[24/09/09 23:40] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]looks startled.[/i]*[/color] I thought we were through with that.
[24/09/09 23:41] [b]Amoran:[/b]You lose a war, throw a fit, make demands that cannot be currently met.
[24/09/09 23:41] [b]Amoran:[/b]Peace is sleeping.
[24/09/09 23:41] [b]Amoran:[/b]You are a tyrant.
[24/09/09 23:42] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]Really so was i when you all decided to tke my allaince
[24/09/09 23:42] [b]Amoran:[/b]You invaded the lands of Necrovion!
[24/09/09 23:42] [b]Amoran:[/b]Jester called for war, he did not point fingers.
[24/09/09 23:42] [b]Amoran:[/b]You pointed them for him.
[24/09/09 23:42] [b]Amoran:[/b]Swine!
[24/09/09 23:42] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]laughs so hard he nearly falls ove[/i]*[/color] trow.. a fit..
[24/09/09 23:42] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]rubs his temples[/i]*[/color] Oh my head...
[24/09/09 23:43] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran growls and sits next to Lucas, growing quiet.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:43] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. still laughing[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:43] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]Peace made no demands, she wanted nothing from you, so she took what she wanted.
[24/09/09 23:43] [b].yrthilian.:[/b]oh little one you know nothing
[24/09/09 23:43] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][b][size="4"][color="red"]I..invoke.[/color][/size][/b]
[24/09/09 23:43] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b]If you supposedly wanted your alliance back you would make demands when they could be met.
[24/09/09 23:43] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I invoke the fiery wrath
[24/09/09 23:43] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]the fire to burn a path.
[24/09/09 23:43] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Incomplete method, hidden intent
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]let me find a fragment.
[24/09/09 23:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood backs away from Shadowseeker.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Heat against heat, which shall prevail
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]It all happens, as I inhale.
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][color="#999999"][i]Spell failed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][color="#999999"][i]Spell failed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][color="#999999"][i]Spell failed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran guards Lucius, glaring at the scene.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][color="#999999"][i]Spell failed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. closes her wings[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][color="#999999"][i]Spell failed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b][color="#999999"][i]Spell failed[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:44] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. laughs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:45] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. steps closely onto the ground[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:45] [b]Jester:[/b]ouch...
[24/09/09 23:45] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. and hurls a gigantic firebolt onto the stone[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:45] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]sidenote..if your ve dropped, I warned you.[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 23:45] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. suddenly feels exhausted[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:46] [b].Ailith.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]meh[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 23:46] [b]Guybrush Threepwood:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]Negative? I can have negative Ve?[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 23:46] [b]Jester:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]yep![/i][/color])
[24/09/09 23:46] [b]dst:[/b]thanks Shadow
[24/09/09 23:47] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. exhales slowly..and wonders if anything happens[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:47] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].yrthilian. rests with a smile on his face[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:48] [b].yrthilian.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]good night all[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 23:48] [b]Jester:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]night[/i][/color])
[24/09/09 23:48] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..as I guessed, it turned out to be stupid.
[24/09/09 23:49] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Guybrush Threepwood groans and passes out.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:51] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. shakes her head in amazemen, then jumps slightly at the noise and shaking ground[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:51] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran looks almost bored.[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:51] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Sparrhawk looks around[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:54] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. looks around, and then shrugs..looking at his hand, brings it close to the stone..close enough, to have the heat scorching the flesh, burning to wound, to close it[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:55] [b]Jester:[/b]...now what?
