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Debate On Marind Bell Kingship


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Chewett and I have been discussing the kingship for a long time. We have both agreed that for a strong land a united leadership is necessary to give a clear vision and purpose to all citizens. Inner quarrels for power just weaken the land and bring unrest. We both want the best for Marind Bell and therefore will only act in its best interest and as always co-operate. The war has weakened Marind Bell and the alliances need to be restructured and rebuild. This can only be accomplished if we support each other. We have decided that I will candidate for kingship of Marind Bell.

We have agreed on the same goal, the same policy, and the same vision. I will candidate for the kingship of Marind Bell with Chewett as council leader helping, supporting and advising me.

My main task at first will be to restructure the alliances. Marind Bell alliances will expand. Up until now we only accepted “Seekers” into SoE and strong military players into KoB. KoB will stay the military alliance of Marind Bell and drastic measures will soon be taken to rebuild it. SoE on the other hand will become more player friendly and not just recruit one kind of people. We will have different sections within the alliance open to a wider range of players. There are however several factors that prevent us from making the new policy of SoE public yet. I kindly ask you to be patient and trust into the love Chewett and I have for Marind Bell.

Marind Bell will keep its tradition as homeland to all those seeking knowledge and hoping to unfold its secrets. The home of Angiens and a place for all those wishing to understand them better and seeking contact. We will improve on its history by offering new objectives for explorers and fighters alike.

This has been all decided before the introduction of kingship. So no matter who becomes king, Chewett and I will stick to what is said above. We will always make efforts to help Marind Bell flourish and pass on its legacy.

I am posting this so early because I wish for a debate. I want everybody to be clear about what I have in mind for Marind Bell. If anybody has any questions feel free to ask in this topic.

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wasn't the KOB taken over by necro after the war ? and dst we still don't know that he is the only candidate :P metal bunny might apply, liberty sometimes... but i am pretty sure its gonna be lifeline.. but will be nice to see if any1 opposes him or its gonna be boring :) .

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KoB wasnt taken over. Lib was forced to leave and Sentinels were invited. currently cless is the leader (who has been in SoE and later in KoB for more than half a year) but yes the alliance cant stay the way it is now. as i said in the initial post there will be changes.

and dst as for other candidates who knows lets see. nobody expected Lib to go for kingship of necro as well :P

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i wont go for king of bell thats for sure

and no lifeline ya missed something, kob is under necro, and i wasnt forced to leave, it was my own decision, and cless is leader by loyalty but he has to do as necros say, if he doesnt he is then opposing necros which rightfully acquired kob, so ya will have to make diplomatic deal with necros about kob, or second choice is to do it by force (kick necros out of kob)

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[quote name='Liberty4life' date='14 October 2009 - 08:56 PM' timestamp='1255546567' post='44681']
i wont go for king of bell thats for sure

and no lifeline ya missed something, kob is under necro, and i wasnt forced to leave, it was my own decision, and cless is leader by loyalty but he has to do as necros say, if he doesnt he is then opposing necros which rightfully acquired kob, so ya will have to make diplomatic deal with necros about kob, or second choice is to do it by force (kick necros out of kob)

ok fine i interpreted the enemy in ur own alliance as u being forced to leave because who would like to stay in the alliance like that. and in my point of view it wasnt taken over. taking over means taking the alliance by becoming new leader. this didnt happen. anyway i am well aware of the little possibilities there are. and as i said the current situation is unacceptable and will be changed one way or the other.

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Well I'm thoroughly convinced now...Pip for king of MB! x3

I really don't plan to win, but why not try?

Oh joy...running against Lifeline and Chewwy...

*stabs Lifeline and kicks Chewwy in the shin* (TM) (yeah, you guys have trademarked ways to be hurt by Pip...take that :P)

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a council is doing what a council normally should. advising, helping, supporting, ect. i am sorry but i dont get the question... to me its totally clear what a council is for. in many cultures and in history a king had a council.

and otherwise as i stated chew and i have the same goal ect. its very unlikely that we will still disagree with eachother after a discussion of all facts. chew is a good friend and will be free to do as he thinks right. but it seems like i have to remind u again. we are here to act in the best interest of Marind Bell and to ensure that it blossoms. it is perfectly clear to us that we want and have to work together to help the land grow.

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Truthspeaker here is a quote from my initial post that clearifies the situation

[quote name='Lifeline' date='14 October 2009 - 07:12 PM' timestamp='1255540367' post='44670']
We have agreed on the same goal, the same policy, and the same vision. I will candidate for the kingship of Marind Bell with Chewett as council leader helping, supporting and advising me.

i think along with my other posts nothing more is needed to explain how things will be in case i win

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You still have yet to answer the question asked, Lifeline. You are sidestepping the inquiry, believing that your post gives all the answers when it does not.
What would occur should you and Chewett disagree on something?

King Manu has stated several times that the Kings or Queens of each land will have [i]absolute[/i] authority. Your posting lacks the foresight to address a potential problem that another, The Truthspeaker, can see that may develop. Two people, no matter what they say "now," will invariably reach a point where they do not, and cannot, agree on everything. When you reach this point, will you, as the king, overrule Chewett, regardless of his wishes and desires?

Furthermore, an advisor is nothing more than that: one who offers advice. Advice is not a rule or a law, it is a suggestion, and as the potential ruler of Marind Bell, you have the prerogative and authority to reject such advice and decide on your own.

What would happen if you were to desire the removal of all Necrovion sympathizers from the Knights of the Bell while Chewett believes they belong there, the alliance having been a casualty of the battle with Necrovion? What do you do then?

Whether or not this specific item has been addressed by the two of you is not as important as the fact they there [u]will[/u] come a time when the two of you will come to a disagreement.
What happens then?

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alright then u will get a clear answer but u cant expect me to provide all inner politic informations here.
the answer: it of course depends on the situation...

alliance matters:
the king is the king of the land and has a say in alliance matters. however the alliances are a strutured system in itself with its own leader. the leader of the alliance will have the main decision power. the king cant force any policy on an alliance he doesnt lead within the land.

military affairs:
once KoB is fully established again it will be the militray force of the land as it used to be. how to act in a war will be decided by the king and the alliance leader of KoB. i have seriously trained for 2 month and posses a strong army (creatures, stats, principles, ect). if i think i need to be involved in any war i as a player of magicduel will join the war myself no matter if anybody is against it. i might be a king (if i get elected) but i build my strenght, the only strenght used in that fight, before i became king so i will use it as i think is right. chewett has no say in that matter because its what i owned before becoming king. no member of SoE will have any say in how the land acts during the time of war. why? because they are no fighters and dont participate in the war no matter what. the war is not their business. spectactors shouldnt meddle in the affairs of fighters who risk everything at the front in a fierce battle. KoB isnt where it once was it still suffers from the consequences of the war. i dont know yet who the leader of KoB will be. so i cant tell anybody yet to what kind of arangements we will come. u will have to be statisfied with this explanation. to summarize it quickly:
king and KoB leader will have the full saying in how war situations are handled. SoE members can advise on how to react in the war but cant stop the militray from launching.

here u go hope u are statisfied now. the king cant force a policy on any alliance he doesnt lead himself. and all military affairs will be handled completely by the king and the leader of KoB

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