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Everything posted by Change

  1. Only three days left till exams are over... -.-

    1. Chengmingz


      You see. High school exams don't happen until after Winter Break :)

    2. Maebius


      I remember those days.... :/

  2. [quote name='Lintara' timestamp='1355504044' post='128218'] black cap [/quote] Black Hat
  3. Ahah! [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11445-summon-by-tag-what-to-how-to/#entry101135"]Found it.[/url] From that post, it seems that Mur wants an automated leadership system to take place. (Yes, it's much more complex than that). I'm thinking that this might be in line with that, somewhat. The only case where one quite loyal person would dictate citizenship policy would be either when no one else votes, or when they have enough loyalty to outvote everyone who votes against them. I agree that just one somewhat meaningless number such as loyalty shouldn't make someone effectively a King. Therefore, there should be a place where you can vote in favour and in disfavour for a citizen. If a citizen is favoured, then their loyalty for voting purposes effectively becomes greater (it'd be almost a similar concept to adepts). However, if a citizen is disfavoured, their loyalty for voting purposes becomes lesser. So, someone with 1000 loyalty could have two people with 300 loyalty in disfavour of them, making their effective voting loyalty equal 400. This could be an expotential process, so there would be a bonus based on the number of people who favour and disfavour someone, makine two 500 loyalty people's favour/disfavour be worth more than one 1000 loyalty person's. Ex. Total loyaltiesx(1+number of people in favour/disfavour*0.10) = total effective loyalty of the group in favour/disfavour. Thus, with the previous example, 500+500x(1+2*0.10) = 1000x1.2 = 1200. I just came up with this off of the top of my head, but the point is that two people with 500 loyalty would outweight someone with 1000 loyalty, preventing the 1000 loyalty person from just disfavouring all citizens to make their effective voting loyalty useless. (Note, the disfavours/favours of citizens do not affect a citizens power to favour/disfavour a citizen, otherwise it'd just be a rush for people to disfavour everyone that they can). The formula for favouring/disfavouring could be changed so it's more expotential (thus making 20 people with 30 loyalty have a huge effective favouring power) or it could be made less affected by the number of people in the favour or disfavour of someone. The specifics of my examples are just quick suggestions that I came up with in a few seconds. Rather than focusing on the specifics I give, you should focus on the general idea of what I'm suggesting. EDIT: Yeah, I just realized how giving the number of people favouring someone too much power could make it open to alt abuse. That is, a 1000 loyalty player with 10 alts, could get the 10 alts to favour/disfavour someone with it, and thus more than double the influence of his or her 1000 loyalty on favouring or disfavouring someone. This is why the specifics are not as important right now as the general idea. They'd need to be determined if it is going to be implemented though.
  4. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1355496028' post='128206'] DD [/quote] Chickadee (dee dee)
  5. Well, if it were to be changed, one suggestion would be to make it more dynamic. Make not voting have a much smaller negative influence so that it would potentially only take one vet/loyal player to vote someone in (if no one else voted). Thus, Maebius could vote for someone who applied to join Marind Bell and if no one else voted, they would be in after seven days. However, anyone could start a vote to remove them as a citizen, and those who don't vote would have an equally small influence that says that they stay (ie. by not voting, they don't seem to care if that person stays). The amount of influence that the people who don't vote have should only be large enough to prevent alt abuse. If the percent needed to get in is 80% loyalty in favour, then the percentage needed to vote someone out would be 21% in favour (of voting them out). Therefore, someone with 50-100 AD or so could start a vote to vote someone out of the land, and if no one else voted, the person would be removed from the land. Of course, people would be able to see who started votes, so if for some reason everyone is asleep for a week, and they really liked the person voted out, they could vote out whoever voted them out as punishment. Just some suggestions.
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. When I asked for more Gazebo Teleports, I didn't mean for the Gazebo to actually move!

    1. Mallos


      Did Mur sneeze again?

    2. Tipu


      No he farted...

    3. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah

      No, that was us. The results just became apparent.

  8. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1355392296' post='128095'] Corner Gas [/quote] Lucy Decoutere
  9. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1355355902' post='128075'] Pottery [/quote] Wizardry
  10. [quote name='DARK DEMON' timestamp='1355329430' post='128071'] (for the) old [/quote] Mold
  11. [img]http://www.lolcats.com/images/u/07/44/lolcatsdotcomd874ohkid2239c55.jpg[/img]
  12. "I'm not Granos!" "Who is Granos?" "What's a Granos?"
  13. I mainly listened in this case because I felt silly after posting this before being told how silly it was. (I'm under '1' years old myself). It would be funny if both of them decide to come back around this time.
  14. Wasn't purposefully trying to do either (I'd actually like to keep my current post rank) On second thought, making an Offtopic post about vast 'age' differences would have been a better idea (I guess that might still be considered spammy). I'm still getting used to this forum where there's so little of anything that can be possibly construed of spam (which is great, but it's kind of weird). Sorry!
  15. Define the usual ones by listing them?
  16. This day exemplifies the diversity of players that play magicduel. Happy 4th birthday, Blood Prince and happy 102nd birthday, ibruzu!
  17. [quote name='purplebunny' timestamp='1355169226' post='127930'] 13 random names of animals, birds, insects etc. [/quote] What's your 13th 'random' creature, Chengmingz? Human?
  18. You don't need time to watch anime, you need anime to watch time! Haven't really seen Ghost in the Shell but the other three sure are fun. Gurren Lagann is the most uplifting (hehe). Not sure how you get your anime fix, but crunchyroll is an actual legitimate source for it. It has a few 30 second ads in the some of the popular animes if you're not a paid member, but even then the website is so much cleaner than illegitimate ones (and thus much nicer to watch anime on).
  19. ... because I need to justify my anime addiction by posting this. I [i]know[/i] I'm not the only one who watches anime here. I've recently watched/still am watching as they come out: Sword Art Online Magi The Pet Girl of Sakurasou Shin Sekai Yori Puella Magi Madoka Magica Yuri Yuri Usagi Drop You know you're addicted to anime when you pay for a year's subscription of it. It's exam time, so thus it's the perfect time to watch anime. I should work on building up a list of all the animes that I've ever watched, and then calculate the hours I've spend watching them. On the plus side, I don't watch TV! (And yet I get 'free' cable at my residence. )
  20. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1355176002' post='127943'] not kosher [/quote] Bacon
  21. [quote name='purplebunny' timestamp='1355174111' post='127939'] fun [/quote] Friends
  22. Butterfly, grasshopper, swallow, sparrow, badger, centipede, moth, chicken, giraffe, pig, elephant, fox, whale.
  23. Don't you hate it when you forget the title of a song that's playing in your head?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Change


      I found it!! It's My Worship by The Prophet for those that like hardstyle/trance/techno stuffs.

    3. purplebunny


      good :) glad you found it.

    4. Maebius


      nice song!
      I like it.

  24. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1355059851' post='127889'] Zircon [/quote] (Indistinct) Cleavage
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