Rumi Posted February 11, 2012 Author Report Posted February 11, 2012 An addition I hadn't thought of before that would be great in the garden is a place for a few honeybee hives. I'm partial to top bar hives. Phantom Orchid, Eagle Eye and Ivorak 3 Quote
Rumi Posted February 20, 2012 Author Report Posted February 20, 2012 With the recent addition of bone resources, I propose we construct the scarecrows in the pumpkin patch (Necrovion area of the garden) using bones. I encourage anyone who is interested to design for us a really scary bone scarecrow or two or three, and let us know how many bones will be required for the construction. Of course, they will also require clothes, but that's a matter for another day I will accept bone donations on behalf of the community garden if any of our new bone collectors are interested in contributing. Phantom Orchid and Eagle Eye 2 Quote
Rumi Posted June 10, 2012 Author Report Posted June 10, 2012 (edited) Community Garden design map together with visual representation. Also, please note, the compost has been moved from the forest garden area to the main hilltop by the toolshed and has not been updated on the overhead map. Edited June 10, 2012 by Rumi Eagle Eye and Phantom Orchid 2 Quote
awiiya Posted June 10, 2012 Report Posted June 10, 2012 Not to be critical, but the scale looks odd to me. Look at the front of the toolshed on the map. It's width is probably, what, 6 feet? Well if you do a scale check, then that means that the current road as it exists is 12 feet. That's HUGE. The current drawing shows the road as 3 feet at best. That means that the scale is off by a factor of 4. The paths need to be a LOT smaller on the map. Awi Quote
Rumi Posted June 10, 2012 Author Report Posted June 10, 2012 You're not the only one who has mentioned about the scale. I think you're right that narrowing the paths on the map drawing would bring the scale into better proportion. Quote
Isabella Finch Posted June 10, 2012 Report Posted June 10, 2012 Looking great so far. And I love the idea of a small zen garden or rock garden. I have a couple small ideas... but I would prefer to speak to you about them in private, mostly for fear of people thinking them totally stupid. Which they may be... Quote
Rumi Posted June 10, 2012 Author Report Posted June 10, 2012 (edited) [sharedmedia=core:attachments:3927] The toolshed design is complete, and a materials list has been prepared. 350 lumber, 100 for framing, 150 for siding, 50 for flooring, 50 for the roof 50 aramor fenths for sheet metal. 20 for the roof, 24 for the rain tanks, 3 for the gutter, and 3 for extraneous metal parts 20 glass for windows 25 foundation blocks - more on this below 2,000,000 heat from the community, to be stored in an item or clickie to be used in a heat fusion construction process led by Falronn the Fusioneer We will also need soil for the green roof. It's been suggested to use Lorerootian soil. We'll need to figure this one out. We'd like to make foundation blocks using petrified lumber, for which we are considering the following recipe. Please give your input regarding this recipe if you have any thoughts. 1 lumber 1 sand 1 timeless dust 4 mineral water 12,000 heat in a jar Total for 25 foundation blocks 25 lumber 25 sand 25 timeless dust 100 mineral water 300,000 heat Edited June 10, 2012 by Rumi ignnus, apophys, Isabella Finch and 1 other 4 Quote
Root Admin Chewett Posted June 10, 2012 Root Admin Report Posted June 10, 2012 The skill of a good landscaper is to be able to deal with the normally limited amount of space and not to crowd it, Since it looks like space is an issue, as in all of the items are very crowded then would it not be better to create "new" scenes that the main one leads to so that the current proposed scene is just the entrance? I couldnt really remember the plan of the scenery, but when i thought of the greenhouse/shed i was more imaging it would be filling the entireity of the scene, mainly since these items are normally large, and given the size of the slime and using it to compare, anything smaller than most of the scene would be smaller than a person. Given the trouble with trying to get one scene changed for the dojo, i cant imagine there will be any more difficultly in adding a few scenes, both feats being exceptionally hard. Quote
Rumi Posted June 10, 2012 Author Report Posted June 10, 2012 I certainly don't want to crowd the space. I think the most difficult aspect of visually reimagining the scene is the perspective. There is a massive difference between the size and scope of the foreground vs the background. The obvious example is the comparison between the foreground tree and the seemingly larger (more mature) background trees, which appear much, much smaller. To me, this conveys a significant distance. This is one reason I chose this scene for the community garden. Most of the garden is in the back half of the image, and as such, will be visually very small elements. I foresee the most difficult part to be the sitting area, which is placed so close to the foreground. Many of the designed elements will not be plainly visible unless we develop new scenes. The greenhouse and windmill for example may only show the rooftop and windmill blades, the rest being obscured by the foreground hill with the tree. The herb garden is placed on the backside of that same foreground hill, allowing just the edge to wrap around into view. As we all know, just because something is not visible, doesn't mean it's not there. We are designing the specific elements with intricacy, and it will be up to our artists to translate these into the appropriate scale and perspective to not crowd or ruin the scene. I don't think there is a lack of space. Phantom Orchid, apophys and ignnus 3 Quote
