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Yoshi's Memories


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Thank you for your willingness towards helping him. As far as my friends know, his copied memories are gone from existence. In reality however, they are now in this slip of paper. http://storenow.net/my/?f=1891

I tried getting them out but I cannot... I reread the book I found, and it stated something about looking within the picture, and then changing something into something else to successfully extract the memories... I would like you all to try and access his memories. Discuss within your group members about how to do it. If/when you are able to access them, let the rest of your group members know how, so they also have access. You MUST work together as best as possible. You should get to know your group members, you don't have to be best friends with them, but I'll tell you now, arguing does not get anyone anywhere. Good luck.

[font="Lucida Console"]

Pipstickz----------------------------Xiizu Hatsuichi----------------------------Illeazar



Shadowseeker-------------------------Kafuuka------------------------------------Fyrd Argentus



Handy Pockets------------------------Asterdai-----------------------------------Devie

Mya Celestia-------------------------Mighty Pirate------------------------------The Warrior

CrazyMike----------------------------Sasha Lilias-------------------------------Lord Beta Wolfeyes

dst----------------------------------Nimrodel-----------------------------------bfh lighthing

Phantom Orchid-----------------------ladytwin-----------------------------------Yuhea Yuan



Cutler-------------------------------Mr Mystery---------------------------------Darigan


*Clock Master*-----------------------Ivorak-------------------------------------cascades


Awiiya-------------------------------Totenkopf----------------------------------Meru Chi

Udgard-------------------------------Princ Rhaegar------------------------------Samon

Ashitaria----------------------------argos--------------------------------------Feral Fenrir

PS. Create a forum message group for really easy communicating, don't use the chat within MD to talk about what you have found. Private messaging your group is allowed, but again, forum messaging is easier. I shouldn't have to say this but I will, DON'T CHEAT. If anyone asks for the answer/s to anything quest related, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Edited by Yoshi
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[quote name='darlec77' date='09 May 2010 - 01:03 PM' timestamp='1273424603' post='59587']
Are these three different groups or are there 17 groups or are we all one group of 51 members?

[quote name='Yoshi' date='02 May 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1272846270' post='59182']
...I will then sort everyone into groups of 3 and then give you further instruction...

17 groups of 3.

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[quote name='Darigan' date='09 May 2010 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1273425607' post='59592']
Just so I'm clear that is a picture of three books blown up right?

[color="#4169E1"]*shrugs*[/color] Ask your group members.

Edited by Yoshi
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[quote name='awiiya' date='09 May 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1273431385' post='59603']
Ah, I don't see my name is there.

I remember telling you that I would like to participate in game, but it's okay. I can sit this one out.


ooh i thought i posted here but looks like i didn't :))
can i be in a group with awi and any other late joiner? :D

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[quote name='awiiya' date='09 May 2010 - 02:56 PM' timestamp='1273431385' post='59603']
Ah, I don't see my name is there.
I remember telling you that I would like to participate in game, but it's okay. I can sit this one out.

[quote name='Totenkopf' date='09 May 2010 - 07:28 PM' timestamp='1273447718' post='59609']
ooh i thought i posted here but looks like i didn't :))
can i be in a group with awi and any other late joiner? :D

OK, new group, Awiiya Totenkopf and Meru Chi. Good luck.

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Btw, I know I'm late, but I've been pondering whether to apply or not because I don't really have too much time online anymore. Still, I think I might try something with this, can I apply in a non-group, so I won't burden any team member should I suddenly be unavailable?

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Well, if there are any others willing to join you that are not participating currently then sure, I can make another group. Otherwise, you can still do it on your own but with no chance at a reward.

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[quote name='Yoshi' date='10 May 2010 - 08:32 PM' timestamp='1273498344' post='59651']
Well, if there are any others willing to join you that are not participating currently then sure, I can make another group. Otherwise, you can still do it on your own but with no chance at a reward.
Aww, gotta have a group for a reward? xD
Well then, anyone willing to join me? >.< I got up to part 5 so at least I did something in case I can't do anything else after that O_o

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[quote name='Aishan' date='12 May 2010 - 08:37 PM' timestamp='1273711023' post='59730']
I would like to have a go at this.

If you can get two others not participating currently, then you may.

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[quote name='Yoshi' date='13 May 2010 - 03:57 AM' timestamp='1273715849' post='59731']
If you can get two others not participating currently, then you may.

then I'm in, but one question, what are we to do (i know we have to figure it out) but i'm just asking whether we are told where the magician is if we are can you plz repeat it (or if theres a hint for it in what you wrote just forget it)

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[quote name='argos' date='13 May 2010 - 09:05 AM' timestamp='1273755920' post='59756']
then I'm in, but one question, what are we to do (i know we have to figure it out) but i'm just asking whether we are told where the magician is if we are can you plz repeat it (or if theres a hint for it in what you wrote just forget it)

...He was in the archives, where there's little sounds except for the flipping of pages...

Once you know how to access them, you'll need to just contact Nico only for hints if needed.

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