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Item/slave Auction


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May first of last year MD had its first item and slave auction which ended up being a huge success. I would like to hold another one this year as well. You must submit YOUR SELF as a voulenteer for the slave trade to be auctioned off and you must voulenteer YOUR OWN items that you own. more details will be givin out tothe voulenteers upon submitting themselves for this. Also for those that were not around last year there will also be awards givin out.

If you are interested in voulenteering for this auction on May first please PM me through the forums or in game with details on what you are willing to submit wether if be yourself for the slave auction or your items for the item auction

Edited by gremlin
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I am not doing this to boost income for myself or the market but to distribute the money and creatures collected to those that voulenteer. I find that those that are willing to help out with something like this should get a reward and plus its something fun to do I think.

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[quote name='Grido' date='07 February 2010 - 06:07 PM' timestamp='1265591248' post='54036']
last year they got a cut of the money Jester, same principle applies

Last year it was like 10% of what the bid was for them, if I remember correctly. That is entirely different then 100%. I think it could be a good idea, but I also think more information is needed.

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There are more people involved than just those that volunteer. The information should be provided to the community at large, not just those who volunteer. If I may recommend something: peruse the topics about the previous auction so you can see where problems arose, and make efforts to avoid them, if you can.

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[quote name='pamplemousse' date='07 February 2010 - 09:47 PM' timestamp='1265608051' post='54052']
There are more people involved than just those that volunteer. The information should be provided to the community at large, not just those who volunteer. If I may recommend something: peruse the topics about the previous auction so you can see where problems arose, and make efforts to avoid them, if you can.

Yes, it is my recollection that the first market-based event pioneered by Kriskah was largely subverted and ended up lining the pockets of certain players. It was, however, a novel idea and quite entertaining.

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  • Root Admin

As said before, if you take a cut of the profit, then people will complain about what you will do with it, previously, it was not accounced that any of the crits used for payment were going directly to him, and however good intentioned it was, Everyone didnt like the profiteering of the event.

You are going to have to work out either selling other peoples creatures so you dont get ANY money or a definate plan of what they will be spent on.

I like the idea that several people put forward their quests to be sponsored by the auction, and then all the money will go into the prizes (hopefully) of that quest. It will mean there is no profit from you doing the auction.

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Actually, I don't mind if organizers make a profit for themselves, as long as the amount and methods are made clear beforehand.
I think the problem with the last one is that some people feel 'cheated' because they did not know before that some of the profits will be taken as profit for the organizers. A bit of advice, it will help much if you make all info clear to the public instead of just the volunteers, it will make it much less likely that there'll be a fuss.

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[quote name='Udgard' date='08 February 2010 - 12:06 AM' timestamp='1265612768' post='54060']
Actually, I don't mind if organizers make a profit for themselves, as long as the amount and methods are made clear beforehand.
I think the problem with the last one is that some people feel 'cheated' because they did not know before that some of the profits will be taken as profit for the organizers. A bit of advice, it will help much if you make all info clear to the public instead of just the volunteers, it will make it much less likely that there'll be a fuss.

Kragel said beforehand he would take some of the profits, which I assumed would be a reasonable amount. Instead he ended up taking 50% for himself, which was completely unreasonable in every way.

Like I said, more information is needed.

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ok here are my plans jsut to clear everything up for everyone. during the bidding I will accept creatures and coins which in turn will be used to give out as rewards for those that manage to obtain an award, 25% of the coin income will be givin to the people volunteering, 25% will be givin to those that help organize the event, I [u][b]MAY[/b] [/u]keep 25% for myself and the other 25% will be givin out as rewards as well same principal with the items. Now as far as creatures goes as far as awards are concerned I am using those for the same ordeal as with the coins I am currently working out a [u][b]FAIR[/b][/u] price range for all the creatures that are available thus far and I [u][b]MAY[/b][/u] keep [u][b]CERTAIN[/b][/u] creatures for my collective purposes and not for making profits off of. Dont get me wrong it would be nice to make a profit for myself but I feel that MOST if not ALL the profits should go to those who abtain the awards and help make this event possable.

