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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Hi, you have the personal page, where you put something and that will hide your stats page.
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  7. I look leadership of MD when i point the wrong things and when i speak my mind free i need to be shut up by the community? DOWN WITH THE COMMUNISTS !!
  8. @Amoran and Glor: my sarcasm won't use for your problems , but i will point a power abuse that needed to be solved..but nobody spoke about it: :lol: Tarq. is leader, his alt, Keith Moon also a leader Amoran was leader, her alt, Kalamira Kol also a leader 2 people...having 4 leader places, it is like 4 people saying the same thing. You can come to me and say that the characters are different ...well..then what is doing Kalamira in Loreroot and picking on Yrthilian on why he took a seed from the ground?? oh and btw..was not MDA a neutral land? if so, how could a different character, but an alt of Amoran act like a character from Loreroot dedicated to Loreroot and Tarq.? I see people suporting in their statesments here on Firsantalas, of course i will pick on the records that need to be stated here and kept, like Tarq. declaration. Yes, Amoran hates me..as far as i remember , nobody pointed to you as a leader you came and TOOK the alliance with Nelya, then Mur changed Nelya password so that you can't use it anymore, but you took care to throw everybody out of the alliance 'just to be sure' and then left yourself in 'so that you can invite people in' so... you just kicked everyone and put yourself leader. Mur NEVER pointed to YOU, Amoran leader. People started to complain about you, the way you took the alliance, the way you (and the others) invoke rules and 'history stories'. At first i did not believe that, but after more told me, with strong arguments, and after what i knew i simply could not take this drama anymore. After your YM trial on me and Mur and even before that, people started to feel sick of MD and Loreroot and some people from there...wonder why... I kindly ask the people to stay in their place and think at the power they like to have and what they actualy can do, if it goes bad, please rethink and try to correct and accept bad opinions. Amoran did that in the end, by moving from the Gotr to Coe...but like's to show that she is a victim...well, i consider that MD and people from it are a victim of what happens in Loreroot, and no, Md is not remaining without characters ... but if the chances are taken like the 'power abuse' from the leaderships ... it may cause lack of interests and that is bad. Or like the takeover some people done...or the rules putted just to show 'who the boss is' ... Now, i kindly ask the ones that feels guilty, like Amoran and Glor did to pick on me, and not to take a look at what is going on in MD and Loreroot, as it seems that more important is to pick on the one that speaks and points the problems, i will enjoy it as always and that was my ending sarcasm . Have fun
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  14. Akasha

    Winds Sanctuary

    it is a very nice song, and BTW: i can;t turn it off
  15. In MD there are ppl from ALL AROUND THE WORLD so, outside politics are kinda irrelevant to inside ones ....
  16. Yes, i will not stop until you all will do it fair and stop lying ppl around and do your(persons not one specific person ) 'fantasy' things in MD. check the ppl that wanted to enter GOTR ally but were refused on the reason: 'Greetings Rhaegar. For now only Children of the Eclipse and Savelites Church are active alliances. Kragel has activated The Creators Guild. As you have been directed, talk to Tarquinus, Zleiphneir and Kragel. The Loreroot High Council will be having elections within its own ranks and until the results are finished, I do not believe that the Guardins of the Root will be recruiting. Please be patient. Sagewoman ' [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3316"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3316[/url] post 10
  17. Hmm how manny know about your fantasy forum? how manny have access to that ? Hmm should i say that amoran kicked everyone out in fear of not to be taken over? (the alliance) and then gave invites to her friends, and after that the election started?
  18. Well, if you would like to go, have fun in your life, i am willing to stay and point to your mistakes , again. Maybe you (council) tried to be honest but missed some points. Hmmm...should i ask why the votes (numebers) were not public to council members.. well the ones that you don't like until now? Or, no, i don't ask that quesion . Hmm or should i ask wha is this with 'only me and maybe 1 pers from council should know this?' oh ..no, that is not the council in council thingy, hmm or should i ask why you or who else gave Edens account to Renta which when asked at Goe why so much intresret ..should she be the one and she lied no, i am not the one usin that account ... that should be in the General possition... YES, i know things and these things should be made public so that everyone knows with who they are speaking and what kind of people are on HIGH places. The only persons that were clean you sent away because they did not listened to you. So, again : 'A council should be made again, from people that are equal, act like equal and are not that closed to each other, that have nothing to do with each other more then Loreroot, council. People that are not afraid of a negative answer or a critic to you opinions, a council that is not afraid of PUBLIC elections, that is sure on it's judgment, that knows everything what is going on inside it and will never accept a council inside a council like you all have done. A council that does not use other names or does not use other persons in their own purpose, like you all done. Start being fair, listening to all of you (you= members from 'council') and those who are afraid to show something, think what you can do in that problem. [b]Anyone that is afraid of showing something means they hide something and are afraid of what they hide. '[/b]
  19. Auch, you just pointed how much you love me, I knew that from the start. What is important here is not you, 'dear' Amoran Kalamanira Kol, but with what you play ... and what you (not personal refference) do wrong . Again, why are you (all) afraid of public? o, what are you hiding? Puppets ? Stealers? what? Lyiers? BTW: on me and the persons that speak with me this kind of text does not work : ''Now if MD wants to lose it's artists, very well- its on its way to doing so' but shows that you are weak and make a bad image.
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  21. When i say you, i not mean you in person, but you, the council members, and the ones that are on the voting list
  22. 1 thingy : democracy is about to LET everyone to vote, not only few elected by you. Loreroot is a part of Magic Duel even if you try to make it private and not a land from MD it is, and will always be even if you like it or not. Since all the Loreroot problems started the tensions can be seen in all MD . Also, not only that few can't play their role because of hiding things, but also not seeing clearly some things, not accepting some known things is putting you all in bad lights. I am here since the beginning of the game and i know how it was supposed to be, how it can be and how it is... IT IS bad...worse then you imagine. Look around you and see with what people you are...the only ones that are staying there because of you, the ones that are trying to make something good, even if this means to argue and contradict you all ... is out..why? or you kick them or they leave for their own. Having alts made and get them in council or in Loreroot is not a good thing..it does not fill the missing spaces... Entering with candidates that are long gone again, a very bad thing. Every RPC can see who entered with Eden. I do not point to nothing more then...choose better ppl for the council, ones that do not lie, ones that are not closed friends of yours and will not *nod* at anything you say, but actual people with whom you can discuss things, ask opinon and even get a negative answer with arguments. A council should be made again, from people that are equal, act like equal and are not that closed to each other, that have nothing to do with each other more then Loreroot, council. People that are not afraid of a negative answer or a critic to you opinions, a council that is not afraid of PUBLIC elections, that is sure on it's judgment, that knows everything what is going on inside it and will never accept a council inside a council like you all have done. A council that does not use other names or does not use other persons in their own purpose, like you all done. Start being fair, listening to all of you (you= members from 'council') and those who are afraid to show something, think what you can do in that problem. Anyone that is afraid of showing something means they hide something and are afraid of what they hide.
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  24. It is about this: 'I will ask all that will take part to make an alternative to one spell document. Same level of information, similar length but will be different from the initial document and will represent an alternate evolution of the spell.' Now, if you think you can do it and that you understand the spell documents, please send them at akasha at magicduel.com Thank you. If you have questions please let us know here so we can answer to them.
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