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Torch Competition: Tactic For Defending Against Point Farming


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I have for the past couple of days been watching two alliances from the same land sit at Deathmarrow, while a member of one alliance picks up a Necrovion torch so that their comrades from the other alliance can farm points.

Believe it or not I am not too bothered about them actually doing it (though I was surprised at the names of those that were doing it).

So, my new idea for torches is this: I want to be able to attack and kill someone holding the torch of my land as a defence tactic against point farming.

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[quote name='dst' date='09 January 2010 - 06:52 PM' timestamp='1263063178' post='52313']
I agree but with one amendment(which probably is obvious but i will still underline it):killing someone who fights for your the same land as you will not give you a point.

Thanks for that dst.. Of course I didn't mean to benefit from defence such as this.

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[quote name='Shadowseeker' date='09 January 2010 - 07:26 PM' timestamp='1263065217' post='52316']
Hm..still, if one were to seriously use it, it would just require leaving the alliance to pick up a torch, no?

Wouldn't that more require one to be in an alliance of that land to pick up that torch?

No, Shadowseeker. I am talking about being able to kill someone who holds a torch from the same land as the one you carry. With, as dst says, no benefit of points.

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yes, but wouldn't that keep all of the newbs from participating? they would have to get a citizenship to participate (and i guess a lot of them will do it in a hurry just to participate, and perhaps later on be sorry cause of that)

but if it's meant mostly for veteran players, ok then

maybe if someone is a citizen of a land, he can only fight for that land, but the ones who aren't citizens, they should be able to fight for anyone?
that would stop cheating to a point, and the ones who are using alts will be banned for alt abusing (alt abusing in the torch i mean)

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well, that is not the biggest problem of the torch competition. There should be places not only the capitol, but equily far from the GoE as all other lands. right now it's that marind bell has the worst location, and underground is not even known by all. What now happens is that many fight for marind bell(this will be off when citizenship comes) and die, but exspecially that everyone walks towards marind bell because it's the easiest to get to. like this, Marind bell will never be able to gain points like this, and only lose.., not really ballanced..

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[quote]I believe this is only a temporary "bug" to the torch competition!
I believe this will be fixed. Once the Citizenship will be finished, the TC will be adjusted as well![/quote]

Ah yes, but next torch competition, when I see you picking up Necrovion torches AGAIN to sacrifice yourself to your comrades from the Kelle'tha Order and your other GG friends, I want to be able to kill you :D

Scoring cheap points is all well and good, but I want to defend my land from those who would abuse it in that way.

[quote]maybe if someone is a citizen of a land, he can only fight for that land, but the ones who aren't citizens, they should be able to fight for anyone?
that would stop cheating to a point, and the ones who are using alts will be banned for alt abusing (alt abusing in the torch i mean)
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Rhaegar, I suggested this because it is the simplest thing that I believe could work. Though it is true, restrictions based on citizenship would be useful if many more took part in torches. However, it would exclude newer players.

[quote]well, that is not the biggest problem of the torch competition.

No, the biggest problem is that barely anyone participates, so people have to resort to point farming. If MB players participated, your capital would have a very good defence indeed.

[quote]suppose that attacking a torch competitor of same land is allowed, now what would that have proved?killing your comrades for..? :D[/quote]

O.o zeTsu, have you actually read any of this thread properly? I am not talking about killing my comrades, but my 'enemies' who would abuse my land by picking up Necrovion torches to sacrifice themselves for easy points. Please read my initial post again before commenting further.

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That it is called teaming up to fight for your land, only the main accounts participated, this can't be qualified as a cheating, but as a good team up between the alliances that fight for their land.

Torch Competition is about between land fights.
It is a tactic to win against others, this tactic as we can see was used and got LR a huge score and they got to say it all loud they are champions with this tactic..bad move :D

Ailith, you were the only one to defeat your land and to attack the ones with other torches...i suppose in here you have my opinion in how to defeat this tactic until TC will have more specific rules about how it should be played.

Indeed i suppose when the citizen system will be implemented things will change.

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I don't call it cheating.. I actually referred to it as a smart tactic. I just want to be able to do more to stop it until TC changes XD

In fairness, I, like many others, have not paid attention to the Torch Contest much.. until now.. though my efforts at defending my land almost single handedly were but throwing a pebble at the ocean, this has inspired me to get my behind into gear. I hope you will see some of my tactics in the upcoming Torch Contests :D

The corroded gauntlet has been thrown down! I call upon the ALL players of ALL lands to start picking up torches so we can show how this contest should be played!

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:P That was the fun from it .

All players from all lands should start to meet and make a tactic of their land and we will all have a lot of fun during TC. ( at least the ones that are not interested in prize especially but in their land pride ).

