Change is me. And I'm tired of playing me. While your character in MD tends to reflect some of yourself, Change reflects all of myself (most of the time). Edit: This also includes lengthy, heartfelt posts, so bear with me (and Change). So, I make lots of mistakes, I overthink things to no tomorrow, and I often am emotional about the littlest of things. I waited over 200 days to join a land because I (remember, Change is I and I am Change) was indecisive AND I thought that alliances were the only ways of getting things done in the land. So when I searched for a land for those 200 days, I was really searching for an alliance. I wanted to help people, because helping people makes me and others happy, and those who are happy tend to be nice around me. Basically, why lots of people like to help people. I'm also patient, so I know that my help will come back to me in someway. So, I joined the Fusioneers, what I thought of as the most practical alliance to help people and to promote 'change' (more on that later). Perhaps I really do fit into Golemus. After all, it seems to be about syntropy vs. the entropy of Necrovion (ironically, or perhaps not, I chose both principles. I think Marind Bell is the light that differs from the apparent darkness of Necrovion, but that's another story. The reason for me saying this, despite feeling a dislike for the land that was chosen by misguided intentions, is because I hate war. Now, this might be for multiple reasons, but one of them is balance. Magicduel seemed to originally be all about war, as are most RPGs. Nonetheless, it promised to be something more, so, desperate for a game in which combat, fighting, killing things, etc., were not the only real ways of achieving something in the game, I joined. I picked Change as a name simply because I have picked that name before. I pick it because whenever I pick a name that isn't a somewhat flexible neutral English word, I tend to dislike it greatly. That's because I constantly fall into the trap of making characters that are me, just in a different world. In my teens, I, like many others, didn't really know a thing about me, and I think this was more true for me in particular, but maybe not. So my personality seemed to constantly shift. I only recently have realized that it wasn't myself that was changing, but my perception of myself. I've always been me. There's been growth, but it's easy to tell what's at the centre when I focus now. Now that I know me, perhaps I can make a character that is me. But why should I? Isn't Magicduel about roleplaying in part? It certainly is especially for those of us who dislike games where fighting is more than 60% of the game. So I should create a character that might show an aspect or two of me, but not all of me? But I often join roleplaying games so that I can truly express myself, when I otherwise couldn't in the real world. I'm tired of puppet shows in the real world, so why would one here be any better? Yet I'm incredibly jealous of characters like Nimrodel, Peace, Syrian, and so on, basically, all of the characters who seem to have came into magicduel with a /character/. I didn't. All I came into magicduel with was myself, and a placeholder name. All of the 'Change' stuff was just to make the name have some sort of meaning, for the character to be something beyond myself. I wasted time, so much time, figuring out myself, when so many characters were born sure of themselves. Are all of those characters perfect reflections of the people playing them? I thought not. So it's with these thoughts that I look at my 622 out of 978 days with a heavy heart. Were all of those days a waste? No. I, myself, learned things about myself because of them. But I could have started with a specific character and known what I was doing from day 0. If I had the option, I'd sorely be tempted to wipe all of my principles, stats, days, and so on, starting over. Yet, I do have this option, but I feel like I'm a coward for doing so. After all, while all of the characters in the adventure log seemed to have a purpose at birth, a character at birth, I've met characters since then who also have lots of days in no man's land when they didn't know what they'd do. Perhaps I'll never be a major character ever. Is that a bad thing? Probably not. But it doesn't stop me from being jealous of Peace, who was a Necrovion from day one. Perhaps those days are gone, and it's normal for someone with 600 days to actually start their character, despite having the wrong name, land loyalties, and principles. Perhaps I should accept those 600 days as part of my growth. The problem is, they remind me far too much of my real life, where I've similarly pointlessly wasted two years away doubting myself. Those two years will forever permanently affect my life. It's irrelevant why, just trust me. If I ever appear in the adventure log now, doing something to progress the story of the realm, I'll appear as Change, the person who, despite being a Protector, Fusioneer, and so on, was absent from the story of the land due to her indecision for two years. So should I try and continue Change, even if she takes on a new name (if I'm allowed one, and if I can find one)? It will be painful, tearridden and a learning experience, moreso than playing a character that doesn't perfectly reflect me. Should I start to make Change's decisions different from myself? Or should I start over, make a new character, and play a mere aspect of myself, who is a person in her own right, seperate from me, but sharing aspects of me. I have to choose one or the other, because I've never been able to play more than one character per world I'm in. So I ask, do people want Change? What is Change to you, because I already know that Change is me. And should I continue to involve me fully in MD, or should I bring in someone who is infinitely more qualified for whatever job I choose at birth?