Rumi Posted April 26, 2011 Report Posted April 26, 2011 [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1303713447' post='83362'] If you like the idea, then we shall select the grape variety. For that, it would be better to know the nature of the soil (clay, sand....) so that we find an adequate type. I could help finding an unknown variety (no Cabernet or Merlot or any famous grape of course), that would give good results. [/quote] Passant the Weak has brought up a very important research topic that we might as well tackle first. How do we determine the soil texture (particle size)? Sand is comprised of enormous particles, compared to silt, which is comprised of enormous particles compared to clay. Each of these soil textures have different properties, and all soils are made up of some combination of them along with humus (organic matter). For starters, the hillside slopes down from the north from Loreroot forest, just south of the Oak Fort. Do we know anything about the geological processes that formed Loreroot, or that particular section of forest? We can also determine soil types to a certain degree be looking at what grows in the soil. Some plants will grow in any soils, but others will thrive in certain soils and struggle in others. Typically, I determine soil type by taking handfuls of soil and setting them in a jar of water and shaking it. The sand settles on the bottom first, within 15 minutes. The silt settles within an hour. Clay settles on top within a day. A look at the jar after the first day gives a pretty good idea of the percentages of each soil texture. I'm not quite sure we can replicate this technique given our "constraints". We have a lot of research volunteers. I'm open to ideas. Phantom Orchid 1 Quote
Passant the Weak Posted April 26, 2011 Report Posted April 26, 2011 I can see 2 possibilities to explore: - identify the tree that is standing right of the scene. I'm not an expert, but if anyone can identify its species, then maybe that would help - try to find a Real World location that looks close to the scene, and identify the soil in that Real World location I will make a check on the 2nd part. I have something in mind but need to find back old pictures. Quote
Ravenstrider Posted May 1, 2011 Report Posted May 1, 2011 (edited) Before you start trying to change MD, first think about what it is. Soil? Geology? Seriously?! Research the symbolism and significance of the Meeting of the Roads and not trivial things. And one more thing: A garden at one of the most symbolic spots in MD... Gah... Why not plant one at Deathmarrow while we're at it?! It sounds cool, and the place is so barren anyway... And, if you haven't noticed, the previous statement was sarcasm. Your role should fit MD, you shouldn't try and make MD fit your role. Edited May 1, 2011 by Ravenstrider Eon and Watcher 1 1 Quote
Rumi Posted May 1, 2011 Author Report Posted May 1, 2011 Yes, thank you Ravenstrider for your comments. I'm glad you've decided to join us I have found that observation and understanding of soil is generally pretty useful for garden design. Soil doesn't just appear somewhere. It has a history. I'm pretty sure the topsoil on the hillside at the Meeting of the Roads has eroded down the hillside from the Lorerootian forest south of the Oak Fort. I think an observation of the forest in the southern part of Loreroot (between Maple Road and the Oak Fort) will give us some clues as to the soil type. Ravenstrider is clearly less interested in technical details and would rather consider the symbolism and significance of the scene. I brought up these considerations in the original Community Garden thread and now I am reposting them here in research, where they belong. Of course, I'm adding to them too Four stones lay where three roads meet Two clouds cloak one Sun's heat Research of the elements of the Meeting of the Roads could begin with the four cubes, the three roads and their destinations, the Dark Slime which stretches across two of the cubes, and the tree by the side of the road. There is also the hillside overlooking the roads, of course, and we'll get to that as well. The dark slime consists of a shade and an elemental. I have been attempting to find someone who might sell me a shade for this research and I have come up short up to now. If any of the participating members have a shade, or have had one previously, please speak up. I find it curious that a shade would be located on this side of the Gazebo of Equilibrium, so close to Loreroot. I wonder also if the shade has any specific relation to the elemental, that they would be the creatures summoned by the dark slime. Or perhaps they are the dark slime? The Meeting of the Roads is specifically labeled as a meeting of three roads, and I don't think it is the only such meeting in the realm. I wonder if you all can think of any other meetings that have similar features to the Meeting of the Roads. I have read Akasha's forum posts in Kelle'tha Order about Necrovion areas reflecting other areas. I don't have access to Necrovion