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Everything posted by STF

  1. [quote name='SoulTear' post='20956' date='Nov 27 2008, 10:52 AM']STF don’t you control morpheous? And weren’t you the one that sent someone to the dream world a while back for insulting you using that character?[/quote] nope i know of a player being banned though for writing stuff on my log, among other things, but i did not do that either.
  2. [quote name='dst' post='20804' date='Nov 24 2008, 11:09 PM']Unfortunately it seems that the dojo lost his initial purpose and has become a place where you conveniently train you creatures and gather xp and stats...a place for cowards in my opinion. It's useful for mp3s maybe for mp4s but not for mp5s and I saw a lot of them in there... If this will continue I will become of you think I am: the villain of MD... Btw: this is not a threat...it's just an expression of my ideas.[/quote] well... perhaps soon you will be in a dream too like a punishment (the way calyx thought might do me good) or dojo lovers will start posting on your log like they did with mine...
  3. [quote name='Grido' post='20801' date='Nov 24 2008, 10:09 PM']*edits out second typing in* as in, how can you tell if someone has left a message that it's alright to attack them, if people have been speaking in the area? don't know myself, you'll have to ask Calyx on that one, i think it might've been her papers i read that rule from[/quote] even if such a 'rule' would be set it would be without substance, as the dojo is a place where players meet to exchange knowledge and, as far as i know, you can only do that while not idle but active.
  4. [quote name='Grido' post='20792' date='Nov 24 2008, 05:39 PM']no, you may only attack an idle player if they have left permission for players to attack them no, you may only attack an idle player if they have left permission for players to attack them[/quote] can you endorse in any way such a statement?
  5. [quote name='xPo' post='19743' date='Nov 12 2008, 02:04 PM']About those players that "abuse" Dojo, trying to get protection, I don't care about them, because they can be attacked there, it's not 100% sure they won't be attacked for those who don't support the Dojo idea. They can go to willow's to attack and then go back to Dojo, but then if they get attacked, we can always see the Battle log and the time of the attack's and see that if he was at the Dojo or not...[/quote] Actually the log does not give info for others but only for the ones that are engaged with that fight. Hence, the fight logs are not public info. [spoiler]Also, when activating the secret burst the logs of the won fights are erased.[/spoiler] The log does not give you info on where the fight took place either. For this matter the control over the dojo thing is a mouth to mouth job, trustful or not.
  6. [quote name='Liberty4life' post='19495' date='Nov 5 2008, 06:13 PM']ty a lot, your contribution is very useful[/quote] I was thinking maybe you can link it to this page [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1839&hl=combo"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...39&hl=combo[/url] ...under Q: What are combos? I have the feeling the post is futile here, and mp3 players, to whom I address will not read it. Thank you,
  7. ++++++ i wanted to post this with the basics, but i cannot... so, ill just dump it here. ++++++ I would add something that the sooner you realize the better. You will see that with each fight that you win with a certain ritual the vitality that goes into the creature(s) that is(are) in it rises. This goes by the following rule: For each combo point you have with a ritual you get 0.25% of your max vitality with that ritual. e.g. for a 100 combo you will get a total of 12.5k vitality when having 10k max vitality each time you will attack with that ritual. Bearing this in mind you will soon come to realize that you can use combos to keep your creatures at 100% vitality. And how this can be done? Let’s say you build a ritual (R1) that consists of 6 creatures (the maximum number allowed): a1+, a2+, b1*, b3@, b3@, c5# where a b c are different creatures, 1 2 3 are different creature levels, +*@# are different abilities that those creatures might develop passing from one stage to another. Let us imagine that you manage to build a 50 combo with this ritual when having, let’s say 10k maximum vitality. This would mean that your ritual, when you chose to attack the next time, will have the vitality you managed to store at that moment plus 6.25k vitality from the combo. With this much vitality the probability that your creatures will be at 100% after the fight rises significantly. Of course, this is dependent on several parameters like your skills, your oponent skills, the type of creatures you selected with that ritual vs. the type of creatures your oponent has as a defese. As you see to have 6 creatures that can meet 100% vitality at any given time, you would like to also maintain this and do this with other creature also. What I am proposing now is a reversed domino effect, namely: how can you preserve the 100% vitality with your creatures and at the same time get more creatures that would be able to preserve 100% vitality. You make another ritual (R2) that uses part of the creatures that are already used with that combo you build, and another series of creatures that you want to enjoy the same 100% vitality. This ritual will also have 6 creatures: a2+, b1*, c5# (the creatures already met with the first combo) and d3+, d3+, b2@ (other creatures that you own). This ritual has better chances to get to a full combo (100 won fights) than a normal one as 3 of its creatures (a2+, b1*, c5#) will have full vitality due to the fact that the first ritual (R1) is a ritual richer in vitality than one that you just build, and the probability of those 3 creatures present in both rituals to have 100% vitality is higher. Fighting with these two rituals one at the time would mean that each combo you built is supported by the next one. From here the posibilities are limited to the number of creatures you own. You can build as many combos as you need to always have that desired 100% vitality with your creatures. The different abilities a creature may have (+*@#) are important when talking about combo rituals because they change with each level (1 2 3 n) a creature has. And this influences your combos in a radical way. For example, you manage to build a ful combo with the first ritual (R1) and doing so you fulfill the requirements for the upgrade all or part of the creatures in it. If you choose to upgrade a creature the next level (1 2 3 n) that creature has might not meet the same abilities (+*@#) as the level it had before upgrading. Let’s imagine that you upgrade the a2+ creature from the R1 and that this means that you get a a3@. You still have with R1 the identity of that creature, BUT that creature has no longer the ability set when you first conceived the R1. This means that the a3@ will not be used at all with the R1. It will simply be present in the ritual but it will not exert the @ ability it learned with the new aquired level. So, pay attention when you choose to upgrade creatures that you use in combos. I know I was too long with this post… but I wanted to share
  8. my posts on this forum are scarce... and they are so because i only chose to post when something happens in this case the thing that happened was one of the so called dojo defenders threatens me with pm. that is no good guys, you should know better how to promote the dojo. what i can tell you from starters is that so far i outlived all the ones that started playing this game, and i do not intend to retire any time soon. the way i see it this dojo thing might be memory next year... but who knows
  9. [quote name='Sol' post='13879' date='Aug 17 2008, 07:16 PM'][b]Is it ok to attack idle players in the dojo.[/b] Yes, but only if they left word that it was ok.[/quote] guys... all the respect for helping the other players, but... the thing is that i cannot agree with not attacking (idle or not); if you do not want to be attacked you logout or stay in sanctuary. anyways... those places are way too close to willow to even consider not thinking of them as places where i would not find players to attack. peace :D
  10. ...same problem here
  11. STF

    CrAzY profiles

    ...and an update:
  12. using spells
  13. thank you Steno :)

  14. thank you :)

    you are very sweet :P

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