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Everything posted by Change

  1. I wouldn't mind trading whenever. (I could get at least 30 credits). But it's fine if Fang has it first.
  2. Necrovion citizenship, Chewettmas, Drawing, writing, art, fenths, research. (What's on my mind)

    1. Azrafar


      Running around for voition, sparring, collecting grasan skin. Probably should write down some of my toughts and make it a research.

    2. Azrafar
  3. Apparently, I'm doing MD wrong. Someone tell me how to do it right?

  4. Change
  5. Can definitely fight for third place! Also, 3x isn't too high if I get lazy. But yeah, maybe make it based on AD than previous viscosity next time. (I have almost 700 AD which definitely doesn't make me a complete newb)
  6. http://magicduel.com/players/Change&override=true I'd like to participate as well.
  7. Updated profile. I don't even care anymore. PM me if you'd be interested in adding me on skype.

  8. The most change happens in MD when Change is inactive. On that note, I will now be going on a 10 year haitus. :P (I kid).
  9. Change

    Funny MD Quotes

    I'm guessing some are from his YIM as well and maybe also from MD. I was just referring to him quoting me with "quoting skype conversations?". While apparently AmberRune gave permission, I did not. I only let it slide because it was a harmless quote which I made in jest, given the authors of most of the new content posts. Also, I didn't mean that all of the new posts were bad (some were justified. I won't say which). I simply meant that it made more new content which I have to read as a mod. :P Not that I care much. This forum produces a teeny bit of content compared to more populated forums. In my opinion, quoting MD game chats/forum posts is fine, but if you're going to quote from non-MD services, you need to ask permission Rophs.
  10. right path i like you a lot you make sense too to me. two me three me, four me, five me me me them we don't like them i don't like them who don't like five me, four me, three me, two me, one me me me me us them? who's right?
  11. Change

    Funny MD Quotes

    Quoting skype conversations? Rude. :) For clarification, that's "no thanks to Rophs, dst, and DD" (I was skyping Rophs). It could be interpreted as no thanks to only dst and DD.
  12. Boo. :P I was wondering if it literally was just 20 cartography skill too (I have lots of credits). I figured that the finding in "First one finding 20 (cartography 20), except people that have/had access to the A25 admin, contact me for a nice reward." meant that this wasn't a valid strategy, with (cartography 20) used to show that you'd (obviously) have cartography 20 after finding them. Anyways, I was several hours late in starting, so I didn't even have a chance. :) Congrats, dst! I'm certainly liking all of these changes (even though the obelisks look kind of weird in some locations).
  13. There's many things I'd like to be And many things that are not me Let's play pretend Come on, my friend A cat, a mouse, a tree, a bird So many things Some quite absurd But is a bird not like a tree? Are many things so not like me? If we're the same Let's play a game If we each have a little fire That dictates what our hearts desire Do not you see What isn't me? If we're the same then it's the air That makes the sparks Fly everywhere If I control the air I breathe Filter it with a tiny sieve Then that's the way I'll get to play I can be what I want to be and in the end I am still me.
  14. So, is someone in one of these positions essentially an archivist+beta tester+developer lite for their particular area or--? Jeez. If so, I'd advise anyone applying for this that that's a ton of work if done properly. (I'm sure some of you know this but it doesn't hurt repeating). Now, the amount of work does scale with the amount of development, however, but still.
  15. Pretty accurate this time (I've taken this test quite a few times a year ago--but I took it the right way this time I think). I stopped myself from thinking of it as a favourite colour test (to put it simply) and took it as a test of which colours do I find the most relaxing. I don't think I have strict standards, but I guess I do in some things. Not how some would think of strict at all though. I definitely do need reassurances from others, and the stress stuff is very true (it's true for everyone likely, but my results nicely sum up my life). I also do like over-indulging, though I'm quite generous. http://colorquiz.com/results.php?code=f,1,0,2,7,6,3,5,4,3,6,5,1,3,7,0,4,2,3&p=full Took it again because why not. Still pretty accurate. No comment on the existing situation part. :P http://colorquiz.com/results.php?code=f,6,3,2,4,0,1,5,7,5,6,3,4,1,5,2,0,7,0&p=full
  16. Only around ten more days until I'm done school until the new year. Woooo.

