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Rebel Rule


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*edit* Keeping the chat with Azull:

[quote]and more creative ways to punish rebels while keeping their purpose as a rebel.[/quote]

The rebel tag could have a time frame, and this tag
will expire if the rebel do not get more citizens to
his cause.

For each citizen added for the cause, no alt, the
duration of the tag will become longer, untill the
half of the number of citizens be reached, with that
the time frame won't work anymore and now, the king and
his supporters will have to take a move: war, elections
or negotiate with the rebels.

[quote]anonimous but public complain system, addressed to the king (only to him), is something i agree it could be usefull. not many have the courage to speak their mind freely, but their ideas might be usefull. It also prevents the king from saying no just because of his ego.

For now see how yould manage that with what it is...untill i figure something like a feature for it.[/quote]

This idea is completely imperfect but is everything that
me and Azull was able to come in the end. We are posting
because that has the chance to someone else has a better
idea with this imperfect suggestion.

A person could be named to be the bridge from
the citizen who wants complaining and the
king/government. With that said citizen can complaining with
the Bridge, and this person could talk with the king of the
land, in the name of the anonimous citizen.

This idea goes on, but has teh chance to become a new feature,
so we stop to say it at this point.

PS: [size="3"][b]we know this confidant has to be a special person, who is
trusted by the people[/b][/size]

Edited by Sephirah Caelum
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I originally suggested a sort of interface integrated vote where if enough citizens (not alts) voted against the king for another candidate that it would trigger an election. Although here the rebels themselves can in theory 'trigger an election by their presence', I'm not sure how this would be done save on the whim of a passing coder who happened to walk by and see some rebels gathered since there's no official rebel-to-citizen ratio count system, and so with nothing formally in place it clearly isn't very reliable. Now, if a rating meter were to become that trigger (say a certain percentage of discontent triggered a vote), I suppose it could work that way, but to me that seems too random since discontent could reach any level at any time with no prepared opponent against the king.

Another issue is who would vote and who would get to rate the monarch? To me, logically, only the citizens of a land would get to vote/rate, but in the past the entire land has gotten to vote on a specific land's monarch. Why are non-citizens getting to vote on a monarch whose rule they would not have to be under? If all of MD likes one person and yet the land's actual citizens like another, the rest of the land could shaft the citizens' votes and yet not have to live with it where the citizens DO. I'd like to request that if there IS some sort of vote that gets triggered in whatever fashion that it stay in-house- aka just to the citizens of the land to which the monarch applies. Non-citizens would not be under the rule of the winner, and therefore shouldn't have a say in what will so profoundly affect the citizens of the land having the vote.

[size="1"]edited for clairfication[/size]

Edited by Aysun
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[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]I was trying to keep my idea short and to the point. I'll expand a little.

The thought with the pop up system I had was that it would only go toward the land to which that person belonged (ie only Lorerootians would affect Firsan). It could be expanded to include a message area. Sort of like the system that Mur was implementing for the AL. The system would know by account number which land the player belonged to, but could keep the player anonymous. Although staying anonymous makes it hard for the player and the king to work things out.

Just trying to come up with a viable solution.[/font][/color]

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I believe your anonymous message system could easily be implemented on a clickable, using a lightly modified version of Chewett's old message system, if you'd like to enlist his help. I may be wrong about that, seeing as I've never tried MD code stuff, but I'm pretty sure it'd work just fine. You could also start one from scratch, I'm sure it wouldn't be overly bad. Then again, I can't really know for sure. Oh well.

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