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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Here i post to revive this topic. Please post your names for the translation team and select one leader to help you. Here will be kept updated the list of the translation team. Good luck ! [b] ------- Names ----- [/b]Herly xPo Lozober
  2. Posting just mesages like : lol @x player and things like that , it is called spam. That message got deleted and i put the warning in here so it can be seen by the ones that thinks to post spam again.
  4. this starts to be offtopic and the posts to be spam. i will start using the warn button soon so better take care. PS: as a BONUS, the user that spams topics will get a big reset to 0 at post count.
  5. because of your insulting status, your posting are restricted and need an mod/admin approval. Your warn status was increased, your forum status deleted. Next time will be worse, take care UPDATE: do not delete this, you will get another warn

  6. Please do not make new topics for adding 1 link or 2, try to put them in the same topic, try using the edit button. Thank you [b]UPDATE: do not erase my posts in were i explain why i merged your posts and how not to post 1 link/post just to get 1 count per post. thank you. [/b] [b]PS: you can lose the moderation right when you spam and erase the comment i explain you spammed..aka you got warned.[/b] Sorry I didn't realize that I needed to keep this spamming warning thing up, or that I was spamming in the first place, I was just trying to put all the stuff the Advertisers did into the forum, so I will just add links and ads in my original posts? Ok I can do that...thank you it does look nice and neat now!
  7. Akasha


    So i get it or i let you do my quests or you will revenge?? what is this? we, RPC are not obligated to accept everyone in the quest. You don't like it you must survive with it. Yes, from now on you can consider yourself excluded from my rewards/quests. Have fun spoiling whatever you like, this is the lower you can get as a player and begg for rewards by thretening us.
  8. Akasha


    As i said before, the quests are done by RPC's for players. If 1 RPC would like you not to attend his/her quest it is only their decision and they are allowed to select certain people to do it or not to be able to do it. However, if you decide to make the quest, hen it is for your own pleasure, without a reward since you have been noticed that you won't receive one. You can go, ask make a big deal that RPC won't accept to give you a reward since you were not supposed to do it, but i am sure that won't solve anything. After the fight you (note i use you as in general not as a personal reference ) are frustrated and start to ruin the quest, you start to give the answers and solutions thinking that will ruin that quest and the RPC, but in fact, you ruin the fun of the other players that would like to try it out. You take that chance from them by ruining the action /running/ reading or what is needed to do in that quest. And that is how, from frustration, ego and other things quests started to fall down, without even have a chance to raise up. That i tell you is not fair. Try and think you all if it is fair from egoism that you are not welcomed to a RPC quest to ruin that quest for others, because the RPC will make more and more. We all have enemies and try to bring down the enemies but this must be done by letting the ones that have a chance to try it out.
  9. Good luck with it, if i can help, just let me know. Hope this will bring real fighters in MD.
  10. Well, it seems like..when time comes, there is nothing you can do to stop it..entered in cardiac arrest and we could not bring him back :(

  11. Yes, i love them, and this is one dog i saved from pure death :D

  12. As i said in the other post, i do not agree with this stupidity of banning a user that does not agree with you, is an active player, done nothing against the rules of the GAME not DOJO; and about the 'i spoke with' it is an inactive RPC. I still state that dojo is dead and without the spells nobody would respect your rules. Mp5 have nothing to do with dojo, if they search a sanctuary they have plenty. And the Magic Duel Community , from the votes, you can see is not working together with your dojo, but against it, or maybe against the current, what have become a so named dojo Also, you should lower your significance to what it really is and keep it that way, do not ask or pretend to be more important then you are not ! again, look at other training grounds that asked nothing and are respected, maybe from them you could make an example for yourself to follow.
  13. When i have a quest up, and it is public, i like it to be in the papers i carry with me and the persons interested in my quests to find me. In the end, finding me is also a small quest, so the first step is always that . I carry my book of stories, some can be found in MD Archives, some not, depending if they are connected to quests or not and the importance of them. The other book i carry is the Order book, in which i try hard to put everything the Order finds. I also run quests like missions, some in secret, some in public. Now, if you want to read one of my stories simply find me and open my book of stories, look at the Order one or even try my Quest, but do no ask me to come to you or to give you copy/paste just to be more simple for you. My profile is hidden, will probably have my story on, but until then will remain hidden as i simply have nothing to put for the lazy ones up. And i must thank you for classifying me among the best questers. Soon, a new chapter will be up on my Quest page.
  14. Banning an active player, nice one...and may i ask when and how you spoke with an inactive RPC? ) also on what period is that ban? BTW: we ban users that speaks dirty, swears , does something very very wrong and after we speak with them and give them last chance. I mean..look at what Rex did to get a ban BTW 2: ''The Dojo works because the Magic Duel community works together with the Dojo Staff and Trainees to ensure(bla bla)'' yes, translatio : The dojo works because the 'dojo staff' and 'trainees' have some extra powers . I mean...without them you all would be dead, and you know it. Look at Training Grounds: not a sing post and you wanted a shiny one or something more then 1 sign post 'to be noticed', not ban spell or something to help them ...and you use to ban active, role playing users ????
  15. Now i not only that i am older, but also the birthday ended (
  16. Thank you very much.
  17. Well, if you try to go to loreroot for eg you find the guards, when you click on them you see that you need to do something, go to paper cabin and find a scroll that will give you information about what to do. Necrovion is accessible by storyline or when a gatekeeper opens the gates. You can join an aliance when a leader sends you an invite. Chose 1 alliance that you like and ask around what are the requirements to enter to that aliance.
  18. Again, i asked you to check exact name because fallen with 2x L exists. Please check your language. I am not a dog to back off. I asked you about the forum accounts as you have to many for 1 person . That leads to suspension of them. Why? you can vote from more acc as 1 person that's why, and i thought it would be very nice to ask you which you like to keep
  19. Well, please check it twice, as i found the user fallen with 2 x l.And the word is written with 2x l to have a meaning...
  20. The acc. exists, please write the exact name [url="http://magicduel.com/players/Fallen%20Angel"]http://magicduel.com.../Fallen%20Angel[/url] FALLEN 2x L , is this the problem of your log in? I see in forum you have FALEN with 1x L
  21. I think she was referring to the forum friend list
  22. So, you are revolted or you have a problem? Both can be solved, i suppose. Post from 1 damn account (ps: choose 1 acc for the forum please. I had enough with alts in game but in forum it matters if it is an alt or not.) Also: the problem is : you are revolted because your account is bugged ? I don't get it...so, in game you can't log in in an alt, right? and i would like you to post what it says, exaclty. PS: stop feeling attacked or you will get responses like that.
  23. So, all this is because she got several warnings about spam/offtopic in other sections then offtopic? oh and is this about the whore thing?that topic should have been deleted. Also, i would like you to make 1 thing clear: why do you have 2 acc on forums? (i really really hope not 3). Admin/Mods have the right and also job to clear the forum from spam, move, delete, close, start , warn users, suspend them etc. You must live with it..spam in the spam section, you have been warned try not to make mistakes anymore. [b]Btw: complains for the forum issues go to Chew. [/b] (took me 30 min to write this with lots of clients on my head so it may not make sence from 1 sentence to another )
  24. A 19 year old froggy Happy Birthday
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