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Everything posted by Change

  1. I have thought of that, yes. But was so much waste really intended? It might have been meant to scale like this--I don't know. It's a tricky situation, to be sure. Part of why I give this suggestion is because healing has already been changed so that only the heat that's needed for healing is used, not all of the heat. Before that change, if I wanted to heal a young one for 10,000 vitality, I'd be wasting over 1.2 million heat. To be honest, it's more of a small potential problem that I'm seeing with a potentially obvious solution. If I didn't think that the solution would be easy, then I wouldn't have suggested it. Perhaps there are more benefits to this restriction than negative effects. :)
  2. Removing the heat limit for Protectors has had some side-effects for Protectors using heat jars. I have over 1.2 million heat active in my erolin device right now, thanks to the dedication and/or thirst for loyalty of my worshippers. This means that whenever I fill a heat jar for use in say, making tea, I'd be needlessly wasting hundreds of thousands of heat, due to how you fill heat jars right now. Therefore, I'd like to propose that things be changed so that you can choose another option when filling up a heat jar, 'Other', for instance. When you select that, you can type in exactly how much heat you want to put in the heat jar. Another option would be to just have the form, with all of the current heat being the default value. So if one had 2000 heat, 2000 would appear already in the form. There are some beneficial side-effects to this problem though. Now, if a Protector wants to load up a cauldron item with heat, they need to use heat stones, or heat from someone else. This promotes more person to person interactions. What do you think? This suggestion originally came from me not being able to make heat stones anymore without wasting hundreds of thousands of heat, or without doing a lot of healing first (so as to not waste hundreds of thousands of heat). But then I thought of how it's also problematic when you use heat jars for other things.
  3. Same here.
  4. And +repping people because you like them is better? I suspect it doesn't happen as often, but still. I personally dislike all of the places where you can't dislike things. I'd vote for the +/- system with reputation viewing enabled.
  5. Change, 1 silver.
  6. Change


    I still say War Shepherds. The War Shepherds War Sheep their Protector. (Sounds painful for me).
  7. I have a YIM now. Stupid yahoos.

  8. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or intentional. Tis an awesome spell though, Chewett.
  9. Change


    It's also slightly unfair that people who spent a wish on upgrading a creature now find out that they wouldn't have had to if they just waited for a couple of months. MD is unfair. However, I would like to see an increase in the amount of teleports that are available to everyone. (Think rabbit holes.)
  10. I really like making tea in MD. I've made tea infinitely more times than I've used the 2 gold coins that I have. So, I'm going to be selling my 2 gold off for tea supplies. If you're interested, please PM me with your offer. I'm specifically looking to buy from people who have lots of tea supplies but barely use them. I don't really want to take supplies from people who already actively offer supplies when tea is being made. I'm also especially interested in the supplies that I can't harvest myself. Update: 2 gold sold and much tea made.
  11. (I tried making a more serious poem at the last minute, but my brain hurt. So I'm submitting this for your amusement, instead of submitting nothing at all). A small dark black box by Change I found a black box It turned into a fox And then into socks That were worn by some rocks The rocks over there Were turned into a bear The bear gave a stare At my white underwear I cared not at all Then I took a great fall The bear had the gall To just play with her ball I woke up quite soon I was given a broom In a little room Where dark shadows did loom A box, bear, ball, broom And a somewhat small room Does this mean it's noon? Or that I am a loon? I stared at a wall It turned into a ball And a bear in a mall I then grew very tall Was that all a game? It was! How very strange. Want to play again? Said the dealer just then.
  12. [size=5][color=#000080][b]H[/b][/color][/size]app[b][color=#ff8c00]y[/color][/b] [size=5][b][color=#000080]B[/color][/b][/size]irthda[b][color=#ff8c00]y[/color][/b] [size=5][b][color=#000080]B[/color][/b][/size]urns[b][color=#ff8c00]![/color][/b]
  13. To my adepts: What are your favourite MD things?

    1. everyone


      I don't know everything I like in or about MD. Which is just the way I like it.

