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Posted (edited)

As most of us know MD has been around for a few years and so have I. Though now entering my third year of university I have entered an ethnography course. The project layout requires a ethnic group to be researched looked at analyzed and reported on. After talking to Mur I have got his approval in order to start my project here. OK here is a solid break down of what I need from everybody here.

This is in essence a sign up sheet. In order to actually get behind MD and get beyond the character and into the actual people in MD I need quite simply interviews and ask people questions. I promise that if you don't want to answer any questions we can come back to it later or just skip out completely. Your volunteering so it’s at your convince. I also may need a signed sheet from you saying that its OK to share this information but I am trying to work around it to get something less difficult to send such as an email but I am going to have to ask my prof about what is acceptable. I'll update you as soon as I know. I would also like some particular people to come forward such a Chewy, DST, Metal Bunny, Burns and anybody else who believe they have a highly influential role to play. As well as some minor characters as I would like to always have a newbie’s prospective. I prefer live interview because it’s more natural and people seem more willing to reveal things because it feels less rushed and let’s face it less boring then just reading and answering. I use Google Chat, Yahoo, MSN, Skype, Xfire and even by phone if it’s in Canada or the US. If you agree to be interviewed we will talk more about this.

As for ground rules for accepting they are as follows. First off and most importantly no alts getting involved. I may ask about alts but I don't want people to pretend to be more than one person. You can talk about your alts but submitting them to an interview please don't do. This brings us to our next point. I cant stress this enough; no false data please. This is submitted to the university this is looked at by prying eyes of professionals and this is usually a yearlong thing but since it’s a short class I only have 4 months so i don't have enough time to find out when you’re lying. Obviously I would be missing a few but there rather intuitive.

As for the finished project I will be submitting it here it’s one of the requirements of the course. It’s only ethical if those involved can read what I said about them. This will be more or less what they say about them selves. But obviously I will respect privacy so if you want anything blacked out I can do that. Though the copy submitted to the University of Winnipeg has to involve all the raw data so that will be the only copy involving everything.

So that's everything I know up to this point. As I learn more I will update this topic bump it and ect. I would like to have at least some people volunteered by Monday for I know what’s going on and whether or not I have to move onto another group which I would really HATE having to do. You may learn something about other people maybe even about yourself. You’re free to email me. Ask questions. Do that all important stuff. If you come across things that maybe road blocks or things that make you uncomfortable we will talk and see if we can negotiate some sort of deal.

Thank You
Good luck
And good night. (Its 12:39 am here)

Brendon Marek
2011 January.13th

P.S. Please post below if you’re interested as it will encourage other people to get involved.
P.P.S. If a mod could sticky this for a week or a month or two that would be great. Also if there is a more suitable topic please move it there.

Update: Official will only be able to take place after the February break (February 14th). Those who have contacted me personally about conflicting schedules I will interview you before and give you the form to fill out after. The rest of you I would like to give you the form before hand. If anybody has a schedule that does not work please feel free to PM me in the forum or in game. I am rather diligent about checking both and I can usually respond within 24 hours.

Update 2: Minors (those below 18) will be required to get a parent or guardians signature. To avoid any future legal issues. If your parents have any issues that they are unsure of they can contact me via email which is shown in my profile or by emailing ethnographybrendon@gmail.com.

Update 3: I'm starting to wright my proposal now so i need to look into getting signatures in order to get approval of the committee. since i am just starting the writing process I want to get a feel for who is planning to go through with it. Run the mile as it where. I still have to edit and personalize it for this particular study but this is what you will have to sign. I will send you individual copies via email. For those still interested please send you real name as it is required to be added to your copy. Please be sure to note update 2 and make sure your parents understand. I will need yours and there's in order to continue.

The Draft Template: [url="http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/index/cms-filesystem-action?file=pdfs/research/forms/consent-form-checklist-and-template.pdf"]Template[/url]
Make sure to see the second page.


Edited by Kamisha

I'm totally in for it, I love that kind of stuff...
I even answer the sheets the sociologists send out via uni-mail, so why not help you? :)

Posted (edited)

Curiosity killed the cat, lucky they have 9 lives.

I'll help out :)

-PM me if you want my yim

Edited by Grido
Posted (edited)

I will do it, if you are in no rush (expect answers around 20th)

just recently i mentioned to shemhazaj how interesting is to observe certain nationalities that have stabile ethnic background, in MD, and see for common behavior

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
  • Root Admin

My yim deatails are on my profile, would love to help you in any way.

Will you also be presenting some ideas you have gleaned once the project is over?


I love the response this is having. when I posted last night I was sort of worried
that this wouldn't take off like it did. I will make sure to talk to as many of you as I can in the following months.

[quote name='apophys' timestamp='1294914087' post='77356']
I have a question: will you need my real name, or are you taking anonymous data? Or could I be identified as my username alone?

apophys for my report to the university I will have to use your real name although in the case of the net report I submit this is something you can ask to leave out.

[quote name='Chewett']
Will you also be presenting some ideas you have gleaned once the project is over?

I in fact will be doing that during the project and I will present them after in the project. You see the idea of this is to take what you guys see then compare it to what actually happens. The person on the inside will see the importance behind some ritual that's part of my job and why I am supposed to be on the inside. I am also however supposed to be an observer looking in or outside because I will be able to see something that people overlook as not important or don't see happening because they have desensitized to it. Thats one of the reasons i will be in game not attacking but just silently observing in the background. Thats also why I have started browsing the forum topics because those or uncensored opinions and answered questions from the past.


[quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1294944517' post='77388']

apophys for my report to the university I will have to use your real name although in the case of the net report I submit this is something you can ask to leave out.


Alright then. I'll help out. :)


great to hear. I am going to try to meet with my professor tomorrow so to everybody participating or planning to participate I will likely be updating this sometime after 4 central time. If possible ill see if I can coax a copy of document out of here so I can give you some additional info on what you are getting yourself into.

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