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Creature Price List

Creature List  

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I would like to create a collection of standard creature prices found across MD. As many creatures as possible, in terms of silver coins. Age and tokens also should be taken into consideration. I will admit I got this idea for selfish reasons, but if the list is made it could benefit many, especially newer players. If there is already a list somewhere, then I apologize for redundancy.


Edited by Ignatious
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As Burns said, people don't feel like cooperating at all. I made a survey and only a dozen people participated. Most trade topics are closed without any details of what price was agreed to...
There is only one way I can think of to get the data we want and that is to scrap the trade subforum and force people to use a new auction site, that tracks which trades have happened before. I think I know how to code such, but there's webspace and time issues (I'm currently rather busy), as well as integration issues, the question whether it will be used and if I'm allowed to look at the MD code (yeah, that's not going to happen, but it would improve tracking capacity).

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kafuuka not many would like to give that info because.. if some1 is buying items for high price while sum1 else posts in forums that they thing the real price is low it will effect there market.. so they are scared and dont give much info.. same goes for people who buy for cheap.

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[quote name='Ignatious' date='07 October 2009 - 09:12 PM' timestamp='1254942775' post='43933']
Kafuuka, why don't you let me see what you already have? I will hound individuals about the things you do not have, and see what I can come up with.

Also think the market idea would be great :D
What I have is a simple survey made in php and a dozen entries, which are now outdated. If you still want them, I'll mail them to you as soon as I can (there's some maintenance on the server which is expected to take a few days). Other than that I only have ideas. What is needed is some hard code and propaganda work and/or better ideas.

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This idea doesnt and wont work, creatures cant be set at a fixed value, there are variables age tokens, and even if you do fix a price on it some will sell for more some less there really cant be a standard price as it will always vary sometimes lots of people will want bloodpacts and you may be able to sell for a high price then later on not so many buying if any and you will only get a lower price its supply and demand in this situation its not really plausable to label every creature with a fixed price its all about what you will accept and what others will accept

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I should mention that of course, you are correct an exact price cannot be named. What I propose is a reasonable range of prices. Much like an MSRP, for example. There are many other things that may be taken into account, but if there is a general range, then people at least know what they have to shoot for.

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Think about it like this: When there are about three drachies in MD, everyone will want one, and no one will want to sell one. Price goes up to 200 coins. When there are 300 drachies in MD, people still want them, but not as much, because lots of people already have them. Price goes down to 100 coins.

PS: Values are examples...don't take them seriously, just trying to get a point across :/

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[quote name='Sparrhawk' date='08 October 2009 - 08:06 AM' timestamp='1254981969' post='43984']
This idea doesnt and wont work, creatures cant be set at a fixed value, there are variables age tokens, and even if you do fix a price on it some will sell for more some less there really cant be a standard price as it will always vary sometimes lots of people will want bloodpacts and you may be able to sell for a high price then later on not so many buying if any and you will only get a lower price its supply and demand in this situation its not really plausable to label every creature with a fixed price its all about what you will accept and what others will accept
Supply and demand exist in real life too, yet tracking prices works there. Instead of looking at a fixed price, people look at the history of what others paid for a certain share. Usually one finds that information in newspapers, presented in long tables of numbers or small graphs. Way back I said it would be fun if the MD newspaper included a financial section.
For this to work we need only a method to register a large percentage of the trades taking place. Ideally we'd know about all of them, but that is neither necessary nor plausible.

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Things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. In RL companies sell everything at the same price, they have to, because they are mass produced and put on a shelf. You don't grab something and go to the register and then bargain with the store clerk. In MD we have a barter system, not a real economy, and there are too few people to bother with a real economy. Sure Kriskah and Kragel were trying to do something with one but... Well, I have no idea where either of them have gone to. They do seem to have succeeded in making coins something of actual value, but that's about it. And the fact of the matter is that nothing in MD is mass produced. At least nothing of any value. All going back to a necessary barter system, which goes back to individuals which means... No set prices.

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Thank you for the feed back so far... I would still like to implement something for reference, especially for players who cannot afford expensive creatures. It appears to me that an economy is trying to form within MD. Surely there already is one, albeit chaotic and somewhat open to interpretation. Why do we have coins? Why do we have premium creatures? Why do we have items? The market is full of potential value, but when that value is not well known, then not as much trade happens. Therefore, the current situation seems to be this : there is a lot of value just setting out there, not being used. If something were implemented, coins, creatures, and items would begin swapping hands much more frequently. This would allow the enrichment of the MD world.

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@Guybrush: Kriskah is very busy with work and has no idea when she'll have time to play. She seems to be logging in and checking pm occasionally, but that's about it probably.

We obviously have premium creatures because servers cost real money.
Items were supposed to be used for roleplay.
I disagree that disinformation is the main reason trade is few. It plays a part, but the larger reason is a lack of influx and outflux. Western economies are based on massive consumption: goods need to be destroyed as quickly as possible after their purchase, so that there is a need to buy new ones. The current rate at which this occurs is pants on head retarded in real life, and next to zero in MD. Rare creatures can't be created at a huge rate, lest they become common. People do not sacrifice rare creatures except if memeticly infected through Fenrir. Items cost wish points, which makes it highly unlikely one will sell the item after questing for it. [post='30224']See also this post and the rest of that thread[/post], it's funny to reread it now that certain events have passed.
Price information still is a problem that should be tackled. It is also more likely than solving the flux problem. (It doesn't rely on Mur fixing it for us.)

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Hmm.. a while ago Kriskah and Kragel did a market festival, right?
Maybe a pretty large selection can be sold during market fests, and the amount for which they are sold documented and opened to public. This could serve as a reference for the relative value of items on future trades, maybe..

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[quote name='Udgard' date='10 October 2009 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1255151408' post='44237']
Hmm.. a while ago Kriskah and Kragel did a market festival, right?
Maybe a pretty large selection can be sold during market fests, and the amount for which they are sold documented and opened to public. This could serve as a reference for the relative value of items on future trades, maybe..

I haven't seen Kragel in a while but from what I've seen I agree with Kafuuka: the creature market is mostly based on the demand. According to Kragel, when he sold creatures he ask around first to determine the price of each one.
Items... well... I rather not go there because for me it is a bit frustrating. I believe people whom known the market thingy from the start know the reasons I felt this way about the hole thing.


Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
*sighs* as usual grammar errors
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