This contest is meant to give us so much fun, only if we try to play it and come with tactics and actually have some enemies :D

I don't speak of doing what LR had done ... 40 vs 16-17 is a HUGE amount of points ...( meah..we had..i can't find the word :P) but of coming with tactics to contra-attack the enemy and start to[b] [color="#8b0000"]PLAY[/color][/b] [u]not [b]RP[/b][/u] the game :rolleyes:
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I agree with you, Ailith, entirely.

and, Akasha, yes, now the TC is a lot more fun, people make tactics, and tactics to counter other tactics :rolleyes: many new interesting things out there now, atm the Torch is the most entertaining thing for me in game (not cause of points gained with help, but of those counter-tactics, how to stop enemy to infliltrate your land)

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[quote name='Lady Ailith' date='10 January 2010 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1263130354' post='52410']
No, the biggest problem is that barely anyone participates, so people have to resort to point farming. If MB players participated, your capital would have a very good defence indeed.

wot bs is that? even when mb was in its best military edition ever, and that was around the time when torch was implemented, we tried torch best we could several times, and never scored a single point! then why to keep up? not enough ppl on our side to cover up tactical disadvantage, 10-15 ppl, if everyone is active at that time (which never was case always was somebody unable to play due to rl) then when ya count up timezones, ya get 3 ppl online every 8 hours, now that aint enough to hold up defense, 2 paths lead to capitol, and defending at capitol wouldnt be possible coz somebody can wait up at heresy lane till regen hits and he can instatly bank points in base especially if his friends bring points to him, since everyone is banking points in mb, which is ofc shortest way to do it, there is no way that defense wouldnt get killed, if defense falls ya get negative points, if ya try to go offense most likely it will fail to, and ya can do that sort of tricks with that few ppl, thats just mp5, its simple to solve this problem, mb needs 20 more ppl and problem solved, yeah right... there will be always some mp3 almighty alt that will kill newbs which pick torch in mb and score for other land, same with mp4

wanna make it fair? citizenship is a must for this, and also cross mp fightin for torch holders should be placed up since some players never want to reach mp5, fine but if they compete in torch they should be able to be attacked by enemy torch holder regardless of mp level, also for torch ppl lore back entrance should be closed and torch holders shouldnt be able to travel from mdp to willows shop but instead take longer route through willows walk, then it will be balanced and mb will have chance

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[quote]wot bs is that?[/quote]

Nice, Liberty.. I have missed your foul mouth.

I am referring to the fact that if everybody participates, and not just in MB, there will be a better chance to defend each capital. This means that many players would be involved, acting as a team, with tactics as well as brute strength. Yes of course there are times when players are not online, but you find a way to make up for it when they are. If you gave up because you thought it wasn't fair, why didn't you try to change something at the time?

Do not swear at me just because I am trying to affect a positive change. Your defeatist attitude is exactly one of the reasons why people don't bother playing in the contest at all. I know it will be a while before Necrovion scores major points in the contest, but I am willing to try. If I don't succeed in one tactic, I will think of another. If I don't have enough people carrying torches, then I will do my best to get more people. If we don't get any points, then we will try harder next time. It's a shame you can't think in that way.

I agree that LR back exit should be closed to those holding a torch. It would be much fairer.

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  • Root Admin

The issue for MB is that it is the closest land for all torch players,

Lands like GG cant even be hit because it takes so long to move, it will take ages to get through the maze.

And there will always be noobs in MB that will pick up the torch so that an alt player can go around killing them all.

All in all, MB might as well let all the other lands play, because with all the negative scoring against MB there is no way we will ever be able to get some points.

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[quote name='Chewett' date='10 January 2010 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1263150275' post='52440']
The issue for MB is that it is the closest land for all torch players,

Lands like GG cant even be hit because it takes so long to move, it will take ages to get through the maze.

And there will always be noobs in MB that will pick up the torch so that an alt player can go around killing them all.

All in all, MB might as well let all the other lands play, because with all the negative scoring against MB there is no way we will ever be able to get some points.


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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Shantu' date='10 January 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1263153599' post='52449']
You can go through the Gates of Ages, you don't have to go the Maze route. Not sure which one is faster though..

can you get through the front gates during hc? i didnt know that

Anyways, that would still be around 30/40 steps which would takes AGES. maybe longer than the maze since maze will drop you right outside it.

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[quote name='Chewett' date='10 January 2010 - 08:18 PM' timestamp='1263154688' post='52455']
can you get through the front gates during hc? i didnt know that

Anyways, that would still be around 30/40 steps which would takes AGES. maybe longer than the maze since maze will drop you right outside it.

Torhc competition, TC it would be.., hc is head contest..

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