  14. When I click message to message one of my adepts on the page that lists my current adepts, it says, "Editing session expired, Editing sessions expire once every hour (server time). Please close window and send again. Below is a copy of your message:". The 'copy of my message' is also blank (since I didn't get the chance to write it in the first place).
  15. Apparently Fang wants me dead. While I'm fine with eating large quantities of food, I have to really motivate myself to eat things in the first place. 2000-2500 calories is a lot. I think that I might have a very mild form of anorexia, although my lack of motivation might come from other factors. Men increasingly suffer from anorexia too. Only the chubby chaps will live, Fang? So yes, that particular irony wasn't lost on me. Maybe I should start a rant on all of the dumb foods with no calories/reduced calories. What about the naturally skinny people like me who need all the calories that they can get? It really should be 'donate to be healthier' but.. donate to lose weight rhymed. Yeah.
  16. Vending machines are evil things--evil I tell you! They have these bags of chips for $1.50 each, and they're not even that big! If I go to the grocery store, I could get a much bigger bag for only $3.00! It's such a rip-off. There are also these dried mangos at the store for $5 each. They're probably really bad for me, but oh are they ever tasty! I just can't help myself with this kind of stuff (despite being a vegan). That is, until I realized something. $1.50 x 20 (I bought something from a vending machine once every day or so) + $5 x 4 (I bought the dried mangos once every week) = $50!! Fifty dollars! I really needed to stop spending all this money on junk food. I also had a $5/month subscription to magicduel. I figured that I could easily pay $5 a month (or 16 cents a day) when I was regularly buying chips that cost $1.50 each. The problem was, only having a $5 subscription to magicduel made me feel like I could afford to buy other things on the internet, such as cards on an online trading card game (TCG). For me, MD is less conductive to being a money sink than some games are. Anyways, this meant that I was spending $30-40 a month on card games and such. I felt that I could afford it because I was paying 'only $5 a month' for magicduel (and similar small amounts for online magazine subscriptions). I'm a student, and I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I was double over my mental credit limit (my limit is 5x larger than it needs to be for groceries so that I can buy textbooks/go to the dentist and such.) Something needed to change. Then, a solution hit me. I'll just up my magicduel subscription to $30 a month! That's the perfect solution! Now before you say, 'HOW??' hear me out. While $5 was easy to ignore, $30 definitely wasn't. So, I stopped buying chips and sugary snacks because I knew that I couldn't afford them due to my subscription. This completely got rid of the $50 that I was spending a month previously. I also stopped buying cards in online card games, and I'm now only donating to one other game that I think really deserves it. It's a LOT bigger than magicduel though, so it doesn't really need my money that much. In conclusion, becoming a bronze subscriber saved me quite a bit over $20 a month! It's saved me enough money that I can occassionally donate even more to games like magicduel. Now I know that some of you can't afford a subscription, which I understand perfectly. I'm just really lucky that one of my parents retired after working at the university that I'm going to, which (due to a university policy) means that I get 50% off of my tuition. However, I'm sure that there are some of you like me who spend money on things like chips which only gain you weight. Why not convert that chip and candy money into shiny, pretty, tokens? Tokens last a lot longer, that's for sure! Also, I recommend getting a subscription as opposed to buying credit packs. Subscriptions are much harder to think of as insignificant, at least for me.
  17. [b][color=#696969]Happy belated [/color][color=#ff0000]b[/color][color=#ff8c00]i[/color][color=#ffd700]r[/color][color=#008000]t[/color][color=#00ffff]h[/color][color=#0000ff]d[/color][color=#ee82ee]a[/color][color=#a9a9a9]y[/color][color=#696969]![/color][/b]
  18. Want change and change? Talk to me

  19. [b][color=#0000ff]Happy[/color][color=#000080] Birthday![/color][/b]
  20. [color=#ff3300][font=trebuchet ms,helvetica,sans-serif][b]Happy Birthday! [/b][/font][/color]
  21. Why you have birthday during exams, MD? MD's Answer: Because I was born this way.

  22. [color=#40e0d0][b]Ha[/b][/color][color=#000080][b]Pp[/b][/color][color=#008080][b]y b[/b][/color][color=#000080][b]Ir[/b][/color][color=#0000ff][b]tH[/b][/color][color=#000080][b]dA[/b][/color][color=#0000cd][b]y![/b][/color]
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