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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Huh? what is this ? be on topic not off topic pls.
  2. War can have many faces and the battles can be so different then simply attacking and winning .so an arena should be for the ones that fight for public interests..like old Italy or Greece .
  3. I simply don't understand why you try to stop what it can't be stopped. start thinking at reducing it's damage that is more helpful.
  4. As i know, these days the black ones are not good.
  5. Peace is always welcome, but if there is no room for it, then war will take place. The declarations are already made so i don't see a reason on saying stop anymore, but to wait the results and what the future will bring.
  6. How about the cold war? just checking if everything is at the end and needs the big war .
  7. I think u all should stay on topic ... and he was not drunk when he posted this.
  8. Very good point. Thank you all for keeping MD alive
  9. the festival is not about calyx or for the calyx, is a gathering that we, WISH are doing for the festival, i never heard ur story so pls come with it, i suppose that others are interested in it, it does not matter if calyx heard or not it matters how many of us know that story . This gathering has nothing to do with calyx. it's a gathering that our pub decided to do and thought it might be interesting and fun.
  10. Oh yes, we will all have so many gramar erors in our stories and spelling as well, but i know for sure there will be 1 person who will make a post because of that and call us dumbass
  11. Yes, we can take a hiatus for a wedding I will let Cryx to decide the hours.
  12. Akasha


    i think it's obvious my name, as my character. Just a perfect match
  13. it will work after 10 min. It's not done yet, he is still working atm :pardon:
  14. just look at ur stats page and see what stats u get from the armor and weapons and sets u use.
  15. Changed the name of the topic so that it can have more sence
  16. better, please i would like a list of all the ones that can't log in. It may be a problem, that's why i am asking. so we have: .Braiton. Marvolo
  17. does it happen after u are on idle for long time? because i logged out and logged in after 20 min without a problem.
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