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Everything posted by Change

  1. Everything in the shop is one credit. Also, getting gold is not the same as getting silver, at all. In this case, someone might value 5 credits more than one gold. With five credits, a person can buy five different things in the shop. That might be worth one gold to them.
  2. I suck at roleplaying. Emphasis on the playing part.

  3. 12 heat stones
  4. [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A cat sat on Zleiphners face and then died... Zleiphner woke up he said, "WHY!?" He shoved the knife into its sheath, slapping DD who's a GoB onto a bee. Zleiphner, thought that this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang and Fang cried... hell broke loose! and licked BoB, poor BoB always whipped by demons. Then came Eon who finally said, "Enough you people!" and killed DD. DD's blood flowed down and down until it reached a river of chicken fat. Change with Lord [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tipu is a good pair of idiots after Eon's retirement[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] they decided to kill each other but were unsuccessful[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif], so they slept embracing one another[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]'s anime collections. Meanwhile, Peace declared war[/font][/color] to avenge DD [and all bees.]
  5. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1361510541' post='133071'] I.e. the latter option, "just don't care." MD is among other things a data mining project. I don't understand why people wouldn't want to get in on the data mining action. Oh well. [/quote] I'm interested in this thread for the same reason why I'm not posting my characters' DNA.
  6. When I grab a shared heat jar it says "Selected item is invalid or its allready taken by someone else." This seems to be only when I'm grabbing one for the first time after the shared items reset. I still receive the heat jar despite the message. Also, allready should be changed to already and its should be it's.
  7. Do some jars still open in just the trigger box? If not, then I'd guess that this is a feature, not a bug.
  8. Thanks for LOTS of Change!
  9. By effort I mean any effort, whether fruitful or not. Depletion may or may not be easy. What I'm asking is if those depleting have put in more effort, a similar amount of effort, or less effort, as a whole, than those working to prevent depletion. Yes, it's hard to do something continuously that doesn't have immediate results. Thus, the 'anti-depleters' are at a disadvantage here. However, that's irrelevant in determining which group has done the most effort. Note, I say 'effort' not results. If, for instance, the anti-depleters did a series of 'news' articles on how depletion hurts the land, that would involve quite a lot of effort. It may not hinder depletion in any way shape or form, but it's effort. It could be that the anti-depleters have put in more effort than the depleters already. If that's determined to be the case, then I agree that game mechanics should change to reflect this. I'd like it if people posted what they've seen done, or done themselves for/against depletion. So, if you vote that anti-depleters have put in more effort, then post 'because they have done this and this while the depleters have only done this', and vice versa. Also ideally you'd post why you think certain activities involve a lot, or little effort.
  10. Who has put more effort into their 'cause', the 'depleters' or the 'anti-depleters'? By effort I mean anything that is related to either depletion, or the fight against depletion. Roleplaying, of course, is just as a legitimate effort as coded actions are. Depletion is the status quo, and for that to change I believe that those against depleters need to put in more effort than the depleters. If both sides put in an equal amount of effort, then why should the anti-depleters, those who are trying to change the current system, be rewarded over the depleters? Likewise, if the anti-depleters put in less effort than the depleters, why should they get their way? I'd like it if each person posted their reasons for their vote. I'm currently undecided. Hopefully, this will be informative. Edit: And please be honest. I can't force you to, but if you're a member of one group but you think the other group has put in more effort, please vote that way. Posting your reasons will help to legitimatize your vote.
  11. I guess everyone has already forgotten about this: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10608-resource-depletion/"]http://magicduel.inv...urce-depletion/[/url], or maybe they just stopped bothering after seeing [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10608-resource-depletion/page__st__60#entry106507"]Krioni's post[/url] and agreeing with it. The reason why no items to stop depletion will be created any time soon is because while there might be a will to stop depletion, there is a greater will to deplete. Think about it. The depleters in the land have to constantly go around harvesting resources. This takes a lot of effort. By logging on for a certain amount of days, one is awarded with one of MDs most valuable resources. Really, the depleters should have already gotten several wishpoints for their efforts by this logic. Thus, the depleters actions are, IMO, worth several wishpoints. Any action to stop depletion thus really needs to be worth several wishpoints of effort as well. This has not happened yet, I don't think. A solution that might work is a union of sorts, where if someone depletes, members of the union agree to not trade or interact with said depleter. I'm thinking now of how this would work exactly, but such a solution would be far better than asking for new tools without putting in any effort.
