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Everything posted by Change

  1. Sounds exactly like real life to me. Some people say things just to be "liked" while others don't say their true opinions because they fear that they'll be disliked.
  2. Now that I see what it's about, I wish that I had volunteered. :) I hope that there will be Sky Scouting opportunities when I'm not busy in real life reading a couple of novels and writing several essays. Good luck, everyone!
  3. Coloured Paper Publishing Schedule To be updated soon.
  4. I can be very wordy at times. Oops. =P

  5. My point is that building an armour is either a magical action or it's not possible for DarkRaptor to build them. Obviously it would be unfair and ridiculous to undo most of DarkRaptor's past moves, thus I propose a simple change: Make building armours a magical action, thus the action resolves after all physical and ranged actions are resolved.
  6. Yes, but how can he build them in the first place? I'm assuming that Dan mistakenly coloured the build actions red and that building an armour is a magic action.
  7. By the way, how is DarkRaptor building moving armours? I thought Ethereal beings couldn't take physical actions?
  8. Happy Birthday, Darigan! :)
  9. Because you're at 12, not 13. You can't move after getting attacked.
  10. Sadly, I've never gotten to make a sand castle yet. I need to ask around more, probably. I'm not sure what ingredients are used in making sandcastles, but I'd assume that no sand would be lost when they melt. I'm guessing that they would only melt from heavyrain as well, or something like that. Someone who doesn't grind for resources can care about it just as much or more than someone who grinds for them. Likewise, someone who grinds for a resource can care about it just as much or more than someone who doesn't. You could spent months developing a garden shed, for instance. You can spend months developing a quest about said resource. Those months of development don't involve grinding--they involve thinking about what the quest would involve, how it would be run, etc. Grinding is only one way among many that people can use to show their dedication to a cause. Anyways, back on topic--I'd have to understand how sandcastles are made better to comment on this. It would make building sandcastles in MD more like building sandcastles in real life though. :P Perhaps some experienced sand castle builders can offer more opinions? Edit: Also, I'm not sure who has the spell, No one. I get the impression that only a few people do, though.
  11. What rikstar said, however I do see your point. If I understand you correctly, you want the people who grind the most to get the most resources? That is, those who put the most effort into gathering resources when they regenerate, day after day after day (like you). Allowing a spell to essentially produce 'free' bushies would allow people to get bushies without any effort (other than waiting for their spellcasts to regen.) Except, of course, for the effort that they put in to get the spell in the first place. A way to work around the abuses would be to slow the growth of bushies. Make them take around 12 hours to grow, so that potentially people from all timezones can gather them. Basically make it so that the person with the rain spell can't cast it at a time that's advantageous to them as much as they would be able to with my original idea.
  12. Well since you're calling for it as well, Chewett.. I agree that Magistra should be freed. This definitely could have been handled better by everyone involved--myself especially. Really, this should have been dealt with by Mur and Magistra in private. Others might disagree, but I'd much rather only hear accusations about myself if they've been proven to hold some weight. Chewett looking for proof of what he was accused of doing was pointlessly hurtful to him. After realizing the nature of the accusations and who was being accused in all of this, I should have encouraged Magistra to keep this private and to keep this between her and Mur. Sorry Chewett, Magistra, Mur, and others. What's done is done. If Mur was the only one spending time investigating this (how it should have gone), then he would be justified in jailing Magistra for wasting his time. However, Chewett has spend a ton of time investigating this too, and while this whole mess may have hurt Mur emotionally a lot, I'm betting that it hurt Chewett a lot more. Thus, if Chewett wants Magistra to be freed, Magistra should be freed.
  13. That somewhat defeats my purpose. Ideally you could have everyone going off somewhere for a few days and then have them come back to bushies. Also, I'd think this would increase stealing. It's like resources kind of. The longer it's left to grow, the more can be harvested at once. However, that increases the chances of someone coming and stealing them.
  14. Some more ideas include: Rainwater helping to regenerate resources. Overwatering--if a bushie is at 40/40 water, and then gets given 40 water from someone (80/40 water), it become waterlogged, and can't produce any fruit for a certain amount of time. Extra growth--If a bushie is left unharvested (when it's fully grown) for 10 minutes, it will lose 10 water. This process can repeat indefinitely. For each time this happens, an extra bushie will be harvested. For example: Change waters a bushie with 40 water. The bushie is ready to be harvested. 1 bushie resource will be produced if it's harvested now. 10 minutes pass. The bushie loses 10 water. Change adds 10 more water. The bushie is ready to be harvested. 2 bushie resources will be produced if it's harvested now. etc. The basic idea is that it's more efficient (water wise) to leave bushies fully grown and beautiful for as long as possible. Of course, someone could be mean and take the bushies for themselves while someone is waiting. :P Note: It would need to be possible for people to overwater a bushie for the overwatering to work.
  15. I'd think it'd be neat if the bushies were automatically watered by rain. Basically, have each plant act as a rainwater collector item. [spoiler]So, after 40 minutes of heavyrain, each bushie would be fully watered and ready to harvest.[/spoiler] Of course, you can water them yourself to help speed up the process. It would be also nice if rainwater did help to replenish the lakes, wells, etc., around the land. That would help to prevent the usefulness of buckets from decreasing. (Having the bushies automatically watered by rainwater would decrease the usefulness of buckets, while having rainwater refill lakes and stuff would increase their usefulness again).
  16. Heavy rain in MD /and/ real life!