[24/09/09 23:56] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. bandages his hand and just shrugs[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:56] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]nods in agreement[/i]*[/color] Yes, now what?
[24/09/09 23:56] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Is the weapon activated or not?
[24/09/09 23:56] [b]dst:[/b]spoils of war? :D
[24/09/09 23:56] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Amoran frowns[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:56] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Lifeline smiles and sits down[/i][/color]
[24/09/09 23:56] [b]Jester:[/b]Its too early for another war...
[24/09/09 23:57] [b]Jester:[/b]Training, I suppose.
[24/09/09 23:57] [b]dst:[/b]we do that every day...
[24/09/09 23:57] [b]Lifeline:[/b]lol training arent u guys pretty much dead VEwise?
[24/09/09 23:57] [b]Jester:[/b]yeah, but I can\'t think of anything else
[24/09/09 23:57] [b]Jester:[/b]heh Lifeline I could get that back in one step
[24/09/09 23:57] [b]dst:[/b]we are ghosts...buuuu!!!
[24/09/09 23:58] [b].Akasha.:[/b]what\'s with the weapon?
[24/09/09 23:58] [b]Jester:[/b]Agh!
[24/09/09 23:58] [b]Jester:[/b]uh, I don\'t know.
[24/09/09 23:58] [b]dst:[/b]guys, I have something to ask: next war please scheduale so I can attend
[24/09/09 23:58] [b]Jester:[/b]I\'ll start one just for you, dst.
[24/09/09 23:59] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]Hm..flames enough to scorch the summoned army. And the core..absorbs it.
[24/09/09 23:59] [b]dst:[/b]oh Jester, that\'s so sweet of you :)
[24/09/09 23:59] [b].Shadowseeker.:[/b]I don\'t even see any fragments of it scattered.
[24/09/09 23:59] [b]Jester:[/b]hehe
[25/09/09 00:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. summons his drachorns to defend himself, and leans against a rock, slumping down after hastily gulping down some water[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:00] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Shadowseeker. then nods off to sleep[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:00] [b]Jester:[/b]Night Shadow
[25/09/09 00:00] [b]dst:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]snif[/i]*[/color] smells like drach bbq :D
[25/09/09 00:01] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. chuckles[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:02] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. steps close to the stone and peers down into the hole[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:02] [b]fiju:[/b]what did i miss
[25/09/09 00:03] [b]dst:[/b]EVERYTHING
[25/09/09 00:03] [b]fiju:[/b]ehm..
[25/09/09 00:05] [b]Amoran:[/b]Well, she is somewhat right.
[25/09/09 00:06] [b].Akasha.:[/b]who needs a log of what happened?
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]fiju:[/b]me
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]Amoran:[/b]I would like one.
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]Sparrhawk:[/b]Id like one if its possible please
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]Amoran:[/b]Thank you Akasha.
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]dst:[/b]can you post it on the forum?
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]dst:[/b]i think more will want to read it
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]fiju:[/b]i prefer a PM if possible
[25/09/09 00:07] [b]dst:[/b]after all...it\'s a MD event :D
[25/09/09 00:08] [b].Akasha.:[/b]ok, will post it on forum
[25/09/09 00:08] [b]fiju:[/b]shit
[25/09/09 00:08] [b].Akasha.:[/b]this way i will also demolish the rumors of the land weapon and idk what idk who invanted them
[25/09/09 00:08] [b].Akasha.:[/b]fiju, will give you on pm
[25/09/09 00:09] [b]fiju:[/b]copy that
[25/09/09 00:09] [b]fiju:[/b]thanx
[25/09/09 00:09] [b]Jester:[/b]Nobody touch DarkLord HappyPants...
[25/09/09 00:10] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. puts a finger on Happy Pants[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:10] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Well, we still don\'t know much about the weapon.
[25/09/09 00:10] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. takes the finger off[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:12] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Akasha. puts a pink ribbon on HappyPants pants[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:12] [b]Jester:[/b]hey!
[25/09/09 00:12] [b]Jester:[/b]well, I can\'t tell if hes mad or not.
[25/09/09 00:12] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]snickers[/i]*[/color] Lovely, really brightens him up.
[25/09/09 00:12] [b]Jester:[/b]Shades and their lack of facial expressions...
[25/09/09 00:15] [b]Jester:[/b]at least I can tell which one he is now
[25/09/09 00:16] [b]dst:[/b]DLHP! DLHP!!
[25/09/09 00:18] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. does a happy pants dance[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:21] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Sparrhawk looks at the stone curiously[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:22] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i]Jester begins composing \"Ode to DarkLord HappyPants: Vol. 1\"[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:23] [b]dst:[/b]Oh...Jester! That will be your masterpiece!
