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Everything posted by Change

  1. dst, that's why I said that I'm willing to sell OR trade items. If I only wanted to sell items I'd call it 'selling roleplay items'. By trade I mainly meant trade roleplay items for roleplay items, because roleplay items are high up on my wants list. When I say 'reluctant to trade', this doesn't mean that I'm not willing to trade these items for a good trade of roleplay item for roleplay item. But I am reluctant to sell them for silver, and for more generic things like resources. Lots of people have water, for example. Some lend it for free. It'd be neat to have, but personally it's not worth getting it over an item that I can likely never get again, like a pocketwatch. I thought that the 'reluctant to trade' list was effective in describing what I likely won't trade for normal silver, but I guess not. Will try and create a bunch of lists later, perhaps an ordered one from least likely to sell/trade to most likely. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. What is 'Unaffiliated?' Non-religious or--?
  3. What water do you mean? Your 28 mineral water, nadrolski? If so, no thank you. Added the 'items useful for a travelling artist' to 'items that I'm reluctant to trade'. Essentially, items that I'm reluctant to trade and items that I want are usually the same. A messenger bag would be very useful for a travelling artist, for example. Hmm, to be clear, I will not trade the things that I'm reluctant to trade unless given an exceptionally good offer, or offered other items that I want. On the other hand, for items that I don't care about, I might trade them away cheaply. Some things are exceptions, yes. 'Decorated skull' is an art item, but I don't really care for how it looks, so I'm willing to trade it.
  4. Plain water.
  5. The title is intentionally trading/selling items for a reason. Some items I'd be quite happy to sell, others I would trade for other items that I value more. For example, despite loving tomatoes, I'd trade a tomato and possibly more for a book on human anatomy. I already said in the original post that I'd be reluctant to sell food items. Thus me refusing the standard price of 3 silver shouldn't really be surprising? Sorry if the post wasn't clear enough. And dst, I might be interested in water if you have some.
  6. Hmm, dst, what about these? I don't value spell-stones enough to trade the other things. Blue hair ribbon Decorated skull Snow in a Jar (maybe) Jar of fly wings (maybe) phantasm: Possibly willing to sell the decorated skull. It depends on what dst offers for the above. Nimrodel: I paid too much for my pet rock for 3 sc to be worth it. Plus, I rather like it. Salted anchovies are a no. (Change eats fish and it goes well with her 6 fish skeletons). Huge tomato is a maybe. Pomegranate seeds are a definite no, until I get more than one (see JadenDew and Change's pomegranate plot). FYI: When it comes to the items that I'm reluctant to trade, usually it will be a no when it comes to offers of silver. I might trade them if I'm offered items that I want more. The reason why I'm including all of my common items for sale is because I'll technically trade anything for the right price--though that price will be outrageous to some. Some things I'm willing to give away though, so I'd happily take 3-4 silver.
  7. Added tons of new items to the original post. Now willing to trade off items that I likely won't use, or trade off items for something I'd use more.
  8. Lania gets the untokened sharpie and BP if she wants for the 1 gold/15 silver that she offered. Valoryn gets ID 696617 for 10 silver, and powle gets 757483 for 7. Note: Any further bids on the creatures in this post will be ignored unless the 'winners' retract their offers. There's still two sharpies left without good enough offers, however. Edit: All creatures have good enough offers now. Will close after they're sold.
  9. Selling the below for a price that I deem 'good' enough--this may be cheaper or more expensive than whatever the going price is. I highly prefer gold and silver. Sharptears: ID: 649638 Age: 1087 Heat: 996720 Tokens: onyxfangs, blacktear, blackdiamonds ID: 696617 Age: 1323 Heat: 502251 Tokens: emeraldglare, claw1, osirisbelt, jewelshards, darkshield, sunshine, goldbelt ID: 757283 Age: 1044 Heat: 1077337 Tokens: claw1, blackdiamonds ID:779290 Age: 993 Heat: 283687 Tokens: claw1, kellethafire, purpurmoon, onyxfangs, stardust ID: 828432 Age: 156 Heat: 45743 Tokens: None BloodPact: ID: 817906 Age: 519 Heat: 61963 Tokens: None
  10. (Been distracted with Europe, but plants still need watering!) Day 147 Year 10 [spoiler]: Change walks over to her plot and pokes at the earth Change: *frowns* Kinda dry. Good thing it rains occassionally...hmm... : [Spell] Rain rain rain! Change: *winces* Will have to hide now. Sketchbooks don't like water...but this should do. : Change tucks her sketchbook under her cloak and runs off towards shelter[/spoiler]
  11. Still settling into Europe, so I won't be on much.