  17. Roleplaying. I like roleplaying everyday life as Change. Only roleplaying about serious stuff isn't fun to me.
  18. Activity: Usually glance at the forums at least once a day. I'm sure most realize that people have roles outside of MD, but I'll list mine anyways. Roles in MD: Moderator Roles outside of MD (in order of work demanded): Student Playtester (of another game) Newbie helper (same game--it's basically a LHO) I can only realistically fulfill four mandatory roles at once. Once summer comes around, I'll hopefully have graduated and freed up a role, but until then, I'm booked.
  19. Final research essays due in the next couple of weeks. Might be a tad busy.

  20. Applying to Necrovion again. All conscious votes, or non-votes, no matter which way, are appreciated.

  21. A thought experiment: If Marind Bell makes death impossible, don't remove traces of player names when they log out, among other things.

  22. I haven't started roleplaying yet. Change is acting how I'd act in the world of MD.

    1. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      I wonder how it feels out here to pretend to be another person? Have heard of people with this skill, I don't.

    2. John Constantine

      John Constantine

      You have dual personality? That's interesting. Do you really think that your actions depends on your "choosen" persona? That's a bit naive assumption.

    3. Change


      I don't have a dual personality but I act differently according to the situation that I'm in, and MD is a different situation than 'reality'.

  23. I guess I'll finally comment on this. Dark Demon, I can understand the need to make a post explaining some things so that you don't have to say the same things over and over to everyone. That's fine. I did that for my citizenship application to Necrovion, the Coloured Paper, and so on. However, talking is just a first optional step towards achieving something. The people who get things do things consistently over time get recognition for it. A relatively recent example is Rophs getting the title of Seedwalker after running countless seedwalks. However, does Rophs need the title to be a seedwalker? No, but there are a couple of perks that he gets due to his role being 'official'. The reason why the Colour Paper failed was because I was trying to do too many things at once in MD, other games, and in real life. Even a seemingly simple task can become taxing if done regularly. It is for that reason that when someone does take the effort to do something regularly, they are rewarded. Thus, it's good to focus on one or two things at most, things that you know you can do. So, here's my advice. Great! You've announced your plans again. Lots of people might be cynical about it, but people are always cynical about someone who hasn't kept with many things before. So try to not judge what others say, rather, now that you know what you're going to do, do it! Being headstrong is fine, as long as you're not being headstrong as a result of the opinions of others. It doesn't matter whether this is true or not. Perhaps you posting and responding to your topic and this topic shows that you do care--it doesn't matter. If it is true, then yes, it is better to do what you plan on doing without saying so much about it and responding to what others think. If it isn't true, and you do have what it takes, then "do what you plan on doing without saying so much about it and responding to what others think". Good luck! I'm neutral about your goals at the moment, but I'd be happy for you if you learned to put real sustained effort and focus into one thing. That's a skill that everyone should improve on, and I'm obviously including myself in this. I've made progress on this front, and so can you, but talking is not the way that you'll progress. You know this, and that's all that needs to be said.
  24. You can pick things like the altar, or even an obvious scene 'object' like a tree. I just want people to pick things that could potentially make objects or be used as objects in MD rather than abstract concepts. 'Heat' technically could also be fine, since it can be collected in a sense. But I don't want something like respect, that you can't objectively count. Or honour, even though you can count it. (Sorry for being so late in responding. My brain wasn't working over the last couple of days.)
  25. I'm sick. "Sickness causes change!" I don't care.

    1. Rophs


      Soup, juice, and sleep will chase away the sickies!

    2. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      When I'm sick, I always drink Coca Cola. Trust me it works.... Unless you are one of those drug abusers who consume it everyday.

    3. Rophs


      Some doctors in hospitals specifically ask for Coca Cola instead of generic brand cola because of that Ary :P

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