[25/09/09 00:25] [b]Jester:[/b]\"Never in all my life
[25/09/09 00:25] [b]Jester:[/b]Have I see such a fantastic dance
[25/09/09 00:25] [b]Jester:[/b]As I did that day
[25/09/09 00:26] [b]Jester:[/b]By the Shade with the Happy Pants.\"
[25/09/09 00:26] [b]Jester:[/b]Verses 2-60 to follow.
[25/09/09 00:26] [b]dst:[/b]why 2-60?
[25/09/09 00:26] [b]Jester:[/b]Volume 1 will have 60 verses.
[25/09/09 00:27] [b]Jester:[/b]I\'m not sure about Volume 2.
[25/09/09 00:27] [b]Jester:[/b]Or 3.
[25/09/09 00:27] [b]dst:[/b]ah...i see
[25/09/09 00:27] [b]dst:[/b]btw: i think we are the only ali [color="#305681"]*[i]cough[/i]*[/color] active players in here :D
[25/09/09 00:28] [b]Jester:[/b]They\'ll miss my masterpiece!
[25/09/09 00:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. laughs[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:28] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]We wont \"miss
[25/09/09 00:28] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]\" it.
[25/09/09 00:28] [b]Sparrhawk:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]turns from the stone[/i]*[/color] A masterpiece indeed
[25/09/09 00:28] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. coughs[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:28] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]We won\'t \"miss\" it.
[25/09/09 00:29] [b]dst:[/b]oh...you just don\'t want to imtrerrupt the great poet :D
[25/09/09 00:29] [b]Jester:[/b]Don\'t kid yourself, Pample.
[25/09/09 00:29] [b]Jester:[/b]\"Darklord was his name
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]Jester:[/b]Necrovoin was his home
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]Jester:[/b]Even though he was surrounded by shades
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]Jester:[/b]Always he was alone.\"
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]dst:[/b]shi [color="#305681"]**[/color] * Pants was his nickname....
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]dst:[/b]ups...:D
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]Jester:[/b]hey!
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. puts her head in her hands[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]Jester:[/b]no talking bad about HappyPants.
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]Jester:[/b]I will not stand for it!
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. snickers and tries not to let Jester see she is laughing[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:30] [b]dst:[/b]sorry...
[25/09/09 00:31] [b]Jester:[/b]hehe
[25/09/09 00:31] [b]Jester:[/b]\"Then one day, surprise!
[25/09/09 00:31] [b]Jester:[/b]A Jester showed up at his door
[25/09/09 00:31] [b]Jester:[/b]And he realized that unlike the Shades
[25/09/09 00:31] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Pamplemousse. mocks suprise[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:31] [b]Jester:[/b]Jester was not a bore.\"
[25/09/09 00:32] [b].Ailith.:[/b]romantic...
[25/09/09 00:32] [b]Jester:[/b]what?
[25/09/09 00:32] [b]Jester:[/b]Is DarkLord a guy or a girl?
[25/09/09 00:32] [b].Ailith.:[/b] [color="#305681"]*[i]coughs[/i]*[/color] nothing, boss just adjective tourettes
[25/09/09 00:32] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of Magic Duel.
[25/09/09 00:32] [b]Jester:[/b]sure...
[25/09/09 00:33] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. whistles and looks around[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:33] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]Like Days of Our Lives, the soap opera[/i][/color])
[25/09/09 00:33] [b].Ailith.:[/b] ([color="#888888"][i]LOL[/i][/color])
[25/09/09 00:34] [b]dst:[/b]bore rhyms with something elese...
[25/09/09 00:34] [b]Jester:[/b]I know, but its not family friendly, and this epic drama will be a tale for everyone to enjoy.
[25/09/09 00:34] [b].Ailith.:[/b]floor?
[25/09/09 00:34] [b].Pamplemousse.:[/b]So there will be romance!
[25/09/09 00:34] [b]dst:[/b]suuure Ailith :D
[25/09/09 00:34] [b]dst:[/b]I like the way you think :D
[25/09/09 00:34] [b]Jester:[/b]maybe...
[25/09/09 00:34] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. laughs[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:36] [b]Jester:[/b]\"DarkLord was as happy as can be
[25/09/09 00:36] [b]Jester:[/b]At the thought of not being alone
[25/09/09 00:36] [b]Jester:[/b]And so he told unto me
[25/09/09 00:36] [b]Jester:[/b]A tale about his former home.\"
[25/09/09 00:37] [b]Jester:[/b]\"He used to live with two horrible women
[25/09/09 00:37] [b]Jester:[/b]A grapefruit and a water nymph
[25/09/09 00:38] [b]Jester:[/b]They always mocked him mercilessly, until
[25/09/09 00:38] [b]Jester:[/b]He developed a speech impediment.\"
[25/09/09 00:38] [b]dst:[/b]he got fed up and sneezed
[25/09/09 00:38] [b]Jester:[/b]what verse was that? 4?
[25/09/09 00:38] [b]dst:[/b]yeah
[25/09/09 00:38] [b]dst:[/b]me...laggy
[25/09/09 00:40] [b]Jester:[/b]\"T-that\'s it! I\'m l-l-leaving!
[25/09/09 00:40] [b]Jester:[/b]One day he stuttered
[25/09/09 00:40] [b]Jester:[/b]and so he walked out the door
[25/09/09 00:40] [b]Jester:[/b]No words of farewell even muttered.\"
[25/09/09 00:41] [b]dst:[/b]not to well mannered this happy pants of yours...
[25/09/09 00:41] [b]:[/b][color="#305681"][i].Ailith. wipes a tear from her eye[/i][/color]
[25/09/09 00:41] [b]:[/b][color="#ff9900"][b][Spell][/b] [i]Fosil Sound[/i][/color]

