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Mundane Item Inventory Project

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I am imagining creating functions that store "MundaneItemKey"."XXX" where XXX is basically anything we want. This could even be created off input by the players -- walk up the Willow's Shop, tell the clerk you want a "widget" and you get the key for that (probably need to review requests to stock new items in the store -- that's better). A person's role-playing would be defined/focussed by their choices. Coders could require certain mundane items to complete quests.... "rope", "bucket" etc.

Lot of book-keeping of course. Magic Mirror to show you what you have, and storage functions of all keys that have been defined. Some sort of total encumberance limit (like MP level squared). All this so it is counted and retreivable.

BUT - I read about cleaning up storage, and the worries about server capacity and such. This could become a storage hog.

I'm looking for discussion - would such a project be a good thing, or not?

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I imagine that what you are suggesting is a framework of sorts.
I find MDS to be extremely flexible as it is, having a framework would limit the flexibility but might be useful to novice coders or those limited in time.

However, MDS is a restricted form of PHP, it might be challenging to make it without classes, are you suggesting to make a list of functions that do what you need?
For example:
@vi = item_create('Magical Papaya', 'Food', 'eat,throw');//newItem(name, type, actions)
@vr = item_action('eat');
echo 'You eat the magical papaya and gain 5 energy and clairvoyance!';
This might be too limiting though, perhaps something along the lines of the following would be more suitable
@vi = array('name'=> 'Magical Papaya', 'type'=> 'food', 'actions'=>'eat,throw'));
But at this point, the coder would have to implement all of the actions/restrictions, it helps with opening/writing storage, logging what was done so it can be removed from storage later etc.

Is this the kind of thing you had in mind?

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Are you suggesting a simpler way for people to get items related to their roles? Personally, I wouldn't mind that as I don't ever seem to be on while a Crafter is on. Also it sometimes seems quite steep to pay a wishpoint to get a bucket or something like that. But the way you have described it as using mdscript seems like it wouldn't be terribly useful for people's roles as they would need to go to a scripted location to "see" their items and others wouldn't be able to see them so I don't think it would add to their role.

On a side note, I wouldn't mind it if you could get basic items in a simpler way. Pay a silver (or gold) and get a basic item. Want it customized? Then you take it to a Crafter with your wishpoint.

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[quote name='Laphers' date='28 July 2010 - 02:14 PM' timestamp='1280301251' post='64700']
Are you suggesting a simpler way for people to get items related to their roles? Personally, I wouldn't mind that as I don't ever seem to be on while a Crafter is on. Also it sometimes seems quite steep to pay a wishpoint to get a bucket or something like that. But the way you have described it as using mdscript seems like it wouldn't be terribly useful for people's roles as they would need to go to a scripted location to "see" their items and others wouldn't be able to see them so I don't think it would add to their role.

On a side note, I wouldn't mind it if you could get basic items in a simpler way. Pay a silver (or gold) and get a basic item. Want it customized? Then you take it to a Crafter with your wishpoint.
PS: you can always reach me via forum PM.

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[quote name='Laphers' date='28 July 2010 - 09:14 AM' timestamp='1280301251' post='64700']
But the way you have described it as using mdscript seems like it wouldn't be terribly useful for people's roles as they would need to go to a scripted location to "see" their items and others wouldn't be able to see them so I don't think it would add to their role.[/quote]
Agreed. The item-keys would be as virtual as a description of your possessions in your papers. Perhaps even more so. Items are valuable since they are official and relatively rare. Item-keys as described would have neither of those properties; anybody with script access could create infinite (max int) amounts of them.

From a technical point of view, I don't think there is a method to scan for existing keys, except doing it key by key. ie there is no function which returns an array of keys held by the player, which we can access directly, through reg exp or partial matches. Such a function would be a severe threat to the security of most clicky based quests.
You can store arrays in a storage, but unless I'm mistaken, storages are not shared across scripters, which would imply a single person has to maintain the entire inventory project. I don't think it is impossible to create it by one person, but my belief in the project would be low if the project could fall apart simply by one player leaving the game.

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  • Root Admin

there is something in progress related to items that will make this discussion pointless.
some other things will never change, the harder it is to get an item the more valuable it is. if it is impossible to get it, its priceless but also it "breaks" from the reality so to say ;)

you see things only from one point of view ... you have a role and want items to support it ... you should see it also from the opposite point of view, holding an item gives you a fragment of a role even if its not your initial one. If anyone would be able to create whatever items, items would mean nothing. Its like writing on a paper what items you wish for ... realy why dont you do that, afterall its the same thing basically.

Crafters where never supposed to cover the item demand, just to offer one tiny crack in the closed system of items. items are not ment to be a fluid, flexible system to support any role, be recyled etc..simply NO. Same as characters that are allowed to remain in whatever form they are with whatever things happend to them be it test, personal achievements or even bugs ..they are unique..so are items.

... ok i just removed a big part of what i was writing or it will get big again...and its already big.

Here is a summary of the future of md items:

- tools (also items) to create other items, with a predefined cost
- raw materials item class
- items can be grouped together and converted in other primary items.
- items that can enhance other items. Enchant, curse, etc
- enchanted items that affect character (momons book is one of them in tests, but its extreme example)
- tools that can extract raw materials. they will work based on some new skills, and only in the right locations , obviously
- player character skills to support such activities
- role tags to support such activities in an _automated_ way (oh yeah..)
- consumable items (welcome to the world of cookies)
- mdscript functions to partially support the main things needed with this features. A more extend set of functions in mds related to items will not be available untill i find a way to prevent abuse in an effective way.

the current items will remain very valuable.. because they are unique. they will probably receive the unique tag. The user created items will be a different sort, but they will be used as the current items are now. the raw materials that are now considered raw materials will _probably_ be converted into a large amount of the new raw material type of items, if owner requests it.

I consider to be a large amount of items to be whatever it is over 7 on an account. 1-2 is normal. 3-5 is good. Over 15 is pointless, unless a good reason provided (like merchant, collection of items of same sort, etc)

Enough tips for one day :)

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Well clearly I should not proceed in advance of the changes that Mur indicates are coming.

My view was a "mundane" class of items quite distinct from things special enough to be in official inventory.

True, we can list things we carry in our papers. This would just be a little more "justification" or "structure" to role-playing for people who wanted it. It is so sweet to be able to say, "I just happen to have here...."

I never thought to include any actions other than getting and losing items (maybe trading them). And I'm talking mundane stuff that would NOT be worth even a silver....

So anyway, never mind, I will work on something else.

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If we are going to have largish numbers of new items coming in, and many of the same item, we need a way to transfer multiple of them at once, because currently we have to transfer them one at a time. Also I'm not sure we have enough silver coins in the realm to create a door out for them...There should also be a separate inventory for this new class of item, the existing ones could be put in a player's bag, or something like that, so that they are easy to identify.

Edited by I am Bored
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  • Root Admin

thats a good point iab. with the current items i do not want to have them transfered more at once, no, not even coins! This keeps large transactions harder to do and a coin "values" also a second or two of your time to transfer it. When you say this costs 100 coins you not only think as of a number larger than 80 and smaller than 120 but you think in terms of how much it will flood the logs, how much time you need to finish transfering them, etc.

The new type of items however, they are quantity. You will be able to transfer them by large numbers. The coins will have coin bags, but as a unique or partially rare item. A bag is tehnically an item grouping item , that is built from more coins and is named bag. The grouping item items (see them as folders are for files) are not done yet but are in plan. they will be used for things such as coin bags, composite materials, bottles that can be filled with liquids, mixing of ingredients, etc

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