Tom Pouce Posted July 12, 2012 Report Posted July 12, 2012 (edited) [b] [size=4](Community Garden Scarecrow[size=3] Contest[/size][/size][size=3]) [/size][/b] [size=5][b]How to make a Necrovion scare crow[/b][/size] [b]Note[/b]: This construction is fitting necrovion, as the toxic properties will not only preserve from birds the growing crops, but also provide some dead birds that will become additionnal nutrients to the soil. There death thus becomming part of a renewal of life. Part of a new life cycle. [b]Note[/b]: one should wear proper protective clothing and take adequate care in handling dangerous substances [size=5]Step 1 make an armature[/size] * provide 2 plank - make a cross - plant the cross in the ground [size=5]Step 2 make 22 leather sheets:[/size] * provide 22 skin * provide 24 water * provide heat * provide 22 sintropic dust * provide 4 Fat - heat the water - mixt the water, sintropic dust - put the sking - let it boil - remove the leather sheets - let it sun dry [size=5]Step 3 make soft and weather proof the leather[/size] - put Fat on leather - let it sun dry [size=5]Step 4 make leather rope[/size] - take 4 leather sheets - cut narrow strips - wove ropes [size=5]Step 5 make the head:[/size] * provide poison plants - take 2 leather sheets - take some leather rope - make a bag - fill it with poison plants - sew close the bag - put the head on the top of the cross - tie it with leather rope [size=5]Step 6 make an hat:[/size] - Take 2 leather sheets - make an hat [size=5]Step 7 make a trench coat:[/size] - take remaining leather sheets - make an [size=4]trench coat[/size] - dont forget the pockets - dont forget the wide lappel - dont forget the belt [size=5]Step 8 clothe the scare crow[/size] - Put the coat on the cross - put the hat on the head [size=5]Step 9 stuff the scare crow[/size] * Provide 50 branch * Provide 10 long bones - stuff the [size=4]trench coat[/size] arms with 4 long bones and 10 branches - put the remaining around the vertical planc to make a body and tie it with leather ropes [size=5]Step 10 Make the face:[/size] [b]Step 10A Make ink:[/b] * provide 1 Timeless dust * provide 1 Syntropic dust * provide 1 Fat * provide 1 sand - grind and mixt together [b]Step 10B draw[/b] - Take ink and draw face on head [size=5]Step 11 Make scare crow toxic and repellant:[/size] [b]Step 11A[/b] Make toxic repellent potion: * provide 5 toxic plant * provide 5 Solid stench * provide 5 Toxic gas * provide 5 Fat * provide heat * provide 1 water - take toxic plant Solid stench Toxic gas and grease - grind and mixt - heat water - mixt in water [b]Step 11B [/b]put toxic repellent potion all over the scare crow [size=5]Step 12 Make the final toutch[/size] * provide 4 toxic plants - put in the trench coat pockets Edited July 12, 2012 by Tom Pouce Rumi, Phantom Orchid and J-D 3 Quote
Tom Pouce Posted July 12, 2012 Report Posted July 12, 2012 (edited) [b][size=4](Community Garden Scarecrow[size=3] Contest[/size][/size][size=3]) [/size][/b] [b][size=5]Experimental ritual to make alive the necrovion scarecrow[/size][/b] [b]Foreword[/b] At first i have study the idea of trying to get an shade to fill the scare crow to animate it. But due to all the effort that where made thrue the ages to either control or catch a shade having been without success ... that have reject that field of research. That and the well know pact of protection between the shades and the necrovians. Then the idea of using liquid dust with its misterious properties still unknow was taken. Efforts to catch and harness that subtance was without success. And more so with its dangerousty ----- Page 156 [2008-08-07 03:14:05 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.] Khalazdad, having concluded that Willow’s incapacity to be harmed was his downfall in the House of Liquid Dust, makes his way to the entrance. He is confident that his vulnerability will allow him to be transformed. Khalazdad’s lungs begin to burn as his feet move the dust. The darkness is heavy, energized by an intangible force. He can feel the memory of another man, in the same spot, long…or soon, in here it is all the same. Breathing deeply, his lungs are ablaze, he feels weak and yet strong; a hollow voice booms out “At last you have come, I have waited so long…..” ------ Then next area of studie that was pursue, was to try to make a synthetic liquid dust,maybe in a control environnement one can stury and harness that substance safely. some interesting experiments, and many unsuccesfull ones made me put aside that option for now. As it became evident that success would not be avalable for the first of august. When time is avalable i plan to publish some of my hypotesis, in order that fellow scientific and mage continue to explore that area of research. [b]I was able to put together that experimental ritual base on research of know fact of MD and of similar .