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Everything posted by Change

  1. There's definitely no time limit. The quest isn't intended to force people to rush it. I removed the first three submissions getting more rewards because I realized that that might put pressure on some people to rush it. Now everyone gets 15 silver (or 1 gold) and a spellstone. :) (until I run out, then there might be different rewards). In fact, while doing it all in one day might be an interesting task, doing it over a much longer period of time will hopefully cause you to think more about how things can be used in different ways in your day to day life, which is the goal of this rather big task.
  2. This quest is simple, and it will never end. Really, it's more me rewarding people for a common, but useful exercise. I did not invent this exercise. What your task is to do is to pick an object in MD--it must be a thing, not a concept, and write 1000 uses for that object. Any submissions will get at least a spellstone (until I run out of spellstones that I'd be willing to give) and 15 silver/1 gold (until I run out of those). Sponsors are definitely appreciated. Post below if you're up for the challenge, and then link to your submission when you're done. You can go as much above 1000 uses as you want, and you can do this quest as many times as you'd like, but please pick a different object each time, preferably one that someone else hasn't done already, or if they have done it, with different uses. Yes this quest is hard. It's meant to be. It's meant to get rid of your expectations of what a certain object can do, or be. I'll be posting a full length example sometime in the next few days (I'm busy with other writing now), but I want to give people the opportunity to start now if they wish. Stones: [spoiler] Weaken stone Locate stone (12) Movelock stone Otherarmy stone (2) Heat stone (20) Invisibility stone Prot Freeze stone Prot Attack stone (2) Prot Defence stone Prot Heal stone Prot Movelock stone Prot Nomulti stone Prot Bringin stone [/spoiler] Note: Uses that are obviously meant to circumvent the system will not be accepted. So you can't have 'look at a spellstone once, look at a spellstone twice, look at a spell stone thrice' etc. until you reach 1000. However, some uses can be: A spellstone exists to look at, to touch, to smell etc. Just don't try and cheat the system and you'll be fine. Funny uses are just as acceptable as serious ones. :)
  3. Thanks for the really fun quest. :) I'll pick weather snow.
  4. You can also use the arrow keys to pan right and quickly view it. Lots of workarounds. :)
  5. Applied to Necrovion. All votes, whether for, against, or abstains, are appreciated. Will continue to be available to talk at the Howling Gates. Edit: Voting is now open.
  6. Happy birthday :)
  7. Done stained glass. Now I just need to do other events/quests and /then/ do my homework...tomorrow.

  8. Ackshan Bemunah, AmberRune, Ary Endleg, Assira, Azkhael, Eara Meraia, Eon, Sir Blut, Syrian Angel of Death: http://imgur.com/yWFiR44 Don't ask? It started out as a lantern, I swear! In case anyone's wondering, Eon's spear/sword thing was used to extend the balloon string.
  9. Still finishing up my stained glass avatar. It's taken a rather morbid turn. I didn't try to make it morbid at first, I swear!

  10. I'm participating! :) Should probably be done by tonight.
  11. Aged some is required. I'm only looking for one now since I bought an aged one already. (I can get a fresh one myself). I have: Gold coin (1) Silver coin (78) 9 Memory stone 3 Sawdust 519 Branches 115 Flowers 264 Aromatic herbs 31 Cup of Cold Tea 78 Unidentified plants 2 Water 2 Sticky Goop 385 Tea leaves 5 Timeless dust Bushies (4) 50 Rainwater 3 Fenths 20 Wiiya Weaken stone Locate stone (12) Movelock stone Otherarmy stone (2) Heat stone (21) Invisibility stone Prot Freeze stone Prot Attack stone (2) Prot Defence stone Prot Heal stone Prot Movelock stone Prot Nomulti stone Prot Bringin stone BMMO Silver Gift (3) 8th Anniversary Piece of cake BMMO Bronze Gift
  12. Happy birthday, Kiley! :)
  13. My last remaining doubt about wanting to join Necrovion has been removed.

    1. dst


      They bribed you beyond doubt? :D

    2. Change


      The other lands bribed me with alliances. Necrovion bribed me with nothing. :)

  14. Change is looking to apply to become an official citizen of Necrovion. She wishes to join Necrovion to be among those who are dealing with the subconscious and other 'dark' topics as she has done through her art and ideas. Among other things she is very patient, creative, and forgiving of some people's natures. However, she can be quite stubborn. She also dislikes when ideas go unchallenged as that creates a dull world. Change is usually willing to talk if one asks. http://magicduel.com/players/Change
  15. Three Eights Arion and Change
  16. I'd like to join.
  17. Well, it is nice to spread things out more for people who just can't make things. :) Sounds neat, anyways.
  18. Offering something life is just making life. It's not a sacrifice, at least, not as directly. You're still taking responsibility for its life, just like you'd take responsibility for the sacrificed's death. But other than that, one more soul, one less soul? Doesn't make a difference really, given that there might have been one more or less soul created naturally anyways. The number of souls is arbitrary.
  19. At howling gates. Also, getting briskness boosts, so I don't need to get rid of them instantly anymore. All those who can get the remains normally are welcome to them. If you lie about your age, then that's your fault and people might not like you because of that. I'm not going to bother trying to check every Mp3 and Mp4s active days.
  20. Oh wow. This one shop item/feature is amazing. Never noticed it untill now, but it changes everything. Can't tell what it is of course, but I got it.

