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Complete Newbie Question On Public Logs


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Hey, I'm pretty new to the game and keep getting told to check people's Public Logs for information, but I can never find them! Where are they and how do you access them?
I'm sure I'm just overlooking a tiny detail and will feel like an idiot when someone tells me where they are, but nevertheless I can't find them…


Thanks in advance!

Edited by Burns
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  • Root Admin

Public logs are a form of paper that is on every character. When you click on their name it will load their player profile and picture in the bottom. Below their name or avatar there will be a few squares. One of them will have a "L", upon pressing this it will load up their Public logs to the right of the box

BUT, The Public log icon only appears if you are above 20 Active days. So you might not be able to see it yet.

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Aha! That's it completely! :D
I'm only 12 days old at this point…

Thank you so much! If it's a matter of patience rather than a mistake I'm making it's much easier to accept.
I guess this question can be considered answered and the topic closed, but I don't know how to do that either. ^_^

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