please feel free to make a summary that is based on this events if you like, but keep this post as refference.

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OK for clarification on the CUBE

the description is as follows.

Long ago Kha;azdad put his good part into this
cube and gave it to Wodin for safe keeping.
That allowed him to become leader of Necrovion.

Add to the above

Yrthilian Burned 5 of the sides in the stone
of Twisted Souls gaining control over his
good soul half.

The cube was given to wodin a long time ago.
when wodin first dissapeard and the dargness came
for him he decided to give the cube to someone esle
to keep safe. This someone at the time was
Yrthilian. He has held it ever since.

As he promised he keept it and would not give it to anyone.
As a last corse of action he made his choice and that led to
the event of now. He made his choice and this bring him on a
path of choices. Yrth expect much hatred and many to try and
kill him. But this is how the event roll.

What happens happens.
Remember what was said
All is fair in love and war
Thies are the word of the enemy.

And yes the necrovian army just let this happen
they even attacked there own. Why? that was just...
anyways ONLY 1 tried to stop it by offering herself as hostage
she was brave and i am sorry for your pain.

Edited by Yrthilian
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[quote name='Yrthilian' date='27 September 2009 - 11:33 AM' timestamp='1254047615' post='42854']
And yes the necrovian army just let this happen
they even attacked there own. Why? that was just...

Dude, again we didn't attack it. Summoned army attacked Jester 3 times. Maybe read this below?

[quote name='Jester' date='26 September 2009 - 11:17 PM' timestamp='1254003461' post='42806']
1. "A conglomerate of shades, also known as the Summoned Army, assembled and started to attack all non-necrovion people close to the Stone. Not only that it was defeated repeatedly by Shadowseekers (GG fighter) army, even it had 80k attack and huge defence, but also it was attacked by Necrovion people it was trying to help."

So many things are wrong with that... Summoned Army attacked me, I did not attack Summoned Army. In fact, it attacked me 3 times in a row and drained stat points and over a million value points. Were my value points too high to stop Yrthilian? Otherwise I don't see how that's helping. None of the other Sentinels were attacked by Summoned Army, and none of them attacked it. If it was really trying to help the Necrovions, maybe it should have tried telling them instead of attacking the current leader of the Necrovion Sentinels?

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[quote name='Akasha' date='27 September 2009 - 11:48 AM' timestamp='1254048495' post='42859']
This log is as a reference to history, keep it that way.

So it doesn't matter if its written the way it actually was or with faults as it is at the moment?

edit: referring to previous yrth's post and well announcement

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The log is not necessarily what actually happened. That shows what people said, it does not show the fights. The log shows the Summoned army claiming that the Sentinels fought against him, what actually happened is that it attacked their leader 3 times and was never attacked by a Sentinel... Very different.

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  • Root Admin

people ..what uninformed...my head hurts...do you forget who you are talking to?

Again, the summoned army, was attacked by necro people, OF COURSE IT FOUGHT BACK. It attacked both necro and non necro after it saw that they make no difference anyway and they keep attacking it. So..it didnt attack back only those hiting it, but all, once you showed no kind of support. Except the fights, there was no support in chat, but even worse, you left the general impression you are curious and want to see what will happen with yrth actions. Don't act surprised or revolted now, you should have been that way back then.

The summoned army has no humor, you play games attacking it just to see if you win or not, you might end up complaining on the forum later for the outcome.

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Actually, I got hit 3 times: First was a victory for me, 2nd two complete loss for the army, me not even getting hit at all.