    1. Phantom Orchid

      Phantom Orchid

      Hopefully it will drench us in all our lives and we will leave clean and whole, and ready to set out again on new adventures

  17. Rain rain, come here today.

  18. Bye, Rumi! May your life be fruitful. :)
  19. I know I've heard a quote somewhere about how thieves spend more time in getting something for free than if they got it legitimately. Hopefully the stealing mechanics will reward sharp wits. Maybe the thieves could be hung when they're caught? And perhaps there could be a very rare, hard to find plant, that can provide life. (It would produce one, life giving fruit after say...5 different people water it for seven days in a row). A very creative name for it would be.. the shrubbery of life. Anyways. I'd love all of these features. The problem comes in making it so that these features aren't easy tools for trolling.
  20. I said that I'd inspire people randomly, but I changed my mind. I do like the use of inspire as a strategic tool though. Maybe change the name if it's such an issue, DD? It could be called 'boost' instead of inspire. I don't know.
  21. No, that just makes it sound even more like how I interpreted it. It makes it sound like if your attack happens at the same time (according to phase and agility) as someone elses, then both of you will get an extra mod. I think I even clarified this with you before the game started, and you said nothing about the time that someone submits their move ever having anything to do with the game.
  22. Given the sizable time limit, I think that I will try to make a submission. I don't know your reasons for choosing those two spelldocs, Mur, but I'd think Seduction would be more appropriate given the nature of what's being created here. Maybe I need to think more--or less--on this subject.
  23. Voted for positive and negative transparent rep. I've always thought that negative reps meant that someone disliked the person, or they disliked the post. It's the same with positive reps. Let's say that I hate Poster A. Poster A makes a really great post, and while I like the post, I don't like the fact that it came from Poster A. So, I don't negative rep the post, but I don't positive rep it either. I like Poster B. Poster B creates a happy birthday thread for someone that says, "Happy Birthday, Poster C!" and I like Poster B's post. Of course, this was before positive reps were transparent. With a transparent system, there will hopefully be less of people liking/disliking a post because of their like/dislike of a person. Oh, and one more point. Please stop making my magicduel like Facebook. :(
  24. Simple, and unfair. The deadline for submissions is 5 PM for me. So, if I wanted to, I could easily act last or easily act first. I wouldn't need to waste a mod on more agility because I'm lucky enough to live in a certain timezone. So you're saying that someone has to waste a mod to ensure that chance doesn't come into play? That's stupid. Also, you're ignoring my main point. I'm talking about teams using this feature, not opponents. A team of three people with 1 agility could get three mods if they managed to post their actions within minutes of each other. I`m saying that time having an influence on play is ridiculous. Also, why are you ignoring Sam, Dan? She was attacked too. :P I just hate all of these "Oh, I didn't mean that, I meant this" rule clarifications in the middle of the game. I guess I'm the only one who thought that "if you are (amongst) the last to deal a hit that makes a character lose his last hp" meant amongst the last to hit in-game time wise?
  25. The mods are on the first page when you hover over people's names. I don't get what you're saying. Let's say Bob and George are in a team together. They both have 1 agility, and they live in the same timezone. At 21:05 ST, they both attack Sam, who has 3 hp left. Sam dies, and they both get an extra mod. Now let's say that Alice and Toby are in a team together. They live in totally opposite timezones, so when one of them is awake, the other is asleep. Like Bob and George, they both have 1 agility. At 12:02 ST, Alice attacks Dan, who has 4 hp left. Then, at 23:00 ST, Toby attacks Dan as well. Toby gets the mod because Toby was the 'last' to attack, and Alice gets nothing.
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