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How do you die? I never even saw the likelihood or chance to die.

Spoiler warning added by chewett

So i guess you never turn down the little girl?

Do that 3 times (each time a candle will losse its light) and there you go, your dead

And doing that i cut short the story and i was given a prety high principles points (betwin 5 and 8), but no punishment

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I have no problem clicking the 24 hour option... 90% increase in stats is well worth the wait. Besides, it just leaves me wondering about what is going to happen next. Makes me awfully curious and I love that feeling when playing a game.

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uhh ohhh lol you can die and be blocked from the weapon stores?

uhh ohhh i am stuck in the carnival i made a new guy adn he is in a completely different path

he chose the dark side lol almost getting killed by marind and now uhh ohh i am stuck in carnival i think

that isnt good

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Sorry guys, but i tried to start a new topic, but it won't let me. I just want to know how long til the next part of the story continues, I'm still in the Carnival Chapter II and it says its still under construction. A rough time line would be great:) I'm impatient and am looking forward to the next part of the adventure.

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some part of chapter 3 r rady and imlemented, i finish it somme time ago

i think that chapter 3 is for mp5 and i think only if you choose the right path


When Chapter 3 opened, i got another part of my story. So now im hanging lol Is it good or bad i have no idea but i really really want to continue :rolleyes: Must be paying for my deeds lol

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I chose the 24h option always except for the first time (I think), but I can manage since I have to work and I'm pretty busy and also I like the rewards better :)

While I was reading your post I just got a few ideas for the game and I'll write you a pm to tell all about them :) and make this some sort of a surprise for everyone :D

I think I've done about the same thing... I chose short in the first option or 2 and then thought "why am I in a hurry? 90% is a huge difference!

The only thing I'm not sure of is if I'm actually getting the honor for waiting 24h each time... I've only got 21 honor at the moment and I think I'm nearly through the carnival...

I've taken the girls' hand and left the music behind...

it just seems like the honor would be higher if I've been earning it all along...

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Ah.. you should be in free roam, and during free roam you can be attacked or attack.

You can lose honor when you attack and win against someone with a greater loss:win ratio than you, or a little if you lose when defending. Would that be it? x_x

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how can i raise my mind power from 2 to 3 could somebody herlp me please?

Mindpower is basically the amount of principles you can have... Players start out as mp3, so they can pick 3 principles in the story the first time around. If you have 2, or actually 2/3, that means you've picked two principles already. You will get the last mindpower when you pick the last principle in your story, making it 3/3.

Unless there's some sort of bug. o_o I heard earlier that Manu was considering making the first mindpower for newbies smaller, either 1 or 2, but he definitely would've announced that. In the worst case scenario, you can reset the account since you haven't really done much except the tutorial part.

Once you finish the story you can replay it, picking another principle and getting into mp4.

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Cool... I just finished the story... now all I need is about a zillion wins and then I can go through it again to get to MP44...

How on earth I'm going to get that many wins I don't know... but I'll try!

Heh, I don't want anyone to take this literally.. he means 100 wins.

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yeah that is the problem most of the time adn all the time for me using my characters when i was at mp3 i would reach max xp level way before i got even 75 wins

that is not a good thing as your creatures cannot gain anymore won fights

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Heh, I don't want anyone to take this literally.. he means 100 wins.

hehehe... true... 100 wins... it just seems like a zillion when I currently at 3 ^_^

I haven't done much except go through the story 24 hours at almost every step. So I have a little bit of army development to do yet ;)

But I'll get there!

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guys i just got mp3 maxed out in pretty much 1 day LOL. Can some1 check if it is some sort of a record or? :P BTW this game is really too easy :/ and now i have to just wait for the story to end and then i guess replay it to be mp4? :rolleyes: BTW the exp max kinda suck and it really low, i mean i got it in ONE day so much for long time playing and stuff :P. Can some1 pls increase it or something it is just to low :D

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