Then, right before it vanished, I struck it fast and violent. (As for the blood/whatever flows in the veins on my sword, I then used a tissue to clean it and sealed it into one of the small bottles I had with me.)

That's all I know of.

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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='27 September 2009 - 06:46 PM' timestamp='1254073590' post='42970']
people ..what uninformed...my head hurts...do you forget who you are talking to?

Again, the summoned army, was attacked by necro people, OF COURSE IT FOUGHT BACK. It attacked both necro and non necro after it saw that they make no difference anyway and they keep attacking it. So..it didnt attack back only those hiting it, but all, once you showed no kind of support. Except the fights, there was no support in chat, but even worse, you left the general impression you are curious and want to see what will happen with yrth actions. Don't act surprised or revolted now, you should have been that way back then.

The summoned army has no humor, you play games attacking it just to see if you win or not, you might end up complaining on the forum later for the outcome.

*coughs* So it had come to this. Your word against ours and guess who is going to be right in the end. No matter what has really happened. :rolleyes:

Edit: Don't kill me :rolleyes:

Edited by Raven
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  • Root Admin

Raven, as extravagant as you want to make that sound, no it is not and it will never be "your" word against mine.

I am starting to feel that some of you forget some basic concepts around here, when i say something related to the game is in one way or an other, then it is THAT way and no other way. If i am unsure of something or want to lower my influence on things said, i make sure i say "in my opinion".

When i say what the summoned army did, this is what it did, not what i think it did or what i had the impression it did. The Summoned army came targeted to counterballance yrth actions. He knew his mission has a high risk of failure and i was going to make things difficult for him.

If you enjoy seeing things as "Our word against Murs words" and think this sounds as a scandal topic and you like it, you will only get me pissed. This entire thing allready got me angry anyway, not to mention what got me to make it a Pain Festival in the first place.

You people don't know to lose, i will not try to make you all happy, or to find ways around so that each of you is right in the end, i am tired of that. You roleplay you die, and i see it, you die (in game ofc), you attack your own allied forces, you are considered a traitor, as simple as that.

You don't like what is written on AL or announcements, live with it. When you will stop complaining and you will bring arguments, then i will listen. At this point i realy don't care if you are hurt, if you feel life is unfair with you, if you find stupid excuses for past mistakes, i really don't care.

During good times you kiss my ass trying to obtain things in your favor then you get upset you dont, during bad times you pretend everything is fine but accuse me of nepotisms on other sites where you have the impression i cant trace you (i am not talking about you raven, but in general). You know what, if you think MD would be better without me actualy playing it, then have fun. I can take a one year break to work on MD without announcing what i do, without playing the shade sentinel, the summoned army, the postman, without watching over your wars and friendships and then you will slaughter yourself freely. Of course i can also clean up MD, burn it to ground from all people that i have the slightest feeling that they are unfitted to MY personal view of what is MD. simple as that.

So before you lose your respect and dare to say its my word against yours, or start thinking MD would be better off without me in it, think i might think the same about some of you and one day i might stop being the Mur you know that tries to understand everyone.

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Simple fact of the matter is this, the Summoned army either attacked Sentinels first, or the Sentinels attacked the Shade Sentinel first. This is FACT, there is no RP involved, it is hard coded, no one saying one thing or the other will ever make it different than what it was. Clearly someone is either lying or mistaken in some way. I am not saying I have any idea who that person is, but that is the simple fact of the matter. In this case Mur saying it happened some way doesn't matter. It either did happen or didn't. In terms of story, sure, we can say that what Mur says goes, and people who did not attack the Seummoned Army's and were rightly confused by the actions of the summoned army are going to have to attempt to some how justify it with their character that they were not confused, as that is not what happened.

Now note, I am not saying the Summoned army was not attacked first, but since it wasn't RPed at all, those spectating simply assumed that the Summoned army started attacking them without cause. They had no way to know that someone else had actually already given the summoned army reason to believe that they were all against it. So here's the issue. RP wise, the summoned army had right to attack all the sentinels, but RL wise, since no one could see what was going on, they all had a right to think that it was their enemy and attempt to defend. That's simply the way things are. You can go ahead and claim that it's all some ploy to make themselves look better, but fact of the matter is this, everyone gathered there thought the Summoned army was working against them, and they had reason to.