Edited by gremlin
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The slave auction was trully a fun event, but as I recall it generated a lot of disconfort related to profits.
I agree that if it becomes into some sort of contest with prices it migh be more interesting... I would gladly offer some cratures as rewards if this event takes place.


Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
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[quote name='gremlin' date='08 February 2010 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1265654136' post='54093']
ok here are my plans jsut to clear everything up for everyone. during the bidding I will accept creatures and coins which in turn will be used to give out as rewards for those that manage to obtain an award, 25% of the coin income will be givin to the people volunteering, 25% will be givin to those that help organize the event, I [u][b]MAY[/b] [/u]keep 25% for myself and the other 25% will be givin out as rewards as well same principal with the items. Now as far as creatures goes as far as awards are concerned I am using those for the same ordeal as with the coins I am currently working out a [u][b]FAIR[/b][/u] price range for all the creatures that are available thus far and I [u][b]MAY[/b][/u] keep [u][b]CERTAIN[/b][/u] creatures for my collective purposes and not for making profits off of. Dont get me wrong it would be nice to make a profit for myself but I feel that MOST if not ALL the profits should go to those who abtain the awards and help make this event possable.
You have not cleared up anything, though you seem to believe you have.

You state that you "may" keep some of the coin profits and that you "may" keep some of the creatures or items for your "collective purposes." What will determine what creatures you will keep? If one offers up Rustgold Drachhorns or the new Reindrach as part of their bids, will you keep those if you do not have one of your own?
Also, you state that you will decided a "price range for all the creatures." Does that mean that any given creature could be worth multiple values? That is more confusing than a set price. Determining a value for a set characteristic would make far more sense such as one price for the creature, a multiplier for twice its "maximum age," and then values for individual tokens that may be applied to them. Saying that a knator is worth between two and five silver does not make sense at all.

You also state that "MOST if not ALL the profits should go to those who abtain the awards and help make this event possable." However, you are only willing to disperse 25% to those who offer themselves and another 25% to those who help organize such an event. That is not most, but half, and you have not indicated who it is that is helping with this event nor whether you would be including yourself amongst these organizers. And this only pertains to the coins you acquire, though I believe that you state items might be dispersed as well, though it is not quite clear. What about the creatures? You make no mention of them.

Also, you have stated that you may keep 25% of the coins--and an indeterminate number of creatures--while holding the remaining 25% to give out for other reasons which are not clear from your post.

If you wish for more people to support you in this endeavor, you need to be [i]much[/i] more clear about who is involved, what they will earn--including yourself--and in what fashion creatures and items will be held or dispensed.

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I am holding a creature/item/slave auction as well as a few mini quests if someone offers up creatures like a rein or rusty I will auction it off because I find it unfair and unjust for me to keep something like that for myself and besides I already have them except the rusty. I dont need many creatures to compleat my collection and I will keep A few (meaning no more than 4) creatures at the most the rest will be auctioned off or sold. now as far as money goes 25% to those that makes the events possable, 25% to the slaves, 25% to those that offer items for auctioning and 25% for rewards for awards being givin out and quests. I am Keeping NONE of the profits at all except 3 creatures at the most which are as follows a santa, nutcracker, and MAYBE n angien if its offered but thats all I am asking for. I am still not sure if I am even gonna keep these creatures mentioned for myself cause like I said I am not doing this to make a profit I am doing this to bring some fun and excitment into MD again cause those features of MD seem to be withering slowly.

