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  • Root Admin

Darkness refers to a restriction of perception but also to an unmeasured source of possibilities. Darkness cancels the forms and opens other senses less used.

Darkness must not be mistaken with the void or with the evil forces, darkness is taken into account here only at a principle level. A clear difference has to be made between the darkness obtained through the lack of light and the darkness as a principle. The darkness as a principle may be used for hiding information of any kind, varying from effects like invisibility to imposed oblivion or the controlled limitation of the senses. Through its feature of canceling forms, darkness may be used for changing existing forms or for creating new ones, or even in more advanced control forms, in order to create unreal information such as illusions, false sensations, misinformation, etc. Some formless entities may use darkness for appearing.

The principle of darkness can be used no matter the light, the period of the day, etc. Darkness represents an extreme in some forms, being a source of freedom but also a source of restriction. The special features but also the effects of darkness require a distinct degree of self-control; otherwise darkness can be highly risky. Other principles can use darkness – imagination, for instance, which might take advantage of those canceling or creating forms features of darkness in order to connect with reality. Invocations may also take advantage of this feature.

Darkness is a temporary state, extremely unstable, but which tends to become stable and amplify its features in combinations with other principles such as time and not only.

  • 5 months later...

hmm... I didnt quite get it what this principal is used for... Is it a principal that thief-like charecters will use (invisebility, stealth, replacing documents and etc??)

aww, and btw can I use offence magic with darkness?? like curses, hexes and impact spells??

please tell me about this principal, im confused!!

thanks :D

  • Root Admin
hmm... I didnt quite get it what this principal is used for... Is it a principal that thief-like charecters will use (invisebility, stealth, replacing documents and etc??)

aww, and btw can I use offence magic with darkness?? like curses, hexes and impact spells??

please tell me about this principal, im confused!!

thanks :)

darknes is for what you first described, but not for offensive. For oofensive maybe entropy


just wonderign what would be the best principle to mix with darkness. i have 45000 darkness and i am going to repeat the story and get a different one. anyone have any sugestions? i would apprectiate it.


hm... well I re-read the principle discription and got from it that probably mixing it with time principle and imagenation will be one of the greatest combinations for illusion stuff and things alike...

  • 2 weeks later...

If we will really be able to combine the priciples fully I'd have gone for Cyclicity, Darkness and Time just on a pure logic basis, I have a feeling that any principle with a direct opposite will benefit from either cyclicity or balance and I just picked my favourite of the two :D

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

for example, one spell such as invizibility, will be goverened by darkness principle, its duration given by time principle, and its power by imagination


to quote: There was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time was called the Dark Ages.

and because it's funny: In the beginning there was nothing. And God said, 'let there be light,' and there was still nothing; but everybody could see it.



Hmm... Transposition, imagination, and darkness seem like they would give immense power. Imagination and darkness seem like they could produce false identities of remarkable complexity, and when transposition is added, with additional darkness, wouldn't you be able to manipulate non-existent identities into reality? True conjuration for the win.

  • Root Admin

the real posible use of the principles is far beyond what i will be able to implement in the game, but yes, combinign them like this will make ou 'powerfull' ....

but ..if you will think of it better , ANY of the principles will give you enourmous power in ANY combination, because this is what they are ..PRINCIPLES ... general rules this world follows ... combine all of them and you are a god ....

thats why in the game there is a MINDPOWER indicator , it indicated how many principles you master.

to quote: There was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time was called the Dark Ages.

and because it's funny: In the beginning there was nothing. And God said, 'let there be light,' and there was still nothing; but everybody could see it.


You're kidding, right? There has never been a time when ALL people believed in God. Even the bible says that in the first book: Genesis. Cain and Abel were the sons of Adam and Eve and when Cain slew Abel he was banished to the land of Nod where there were whole cities of people who didn't believe in God. Regardless, I think the point here is that the darkness principle is based on obfuscation, illusion, and hallucination. It sounds like a good thing to me.

Most pagan religions revere black (aka darkness) as a strong color symbol of protection and positive energy. It's because of that belief that darkness or black is often attached a negative connotation because of the propaganda machine of religions seeking to persecute the "heathens."

I think that darkness combined with imagination and elemental principles would make a good combination too. I mean, creating defenses using the raw elements of existence bolstered by the power of imagination makes for a pretty wicked idea in my head.

  • Root Admin

you could do sort of an intelligent defence like that, as oposed to the brute force defence that for example the earth from the element principles gives. A defence made with illusions and invisibility could be used very well as a way to get close to an enemy and atack him..sort of an asassin. sry i am tired my english gets confusing while i am like this, i hope you understand what i am trying to say.

  • 3 months later...

wow ,

i chose Time Principle

Principle of Imagination

Darkness Principle

I see that others probably have the same drift like I did.

I didn't see darkness as "evil", although in principle darkness is not good nor bad.

it's about obfuscation, stealth, changing... it is in absence of light. light doesn't necessarily mean good either.

i am glad i'm not the only one with this combo...but with the many different permeations of outcomes these principle together will have different outcomes with each player.

  • 2 weeks later...
hm... well I re-read the principle discription and got from it that probably mixing it with time principle and imagenation will be one of the greatest combinations for illusion stuff and things alike...

omg! i chose the same combination, i haven't even read this yet.

this game is creepy...

are you guys psychic or something?


I picked Imagination, Darkness, Transposition, Time and Element.

I don't find it very surprising that others did similarly because the principles were implied by the description to work with others well, except maybe Element. I just picked Element because I liked the idea; it kind of sounds like Transposition.


What would defense form Pure Dark light imagination, or dark light balance? How many can you use together? Dark imagination balance maybe.

  • 2 months later...

This is from the Lord of the Rings series:

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,

Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.

It lies behind stars and under hills,

and empty holes it fills.

It comes first and follows after,

ends life, kills laughter.

Answer: darkness.

So, "comes first and follows after"... darkness + time nullifies cyclicity.

Edit: darkness + time + transposition nullifies opponent's cyclicity.

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