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Historic Win


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never was the score so high in the torches, Loreroot achieved outstanding results, congratulations brothers and sisters :))

but it isn't just the won competition that is important, the most important thing here is that we all show unity, Savelites helping Guardians, Guardians helping CoE, and in circles, I applaud, and I must say I am very proud of you all, and I had to share this with you all :))

Loreroot Eternal!

Praised be Savelfuser!
Praised be Goddess of the Moon!
Praised be King Firsanthalas!

Strength through Unity!

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  • Root Admin

I agree with the unity, But really Rhaegar, i would have thought you had some more honesty.

Cheating at something like this, and then posted and shouting in the mood panel about it... I would have thought you were better than that. Obviously i was wrong. Nothing more that a common cheater.

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first, Torch should express land's ability to defend themselves and invade others, so when defending your land, you should keep an eye for all intruders for all time.
It wasn't only Loreroot to do it, you have mixed up things, we weren't doing anything in Necrovion, that was GG forces, and I have proof for that, just to keep things clear.

I didn't wanted to taunt all of the others for losing the torches, far from it, I wanted to express my feelings cause Loreroot showed unity after a long time, evolving all those silly little issues among ourselves.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 January 2010 - 10:40 AM' timestamp='1263120045' post='52395']
first, Torch should express land's ability to defend themselves and invade others, so when defending your land, you should keep an eye for all intruders for all time.

So by abusing this bug you were "defending" the land?

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 January 2010 - 10:40 AM' timestamp='1263120045' post='52395']
It wasn't only Loreroot to do it, you have mixed up things, we weren't doing anything in Necrovion, that was GG forces, and I have proof for that, just to keep things clear.

I didnt mention you were the only land to do this, im sure every land did something similar. But you were the land to win, and also the one to make a post on this forum like this.

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 January 2010 - 10:40 AM' timestamp='1263120045' post='52395']
I didn't wanted to taunt all of the others for losing the torches, far from it, I wanted to express my feelings cause Loreroot showed unity after a long time, evolving all those silly little issues among ourselves.

It is great that unity is now achieved, but unity abusing something? is that better?
And if you look at the previous posts, it certainly seems that they are not happy for unity.

I merely picked on you and you land because you had the pomposity to post something like this. No offence to any of you, but i thought better of you.

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with my first line, I was reffering to the opposing side, that they should defend the land from that sort of activity.

I didn't understood this as you picking on me :D I understand what you're saying, and yes you're right, it's not fair it's cheating, but we aren't the only one, like you said, every land is doing it (or at least something like that), and it seems fair doesn't win in this game.

this topic was meant for Lorerootians (thats why it is in Lorerootian section), to make them understand (if they don't know already) what they manage to do, and if we keep like this (generally, I don't mean the cheating part :D) we can prosper.

I apologize I made all this, when the torch like a competition started, I thought as much as you that this behavior is cheating and didn't want to do it (you can ask certain people to prove), but in time I figured that behavior is part of the game, cause if it isn't Mur would try to restrict it somehow (this was so obvious from the start, so don't say its bug abusing)

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The only reason you did get that many points was through cheating, and you said yourself you don't agree with the cheating, so basically, you're contradicting yourself, by congratulating everyone for cheating.

It's all good that you're working together and everything, but please do it in a way that doesn't ruin the point of torch contest(land vs. land, not "let's go grab another land's torch")

No offense intended to any Lorerootians.

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[quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 January 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1263123356' post='52401']
The only reason you did get that many points was through cheating, and you said yourself you don't agree with the cheating, so basically, you're contradicting yourself, by congratulating everyone for cheating.

I wasn't contradicting myself, and I don't agree with cheating, but is that activity cheating it's discussable, depending of how you look at it, and the goals of the Torch

[quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 January 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1263123356' post='52401']
It's all good that you're working together and everything, but please do it in a way that doesn't ruin the point of torch contest(land vs. land, not "let's go grab another land's torch")

again, depending on how you look at the goals of the Torch, anyways, you cannot just stop Loreroot from doing it, cause we're not the only "cheaters" here, we're just the most numerous land, let's say Loreroot stops doing it, then you will have a other "cheater" winner only with a lower score. (cause of fewer people)

[quote name='Pipstickz' date='10 January 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1263123356' post='52401']
No offense intended to any Lorerootians.

no offense taken here, and I apologize again for making this into a mess

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I would classify point farming as disappointing, but not cheating. This is why I proposed a defence tactic against it in the New Ideas thread.

I think what this whole situation shows is that WE as players have to make more of the torch competition. If more people played, certain lands would not have to resort to point farming.

So I say this... stop complaining about others getting points and start preparing yourself for the next torch competition so we can see how it should be played... I offer this challenge to everyone, including myself.

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Thank you Ailith. I have noticed something about the Torch Competition, its incredibly stale due to the lack of participation, not to mention.. What do the weaker players of the lands get to do during it? Sit by and stare while everyone else goes out and attempts to gain points?

Maybe it should be more involved so players who are not quite so good at fighting aren't left out.

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[quote]Maybe it should be more involved so players who are not quite so good at fighting aren't left out. [/quote]

Agreed.. so for example.. think tactically. How about those in your team who are unsure about fighting being posted as lookouts for the enemy? They could be very useful indeed for the defence of your capital.

Others can be used as researchers to go and spy what the other lands are doing at other capitals.

There is always something someone can do, just think about it as teamwork instead of brute strength.

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Intelligence is absolutely critical to a successful campaign. If I have any complaint about the Loreroot forces' efforts, it is only that we were not positively deluging each other with intelligence - status reports, disposition of enemy forces, etc. No: not all need fight, and strategically speaking, many [u]should[/u] not. But the less glamorous task of lookouts and other auxiliaries should not be undervalued at all!

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