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MD's Twitter Account Admin


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I'm searching for one admin for MagicDuel's Official Twitter Page.

That person must have:

[list][*]At least 150 Active Days (He/she must be active, if you are inactive please don't apply).[*]With previous Twitter Experience.[*]Ideas for Twitter Page[/list]Those who wish to apply post the following:

1. Player Name
2. ID
3. Your previous experience with Twitter.
4. Why are you interested?
5. Why should I chose you?

Notes: If I see that someone might fit the characteristics needed, I will interview and make a selection of two or three persons based in that.
Those persons will enter in a second stage. The best will be finally selected as the official admin.

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Name: Sasha Lilias

ID: 148016

Previous Experience: I used twitter for two years, but dropped a few months ago.(I got bored basically :3)

Why am I interested? Well, who wouldn't want to help promote the game and it's awesome community? :))

Why you should choose me: As you stated above, the person must have experience and ideas. I have both. I can also sponsor/create competitions with bigger rewards, though that would come soon after the page has gained followers, and active tweeters.

I hope this helps.

~Sasha Lilias~

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1. Windy
2. 86324
3. I have no experience with Twitter. It is time I learned at my age. I want to keep up.
4. I need a challenge. I've become lethargic. I want to stay active and this would be perfect chance.
5. I would be perfect for this position because I like learning new things and am eager to learn.

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Sure can work, but I wouldn't say 150AD is too much..it's half a year, and during half a year you get to know how that person acts better and it also is a sign about activity. What use is someone who gets appointed then drops in a few months anyways?

One example is Elthen Airis, who got to be the key keeper, and then went inactive soon.

Edit: This is a job application page though, so we shouldn't discuss here too much. If we start one, I'll move it to a new topic.

Edited by Shadowseeker
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1. Player Name [b]Ravenstrider
2. ID [b]194753[/b]

3. Your previous experience with Twitter. [b]I tweeted a bit... I like the format... Besides... It's a social network... You don't really need experience to do it.[/b]

4. Why are you interested? [b]I'd like to have someone to read my tweets for a change.[/b]

5. Why should I chose you? [b]Because you'd get clever and well written tweets, and you'll get someone who'll be active every day, RT-ing things, replying to questions and other tweets, also perhaps discussing other topics in order to get MD noticed.[/b]

Edited by Ravenstrider
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Backlash ro

I have experience with twitter for some time now.I do a lot of promoting of my own.I know how to handle people,and make them followers.I have skills in getting folowers fast.

Plus i m online ,for a big part of the day.I think i m the perfect candidate for this job.

Even tough i have a reputation in this game,In real life it s dfferent I asure you.
Also I don t really agree that you should have 150 active days to apply.Because you might have numeros reasons for not having 150 days yet ex: heard about it later,didn t find it fun from the begining and so on.

Pick me and i assure you,you won t be disapointed one bit with my work!

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[quote name='backlash ro' timestamp='1306175502' post='84938']
Also I don t really agree that you should have 150 active days to apply.Because you might have numeros reasons for not having 150 days yet ex: heard about it later,didn t find it fun from the begining and so on.

Sorry, but I stated clearly that you must have 150 active days or more.

I do have my reasons for 150 active days requirement.

[quote name='Windy' timestamp='1305547263' post='84497']
1. Windy
2. 86324
3. I have no experience with Twitter. It is time I learned at my age. I want to keep up.
4. I need a challenge. I've become lethargic. I want to stay active and this would be perfect chance.
5. I would be perfect for this position because I like learning new things and am eager to learn.

I need to talk with you ASAP.

No new applications will be accepted from now on.

Already two players passed to stage two. I'll officially explain what it's about when the time comes.

Edited by BFH
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[quote name='backlash ro' timestamp='1306318639' post='85055']
Yes well...i guess everything is divided amongst 5-6 players in this game...nobody else get s a chance at anythinig:P

That's why I posted requirements. If you don't met the requirements it's not my fault. MULTIPLE players of the realm met the requirements
It's not my fault that they haven't applied. This was announced on triggers and mood. So, don't complain about it.

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[quote name='Windy' timestamp='1305547263' post='84497']
1. Windy
2. 86324
3. I have no experience with Twitter. It is time I learned at my age. I want to keep up.
4. I need a challenge. I've become lethargic. I want to stay active and this would be perfect chance.
5. I would be perfect for this position because I like learning new things and am eager to learn.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but the previous experience is mandatory.



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[size="6"][url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9819-mds-twitter-admin-second-stage/"]Second Stage OPEN[/url][/size]

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