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Everything posted by Change

  1. Which means that, when it comes to getting mods, team members in the same timezone have a huge advantage over others. I know that MagicDuel is unfair and all, but do you really need to go out of your way to make it unfair when it doesn't have to be?
  2. You can already PM people who have sent you a PM but aren't on your friends list by replying to their PM (which I'm sure most people have realized). You can also star said PMs to make a list of people that you can PM at any time. Thus, it's like you have several pieces of paper from people that you can use to find their essences. The friends list is mainly convenient for seeing if people are online. I'm looking forward to this change though. :)
  3. Will be inspiring some random people in DOM. Be sure to make use of it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Change


      You can make extra actions just in case.

    3. Zyrxae
    4. Dan


      randomly select of a certain group of people :P

      Btw, next game i will put in a new mechanism to prevent people from making action even thought they are not inspired. So abuse it now while you can :)

  4. When I first learned about shared tools in MD, I was under the impression that they were meant to be restricted to members of certain lands. Yet it seems that people think that they should have access to all of the different kinds of tools? I thought that apart from independent tools, some tools are impossible to be used by certain people. As things are now, I don't like the idea of everyone being able to use every tool. Professions might change my opinion on this though, because then someone would have to dedicate themselves to one or two kinds of resources instead of trying to collect all of the resources.
  5. You CAN paste text in the relevant avatar, creature, and item transfer fields. You can also copy ITCs from their text fields. You can't copy ATCs though.
  6. I guess I'll post this here then: Currently you can't copy your creature IDs to back them up, and you can't view them all at once to screenshot them.
  7. Happy happy birthday, to you.
  8. One example of where that rule would apply is spoilers. If you would be banned for posting certain spoilers ingame, you shouldn't be able to escape that ban by posting the spoilers on the forums. But yeah. Reading the criminal code of your country is always interesting. :P You wouldn't believe how often it essentially says in the Canadian Criminal Code that you can use 'the crime was for the public good' as a defence.
  9. I don't think that I was as clear in the first post as I wanted to be. When I said that I had peculiar tastes, I meant that I had peculiar tastes. Your creature ID might defy all of the above guidelines and I'd still want it. The only IDs that I probably don't want are really random, young IDs like 653725. It also depends on what kind of creature it is. So, I'd like birds to have more airy numbers like 7, 8, 0, and 2, while I'd like more physical creatures like aramors to have more stable numbers (like 800000, 500000).
  10. Now that I am not tokening my creatures anymore, I've become interested in collecting tokenless creatures with special IDs. Some ID types that I might be interested in: IDs with 0s following a number: 800000, 600000, 50, 7000. IDs that count down: 876543, 6543, 321, 864200, 321000, 8642, 9630. Old IDs: 8, 50, 100, 8000 My ID: 233774. IDs with 3 zeros at the end: 842000, 723000, 72000. IDs with my favourite numbers (8, 7, 3, 2, 0, 4, 5): 723000, 820000, 82000. My Favourite IDs: 782802 (thanks Handy Pockets!), 732000, ... These are more hard to define. I like 782802 because: It starts with 78 There's a pattern of xx2xx2 I love the numbers 7, 8, 2, 0. It only has 3 different numbers, apart from 0. It has 4 different numbers including 0 (I like 4). The moral of this story is: Like all collectors, I'm weird and have peculiar tastes. I have a fair bit of tokened creatures that I'd like to get rid of, and I also have a couple of gold and several silver (although the silver will be reserved for the Coloured Paper if possible). If you're interested, message me by YIM, forum, or ingame with the creature type(s) and ID(s) that you'd be willing to sell/give to me.
  11. I think everyone here needs to read http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5784-forum-rules/ and then watch this. Warning: Contains some profane content. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9KiDzMaRiQ
    1. Change


      If you need to use !@#$ or **** when writing a post, it's probably not allowed.

    2. Ackshan Bemunah
    3. Nimrodel


      Lol. Loving the new moderation.

