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Calling Out Shape Shifter


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Ok I have bit my tongue long enough. At first it was just stupid watching him acquire all of these raw mats. Now it has come to where he is hording usable items (can of beer, popcorn). What just so he can be top on the item owners list? I find it insulting that (most likely someones alt) is hording such things. I have rarely, and I'm sure many have never, seen him online or even playing the game.

*edited after views have been added* OK sure he aquired them fair and square. Is that any less of a reason to horde new usable items? I don't see how that has much of a bearing on being a "merchant type" though usually merchants are an active and helpful part of the community. I see a little clearer into this situation, but doesn't make it much better. In fact, if anything, it only makes the point worse.

As far as his taking the items away. Perhaps people would be a little less likely to horde all the items that could be used to benefit people if they were punished for hording items. I just the other day gave a raw mat to a good friend because those who do have 7+ planks are unwilling to trade them for anything less then a "unique item"

Edited by phantasm
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[quote name='phantasm' date='21 February 2010 - 02:28 PM' timestamp='1266762509' post='54895']
Ok I have bit my tongue long enough. At first it was just stupid watching him acquire all of these raw mats. Now it has come to where he is hording usable items (can of beer, popcorn). What just so he can be top on the item owners list? I find it insulting that (most likely someones alt) is hording such things. I have rarely, and I'm sure many have never, seen him online or even playing the game. I give this thread to give him a chance to state his case. With the fact that I highly doubt he has a case, I ask that all his items be removed and dispersed out among the public, in the chance that people might actually get use out of the items he has horded onto for months, and now the more recent development of hording experimental usable items.

I'm sorry to contradict you, phan.. but I couldn't say nothing on this one.

Shapeshifter aquired those items fair and square. Why on earth should he state his case for obtaining items that he paid for out of his own pocket? If he is an alt, as long as he is not benefitting his main there is no problem.

I think that rather than 'watching him aquire all those raw mats' you should have tried to obtain some yourself if you were so concerned.

He appears to be in the role of merchant as far as I can see, so good luck to him.

To reiterate: we have no right to 'ask that all his items be removed and dispersed' as he aquired them fair and square using his own funds.

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If you don't like it stop selling him stuff, or buy it before him its simple. And on that note if you want to start taking things away that people paid money for which he did he gave credits for items, then lets remove all avatars from alts that are barely active... He has no need to state a case and trying to get him to is stupid. This calling out is like questioning someones role to which they took what little they had an made something of it. If you are trying to get items off him get in contact with him, and if you can't that your problem not his and not all of MD. They are his items to hoard if he wishes, he acquired them fair and square, not like he was just given them and hoarded them, and also on that note he's doing just as much with items as just everyone else has with items, items aren't necessary they are just there to add flavor.

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Actually, Shadow and me had the luck of having a conversation with him just last night, he doesn't play a merchant, or anything, he holds the items because 'they are unique, and i like having unique things' (semi-quote)
Also, his only incentive to trade is to have uniquer things, and yesterday he offered to trade Popcorn, Cigar and Wet Beer Coaster one on one for any unique item he would like better.

It's a shame that money buys so many people, but it's entirely your own fault if you let it happen that people get the things you want.
Whether or not he likes MD, or even understands MD, doesn't change anything about the fact that he _could_ buy all the items he wanted, and since he doesn't play, what is his incentive to give items away for less than he needed to buy them?

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[quote name='Burns' date='21 February 2010 - 10:04 AM' timestamp='1266764689' post='54900']
Actually, Shadow and me had the luck of having a conversation with him just last night, he doesn't play a merchant, or anything, he holds the items because 'they are unique, and i like having unique things' (semi-quote)
Also, his only incentive to trade is to have uniquer things, and yesterday he offered to trade Popcorn, Cigar and Wet Beer Coaster one on one for any unique item he would like better.

It's a shame that money buys so many people, but it's entirely your own fault if you let it happen that people get the things you want.
Whether or not he likes MD, or even understands MD, doesn't change anything about the fact that he _could_ buy all the items he wanted, and since he doesn't play, what is his incentive to give items away for less than he needed to buy them?

Point proven. That quote is of a horder not a merchant. I agree that he doesn't have to sell them for any less then what he buys them for, all "merchants" should make a profit for their time. The unwillingness to sell for anything less then other items is the issue. Especially considering usable items that were ment to be used and then placed back for others to enjoy. Instead they only become another part of a horder's inventory, and brings no enjoyment to the main population of MD.

*edit* keep in mind this is raw materials, and usable materials only. ACTUAL unique items is not a part of the worry/conversation.

Edited by phantasm
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Err..what is the problem if someone buys items to collect them? His role is a collector then...

You guyz simply run out of rant topics? O.o
I should call out the common sence of you..this is a game. If he wats to buy items and he buys them he can do so..WHO are you to decide or to question what he does with his money and items payed in MD? Does he has something you want really really bad? then scratch your face in silent and try to buy it, but stop the random rant and go have a calming tea ...

I suppose very soon you guyz will make a topic spaming the forum with RANT about avatars from alts and rare creatures .