and it has been some time since I visited. As I recall, the Vale of Oblivion may be a similar meeting of roads. What is different, as I see it, is the three roads come together in front of a hill, whereas the roads at the Vale of Oblivion come together in front of a massive crevice (with a mound?). I'd be interested to hear some thoughts. Where do the three roads go? In 2 steps, you can be in Loreroot. In 3 steps, you can be in Marind Bell. In 5 steps, you can be in Necrovion. In 10 steps, you can be in Golemus Golemicarum. There is a clear relation between these numbers, although I'm not sure what meaning it might have. Meeting of the Roads is exactly halfway between Loreroot and the Gazebo of Equilibrium. It has vegetation like the former and a central focus of pathways like GoE. The three surrounding locations are Maple Road, Fenths Press, and Fortune's Well. Maple Road seems to be pretty straight to the point. Trees guard the forest. "The Loreroot lands guard great knowledge and power for those that understand their ways. This is a land of tradition and peace, but is not ignorant of the ways of war. The land is well protected by its spirits, and no ignorant man can enter it without getting lost in these vast lands." I'd say that the influence of Loreroot on the Meeting of the Roads is pretty visible. Most people who walk the path are on their way into or out of the forest. Fortune's Well is a very interesting place to me and I considered it as a possible garden site as well. I chose to leave it be since it is (or was) already home to a different structured activity, story night. It too is a meeting of three roads, or four if you consider the one which leads to the broken bridge to the Oak Fort. Fortune's well is also interesting in that it is directly above the meeting of three paths in the underground. The light from the sun shines down through the well, illuminating the underground location and shining light through much of the underground, making it visible and navigable. In addition to the underground, Loreroot and Marind Bell are both prominently featured in the scene, both the Oak Fort and the stairs to Marind's Roundabout. There is also a fine bench. From what I can tell, the primary shape at Fortune's Well is a circle, many of which are extended to cylinders, such as the well, the spool where a rope would sit, and the bench. The Fenths Press is the scene of the southern road from the Meeting of the Roads. This brings creatures to my mind. You must confront a creature (the dark slime) to access the Fenths Press from the Meeting of the Roads. The primary relation of Fenths Press to creatures is obvious. An elixir of vitality can be found at the Fenths Press, possibly made of squished creatures? The Fenths Press is the only sanctuary in No Man's Land outside of the Paper Cabin, so creatures do not battle here. The primary shape I can see at the Fenths Press is would be something like an inverted cone, trapezoid, or funnel. Whichever of these shapes, the larger base is on top, with the smaller base below. One interesting connection is that the Meeting of the Roads also creates a funnel shape, with the funnel dropping down to the Fenths Press, and having the dark slime sitting across the funnel. Sitting on the hillside at the Meeting of the Roads, I often watch new mp3s walk across the road and drop down the funnel to get stuck in the web of the dark slime, where they battle until their creatures are dead and they have no VE remaining. Finally, we come to the four cubes. We all know cubes play an important role in the realm. We have had them set in our hand, and we have been inside them. I don't know all the places that cubes can be found in the realm, although I have noted one in particular. Rendril Revant has in his knowledge collection a research about the Aramory, where he points out some cubes in the background of the scene and tries to make some sense of them. It appears that the cubes at the Aramory are the same cube stones found at the Meeting of the Roads. Other places they might be found? Relation between wooden soul cubes and cube rocks? Any ideas? I think there's a good list here to start with. And lets not forget the the soil texture. Lots of interest in the research up to now. All you prospective researchers, please consider moving from willing participant to active contributor. Phantom Orchid and Dragual 2 Quote