  12. @Dark Demon I'm really curious as to what these introductions that take a few hours involve. Is most of the time spent just casually guiding a newbie around the realm, or is a lot of it spent on actual information? If some newbies are given a hours worth of information, I'd like that information myself. I certainly didn't know an hours worth of information until I was 200+ AD old. I guess I need to get it into my head that MD is a game of 50 questions instead of 'figure things out for yourself' (ironically enough, asking questions does go hand in hand with figuring things out.. but that's another subject). What about the supposed 'vets' like Change? Do their questions get answered too? Yes, I'm quite dense, but this has been bugging me a lot lately.
  13. @No one Too much roleplay?? If what little roleplay I've done is too much... :blink: I want to do more. One reason why new players might be turned away from MD is the mini 'alt trial' that goes on. When I made all of my accounts, I was told that I was 'most definitely an alt'. No, I don't just mean the whole 'Yup, definitely Granos' thing, though that was annoying as well. The joke gets old after several months of it.. It's really awkward trying to play another character and feel like you have to prove that you're not an alt. It's also not a good advertisement to actual new people to MD. Some people are essentially saying, "Oh, hi! You're probably an alt, but welcome! I say that you're probably an alt because no new players ever join MD--only old ones. Now, you must be everyone. You're everyone, right?"
  14. Maybe dst's worrying about happy birthday post grinders? Perhaps a 'Happy Birthday' subforum is in order? :P Though since these kind of posts seem to bring people back to Magicduel... Happy Birthday Blackthorn!
  15. I'm an MP5 (I'm still trying to be a Protector again but I've had lots of assignments lately) and I still know far from everything. In fact, I'm finding that sometimes I know less than some young MP3s. Why? Because I didn't ask many questions when I was younger. I thought that other people weren't allowed to spoil me with any answers and so I never really asked. I've made a couple of 'alts' just for that feeling of a fresh start. In fact, Change is an alt turned main (she now has far more AD than my original account). Even today I'm tempted by the idea of a change, a fresh start, a new perspective. However, I've spent too much time and money on Change to abandon her unless I want to abandon Magicduel altogether. Thus, any 'fresh starts' will have to happen with her. I simply don't have enough time to play two characters at once. I wouldn't mind showing around a new character played by an old vet if I had the time for it. Anyways. Congrats on getting to MP4, Revan! Patience is a virtue, but change can be one as well. :)
  16. That's all the update was about. Also, that people who are found by all moderators to cause a thread to derail into insults will be given a warning. The thread essentially derailed into a discussion on how certain words/sayings are insulting/profane to certain people. The whole argument being that why should the mods disallow English swear words and allow sayings that have just as profane or moreso meanings to some people. "You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this bulletin board to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law." (emphasis added). The problem comes in determining if someone has knowingly said something profane. Sometimes it's pretty obvious, but sometimes it's not.
  17. @Kyphis The rule against roleplaying makes much more sense to me now. :P Actually, patting someone's head in response to someone stating an opinion is used here to say, 'You're like a child, and therefore your opinion is cute, ignorant, and worthless'. The other interpretation is quite interesting. Maybe I'll major in insults. The problem is though, even with actions such as *shrugs*, *shakes head*, etc., gotten rid of, there's still the matter of metaphors being used in relation to people (such as saying that someone is like a sheep). What needs to be asked though, is how far does the player base want us to go? Should we give friendly warnings to people if they accidentally post culturally specific insults that are usually hidden to native English speaker eyes? Obviously if they use those insults again, then they might be doing it intentionally. Or, are you and dst saying that since someone can be deeply insulted by any word in the English language that's used in the wrong context, that Western/English insults should be allowed too?
  18. That was a result of the thread going offtopic. Sorry, Tom Pouce. I never said that rudeness equals insults. As for the send me messages thing, I never said that I'll say to someone what to say. I said that I'll say if it comes across as rude, sarcastic, etc. Some people do come across as rude when they genuinely don't wish to come across as rude. It was more related to dst's post saying that she's not sure about what is rude or not. It wasn't meaning that you'll be banned if you're just rude. I don't know what's so difficult to understand. How is not saying racist, sexist, etc., remarks so hard for people? Does myself or one of the mods need to get rid of every offtopic post in here so that it's clear? How does 'not saying racist/sexist/etc., things' translate into 'one can only say approved words?'
  19. Have any of you read the original post? The changes only include: If us mods decide that you've caused a conversation to descend into insults, the topic will be locked and you'll be given a warning. If you use a racial/sexist/homophobic/etc., slur then you will be banned for a period of time. Calling someone a troll is an insult, but it isn't a racial/sexist/homophobic/etc. remark. There's also the whole problem with certain synonyms of stupid being offensive to intellectually disabled people. No, I don't mean stupid, I mean the synonyms. When in doubt, don't call someone names. Instead of saying, "You're stupid", say, "Your idea makes no sense. Here's why:"
  20. It's Pink Day on the forums!

  21. Okay, well maybe you were being sarcastic. My point is, it's impossible to tell if someone is being sarcastic or not nowadays--especially on the internet. Sarcasm itself is fine, but the problem is that sarcasm can often lead to insults. No, I'm pretty sure that we're not banning sarcasm itself. :P
  22. See, now this thank you could easily come across as sarcastic where I come from, and not genuine. However, I think that's mainly because (as always, where I come from) we tend to interpret literally everything said as being sarcastic. It's actually really bad. :P But yeah, this is getting kind of offtopic.
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