PS: this is not a rant or a post that needs a reply, it is simply what i think about you all the ranetrs out there.
I am sure nothing will change regarding Shape Shifter as he is not doing something against any rule so have fun continuing to rant at things that you desire or not

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Nevertheless, we cannot take away something he paid for..

That is like saying: Hey guys, MRD paid several hundreds of $, now lets take his drachorns caus we wants rusts! And so on.

Of course it limits other people greatly, because prices are going up of the hoarders and so on..but what do you want to do other than either paying their prices, getting it faster than them or persuading them?

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It doesnt matter what his role is, merchant ot collector (seems definetly more a collector from what I read tho).

You can not demand of him to stop doing that, since as it is said in here he does it over fair trade.

It all comes down to those who he buys from. They are the ones that should be adressed since basicaly they are the ones who sell mats/items to him.

So first question you should ask yourself is: Why people sell him things? When you find your answer, use the "knowledge" of it for yourself and try the same when you need/want specific thing. The other option is convincing others to not sell things to him, but that one might actualy be harder.

[i]As on side note, I do not endorse what he/she is doing but at same time, I think, he/she is free to do it as long as its done over fair trade.[/i]

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  • Root Admin

as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then??

I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that.

Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego.

What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much.

ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do.

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I don't think his items should be taken, I just think there should be a limit to how many a character can have.

And yeah he could put them on alts, but that might defeat the whole purpose of owning them. Whats the point of having a unique item if you do not actually have it?

Edited by Jester
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[quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='22 February 2010 - 05:24 PM' timestamp='1266877444' post='54974']
as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then??

I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that.

Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego.

What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much.

ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do.

Well isn't that something. Of course I don't and would never sell to a horder. I think that those that do are only helping degrade the problem. For you yourself to say that its OK TO HORDE RAW MATERIALS THAT SHOULD BE USED TO CREATE ITEMS, well I guess there really isn't any more that can be said. The same goes for the experimental items that were supposed to be tested and then put back so that others could try. I assumed that those were to be shared and enjoyed by all, not horded under a "collector". For Mur himself to say that this is ok, there is not point in this topic to continue.

*edit* i agree with the avitar thing also. There are many wonderful avitar artworks that are never seen due to inactivity of players gone by or hording of them on alts.

Edited by phantasm
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Some of us support the fact that Shape Shifter received most(if not all) of his items by paying for them in various ways. I am slightly irritated about this, yet I do not complain about it because that man got them fair and square in my opinion.

Since apparently there is no way to take items from him, I suggest to you all that complain to be faster when it comes to an item you wish for before someone else get it. It is that simple. If you really want an item that bad, then go get it and pay whatever the price is. Of course, even for the most common items the prices are way to high, but we are to blame for this because he give them the value they are sold for.

Question though. Shape Shifter does have most of the items that are needed by various players. Common items or even some rare. What if he starts collecting Mur's testing items as well? Will this topic become even bigger if that happens? Some of the items were able to be returned to certain owners that do not hoard items and are willing enough to share those so that others may experience them. I am Bored is not included for this. And others that currently are on the top 10 of the item's list.

Someone (that I am currently to sleepy to find who it was to quote him) suggested that there should be a limit to the items a player may hold. I like this idea although I believe that certain people will complain about this as well because everybody wants their items for 'roleplaying' purposes or whatever.


P.S. Now that I fulfilled one of my daily tasks which is ranting, like many of us do daily, I can go back to sleep.

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  • Root Admin

My testing items are for testing. I was hoping the get from one player to an other several times a day, not that they will be hoarded by one player in this way.

I will be taking them away soon. I also believe its a good point to mention that using them for trading is similar to fraud.

Seeing how the TEST ITEMS were used, makes me think of much severe ways for a future place of this kind. They will probably get a time limit for use and id restriction so you wont be able to overuse them.

Phantasm, try to imagine yourself in the the other person position before you judge.

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In response to hoarding and inability to get items, as a general topic:

For the last 3-4 days (I think, haven't really been keeping track), I've been trying to hunt down and collect as many items as I can, to prove a simple point. I collected a White Ash plank, a White Pine plank, a Willow log, an Onyx Shard x2*, an Accursed Branch, and a Box of Forks (not a raw, but could be traded for one easily). That's seven items. I spent three gold and twenty-six silver. Assuming 1 gold is 15 silver, that's 71 silver, or about 10 silver per item.

One person I traded with is Leixer, who, according to his PL, hoards items to stay on the list. He gave me two raw items for a dream joker that I bought for 1 gold. Quite a good deal, if you ask me.

It's not as hard as you make it seem, to get raw items.

*Gave one Onyx Shard to Firs...or at least, I think it was an Onyx Shard, don't really remember >>

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[quote name='Pipstickz' date='01 March 2010 - 08:20 PM' timestamp='1267496407' post='55597']

It's not as hard as you make it seem, to get raw items.

Hmmm... I don´t have too much time to play these days, but I been trying to get common and raw items for a week, I have offered cool creatures too, but still no luck.

Anyways as a merchant I have a completly different aproach into items collecting, I just dont see the fun in merely carrying things arround...

Edited by Kriskah Arcanu
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