And I am relatively proud to say that I have never attempted to suck up to you Mur, and I do plan to continue to not do so. Now don't get me wrong, I respect you a great deal, you've got great ideas and you're a good coder, and I certainly don't go around bashing you on other sites. That being said, I'll be happy to disagree with you whenever here in MD while I sing the praises of the game anonymously elsewhere.

Edited by Guybrush Threepwood
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  • Root Admin

its not a "hardcoded" thing. Summoned army, like ANY other character that will attack you in MD, has behind it a human mind that can take decisions based on feelings, impressions, logic, or what other things he consideres. In case of the Summoned army, playing that character in true respect to the personality i wanted it to have, the Summoned Army felt in its fellow Necrovians an enemy. Please read the chat log yourself and see if you can tell from the chat who is on whos side. Having a necrovion ally sign on your profile makes you part of Necro, your blade and your actions speak for you.

I could check who attacked first who, but its irrelevant! It was not a competition or a contest, it is not a artificial situation that needs an exact measure of facts, it is your interaction with the summoned army, which is not the Shade Sentinel i have to remind you. In your interaction with the Summoned Army, that came to fight against what was going on and defen the stone from any outside influence, you necro FAILED.

It does not matter who attacked first, it does not matter if you were attacked because an other necro fighter instigated the summoned army, ..it does not matter because the Shades were allways seen as something close to a natural event. [b]Consider the summoned army a hurricane summoned in your aid, if it hit in its course friendly units it was still a necro representative to fight in a necro location[/b], that should have told you it is not fighting against necro, obviously.

You forgot about the shades, you repeatedly mistaken them by humans and interpret their ways differently. That doesnt mean they changed in any way. Shade Sentinel dissapeared from the lands after the Traveler incident, there was a faint attempt to feed it in order for it to regain its powers, the Summoned Army is a shade sentinel without its individuality. The Shades never changed their ways, you wathced the whole thing from a distance, like a show. You join such events and observe them but behave as if you are not involved but then complain when you dont like the outcome.

Note: some characters are animals, really animals, mine for example are quite some. Shades are sort of animals or natural occurences, not individuals, knaty is a large beast .. animals have instincts above reason, if an animal feels something is wrong, then for him it is. If knaty feels you talked without respect to him , so it is. Same with the shades .. you never learned to understand then.

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In behalf of all Necrovion people, and of course I count myself in there, I offer my sincere apologies to the Summoned Army. I will point fingers to all those who did attack the Summoned Army and if it is in my hand, I would punish them. But that will not also change the fact of what they did, regardless the reasons they had.

Somethings require common logic and I believe that at the time this happened nobody could probably think logically.

I only regret the fact that I was not present. If my presence and words could have changed anything. (Which I believe it could.)

Again, I do not ask for forgiveness nor for me, nor for the necrovion people cause I find reasonable enough to never get it. Nonetheless, I am terribly sorry for the damage inflicted to a future ally.

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Ummm... I am not a Sentinel. I have less than no respect for the shades. I keep hearing way to much unfounded and pointless BS about them to try to understand them. Like mirrors? Are they? Or do they just come in smacking everything like a hurricane? Summoned army is the King of Necro? The person-less entity without ability to tell friend from foe is the thing the Sentinels bow down to? When it attacks you and utterly leaves you defenseless you are to say, sorry sir, may I have another? Golly, now I remember why I don't like the shades and detest the idea of becoming a Sentinel.

The hardcoded fact is this, either the summoned army was attacked by Necrovions, or it wasn't. That is a fact, that is hardcoded. There is no RP involved in that, no opinion or perspective. Another fact, either it attacked first or it did not. Now if they are just supposed to bend over and take it, fine I suppose. Then they are still at fault. I guess I am not a Sentinel, have no desire to be, and will not understand how someone can give deference to a creature that couldn't care less about them and may eat them on a whim.

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Actually for that Guybrush...

I recommend reading the AL of Shade Ballance and the time before. Shades never were supposed to be friendly....They just became friendly because of people trying to communicate.Khalazdad trying to talk with them could've led to him being killed/or worse, it just happened that he was of use etc.

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  • Root Admin

Guybrush, its exactly your type of opinion that makes necro be special. Some can understand it some can't, simple as that. I suppose if you were to be a hunter you would be that type of hunter that would stop in shock and explain to the running deer that you hit partially that it has to die of the wound and not run, while the poor deer will continue to run despite your perfect logic trying to stop it. Sorry no hard feelings, but you obviously don't understand shades.

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