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forum moderators and newby help!!

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  • Root Admin

Hy everybody

as this community is growing i find it more and more dificult to keep up with the forum and the support and all.

I am allready loosing about 70% of my available time with this. I could use that time to develop the game and improove it!!

I hereby make a request to all players that understand the basics of this game and to the old time alpha testers to help with this.

Please answer questions from new players, help them find their way and make their life easyer, it will help the community grow and will make this game much more interesting and active when more players will be online to play it.


Who wants to be a moderator here on the forum and delete spam and moderate the posts is welcome to join. Please , if you don't login every day or you don't post often enough don't bother to signup for moderator it will just complicate things, thanks for understanding.


Whoever wants to help with this has to have a good knowledge of the game an allready finish it at least one time.

A live help operator will have its playername changed and will be immune to attacks but also will be 'requested' not to attack anyone at all, except for special situations when he has a good reason AND HAS THE APPROVEMENT OF THE ATTACKED ONE.

Live support operators have to stay online whenever possible and their location will be discussed based on needs. Some will provide suppot for beginners , some for advanced users in remote locations. Polite speaking and friendly attitude towards all players is a must , regardless of personal fights.

The support system works like this, once a operator is online, a button appears in the interface of all users and when clicked will show to the user a message box allowing them to send a message to the operator they were assigned. The operator will recieve the message as a norma mesage and has to answer it as soon as possible.

By helping me with this you will give me more time to develop the game and add more features and finaly move on to alpha 4 and BETA. I am just a man and i cant handle all at the same time.

From now on i will reduce my time on the forum and focus more on the game development.

Thank you all very much, and have fun playing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I could be doing both :)

I keep the forum open at work almost all the time so it wouldn't be a problem to check for spam and things like that.

If live support wouldn't interfere with me playing the game, like a separete account or a switch to turn on the feature would be cool :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

maybe I could help, It's late, but here are four of my five forums, as the other has to be revamped, and I'm arguing with my provider... :P

cpwtw.freeforums.org (heck yeah, since 9/28/07, and still, I think around 5 or more posts a day, with many, many private messages, this takes a lot of work... ;))

natravian.freeforums.org (my most successful ever, my second forum, defunct as I left game due to the game's retarded staff)

nacrusades.freeforums.org (was never that active, but my first one, and I'm still proud of my first effort.)

nhs.freeforums.org (totally dead, the game this was created for, well, the other players forgot about it, and I got tired of reminding...)

s3.invisionfree.com/Rhodes3d (wasn't adapted as official forums, but a few promoter links that I've used to give to you Mur, came from here)

I'd like to be able to just maybe mod. and most, I just would like someone to be able to decide if something is worth making official. (I'd get into detail, but I I don't want to)

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

ok new rules to become a mod are to be active on the forum, and by active i dont mean to flood with "yes thats nice" type of messages...actualy posting irelevant messages will ensure you will never become a mod.

smartalekr you are to new to the forum for that, i might consider you fo ingame livehelp if you keep up what you are doing there.

Reven, i know you for a very long time here, but do you think you are active enough to become a forum mod?

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I haven't finished the game, and I haven't posted enough on forums to be any assistance here.

However, I do try to help out those that I can in game from what I know and from what I have learned, I don't know if I need a special title to keep doing this, considering I am still learning things myself.

It seems as if no one chats on the in game talk screen, but I'm on several hours each day, every day. So I'll keep it up and if there is any other way you could use someone to help, count me in.

P.S. I'm still working on a collection of art to send in.


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  • Root Admin

Well thats very nice to hear.

I cant make you a live support while you are still relatively new, but if you keep heling newbs at the papercabin and close to the first creature encounter i will notice it (me or the mods) and you will be recomanded to be mod, this goes for all of you that want to help ... i know you all realy want it and are honest that want to help with the game, but i must keep this hierachy to avoid confusion and missinformation among new players and such.

I have mods that i put as mods because i was thinking they are realy devodted to the game and they ended up as inactive player ..so first you have to prove you are worthy of it and then it will come by itself.

I want to keep the mod team as a very high quality group of people and not a bunch of poeple that just want but actualy do nothing...so first of all stand out in the crowd and i will ask you myself if you want to be part of the team.

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i would like to help out not nesecerally a mod ( would be nice though ) but the paper cabin spell has gone and so now it makes it anoying to get to teh paper cabin. I do not understand wat you ment wen u said healing newbys. I go down there sometimes and say things like hey and click the scroll to begin then i go to liquid just house and say wat cominations of crits are good to use. Is this the right thing to say/do and is there anything else i should be doing

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lol by the time you are able to get a water being there are no npc's left to fight. and personally if you walk someone through the game like that then they really won't learn the concepts cause everytime they get a stump they will know just to ask you cause you give the answer away easily

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