  12. Happy Birthdays! Even later Time goes by so fast.
  13. I'm guessing you googled 'harm definition'? Did you know that there are multiple uses for a word? [url="http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/harm"]Definition of harm according to Merriam-Webster. [/url]Harm does not have to be deliberate, nor does it have to be physical. It, in fact, like lots of English words, is very much conceptual. All of this discussion is irrelevant anyways. It's not normally possible to log onto two accounts at the same time, thus one would assume that circumventing that game mechanic is against the rules. If it's not, then perhaps a thread should be started proposing that people should be easily allowed to log into multiple accounts at the same time.
  14. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1360575208' post='132423'] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I don't think there's much chance of this happening. He just wants to help the Community, you're gonna stop him from doing that too if you say this is alt abuse?[/color][/font] [color=#000000][font=Georgia,]"More generally, you are not allowed to use multiple accounts to help, benefit, or otherwise influence one specific player for their gain or loss.[/font][/color]" [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]He's not benefiting a single person, but everybody. And he's been doing this for a looong time. He became MP7 too, and the Meteor in his Inventory as proof that this is a good path.[/color][/font] [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#006400]I don't understand why someone who's doing a good thing must be stopped, i.e. marked as alt abuse. What is he gaining from it? Nothing.[/color][/font] [/quote] He [b]wants[/b] to help the community, that is, he probably [b]likes[/b] helping the community. Therefore, helping the 'community', while it might be called selfless, is a selfish act. Also, does everyone like what he's doing? Maybe some people don't want people to have a punching bag, thus he's harming that part of the community by his actions. No one is stopping him from helping the 'community' by being a punching bag. Ironically, what you want to let him do is harm the 'community' by being a punching bag, and something else simultaneously. So you're saying that rules should be bent around someone's selfish wish to help the 'community'? I sure hope that someone doesn't decide to help the community by trying to make people learn to fight for themselves (and using multiple accounts simultaneously to do so). Yes, it's arguable whether or not Fang setting a consistent ritual for people to practise against encourages people to learn how to fight. One could legitimately take the position that it doesn't help people learn. One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter.
  15. [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A cat sat on Zleiphners face and then died... Zleiphner woke up he said, "WHY!?" He shoved the knife into its sheath, slapping DD who's a GoB onto a bee. Zleiphner, thought that this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang and Fang cried... hell broke loose! and licked BoB, poor BoB always whipped by demons. Then came Eon who finally said, "Enough you people!" and killed DD. DD's blood flowed down and down until it reached a river of chicken fat. Change with Lord [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tipu is a good pair of idiots after Eon's retirement[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] they decided to kill each other but were unsuccessful[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif], so they slept embracing one another[/font][/color]'s [anime collections. Meanwhile,]
  16. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1360550226' post='132406'] It would deprive people of training. [/quote] That's your choice to make. Believe me, I quite like what you're doing, especially since I'm in skilldamage from unbalanced fights. It's very helpful, so thank you for your [b]time and effort[/b]. Mind you, this time and effort becomes a lot less when you can just idle away while having fun on other accounts. Did awiiya play on another account at the exact same time as he was becoming a tree? If he did, and if others did similar things, then I guess I've greatly underestimated the sacrifices that some people here have made for their roles.