[/b] [size=5][b]Know facts:[/b][/size] [b]1 - The existance of pratical and working spell[/b] * mirror spell The Mirror Ritual spell makes whoever attacks you to fight himself as an oponent, just like fighting a mirror. It is both a warrior and a wizard spell * Ghost / Partial invisibility Spell At higher levels it allows temporary takeover of an other players name and chatting as if you were that player himself. It is said during Christmas ghosts are no longer ghosts. * Move lock Allows you to stop a player from moving away from the current location. * Locate character Tells you more info about the location of a character and the places he recently passed by *give vital [b]2 - The know fact that the old mages of Golemus where able to catch the spirit of Marin and put it in a statut with the berseker device[/b]. [b]3 - The aramor[/b] Aramors are well known throughout the Realm as they are one of the few entities who will aid anyone, without taking into consideration if their master is good, evil, sane or mad. Contrary to popular belief, there is no foreign spirit living inside the suit of armour, for the Aramor is alive and sentient through a permanent enchantment. [b]4 - The Barren[/b] There is a curse that forces those slain in battle by Necrovions to never truly die, thus transforming them into Defiled Souls. [b]5 - That it is possible to be change or transmute in MD as awiia is the living proof.[/b] [b]6 - That in MD it is possible to kill someone, with the apropriate killing tool[/b] [b]7 - The well know fact in magic of the power of the name, naming the object can be the object with the proper ritual.[/b] [b]8 - That heat can be a catalytic in making miraculous magic in MD, even raise the death, if its in sufficient amount.[/b] [b][size=6]Experimental ritual[/size][/b] [size=5]Preparation:[/size] Find an volounter to animate the necrovion scarecrow Find an necrovionian with that as a killing tool Get the mention spell know fact list Get an necrovion scarecrow [b]Note:[/b] the ritual need to take place at Christmas [size=6][b]Ritual to make alive the necrovion scarecrow[/b][/size] * Take a bone from the necrovion scarecrow, write the name of the volounter * Put back the bone in the necrovion scarecrow * Cast give vital on the volunter (to strengten) * Have the necrovian kill the volunter * The volunter should will itself in the necrovion scarecrow * Cast Locate character (to confirm that the volunter spirit is now in the necrovion scarecrow * Cast Move lock (to prevent it to wander) * Cast The Mirror Ritual (to seal his spirit in the necrovion scarecrow) * cast the Ghost / Partial invisibility Spell (to give his spirit form) Have a group of people giving heat and saying the ritual " volunter, i am giving you love with this heat, so you can be reborn as the necrovion scarecrow " " let the cycle of life begin anew " " let life become death, let death and love become life again " Then one must hope that the total amount and love and heat is sufficient to the accomplishment Edited July 12, 2012 by Tom Pouce Rumi, Phantom Orchid and J-D 3 Quote
Plix Plox Posted July 28, 2012 Report Posted July 28, 2012 [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest[/b] Part 2: Steps to building a scarecrow To construct Necrovion scarecrows the ‘Plix Plox’ way, one must follow a few basic yet meticulous steps. First, one must first select a suitable environment to establish such a scarecrow because I firmly believe that one’s environment will greatly contribute to the scarecrow’s aura and ungraspable demeanour. Now for the materials required to build this scarecrow. Bones are the foundation for such a scarecrow. However, one must not randomly just dig up some bones and use it haphazardly as bones are remnants of the dead and forgotten, thus they should be properly ritualised to prevent unwanted spirits from haunting the scarecrow. The wooden framework can be comprised from lumber collected from all around the realms of MD. However, the best wood can obviously be found in the mystical lands of Loreroot. Now onto the body of the scarecrow. The bodily parts of this scarecrow can be crafted via the usage of toxic plants and many other unidentifiable plants across the realm. This way the toxic nature emanating from the scarecrow can effectively scare away unwanted pests. As for the unidentifiable plants, well that contributes to the mysterious quality that a scarecrow should possess. Along with sand and sawdust, these powdery substances would help pack down and reinforce the structure. Moving onto the clothes (obviously, the scarecrow should not be nude. That would be public indecency!), I believe even though the clothes the scarecrow should adorn should be menacing, they should also be aesthetically pleasing to those that pass by. So in this case, a rugged texture by using patchy dried skin could be used. To make it black (therefore menacing), lots of ash should be used to concoct a black paste that dyes the skin permanently. A poison extract from the toxic plants should of course be sprayed on the clothes to keep away pests. Straw and lumber are obviously required here to create an earthy wooden look. When everything is in place, heat and water is required to bring it to life. As does most plants in this realm, water and heat is necessary for organic material to grow. So it is only fitting that an organic being such as the scarecrow should require water and heat to maintain it’s ‘life’ in a sense. In summation, the ingredients needed are:[list] [*]Bones [*]Refined Lumber [*]Toxic Plants [*]Unidentified Plants [*]Sand [*]Sawdust [*]Skin [*]Ash [*]Poison Extract [*]Straw [*]Water (Preferably Mineral) [*]Heat [*]Twigs [/list] The tools required are:[list] [*]Bone Shovel [*]Apprentice’s Axe [*]Herb Basket [*]Mortar and Pestle [*]Bucket [*]Heat Storing Jar [*]Wooden Spoon [*]Large Dyeing Contraption [*]Spray Bottle [*]Scissors [*]Carving Knife [/list] The steps to crafting this scarecrow 1. Look for suitable environment (that being the Community Garden) 2. Dig up some bones using a Bone Shovel in Necrovion 3. Place bones in shape of a scarecrow and perform a ritual around it to ward off evil spirits 4. Construct a wooden framework suing the lumber 5. Place the herbs collected around MD and place them into the Mortar and Pestle. Mix in a little water and grind until it becomes a paste 6. Mix in sand and sawdust along with a little bit more water to make the paste more malleable and stable as if it is like clay. 7. Mould using your hands and create the body of the scarecrow. Pay attention to the details on the face as you should make it as menacing as possible 8. Lay this scarecrow mould in the sun and allow it to dry for a few days until completely hard 9. Acquire some skin. 10. Acquire lots of ash and mix it enough water to make a onyx-black dye. 11. Dunk the skin in this dye and leave it in there until it becomes permanently stained 12. Remove this stained skin from the bucket it is in and leave it to dry in the sun so that it can be fashioned into clothes with scissors. 13. The hat and the hair of the scarecrow can be woven by hand. 14. All of these clothes will be scattered with straw and chopped up pieces of lumber so that it has a earthy look to it 15. Sharpen some twigs using a Carving Knife and Place them onto the hands of the scarecrow. 16. Use the Poison Extract left over from crushing the herbs together in the Mortar and Pestle and pour this into the Spray Bottle to spray all over the scarecrow’s clothes 17. Erect the scarecrow in middle of the Community Garden and pour some water onto the ground as well as giving the scarecrow some heat 18. Voilá, the Necrovion Scarecrow is finished! Phantom Orchid 1 Quote
biermann Posted August 7, 2012 Report Posted August 7, 2012 [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Part 2: Steps to building a scarecrow[/font][/color] [b][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]The way to construct this scarecrow is perhaps not as much a construction plan, as it is a dabble into magics that should perhaps have remains sealed away.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]It is not a mere creature constructed of straw and plant, but very much part of the land as much as the plants that it has been chosen to protect.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]I shall now divulge what I know of the ancient ritual. Forgive me if my words choices are at times strange to this realm, but I am working from memory, not from the 2 week experience I have here. Read these [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]papers[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent], but guard them carefully.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]I’ve underlined the ingredients as I guide you through these ancient steps.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]One shall need a clear [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]patch of ground[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent], void of plants yet, unlike perhaps the more common order of things. Two pieces of [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]ancient wood[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent] should be tied similar to a T, the older the wood the better, for it forms the connection to the earth. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]It should be placed in the middle of the patch, with the [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]shovel [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]one drags small gullies into all directions, north, northeast, east, southeast, and so on. At the start of each gully we place an [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]enchanted stone[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent], to channel the power that shall flow into them more fully back and forth between land and scarecrow.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]And for those of you with faint hearts, I suggest this is where you halt.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]As now we would need to bind it to the land, allow it a connection with the ground that it protects. For it we need bones and blood.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]A creature from the earth and a creature from the shade are needed, to bind it to the land and allow it to use these blood links. Perhaps one of these [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]knators [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]I have heard about and a [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]unholy priest[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent] should fill the roles. Both should be hung from the T ...and then a [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]knife[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent] plunged into their bodies. The blood will flow, it will follow the gullies and drench the land, as it drenches the wood the sacrifices hang from.