  21. 11 knators 4 barren souls 4 water beings 8 remains 1 grasan Act quickly, since I'm going to free up space for creatures to sacrifice for heat soon. Was going to sacrifice them anyways, but if someone wants a couple, they can have them and I'll soon sacrifice the rest. Edit: Will sacrifice them once I get out of Necrovion and my APs are almost regenned.
  22. I've been reading the Necrovion Historical Documents. Yes, you'd think I would have read them earlier, but nevermind that. When I read A Sacrifice I had chills resonating in my bones for a day...until I realized something. I got them back when I realized something else though. The significance of destroying something's consciousness/soul, depends on the significance of a life. However, new souls are not very significant. If Wane, the virgin soul, was destroyed, then so what? If there's a limited amount of souls ever to be made, then what does it matter if there's now 954 instead of 955? If a soul is created when a body is created, then in real life, think of all of the millions of different souls that could have been born but weren't. It's impossible in this case for every potential soul to exist. Thus, with this type of sacrifice, where the sacrificed dies completely, a lot of the sacrifice of it is in the responsibility that the sacrificer takes for the death. They couldn't control if there was 1000 souls destined to exist or if there was 550. But by sacrificing the soul, they take responsibility for there being one less. If the sacrificed doesn't have their soul destroyed, but rather dies and goes to a place where all people go when they die, then again, this is the sacrificer taking responsibility for something that could have happened anyways. Therefore, two much bigger sacrifices, and the only ones that I now have a really hard time stomaching is if one, say it was impossible for a normal person to die naturally before they were under 1 day old in MD. Then, if someone under 1 day old was sacrificed, it would have no natural equivalent for that someone being killed so soon. They might go to the same place, but they would be denied the life that others were allowed to have as a given. The second one is the biggest one of all. It's if someone, when sacrificed, would not cease to exist, would not become a ghost, would not go to where all who die go to, but rather, they would go to a place where they're consciously tormented (they can feel it, experience it. If they couldn't, they might as well not exist, and it'd be like the sacrifices talked about above). This torment would never happen to someone naturally. Let's say that this is what the demon shades did to someone sacrificed to them. That is truly an unfair sacrifice. If, by any chance, the biggest sacrifice comes up as a possiblity, and if a land or person would make such a sacrifice, then I truly would not want to follow them or be in the land. Peace has sacrificed Wane to the shades. Presumably, he just died like a normal player, or he ceased to exist. However if it was the last possiblity? That he was sacrificed to the demon shades and he is now forever tormented? Then I'm not sure I could ever justify such a sacrifice, or a land that does it, for now. If it's not that kind of sacrifice though, and if Wane has ceased to exist, I do view the burning of Khalazdad's soul as the actual senseless sacrifice, since he had time to live. Edit: A nice way of summing this up is, To give someone death, is a neutral act. But to give someone life in the form of eternal torment? That, is truly evil. Double edit: Actually, a better way of saying it is, I'm undecided on whether sending an unwilling and innocent soul to eternal torment is worth any gain. However, killing them? Causing them to cease to exist? That, may indeed be worth it. Non-existance is nothing. Existance, can be painful.
  23. @Dark Demon Yes, but you basically had to decide brothers/whatnot almost instantly. I don't know how the Granos thing proves that wrong.
  24. I know it would be a new rp. It's just that before, I didn't read or know of much of the story. That was entirely my fault. Now, unlike before, it's impossible to be born in a place other than no man's land, sadly. No more Peaces are possible. I don't get why someone can't be born in marind bell or necrovion. The only reason is the newbie story which is outdated. But that's how it is. It's impossible to roleplay a character born in a land unless you said that they got kicked out or left temporarily, but that's another discussion. I'd roleplay my character in the now, but I'd know what that now is. My character wouldnt, but I can give them traits that will likely lead them in a particular general direction. Edit: Yes, I realize that Peace was only possible due to no active days existing when she was created. It would be neat if you were able to get your role/character approved to be born in a different land. "I wan join necro plz" requests would be rejected with good ideas/reasons considered. Like in some games where you have to play one character before earning the right to make a different one of a more roleplay intensive class, known players would have an advantage. I'll make a suggestion soon.
  25. See, I've been in multiple roleplay chatrooms before. I'm used to that. While sometimes in the chatrooms we acted out of character, sometimes we roleplayed significant events, or even minor events. I'd like to do this with magicduel. I'm trying to find my role, but one of my desired roles would require Change to do a seemingly complete 360, and that's just bad roleplaying. I'd need to roleplay lengthily about why she did that 360. Easier, I think, to simplify Change as you said, write her backstory based on real events she's done in magicduel, and go from there. But playing Change now is almost like playing a randomly generated character. I didn't choose her, especially the simplified her. There's only so much I can twist her to be like by simplifying. I'd much rather play a character of my choosing. Why can't I play two characters though? Change is mature enough of a character that I'd only need to log on with her for roleplay events, or when I feel like it. She's not a protector, and she's not going to be a member of an alliance, so she has no day to day pressing commitments. The only problem I forsee is if both Change and newcharacter get caught up in world events. Would it be possible to play both? Would it be allowed? Edit: Also, I only ever wrote the rough draft of that novel. Magicduel would be no different. :)
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