Rumi Posted May 8, 2011 Author Report Posted May 8, 2011 (edited) I've been thinking about the fenths press and the slime. The slime crosses the road and keeps a person from passing along the road between the Meeting of the Roads and the Fenths Press. It seems that anything which would pass between these two scenes would encounter the slime and be halted completely or at least affected by its presence. I recently ascended to mind power 5 and I have been leaving the slime alone instead of removing it. It doesn't really affect my travel to any place in particular other than the Fenths Press itself (and Tranquil Plains, I suppose). At first it bothered me and after a few days not so much anymore. I wandered down to the fenths press to see what I was missing. It occurred to me that the pressing of the creatures and the destruction of their tissue must create some smell. I don't recall any dead creatures in my experience that don't smell, especially when exposed to heat. I wondered if the smell ever lingered over to the Meeting of the Roads, and it suddenly hit me. I think the slime filters the air passing through its flesh. The porous shape of the slime is exactly akin to the pores of charcoal, which we use as an air filter. It has a massive amount of surface area, which picks up scent and sediment as it passes through. I don't see why the slime would act any differently. I have passed through the slime from the Fenths Press and I just never stopped to think about my experience of crossing. Further consideration of the Dark slime, who I have decided to call 'Charcoal', brings me to the nature of the shade/elemental battle combination. One is fire, the other is dark. For me, this also brings connotations of charcoal. What do we know about the slime? Not much. I think it's fair to say we know it lives. One defining feature of charcoal and all living things I have ever encountered is the existence of carbon. So what do I make of all this? I offer my appreciation to the Dark Slime for keeping the Fenths Press and its odor removed from the Meeting of the Roads. I hope everybody else thinks twice before busting up the slime. You might find that the trip to Loreroot is much more pleasant without the odor of squished grasans wafting up from the south. Edited May 8, 2011 by Rumi Mallos 1 Quote
Shadowseeker Posted May 8, 2011 Report Posted May 8, 2011 Just excuse me- why would then the other altars not hold such a thing, and only the slime in NML? Pipstickz and Watcher 1 1 Quote
Rumi Posted May 8, 2011 Author Report Posted May 8, 2011 [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1304833434' post='84165'] Just excuse me- why would then the other altars not hold such a thing, and only the slime in NML? [/quote] You know, I was wondering about that myself. I also wondered why there would be slime blocking the Meeting of the Roads and not the Tranquil Plains. One thing that comes up for me is that the slime is not a feature of the fenths press scene, but rather the Meeting of the Roads scene. The two stones that the slime is stretched across are absent from all the other scenes adjacent to altars. Perhaps this gives some clue to the stones, and we can further explore this. With regard to the other altars, each has a very different feeling to it. I have chosen a different path through story mode for mp5 and I no longer will have access to the Fenths Wielder. It has also been some time since I visited the one near the Veil of Oblivion in Necrovion. (Interesting to note that the altar in Necrovion is adjacent to Veil of Oblivion, which I am considering a possible relation to Meeting of the Roads) Wasps Altar in Loreroot and the Fenth Cave in GG have very different energies than the Fenths Press in NML. They feel more "magical" if you will. The cave has a wall or doorway with interesting shapes. I have no idea how it works. Wasps altar has a glowing orb above the altar platform. I wondered if perhaps it was some sort of a guillotine with a sting in place of a blade, but it doesn't appear to have leverage to move up and down. The crushing of bodies at the Fenths Press is very physical and not subtle. It's sort of creepy, really. It could be possible that the physical pressing of bodies would produce a smell where the transformation at other altars would not. Quote
Shadowseeker Posted May 8, 2011 Report Posted May 8, 2011 Vale of Oblivion. As for that- how come that you assume it is smell, without any kind of sense to confirm? And if it were, it would hardly explain the composition of the can attack, and what you find does differ from a sponge, as you suggest. Surely one may think of those- but only because angiens look like Angels, they needn't be those. Sephirah Caelum and Pipstickz 1 1 Quote
Rumi Posted May 8, 2011 Author Report Posted May 8, 2011 (edited) [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1304877472' post='84202'] Vale of Oblivion. [/quote] Thank you for the correction. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1304877472' post='84202'] As for that- how come that you assume it is smell, without any kind of sense to confirm? [/quote] Let's call the supposed smell of the Fenths Press a proposition, rather than an assumption. As you say, I have no sense to confirm nor deny it. I share my thoughts and hopefully it brings up something for someone else or myself and it eventually leads to confirmable conclusions. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1304877472' post='84202'] And if it were, it would hardly explain the composition of the can attack, and what you find does differ from a sponge, as you suggest. Surely one may think of those- but only because angiens look like Angels, they needn't be those. [/quote] One important difference between comparing MD slime to sponge and MD angien to angel is that a sponge is tangible, and has been described outside of the realm of literature. I agree that the initial image does not tell the whole story. I am learning that shape and form are very important details of the realm. The form of the slime and the magnified charcoal image in the previous post are a tangible replicable pattern that exists in many places in nature and serve a very specific purpose (creation of surface area). There is likely a possible mathematical equation that describes this basic geometric form. The description of angien or angel as a "man with wings" seems less universal. Edited May 8, 2011 by Rumi Phantom Orchid and Sephirah Caelum 2 Quote
Mallos Posted July 2, 2011 Report Posted July 2, 2011 [quote]The first is among the researchers. I think we could start with the four cubes, the three roads, and the dark slime, as these elements stand out quite a bit. [/quote] Lots of speculation is done while researching when there is little factual information to study, so I will speculate on a few things. In my opinion the cube we encounter in the storyline in some ways represents the world we are in, and we are within its walls. Now these four cubes, lesser in significance to the first cube, are within this world (and the first cube) and could therefore be representing places within the world. When standing in the Meeting Of Roads the road to the left leads to Loreroot, the road to the right leads to Marind Bell, and the road to the bottom leads to No Man's Land which in turn leads to Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum. I believe the four cubes are representing these four kingdoms and the three paths are guiding the way to them. My reason for thinking the third path connects the way to the other two kingdoms is the slime. It consists of a shade and an elemental. These two beings seem to represent the other two kingdoms, the shade Necrovion (for the kingdom is of darkness) and the elemental Golemus Golemicarum (in their devotion to magic). Rumi you thought the steps to each kingdom could be of some importance, maybe these extra numbers are of some importance too. Steps, 2 Loreroot, 3 Marind bell, 5 Necrovion, 10 Golemus Golemicarum. 1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 paths, 4 kingdoms. It also eludes what me the meaning of the numbers may be, perhaps someone else could figure it out. Sephirah Caelum, lashtal, Watcher and 1 other 3 1 Quote
Rumi Posted November 26, 2011 Author Report Posted November 26, 2011 It's been quite a while since the last bit of new work on the community garden, and I'd like to try to get the ball rolling again here. I have circulated this research/design map for a few months within a small circle of people and now I would like to open it up to the public. I originally thought it would be better for these connections to be implicit, but I realize that an explicit representation may be more valuable for helping people to understand the all-encompassing nature of the garden. [attachment=3352:gardentorealm3.jpg] For further details, please review the other garden topics, which enumerate specific plants and design concepts. The middle portion of the garden, which has not been assigned, is as of now considered community space in general. There is another version of this map which assigns some of those spaces to the east lands, MDA, and the underground, and I thought those divisions should be decided later, if at all. It should be noted that the compost has now been moved from the top of the forest garden (LR) to the central community section right beside to the toolshed. The hilltop above the forest garden will be adorned instead by an herb spiral, as suggested by Phantom Orchid during the previous design quest. Phantom Orchid 1 Quote
Rumi Posted November 26, 2011 Author Report Posted November 26, 2011 (edited) As a small side quest, I will award two silver coins from the garden treasury to anyone who writes a short essay in this research topic which accurately defines the relationship of pumpkins to Necrovion (no, it's not just symbolic). (Brulant is excluded from participating in this small side quest and he already knows why) Edited November 26, 2011 by Rumi Phantom Orchid 1 Quote
Tom Pouce Posted July 12, 2012 Report Posted July 12, 2012 (edited) essay about pumpkins and why they would relate to Necrovion. [b][size=4]I am in necrocion, studying pumpkins and necrovion relations[/size][/b] Study is done, observations dones, compiling results and doing report ... Edited July 14, 2012 by Tom Pouce Quote