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Once drained, intestines and such should be removed, buried at the foot of the to be scarecrow.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Place some [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]aconite[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent], [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]wolfsbane [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]and [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]monkshood [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]within their bodies, any part of the plant shall suffice, for all carry poison. It will keep predators from feasting upon the cadavers.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]The remains should then be covered in [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]ash[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent] and [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]sawdust[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent], to soak in what moisture remains and left to dry out for some time. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Now separate limbs and head from the two dried husks. The body of the scarecrow shall be the knator, it’s limbs shall be formed and filled by that of the priest. A thick [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]needle [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]and [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]sinew [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]should be able to pierce the dried skin and form this new monstrosity.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Don it in whatever ragtag clothes you might have, but anything that flows and flaps under the spell of the wind has an added effect, visually. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Now, the head is just a [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]jute bag[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent] , filled with [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]straw [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]or any other soft material you can find.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Fill it with STRAW. STRAW.. I cannot stress this enough. There are legends, legends best left untouched, which speak of using the head of a person, the rope with which he or she was hanged added as a collar. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]It has been reported to work … to well. You must use straw, don’t give it a head, the result might be more than you bargained for.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Bind this to the pole and bind it tight. Perhaps even add some thick iron [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]nails [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]just to be sure. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Now lay a circle of [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]saltpeter[/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent] and [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]sulfur [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]around it, mixed in with small grinded [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][u][background=transparent]coals [/background][/u][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]to slow the burn. Light it after ensuring the circle is closed and speak the following incantation, “Terra, spiritus, sanguis manare tibi terram. A vinculum fuerit composuerunt. A custos oritur. Cibos terra sicut te pascit. Vigilate et state in aeternum.”[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Be warned of what others might tell you here, if the words vinculorum hoc anima, messor or vindictam appear in their versions, do not listen to them. Kill them if you must, for those words belong to the ritual that involves not filling the head with straw.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]That is what i remember. Or someones memories told me. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]But if it is not what you seek, I implore you to burn these papers and not let other eyes see them.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Dante Lionheart[/background][/size][/font][/b] Plix Plox, Peace, lashtal and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Rumi Posted January 12, 2013 Author Report Posted January 12, 2013 (edited) It's been a little while since the community garden has seen any design activity (No I haven't forgotten about the scarecrow contest... awaiting results from one more judge and a winner will be announced shortly) and now is a great time to get back to it. We're coming up on a new gardening season and there is lots of fun planned for the community garden in 2013! You may recall we discussed building a toolshed as a good first step for the community garden. After much consideration, the design for the toolshed is completed, and we are going to have a construction party in the next few weeks. Ultimately the design was simplified from the original design, and with good reason. More on that later. I'm going to detail this design, including all the specific materials required for construction in this thread. In fact, I intended to do it tonight, and unfortunately it took me quite some time to get pictures functionally uploaded without using MD Forum storage. So comments