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Be A Creature


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[quote]Be a Creature
You have to disguise yourself in a MD creature, and post a picture for the contest. Make it look as funny/cool as possible! It will be enormous fun to see all your pictures with you trying to look like one of the creatures :D. Remember, it has to be your photo, not one taken from the net and altered. You should not modify the picture after taking it.

Rewards? fat credits packs, wp codes and full tokened creatures (_ALL_ tokens on one creature). [/quote]

Let's make this a clean topic. Only pics allowed. If you feel the need to comment please open a new topic (or I will open one if you are too lazy).
Let's keep this one only for pics.

Mur: create the pic FOR md. I am talking about a good impersonation not a general pic that "could be" interpreted as a creature.

Edited by Muratus del Mur
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Me as a remains (before all the decomp and stuff)


me as a Grasan (old photo- post wisdom teeth)


i would add a picture that's very embarassing of me, but i dont know how to use the spoiler thing... oh well, enjoy :P.

Edited by cryxus
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  • Root Admin

And the winners are ...

Best creature representation award
get a FULL TOKENED creature of the sort they competed for. Please pm me the ids of the creatures you want enhanced with the tokens (remember they should be of exact type and level with the one you interpreted)

AqlBeast - Animated tree
Aelis - Dark Archer
Dmik King - Knator

Originality award
You get a 25credit pack!
Granos - elemental
MoNSooN - Chaos Archer

Second places
You get a 15credit pack!

I am waiting for a pm for each of you, from your main acc only, those with token rewards should send me also the creature ID. I will reply with a credit code.

Thank you all for participating, maybe we do this more often, it was so fun to see your pictures :P

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