Tom Pouce Posted July 14, 2012 Report Posted July 14, 2012 (edited) [size=5][b]Necrovion suitability to raise crop; Research study from the agricultural view point.[/b][/size] [b][size=5]And specificity concerning pumpkins crop.[/size][/b] [b](Community Garden Scarecrow Contest) Submit an essay about pumpkins and why they would relate to Necrovion[/b] [b]Part 1 [/b][size=5]Necrovion study to define Necrovion its suitability to raise crop[/size] [b]Methodology:[/b] An trip visiting 14 Necrovion scenes, follow by an intensive study [b]NOTE:[/b] [color=#ff0000]All observations where documented with screen shots and are avalable on request[/color] [u][b]study synopsis, including observations, conclusions and recommendations[/b][/u] [b]1* Necrovion possess large quantity of water, and mineral water, but its not on surface.[/b] - use of irrigation will be easy having an underground source of water - drop dripping irrigation would be the best choice, for its water concervation properties, and its usefullness when hard water is use. [b]2* Sunny[/b] most scene being without cloud cover. an eternal day time is observe. - Best choice would be sunloving crops, or if not using some shade cover or using some companion crop that would provide shade is recommended. [b]3* One see grass having taken root in many place.[/b] - Proof of good nitrogen content in soil, and absence of poisonnious contaminents [b]4* The soil at many place show dry cracking patterns[/b] - proof of a clay and sedimentary soil that once was moist. - sedimentary soil is a most rich soil substrate for growing crops - low humidity dry climate [b]5* One find bones[/b] - an importand source of phosphorus, and calcium [b]6* Estimation of the soil ph[/b] - presence of clay, and sedimantary soil indicate a neutral ph [b]7* One find presence of lizard[/b] - indicate hot climate - proof of presence of insect, some probably pest to some crops - adequate pest control will be needed [b]8* Observing fire pattern of a torch and an fire camp[/b] - indicate no wind at the time of observation - no need for wind breaker is surmised [b]9* Presence of the entities "Shades"[/b] No shades where seen in the study, but reliable witness reports indicate there actual presence. These entities dislike water, as water can be detrimental to them Page 94 [2008-05-26 03:56:20 -Golemus Wizard quest - sim.]It is said that shades can not get into water because it will drain their powers and return them to earth. - It is recommend to make treaty with the "Shades" so they dont destroy crops - It is recommend to use an irrigation method that will use only a small amount of water; This reenforce the recommendation to use drop dripping irrigation [b]Conclusion:[/b] Necrovion is well suit to grow crops, if care is taken in chosing crop and farming methods. [b]Part 2 [size=5]Pumking crop suitability to Necrovion study and recommendations[/size][/b] [b]Pumpkins benefit from a sunny location[/b] (see Necrovion study observation 2*) [b]Climate:[/b] All cucurbits are warm-season crops. They grow best during hot weather and cannot tolerate frost. Seeds will germinate at 15°C (60°F), but germinate best at 29-32°C (85°F-90°F). Pumpkins grow best at temperatures of 23-29°C (75°F-85°F) day and 15°C -21°C (60°-70°F) night. And prefer low humidity climate. (see Necrovion study observation 2*, 7*, 4*) [b]Soil Preferences[/b] Pumpkins benefit from a rich soil Pumpkins grow well on most well-drained soils. Sandy loams are ideal. They also grow well on clay soils, (see Necrovion study observation 4*) Well drained, sandy loams with pH range 6.5 - 7.5; avoid heavy soils. (see Necrovion study observation 4*, 6*) [b]Water/Irrigation[/b] Pumpkins and squashes are relatively deeply rooted (1.2-1.8 m; 4-6 ft) and can tolerate dry conditions fairly well. Plants also form adventitious roots at the notes and help with water uptake. However, extended dry periods will result in poor fruit set and/or poor fruit development and size. Plants tolerate wet conditions fairly well, but foliar diseases and fruit rots increase Critical demand periods: Establishment, 2-4 weeks after emergence, Bloom, Fruit set, Enlargement. (see Necrovion study observation 1*) [b]Weed Control[/b] some manual weed removal can be necessary at plant startup. As the plants cover the ground, they shade out many weeds. [b]fungus diseases[/b] Downy mildew, Fruit rot, Gummy stem blight, Powdery mildew Recommend harvesting only fully ripened fruit, practice good crop rotation as many of the rots are soil and debris related, good drainage and water management, and control of cucumber beetles and other insect pest. Dry climate help prevent or control (see Necrovion study observation 4*) [b]Insect pests[/b] Aphid, Leafminer, Looper, Melonworm, Rootworm, Spider Mite, Squash Vine Borer, Whitefly, Striped Cucumber Beetle, Western Corn Rootworm, Squash Bug, Western Corn Rootworm Insect control will be necessary (see Necrovion study observation 7*) Control can be with insecticide, or use of companion plants. [size=5][b]Conclusion: [/b][/size]pumpkins crop is well suit for Necrovion Edited July 14, 2012 by Tom Pouce Quote
