I just read it all today id like to make suggestions, currently it seems incredibly messy if you dont understand whats going on exactly. I got to about page 50-60 before i realized that the storyline wasnt 1 big storyline but looking in at different characters. So i have suggestions to maybe clean it up abit.
1. Maybe color code the differnt lines. Say maybe all of smarts dragon storys are blue headings, and wodin ones are orange. Something like that to help people distinguish.
2. Make sections for the storys. Give us options how wed like to read them, such as how it is now as they happen. But id much rather see all of a characters adventure in one place without scrolling threw, and having spoilers of the others happening. That will allow us to identify with 1 of the characters better, as we read their own adventure log.
3. I wanna kill smart and be the dragon lord ^^ he got my favorite dragon killed trying to start trouble the real dragon lord should come get him now for being an imposter