Edited by gremlin
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[quote name='gremlin' date='08 February 2010 - 02:16 PM' timestamp='1265656619' post='54100']
I am holding a creature/item/slave auction as well as a few mini quests if someone offers up creatures like a rein or rusty I will auction it off because I find it unfair and unjust for me to keep something like that for myself and besides I already have them except the rusty. I dont need many creatures to compleat my collection and I will keep A few (meaning no more than 4) creatures at the most the rest will be auctioned off or sold. now as far as money goes 25% to those that makes the events possable, 25% to the slaves, 25% to those that offer items for auctioning and 25% for rewards for awards being givin out and quests. I am Keeping NONE of the profits at all except 3 creatures at the most which are as follows a santa, nutcracker, and MAYBE n angien if its offered but thats all I am asking for. I am still not sure if I am even gonna keep these creatures mentioned for myself cause like I said I am not doing this to make a profit I am doing this to bring some fun and excitment into MD again cause those features of MD seem to be withering slowly.
While this might all be clear in your mind, you are not conveying it in a manner that is sensible to another.

From your post, it is not clear what is happening. Will there be three coexisting events? Will you auction off slaves, items, and then creatures only to often them up for another auction or sell them off if they are used as payment?
You need to state which is occurring when and in what order. If someone pays for a slave with a combination of creatures and/or items, will you then place those payments into a separate auction another day? the same? You are still not being clear. And if you do earn coin--or, perish the thought, more items or creatures--from continued auctions, do these profits go to you? the original owners of the creatures or items? those who organized this event? the slaves? some unnamed community chest?

As presented, your event is still confusing to anyone who is not you. There are questions you have not answered because you either do not wish to address them or, worse yet, you have failed to anticipate them.

Should this event end poorly, i.e., it is perceived that you profited when you said you had no desire to, this will be the last such event MagicDuel will hold of this nature.

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  • Root Admin

[quote name='gremlin' date='08 February 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1265654136' post='54093']
ok here are my plans jsut to clear everything up for everyone. during the bidding I will accept creatures and coins which in turn will be used to give out as rewards for those that manage to obtain an award, 25% of the coin income will be givin to the people volunteering, 25% will be givin to those that help organize the event, I [u][b]MAY[/b] [/u]keep 25% for myself and the other 25% will be givin out as rewards as well same principal with the items. Now as far as creatures goes as far as awards are concerned I am using those for the same ordeal as with the coins I am currently working out a [u][b]FAIR[/b][/u] price range for all the creatures that are available thus far and I [u][b]MAY[/b][/u] keep [u][b]CERTAIN[/b][/u] creatures for my collective purposes and not for making profits off of. Dont get me wrong it would be nice to make a profit for myself but I feel that MOST if not ALL the profits should go to those who abtain the awards and help make this event possable.

As watcher has said you have cleared NOTHING up. I really like you Gremlin, [b]But to me this is just another scam[/b].

This is not for the community, This is for you.

If you want to run it for the community. Ask people to tell you what they want to sell, you sell their item/creature, and then charge them one silver per gold they get. That seems much fairer than keeping 25%! You sell the crit then they can trade themselves between the person who won, That means there is no age loss.

Prettymuch people arnt donating for the auction, [b]They are donating into your and others pockets.[/b]

Do it this way if you want, dont worry, you will recieve the same outrage when people relise that you are keeping all the crits and money you want.

Prove to us you arnt doing this for money, dont take any or a fraction of the cost, because currently, i[b]ts one of the biggest scams that the community is just letting happen.[/b]

Edited by Chewett
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ok heres whats goin on. The auctions are going to be during a 4 day period to a week. day 1 will be the item and slave auction, IF creatures are used as bids or I get creature donations then day two will be the creature auction and day three to a week period will be the mini quests and contests. I am making NO PROFIT at all. Profits go to those that help me organize this, quest winners and the ORIGINAL owners of the creatures/items and the slaves that volunteer. I am willing to answer any questions which is one of the many reasons I posted this MONTHS in advance. I hope this post clears some things up a bit

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Ah, finally a good outline!
I'd like it better if all profits went into quests, but that's just me...
Anyways, I think it would massively overflow the quest-market to do all those coin-quests in a week, since there'll probably be 300 or more coins involved in the end, so you might want to get those quests running within two months or such, not all at once

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