The rest of the log, though Rophs' amazing haiku is missing. Sanctuary's View : Change stretches Rophs: Quite a long story Rophs: I'll tell the happenings of the day. Change: A small one. *grins and nods* Rophs: I ran around the realm quite a bit because I was trying to learn about the MB election Rophs: I finally found out that it was Rikstar and Princ Rhaegar on the ballor Rophs: I asked if I could temporarily join KoB to vote, but Chew said no. Rophs: Then I announced the seedwalk. Rophs: And the rest is history! : Rophs runs off Willow's Walk Rophs: Oar? Rophs: 'ver Rophs: Hmm.... Change: Running round to trees Rophs: How about just "Run over to trees"? Change: Thinking of old planted seeds Rophs: *nods* That too Change: that birds might have ate Change: There : Change chuckles Rophs: I'd hope birds didn't eat them! : Rophs runs off to the Spruce Change: There ARE lots of birds in Marind Bell. Change: But I hope so too The Haiku: Running round to trees Thinking of old planted seeds that birds might have ate. Old Man's Road Rophs: I just wanted to tell the spruce something that everyone may or may not know... Change: I do : Change nods : Rophs crawls up to the spruce on all fours and looks left and right to make sure nobody is looking Rophs: *whispers to the spruce* I think Change is really weird... but not in a bad way. Rophs: *spins around onto his butt and stares at Change*DID YOU HEAR?!?!? Change: *blinks* What? : Rophs stands up and waddles over to the fence which he sits on Change: *kneels before the spruce and whispers to it* I heard Rophs' secret, and I think that he's really weird too. : Change stands up and stretches Change: Well then, hopefully this walk has helped. : Change smiles Rophs: Helped what? Change: The 'seeds', of course. And my spontaneous short story in a slightly more readable format (for those who care to read it): [spoiler] Two for tea There was once two children from No Man's Land. One, a girl, was named Mura. The other, a boy, was named Azad. Mura loved to interact with all of the other children in No Man's land. She and the other children ran around, picking flowers, and pretending to be animals of every shape, size, and colour. Azad, however, wanted to play by himself. One day, Azad came upon the gates of Necrovion and saw a bunch of adults gathered there. He admired how independent they seemed to be, and he wanted to be just like them. Seeing that each of them were drinking a cup of tea, he resolved to make a cup of tea for himself. So, Azad went on a long journey to the Archives for he was still fairly young, and his legs easily got tired. He was going there to find out how to make the cup of tea that he had seen the Necrovion citizens drinking. Any other person would have just asked someone else, but Azad wanted to find out for himself After spending days going through book after book, Azad finally found a map that showed him where he could find all of the ingredients and equipment. The first ingredient was water. Azad walked out of the Archives and approached the capital of Marind Bell, looking to become a Dowser. In the Wind's Sanctuary, he found Mura. She was also looking to be a Dowser. Luckily for the two of them, there were two slots open in the alliance, and they were both accepted. After completing his training on the ethics and technicalities of Dowsing, Azad finally knew enough to get the water that he needed to make tea. He dowsed for as much water as he could, and soon enough, Loreroot and Marind Bell were drained dry. All of the citizens of Marind Bell frowned upon this, and he was soon voted out of the land. He didn't care, for he had all of the water he'd need to make tea. The only person who didn't vote him out of the land was Mura. She voted for him to stay, although she did frown upon his selfish actions. The day on which Azad was kicked out of Marind Bell marked the 100th day from the time that he decided to make tea. On every seventh day of these 100 days, each of the four lands took turns hosting a tea party at the GOE. There was plenty of tea for all, and much merriment. Azad, of course, never took part in these parties, since he believed in doing everything himself. Having gotten the first main ingredient for making tea, Azad looked at the list that he had stolen from the Archives. The next ingredients were the tea leaves and herbs. It was fortunate for Azad that he could collect these without joining Loreroot, for Loreroot had remembered how he had taken all of their water. It took Azad much longer to harvest the herbs, however, since they were largely depleted all across the world. He had to beat Some one in harvesting the meagre herbs that managed to grow. Some one was using these herbs to make the tea for the tea parties of the main lands, and so he had much support for his actions. Azad's selfish actions, however, were frowned upon. So, around 300 days later, Azad finally harvested enough herbs. The next ingredient that he needed was branches. At first, he tried going into Loreroot to harvest them himself. He soon found that there was a certain art to harvesting branches, and he did not know this art. Reluctantly, Azad applied to be a Woodcutter. The alliance was going to reject Azad's request outright, given his infamous history. Mura, who was now the leader of the Dowsers, managed to convince them otherwise. She knew that Azad had a good, if misguided, heart. So, Azad did much the same activities that he did in the Dowsers. Since he did not need many branches to make a great quantity of tea, he was soon finished with his task. For this, he'd need heat jars, and heat jars could be found in Golemus. Since he was still young, though, the viscosity at the land's gate was too much for him to get through. Mura, knowing Azad's quest, offered him a few pickles, however, being the independent person that he was, he refused them. Azad tried to join Golemus, but he was refused. So he spent years and years in trying to pass through the gates into Golemus. Finally, several years later, he found that he could pass through the gates with ease. By this time, a war had broken out between Marind Bell and Necrovion. Mura had joined the Knights of the Bell. After strengthening his legs for several years, Azad could go almost anywhere he pleased without any help from anyone. The only place that he couldn't enter was Necrovion, his favourite land. He resolved to join Necrovion, after he had made his cup of tea. So, after getting a heat jar from Golemus, he went to the East to get the equipment needed to make the tea. It took him half a year, since he often got lost within the land, but he finally found the last things that he needed to make his cup of tea. It had been eight years since he first decided to make tea, and he was finally back at the gates of Necrovion. After gathering some heat, he looked at the recipe, and cried in dismay. “It takes two to make tea.” Not believing that he couldn't do something on his own, Azad tried to make tea for years and years on his own, but to no avail. Everyone in the lands laughed at him for this, knowing that his goal was impossible. Finally, he gave up, and asked one of citizens of Necrovion if they would make tea with him. The citizen ignored him, not wanting to associate with such a fool. Azad got the same response from everyone around him. It then occurred to him that there was someone who might help. 'Mura!' cried Azad in realization. For while he hadn't learned anything when Mura had helped him before, he had known of her since childhood. Azad then ran down to the capital of Marind Bell and cried out, 'Mura, Mura, has anybody seen Mura?' Azad received only silence and people shaking their heads, disgusted at the rude man. For Mura, former leader of the Knights of the Bell, had died fighting Necrovion two years ago. [/spoiler]