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[entertaiment] Celebrity Deathmatch


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I've been thinking to start up recording some awesome duels!

The plan is that the willing ones apply here, I store there names, and if enough volunteers, I would pick some people to fight with each other in order for them to be similar in abilities and strength (the example fight will be held with me against Ravenstrider, cause we are similar in strength)

Strength/Ability would include the variety of your creatures, tokens on your creatures and your stats.

The would be one fight in attack and in defense (so 2 fights in total when a pair is chosen).

Some data may not be showed (like token section, or something similar) cause of the spoilers (I need also a confirmation would this be ok to do from general community, spoiler-wise).

To participate, you must be willing to give me the data about your strength so that I can choose against who will you fight (or not, if you're considered as one of the strongest and hide your stats, in which case your opponent would be someone similar of your reputation)

All in all, you're meant to [b][size="4"]annihilate[/size][/b](!!!) your opponent, not to create rituals for experimental purposes (meaning... pull out your angiens, drachs, heavy artillery! :D)

I'm generally looking for well-enough known members of this community (so no people that haven't said a word on the forums.

More features will be added there's good feedback on this (adding screenshots for the ambient-sake, and such... Perhaps some amateur artworks from me :D)

You don't have to be mp5 to fight... for example, I would love to see a fight between Neno Veliki and February :P

Fyrd Argentus
Mighty Pirate
Sasha Ilias

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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awesome :)

I'll keep records about those who applied in the main post (makes it a lot easier for me)

eventually, I'll contact each and every one of you that I need more information from to make sure you get the right opponents

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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I just finished the 2 fights with Ravenstrider.
I will post a new topic posting only results from fights, so pay attention to this rules I will state here

When fighting, make screenshots of your "line up" (before the fight starts, screenshot your creatures in the duel).
Then, after you finish the fight, copy down the Influence Section, fight section (every round), and Battle Result (who won), then send me the files so I can post everything.
Everything is allowed, [b]just don't use spells, bursts, combo rituals[/b] and such (make new rituals before fighting). I will assign who will fight with who, like I mentioned above, trying to keep the balance among fighters, it is up to you when will you meet and agree to fight. You need to make 2 fights, one when you attack, and one when you defend.

Anyhow, you will soon see an example in a new topic, on how did I meant for this to work :)
enjoy! :)

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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  • Root Admin

The whole thing is Very spoilerific. You can see creatures, effects and their abilities. In total because of the nature its basicly a total description of most "powerful" creatures, in perticular. Mur has been very strict on having pictures of the creatures on the forum, and allowing anyone to access them. What has been posted before with creature pictures have been removed under his direction, so i really disagree with all this infomation. Couldnt there be a better way of showing it and such?

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That reality everyone discovers when getting attacked by a veteran, I don't think it is a major revelation.
But I agree in a way (Burns mentioned this to me as well), it should be controlled somehow... but what do you suggest? Burns mentioned deleting the screenshots and Influence log box, just leaving the fight...
What do you think?

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  • 4 months later...

well as an MP3 and given the fact that creatures can reach a certain maximum ONLY, my 'proffered' ritual seems to have never lost a fight yet (unless it's against pup, but he has 150k of vitality vs my 6 k... so it's not really fair :P) I dunno if there are any MP3s I CAN fight, (and if there are I bet I'll be clobbered :P) but I'd like to give it a shot, though I doubt I can :P!

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Orchid and Duxie, I'll contact you as soon as I find a balanced volunteer to fight you guys :)

[quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1309893396' post='87183']
I want a rematch! :)

To lose respect I gained in the world by beating you? :D
Nevah! :))

Hehe, wait up till I max some creatures when I go to mp6 in few months, and then we'll organize something :D

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due to the restricted number of creature levels mp3 have now (it wasn't like that before), some things have much larger factor.

Will check your and Duxie's profile (tho he is a bit older here) during the day and see are you two compatible for fighting.

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