and materials list will have to wait until tomorrow (or soon...hopefully tomorrow). The full designs are constructed as 3D models using Sketchup, an incredible piece of software formerly run by Google. To view these designs in full 3D, you can download Sketchup for free at [url=""][/url] The following links model the toolshed design/construction in five stages, from foundation to completion. [url=""]Stage 1[/url] - Foundation [url=""]Stage 2[/url] - Framing [url=""]Stage 3[/url] - Cladding [url=""]Stage 4[/url] - Details [url=""]Stage 5[/url] - Completion And here are exported jpgs for those of you who don't want to play with 3D models. Stage 1 - Foundation [img][/img] [img][/img] Stage 2 - Framing [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Stage 3 - Cladding [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Stage 4 - Details [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Stage 5 - Completion [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Edited January 12, 2013 by Rumi Plix Plox, nadrolski, Neno Veliki and 4 others 7 Quote
Rumi Posted January 13, 2013 Author Report Posted January 13, 2013 (edited) EDIT: It looks like the forum formatted my charts to be practically illegible. My apologies. Anyone having trouble reading them, please contact me if you need clarification. Okay, here's a little construction math. I went through this design, bit by bit to figure out how much lumber is required. The entire design is put together in English Units (feet and inches) because that's what I build with in America. It's easy to wrap my mind around board lengths and such this way. First, here is a list of total board requirements, with everything rounded to the nearest 2 feet. The format is depth (in inches) x width (in inches) x length (in feet). In a few places, here I have already put certain small pieces together, where I know for instance one 8 foot board will work to create three 2.5 foot pieces. Framing Total 6x6x16 x2 6x6x10 x6 6x6x8 x19 2x12x16 x11 2x6x16 x2 2x6x12 x9 Cladding Total 1x12x18 x12 1x12x16 x9 1x12x12 x6 1x12x10 x18 1x12x8 x6 1x8x16 x1 1x8x12 x2 1x8x10 x1 Trim Total 1x12x16 x2 1x7x18 x2 1x7x12 x2 2x4x8 x2 2x4x4 x1 1x4x6 x4 1x3x12 x2 1x3x10 x2 Doorstep 2x12x4 x1 2x6x4 x1 2x6x1 x2 From this total, I further combined pieces to make full board lengths, which can be cut up into the appropriate pieces. An example is merging 1x8 sticks with 1x3 sticks, and 1x7 sticks with 1x4 sticks. I know all of these can be ripped from appropriate length 1x12. This brought the total down to four depth/width combinations. 6x6x16 x2 6x6x10 x6 6x6x8 x19 2x12x16 x12 2x6x16 x2 2x6x12 x9 1x12x18 x14 1x12x16 x12 1x12x12 x10 1x12x10 x19 1x12x8 x6 At this point the common denominator in all this is 1x6 depth/width, so a 6x6 is six times 1x6, a 2x12 is four times 1x6, etc. Instead of all these varied lengths, I simplified the lumber into either 10 foot length (for 8 and 10) or 20 foot length (for 12, 16, and 18). Breaking it down to these few common depth/width/length combinations, I set the lowest common denominator (1x6x10) to be one piece of lumber. In this way, the most minimal pieces are multiplied only x2 (1x12x8 and 1x12x10) and the largest pieces are multiplied as much as x12 (6x6x16). The resulting chart gave me a lumber total. Number Multiplier Total 6x6x16 x2 x12 24 6x6x10 x6 x6 36 6x6x8 x19 x6 114 2x12x16 x12 x8 96 2x6x16 x2 x4 8 2x6x12 x9 x4 36 1x12x18 x14 x4 56 1x12x16 x12 x4 48 1x12x12 x10 x4 40 1x12x10 x19 x2 38 1x12x8 x6 x2 12 Which gives us a sum total 508 lumber. This does not include the door, which would be another 14 lumber, bringing the total to [b]522[/b] lumber. If we set 1 piece of lumber to be EITHER 1x12x10 or 2x6x10, rather than the smaller 1x6x10 (which is a pretty small piece of wood), that would halve the lumber total to [b]261[/b] lumber. If each piece was only 1 lumber, the wood material count including the door would be [b]112[/b] lumber. The community garden treasury has plenty enough lumber to cover any of these totals. I request input from the woodcutters guild (or anyone else for that matter) regarding which seems most appropriate. Also, the foundation block count is 30 blocks. The remainder of the materials requirements for the toolshed will be ready soon. Edited January 13, 2013 by Rumi Explaining poor formatting of charts Sephirah Caelum, lashtal and Hedge Munos 3 Quote
Rumi Posted January 15, 2013 Author Report Posted January 15, 2013 Toolshed materials required: [b]508 lumber[/b] [b]30 memory stones[/b] (foundation blocks) [b]16 raw glass[/b] (window - four raw glass per window pane) .....and metal..... We need metal for the roof, the rain tank, the gutter, the plumbing, the door handle and lock, and a whole mess of bolts, nails, and fasteners. I have no idea where to get metal. Absent any other suggestions, I think we'll need to fall back on the plan of aramor fenths. Based on the previous estimation, I think [b]40 aramor fenths[/b] and [b]4 heat stones[/b] will be sufficient. 20 fenths roof (4 fenths per panel) 10 fenths raintank (slightly larger tank than 8 fenths per tank in previous estimate) 5 fenths (gutter and plumbing) 5 fenths (bolts, nails, fasteners, door hardware) 4 heat stones to melt and reforge the metal If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, please post your comments. lashtal, Phantom Orchid and Eagle Eye 3 Quote
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