  17. [quote name='Fang Archbane' timestamp='1360547982' post='132402'] But back to the point. Some very important people have told me that playing on another account [b]while[/b] letting an "alt" get farmed is in bad taste. [/quote] It's the while (bolded) that's the key term. For some reason, when I go idle on an account, go to the main page, and click 'login' (to try and login with another account) it just automatically logs into the account that I set as idle. I thus have to logout of one account before logging in on another. Maybe this is [i]intentional[/i]. I'm sure that there are ways around this, however I don't use any of them. Maybe this is the 'bad taste' that the others were talking about? Edit: Yes, I can see the thinking that FFS isn't benefiting Fang Archbane, at least not directly. However it removes the sacrifice of taking on a role. If you only logged onto one account at a time, then you'd have to choose how you spend your time - as a punching bag, or as a fighter. I think that this is intentional also.
  18. Do you mean you need more B12 than the standard 2.4 micrograms a day? 2.4 micrograms isn't that much, really. Lots of soy milk is fortified with B12. I get 1.2 mcg (micrograms) from a cup of it alone. 50 grams of swiss cheese gives 1.7 mcg, while Red Star T6635+ Yeast (nicknamed the Vegetarian Support Formula) gives 1 mcg per two teaspoons, and it's quite tasty actually. I'm suspecting that you might already know this, and despite this you can't go vegetarian? If not, you've tried, which is all you can do, and it's not your fault that you can't. There are obviously other ways of supporting the ethical treatment of animals. What I don't like are the people who do care about not killing animals, but refuse to try going vegetarian/vegan (even though they can) because they 'can't live a day without bacon'. I know that eating meat is normal (though there are questions of how good omnivores are humans really), therefore everyone should do what's natural! Please ignore the fact that I'm typing this on a computer. Obviously quite a few animals eat other animals for food. What they don't do is raise animals in hostile conditions who don't ever get to experience the world in any meaningful way. Yes, some animals are arguably too stupid to appreciate the world, however I seem to recall something about pigs being surprisingly smart? I'll be the first to eat bugs (which are far easier to catch than mammals) if I'm in a survival situation, however I just think that I'd rather not be eaten, therefore I won't eat other creatures for food if I don't have to. If you disagree, that's fine with me. Oh, on the what to eat subject. I find it ironic that vegetarians and vegans tend to have a more varied diet than the meat eaters who ask, 'What do you eat?!' Food limitations forces one to get creative.
  19. [color=#000000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A cat sat on Zleiphners face and then died... Zleiphner woke up he said, "WHY!?" He shoved the knife into its sheath, slapping DD who's a GoB onto a bee. Zleiphner, thought that this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang and Fang cried... hell broke loose! and licked BoB, poor BoB always whipped by demons. Then came Eon who finally said, "Enough you people!" and killed DD. DD's blood flowed down and down until it reached a river of chicken fat. Change with Lord [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tipu is a good pair of idiots after Eon's retirement[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] they decided to kill each other but were unsuccessful[/font][/color], [so they slept.]
  20. [quote name='Grido' timestamp='1360363185' post='132306'] Something that got pointed out to me a little while back, was that if we didn't eat meat, or meat products, as a society we would have very little use for the animals and they would likely start to die out, or worse, be culled because of expense to maintain. [/quote] It's like Dubois's 'A Mild Suggestion', or like Swift's more popular, but less similar, 'A Modest Proposal'. It's more cruel to prolong an animal's life if it's going to be full of misery than to keep it alive. At least for animals in modern factory farms, I'd think they'd be better off extinct than them living the lives that they currently do. If meat from ethically treated animals was as easy to come by as vegan products, I might eat meat again. However, I don't care for meat that much, and checking the ingredients on processed foods is much easier than finding an ethical source for a food that I barely eat. To each their own. Plus, I hear promises of eternal youth and elven life spans, and I'm a gambler so I'll take it!