Plix Plox Posted July 28, 2012 Report Posted July 28, 2012 (edited) [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest [/b] Part 3: Pumpkins and Necrovion Necrovion. The name itself exudes a mystical yet cryptic and sometimes deathly quality to it. Speaking from a new explorer’s perspective to this realm with minimal experience and outlook on the history of Necrovion, I have to say my views on scarecrows and their affiliation with Necrovion may be very misguided indeed. However, I do believe that scarecrows have an irrefutable association with Necrovion. Having said that Necrovion is an embodiment of menacing cryptic qualities (I mean it even has a graveyard!), I believe that the meaning behind scarecrows assimilates appropriately into what Necrovion represents. A scarecrow is like a guardian that should look menacing and mean as to deter potential pests from eating its crops. This we all know fits with the very same feeling that Necrovion gives me. On a deeper analysis of scarecrows and Necrovion, I can say that scarecrows are also like guardians of plants and crops alike, whereas Necrovion, though it may not be a sanctuary for the living, it is still a haven and place for the dead to reside, thus both the scarecrow and Necrovion embody this sense of nuture. However, what it nutures is jarring in that scarecrows protect the living and Necrovion protects the dead. In conclusion, with my minimal knowledge of Necrovion Lore, I have observed this rather superficial quality that both scarecrows and Necrovion share. I hope this is sufficient and won’t offend any Necrovians. EDIT: OH MY GOD. I just noticed that I completely wrote the wrong thing! Let me write the correct essay this time... Part 3: PUMPKINS (not scarecrows) and their relationship with Necrovion. Very much like my previous essay about scarecrows, though pumpkins have no extrinsic and obvious ties with Necrovion and it's lore, I believe what it embodies/represents and it's peculiar history that has somewhat of a relationship with what Necrovion embodies. Very much like scarecrows, when one thinks of pumpkins, the first thing that springs to mind is a cryptic quality often associated with a ghoulish festival such as Halloween. I will go on to talk about it's history later. Another though that may spring to mind is it's association with harvest and autumn. Though autumn and harvest may seem like a very non-Necrovion subject, I believe that this particular season and harvesting is steeped in menacing/cryptic undercurrents and concepts. Autumn is the season where everything withers and dies and the act of harvesting can be said to be a process of ending growth of a living thing (the grim reaper is a 'harvester' too!). This is also seen in (relatively) modern English literature. For instance celebrated English Poet John Keats has written a ode about Autumn (fittingly called "To Autumn") and how it represents death and the cycle of life. These ties with death is similar to what Necrovion represents. Though I do not fully know the history of Necrovion, but the grim exterior and the every-present sense of death among those lands can directly be compared to the same deathly qualities the pumpkin embodies and represents. Much of the pumpkin's history is also steeped in death. This tradition of carving pumpkins during Halloween originates from a old tradition where people would carve lanterns into pumpkins in order to welcome the souls of the departed. Necrovion is sort of like a haven for departed souls as well as home to tormented souls, I think this direct yet no-so-direct relationship between pumpkins and Necrovion is fairly apparent. On a side note, though I have been to Necrovion once before and for a very VERY short period of time, I remember a outgrowth of vines and perhaps pumpkins among it's lands. I'm not entirely sure though since I don't remember and it's been a long time ago. If so, then this is a very obvious and apparent relationship in that pumpkins are nurtured and growing in Necrovion. In conclusion, though I do not know enough about Necrovion itself due to my lack of days in this realm, I believe these findings on the relationship between pumpkins and Necrovion are fully justified and interesting. Edited August 23, 2012 by kellox Phantom Orchid 1 Quote
biermann Posted August 7, 2012 Report Posted August 7, 2012 [b]Community Garden Scarecrow Contest [/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Part 3: Pumpkins and Necrovion[/font][/color] [b][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]An essay on Necrovion and pumpkins.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]As I pen this down, I must admit, the subject is one of which I have little factual knowledge. I have not yet set a single foot into Necrovion and only had some superficial talks with some of it’s residents. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]So please, see these words as uneducated guesses, as hunches towards that I do not know, as the whimsical ponderings of a temporary philosopher. And by all means, do not see this as a reason to anger yourself over and deem me a proper subject to add to the blood of my scarecrow ritual.