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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. I wanted too but i guess it won't help:(
  2. Hmm i can't wait to test the new combat system
  3. yeah..especially when u have 25k Vital max ..imagine how much i must wait and if i attack or being attacked and loose vit
  4. Yes, i know. Manu said that the right time is when u refresh the page after u stay logged for some good time. It seems it's getting worse. As soon as he wakes up i will let him know about this.
  5. I will tell about this to Manu. But u are sure u don't get any VP or vit?
  6. U are not under attack. I simply correct the wrong infos. There is no unwritten rule. (this is a forum so everyone is writing )
  7. I corrected u since u said something wrong so that the users don't get the wrong idea. And i don't remember u to be the admin or one of the mods to tell me or to tell back to the topic. And if u don't think that speaking about the story is none of the topic i think u should reconsider it. When i say more pl writing i mean more are writing at the same story. If u are some kind of poet and speak in riddles or stuff like that announce pls.
  8. U said 'more players involved in the _writings_ so far'
  9. WOW u didn't stop with the spoiler...
  10. My dear, There is only one person writing the story. It seems to be randomnes because u, the players have chaned it. EG: BigC where supposed to die in the story, but the players made a support group for him and also prayed for him and he got new forces so he couldn't die anymore. = change of story.
  11. Well...we all do what it is necessary to stay alive and in on epeace...right?
  12. Hola. No hablo espaniol pero puedo entender lo que esta escibite aqui. Yo soy de Rumania. Bienvenido a MagicDuel.
  13. I just wanna thank to all the players that posted here and want to help us.
  14. Oh that's so nice of you.
  15. U find it in the game...or not?
  16. I think that more then 20 on willow shops . If we move to another location will be the same.Seems that we need to wait until the mp3 and mp4 reach mp5. They are at every step:)
  17. No, 4000 and a bit..4400 or 4800. but over 4000 heat doesn't help in the battles, so max for helping is 4000
  18. Akasha

    Forum Game

    chewett: One day the gate at the gates of Ages opened up ... smartalekrj: a bright shimmering light blinded my eyes ... killer2: and reflected off my sword... chewett: and blinded something in front of me.. killer2: the thing howled... smartalekrj: as i glared i noticed it was enormous... killer2: and it had a huge huge huge... Nauraph: greataxe resting on its shoulder. It... chewett: swung its axe back and then... Akasha: the dark began to raise upon it's age..
  19. Hello and welcome Buna si bine ai venit.
  20. Thank you for telling us.
  21. chewett! That's not a nice thing u've done! U erased the photo. Mur will decide if it's solved or not.
  22. this is not the correct one
  23. I solved it finally It took me a lot of time and papers
  24. So.. any suggestions?
  25. I really don't like the avatars to be posted on the forums EVEN if hey are in the MD shop. They should be only in the game..that's the point and meaning of unique and original..i don't like to choose a avatar that is also on the forums..i want it to be only in the game near my name, to be something special not a pic showed on the forums...
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