  21. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]cat sat on Zleiphners face[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] and then died... [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] Zleiphner woke up [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]he said, "WHY!?" [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]He shoved the [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]knife into its[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]sheath, slapping DD [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]who's a GoB[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] onto a bee. Zleiphner, thought that this was bizarre So he kicked the puppy Fang and Fang cried[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]... hell broke loose! [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]and licked BoB, poor BoB always[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] whipped by demons. Then came Eon [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]who finally said, "Enough you people!"[/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] and killed DD. DD's blood flowed down and down until it reached a river of [chicken fat. Change][/font][/color]
  22. I'm vegan because I saw Scott Pilgrim and I don't drink coffee or tea so... My reasons:[list] [*]I'd be able to more legitimately argue that I don't support enslaving millions of creatures for food (against an alien who wanted to enslave me). [*]The stuff that they put in animals these days is.. icky. [*]I'm too lazy to go out of my way to get healthy, non-GMO/drugged meat when I didn't eat it often before I went vegan. [*]Other than milk, I don't particularly like dairy products that much. I drank milk a ton before, and I'm glad that I've stopped (I feel a lot better). [*]It forces me to read the ingredients on everything, which has driven me to buy things with fewer/no ingredients. [*]I can deceive strict ethical vegans into thinking that I'm on their side. [*]It greatly increases my prospects in dating other.. vegans. [/list] On an unrelated note, I'm possibly deciding that I'll go vegetarian when I'm out at friends places/restaurants that don't have vegan options. Why don't I go vegetarian at home? Because I don't particularly like cheese, yogurt, or dairy products, and so the only benefit would be being able to buy tons of processed junk which I'm better off without. As for recipes, I mainly just make variations on pasta/beans+tomato+vegetable+ginger+hotsauce/ketchup for dinner, some sandwich for lunch with vegetables, and cereal/oatmeal for breakfast. When I'm exceedingly lazy, my meals consist of energy bar+fruit drink with 6 servings of fruits and vegetables+Mr. Noodles. If you haven't guessed it, I'm a university student. I do occassionally make proper vegan recipes out of a book, but they often require quite a lot of different ingredients.
  23. That's what I thought, dst, but my point still stands. @Dark Demon. The whole awarding a wishpoint implies that this is the part of the quest that awards the most dedicated, as opposed to those who are doing it, but not taking it that seriously. However, someone who lives with one of their divorced parents on weekdays and who lives with the other on weekends might be incredibly dedicated to the quest, but doing this part of it would be simply impossible for them. Hey, look, here's a [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13706-unfolding-the-cube/"]quest about art[/url]. Are you saying that an extremely talented artist should win an art contest for a drawing that they make in five minutes, as opposed to someone with a tremour who spends over twenty hours or more to make a piece of art that doesn't look nearly as good, but it's obvious that they put a huge amount of effort into it? Edit: Yes, some quests are directed at lucky people. However they don't have to be, and people can work on designing quests where effort is rewarded as opposed to natural talent or luck.
  24. She's not saying she has no interest? In fact, her questions imply that she has great interest. It's a simple fact that some people [i]can't[/i] be at one location for months at a time. For instance, I live in residence at the university that I'm going to. However, I'll be leaving there to go home for the spring-summer semester. Luckily for me, I live quite close to home, and I could potentially take the bus home every day to take photographs and take care of my plant. This would take me about two hours each day, and my commuting time is [i]short.[/i] Here are some more examples of people who either 'apparently have no interest' or 'simply can't garden': [list] [*]People who travel all around the world on a regular basis. [*]People who change residences frequently [*]People who go on vacations or who visit relatives for more than one day. [/list] Also, I'm not sure how accurate Rumi wants this to be, but one would either have to dedicate a camera to this quest, a tripod, or be able to find a way so that the camera is in the same place each time, with the same zoom settings/etc. Most people have a cellphone, and quite a few cellphones have cameras, however unless one has an apple product it'd be quite difficult to make a mount for a phone. Now obviously this part of the quest is restricted to those who have access to a camera on a daily basis, and that's fine, however some people might just have a cellphone camera. My point being, this part of the quest happens to reward people who luckily have the ability to do all the things required. Does their luck mean that they have any more dedication than others who aren't so fortunate? No. Even if dst is trying to 'end it' in some way, her points are still very valid.
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