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]I guess a comparison is where I would start. For I sit here, writing this down, in the sun. Writing about a place that seems inspired by death. Scribbling down dark words about perhaps evil, decay and shades, while bathed in the brightest sunlight. At first glance it would seem a contradiction. But no shade would exist without the sun. And does that bright light not kill with as much ease, entire lands turned into sand, as perhaps a horror that stalks in the night.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]The fault of this lies with the natural tendency of men to see one as evil, and the other as good. One is life, the other is death. It is in my opinion a flawed concept, for they are both parts of the same balance. I ask you ‘What would a world be without death?’, would you naively answer ‘a blissful merry land void of sadness for those that pass away’ ? The answer to that question is a simple one, a world like that would be full. full with beings, full with hunger, full with chaos. [/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]If any of good or evil would want to abolish death, then it would be evil. Thus, death is a good thing, in a way.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]The same goes for this garden of pumpkins and its scarecrow. Both resemble a balance of life and death, something hovering in the middle between good and evil, white and black, akin to the concept of shade perhaps.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]These pumpkins will grow and grow, and perhaps then fall prey to a bug, or to a drought, or to one of the many other miseries that may appear in a pumpkins life. But as they wither, rot and decay, they are feeding new life again. Their death sparks opportunities of life for others, for insects, for bacteria, and eventually for new pumpkins.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Similar to the scarecrow guarding over his crop, it came into being by blood, but it gives shelter and protection to new life.[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]And that I believe is why this garden is linked to a place that might appear to be one of evi. For concepts of evil are vague and perceived aspects of it, like death, balance a cycle that must forever continue.[/background][/size][/font][/b] Quote
Tom Pouce Posted August 26, 2012 Report Posted August 26, 2012 [size=6]Symbolic study: how pumpkins relate to necrovion[/size] [b](Community Garden Scarecrow Contest) Submit an essay about pumpkins and why they would relate to Necrovion[/b] [b][u]On can talk about the ovious relation between pumpkins, hollowen, and the tradition of carving pumpkins[/u][/b]. Pumpkins have long been associated with magick, the occult, the supernatural and, of course, Halloween & Samhain. The history and folklore of the Pumpkin stretches back for hundreds of years. We see the pumpkin in stories such as the ‘Ichabod Crane & Headless Horseman’. it is sometimes called a “Jack-O-Lantern” Into the mists of the ancient past, the time of the Celts. October 31st was and still is the Pagan holiday of Samhain , the official end of summer and the harvest season. Ancient Celts believed that at Samhain, the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead was extremely thin, allowing the dead to cross over into the world of the living. Sometimes they appeared as apparitions and sometimes in the form of animals, most particularly black cats. The living lit bonfires and dressed in costumes to confuse the spirits and keep them from re-entering the world. When Christianity came to Ireland and Scotland, it simply co-opted the three day festival of Samhain and folded it into All Hallow’s Eve, (October 31st), All Saints Day ( November 1st) and All Souls day ( November 2nd). It was a perfect fit and the original Pagan Samhain blended seamlessly into the new Christian celebration. In most of Christian Europe, the emphasis was and still is, on All Saints Day, but in Ireland and Scotland, because of the Celtic past and the legacy of Samhain, All Hallows Eve, or Halloween became the big deal and various local traditions developed. In Ireland children carved out potatoes or turnips as “Jack-O-Lanterns” and lighted them from the inside with candles. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed “Stingy Jack.” It’s a long story, but the bottom line is that Jack tricked the Devil into climbing up a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While the devil was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree’s bark so that the he could not come down until he promised not to bother Jack for ten more years. Soon thereafter, Jack died and God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell.[b] So “Jack-of-the-lantern” was condemned to wander the earth between heaven and hell with only a burning piece of coal in a carved out turnip to light his way[/b]. This is the origin of the Jack-O-Lantern. So one can see the relation with necrovion, land of death, land of The Tormented Soul. And one remember that there is a curse that forces those slain in battle by Necrovions to never truly die, thus transforming them into Defiled Souls. "Necrovion combines both brute evil forces and deserted lands with advanced dark arts and secret occult practices. Because of its nature, this land is opposed to all other lands and represents a constant threat to all life." [u][b]Now a more personnal and intuitive view[/b][/u] Visiting at the four mainland, i was with time fill with different feeling for each land , and the idea came to me. One can see the four main lands as symbol of the four seasons. Thus seeing MD representing the full cyles of seasons, of the yearly cycle of life. Loreroot, with its greens and forest full and lucurient, life in full process of growing, giving the feeling of spring. Marinbell, with nature full of life but more tame,beatifull standing buildings, giving the feeling of being more mature, giving the feeling of summer. Necrovion if one travel there he see death and decay like with tombs, building in ruin, bones, shades, tormented souls. one cannot escape of relating to the season of automns, with leaf falling, and green dying. Golemus , with its absence of green, and asseptic mountain landscape, give me the feeing of winter. Looking that way, pumkings being an automns crop is fully relate to necrovion. Quote
Phantom Orchid Posted September 12, 2012 Report Posted September 12, 2012 (edited) [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1309594618' post='86965'] Lots of speculation is done while researching when there is little factual information to study, so I will speculate on a few things.[/quote] Speculation fuels good research and builds hypotheses, which one can hope and pray will lead to solid theories. "Factual" information abounds, in our case, from our shared experiences of and in the realm. But "facts" are no more truth than an objective reality (the argument being that there is no objectivity, for the observer ultimately affects the course of the observed by the act of observation). Things are as they are perceived. And the closest thing to truth, in my opinion, if we must pass such a judgment, is the collective perception/experience of something. Facts are ideal, in a perfect world, but I know of no perfect realm (inhabitable, at least). Information is imperfect, as each land us, as each of us are. With that aside, I would love to do a little speculating with you [quote]In my opinion the cube we encounter in the storyline in some ways represents the world we are in, and we are within its walls. [/quote] I'll leave this for another discussion, for fear of an off-topic crash [quote]Now these four cubes, lesser in significance to the first cube, are within this world (and the first cube) and could therefore be representing places within the world. [/quote] Four cubes. Cubes that appear to be stone. Not paper (likd the PC), not wood (like our cubes), but stone... Interesting, no? Stones do make great foundations [quote]When standing in the Meeting Of Roads the road to the left leads to Loreroot, the road to the right leads to Marind Bell, and the road to the bottom leads to No Man's Land which in turn leads to Necrovion and Golemus Golemicarum. I believe the four cubes are representing these four kingdoms and the three paths are guiding the way to them. [/quote] The upper-left and upper-right cubes on the path leading to LR and MB, respectively. They are of similar size at about half the size of the lower two (if they were stacked, they would be the same size as one of the larger ones, no?). They are [i]not [/i]separated by a path (alluding to a connection). They are unblemished, unlike the lower two. If we are to associate the top ones with LR and MB, then the bottom would be GG and Necro. These are separted from each other by the path, and from the upper ones as well. They are cracked (too much friction, perhaps?!lol) And between them hangs the dark slime. [quote]My reason for thinking the third path connects the way to the other two kingdoms is the slime. It consists of a shade and an elemental. These two beings seem to represent the other two kingdoms, the shade Necrovion (for the kingdom is of darkness) and the elemental Golemus Golemicarum (in their devotion to magic).[/quote] The dark slime reminds me of liquid dust, gelled. But how? Maybe that is where the elemental influence from GG comes in. [quote]1 sun, 2 clouds, 3 paths, 4 kingdoms.[/quote] Ours is not a linear realm, and neither is it purely logical. It is rich with symbolism, and nothing is random - or so we've been told. I see a rich history lesson here in this scene. But I live in a world of dreams, where everything is symbolic, where even dreaming of a lackluster pebble leaves one to question upon awakening the deeper meaning behind its qualities, whether it was smooth, rough, round, oval, opaque, etc. It's fascinating, but it can also be equally as crazy-making! What do you think the clouds symbolize? I have a hypothesis, and perhaps with your help we could make it a theory. See you in the garden! Edited September 12, 2012 by Phantom Orchid Ackshan Bemunah and lashtal 2 Quote
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