  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat
  13. The 'solidifier' is likely the Howling Gates. As to why I think this, that is more complex... What is Necrovion made of, Dark Demon? What elements reside in it? You know that liquid dust resides in it. Assuming that liquid dust is potential, then the potential could be 'solidified' into reality by the Howling Gates. Why the Howling Gates specifically? Because it's the only thing that was meant to let stuff through Necrovion. The house of liquid dust was an incredibly dangerous accident... Also, take a look at the physical appearance of the Howling Gates to realize what 'flavour' the filter is.
  14. Liquid dust, from what I believe, doesn't 'run' into Necrovion (at least not naturally). Rather, the Howling Gates serves as a human-based 'filter'--and possibly also a mirror, though the mirror is likely bigger than the gates... The 'mirror' is more metaphorical than literal. It is the 'balance' talked about in the adventure log. As heat is created by actions, liquid dust, which is related in some way to potential, is also created. This is more of a philosophical concept than anything, imo. Here's the example I gave in the chat: If you have a car, and choose not to take the action of driving it, then no potential of where you can go is created/released. Basically, you can only potentially go places with the car if you drive it. If you don't drive it, you can go nowhere. It could also be compared to a candle. Light a candle and it makes heat, but it also creates many shadows. Thus, if you take an action, heat is generated, and also potential (related to liquid dust). If you take no action, no heat and no potential is released/created. As for there being some kind of 'solvent' that doesn't exist in Necrovion, would you explain that further, Dark Demon? Not sure what you're getting at with that...
  15. Happy birthday--glad it turned out to be a good one. :)
  16. Just also saying that this was great! In all the time that I've been on MD, I've never gotten the chance to participate in a RP event like this before. So thank you so much to both whoever organized this, and to the players who worked to revive my dead self. While getting real items and consequences for roleplayed actions is nice, it's not necessary, and it's definitely possible for us players to organize such events on our own too. I'll definitely be thinking more about stories that I could come up with in the future. ;)
  17. Day 116 Year 10 [spoiler]Howling Gates : Dragual Monarth passed Water to Change Change: Thank you. *smiles* Change: Though that removes my excuse... : Dragual Monarth smiles and nods again Dragual Monarth: *chuckles* Yes, it does. Change: Hmm... *stands up and yawns* Change: Guess I should water our plot. Want to come? It's in the garden. Dragual Monarth: What do you need it for? Dragual Monarth: Sure. Dragual Monarth: Which one is ours? Change: Pomegranates. *points towards the community garden and walks off* Change: You'll see : Dragual Monarth nods and follows her Meeting of the Roads Dragual Monarth: Holy wow. All sorts of new things. : Change waves to Mur and then looks at Dragual Change: Yup. Ours is by the white flag. : Change tiptoes over the stones and walks towards the plot : Change kneels down and pats the earth to check for dampness Change: Hmm, bit dry. : Change takes the large vial from beside the barrels and fills it with water : Change shakes the vial over the ground to mimic rain : Change does it until the vial is empty Change: There. *puts the vial back* : Dragual Monarth smiles at her Aethon: Tears might help that grow you know. *smiles a little* Change: *chuckles softly* Perhaps. Though I'd wonder at the effects... Dragual Monarth: *turns to Aethon* Then we shall make you cry... *grins* . Change: Hmm... *inspects the plot more closely* Yes! Looks like there's a small green thing coming up. Aethon: *looks at Dragual* Why make me cry when I already have the tears required? *smiles* . Change: Took long enough. Still a long way to go though. Dragual Monarth: Only for the sheer joy of doing so... : Change giggles at Dragual Aethon: Ah yes, a "let's be evil" Necrovion... *chuckles* : Masked Figure 4939074 lurks Dragual Monarth: *grins and scratches his chin* Now what can we say to make you cry... Dragual Monarth: Oh, you're mother never loved you. Dragual Monarth: You're ugly. Dragual Monarth: Smelly too. Change: At least we're honest! *chuckles* Aethon: *grabs the boots before waving* Very little, if anything. Take care sir! Dragual Monarth: I mean, what's with that nose?!? : Dragual Monarth nods Aethon: Also, you may wish to work on your stereotype... *chuckles before dashing off* Change: Hmm..heard something about dead things warding away live things. Change: *pulls out some of her dead hair and scatters it around the sprout* Should repell small critters I think... Change: Well, back to the gates. Dragual Monarth: Repel some, attract others. : Dragual Monarth nods and follows Change: *chuckles* Perhaps. : Change heads off[/spoiler]
  18. Ugh, sorry. I don't have any excuses. I was planning on doing the other art quests, but those fell by the wayside too. Not sure if I just didn't notice this or forgot about it. Also have had a cold for...far too long (I should get that checked out) but that's just an excuse. It's likely not that it was way too hard, it's that many people, myself especially, have a severe lack of confidence when it comes to any art skills that they might have. Plus people forgetting about it. Definitely a quest worth running again sometime though?
  19. Always looking for paper supplies in MD, preferably clean, blank paper.

  20. A pulley system designed to let someone kill birds, fill buckets with their blood mixed with poison, and deliver the payload to Wind's Sanctuary to be dumped inside from above.
  21. Day 109 Year 10 [spoiler]: Change yawns softly, sketchbook tucked under her arm, and tiptoes around the stones to her plot Change: *pats the earth* Hmm, bit dry, but still good. Change: *checks her rainbarrels* Enough water it seems. : Change takes a large vial from her satchel and fills it with water from a rainbarrel. She then sprinkles it over the plot and, once it's empty, refills it a few more times and repeats Change: That should be good. *leaves the vial by the rainbarrel for easier access* : Change jumps over the stones and heads off[/spoiler]
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