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computer issues, brb :d

Muratus del Mur

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  • Root Admin

i won't have a computer until later tonight , sadly. ofc once its back i'll be in md..unless i jeed to reinstall windows ..that would be a "dezaster" ..but 90% chance is that i'll be back for the party after 22:00 server time. with surprises of course :P

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  • Root Admin

finaly i found my issue ..my brand new cpu is not working right with my ancient motherboard. i had to find it on an article on wikipedia because all the specialty forums had idiotic tips on how to solve the issue and everybody was screaming ITS NOT WORKING and nobody replied anymore. Spend the last several hours trying to make a 125W cpu work on my mb that cant take more than 95W cpu.

now i am going to murder those i bought it from because they said "of course it works". I am SO angry.

Motherboard: M2N32-SLI DELUXE (wireless edition)
latest firmare installed and added following upgrades today, or tried to, because the shop i got them from said it works...
Ram: 8Gb DDR2 1066Mhz CL5
CPU: Phenom II x4 3.2Ghz Black edition

It runs at 800mhz

CQ is turned off, power setting at maximum, i cant change multiplier in bios ..or better said i can, it sais its 3.2Ghz after, but in windows its running at 800mhz again. Even if my computer sais its 3.2 , the speed in tests is again just 800Mhz. Basically after readin the article on wiki i stopped looking, its nothing i can do about it and changing MB means i just spend 400$ on upgrades that would make no sense on a newer mb.

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