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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Please do not kill the trees ! We need them Thank you Shadow. [size="1"] PS: you coul help the tomato group to grow by planting a tomato also[/size]. [size="1"]I am sure Mur will love it[/size]
  2. Since spring is here, i thought at a new season contest. This contest is dedicated to ... Bob, the tree Here is what you need to do..really simple: take a tree (any kind of tree) and plant it in your garden, or near where you live. (You can add some flowers near) Take photos of you planting the tree or film yourself, add MD sign on it and ''for Bob, the tree ''. You could even name your newborn tree. I am sure Bob will be very happy and think at all the trees planted by you when he is blooming. As for the rewards... i will update hopefuly soon, with them. Hope you will have fun. Akasha
  3. No, it was not you, it was just time to end the spam pictures.
  4. Fun gallery removed with all the pics inside. Also some of your pics got removed from other albums if they were not related to the game or fantasy or taken from the internet . Do not upload anymore prints not related to or from the game, nor random pics from the internet/fantasy please, it will be removed. Forum gallery is a feature for personal photos, not a collection of internet pics. Thank you.
  5. The mail is[size="2"][color="#8b0000"][b] art(at)magicduel.com.[/b][/color][/size]
  6. Artworks yes, but , fun things like what you can find in the fun gallery no..the internet is full of them, spammers always send them and i guess there is no room fr it here, i was just reminding the ones that have them to save what they don't keep on pc because will be deleted..
  7. [quote][color="#cccccc"][2010-02-27 03:38:32 - Alpha 9][/color] Forum bandwidth and storage space is limited. Filling it up with random gallery images is something i want to avoid. I will start to remove images that i consider pointless. Sorry if i will destroy your personal fun pic collection or your beloved screenshots from other games, i am sure they have perfect meaning for you but they are simply to much. The forum gallery was supposed to have pictured, like in real pictures done by you, about you, with you and your friends, or related to MD in the md section. Other images, such as screenshots, funny pics, random nonsense uploads and others of similar nature will be removed to avoid a forum space upgrade that is realy not required but forum is pushed in that direction because of these. Please save your pictures if the forum is the only place were you hold them. Thanks for understanding.[/quote] Please save your pictures and do not add more pictures that enter that cathegory. There are some opened albums on personal galery that have been there for ages and no pics inside, use them or delete them. Pictures are to be uploaded in the right album, or else will be deleted, no more warnings nor announcements. If your pics are screens from the game or have something from the game use game related people! Also, if not sure where you should put your pic, take a look in the albums and see what kind of pics are in there.
  8. But he can transfer the heads to someone else, aka his mainin case of alt or a friend
  9. [font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][color="#800000"][size="4"][b] [/b][/size][/color][/font] [font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"] [color="#800000"][size="4"][b]Words and Shapes[/b][/size][/color][/font] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"]Our human mind limits the words to definitions. We forget the shapes build upon words. We limited our believes, our range of imaginations and we started to give a specific sense to each word; it is like we blind ourselves with the words.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Today I had a wonderful talk with Awii about his revelation regarding shapes. YES! We are surrounded by shapes build out of words.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] He is the only one that came to me to speak about a real location and a logic explanation of Book of Principles. He used the words to shape the location. One step is done. That does not mean he found it, just that he learned to search the true meaning.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] It is like the numerous actions and theories about Land Weapons. SEE? The word you define blinds you. You have 2 words: land and weapons. You define land as one of the current territories, which is correct;[/size][/font][/color] [font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"][color="#800000"]You define weapons as something to help you hurt someone/something; to attack, which is [/color][color="#800000"][u]wrong[/u][/color][color="#800000"]![/color][/size][/font] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Take a look in your inventory. What do you have there defined as a weapon?[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Yes! You have cloths, used as a weapon against cold, sun, wind. What else? You have weapons to attack: swords, axes, daggers, knifes, etc; also you may find other meaning for those and other items, like shields to protect yourself .[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] So, a weapon is also used to protect yourself or something. The first impact the word gives us is as a weapon to attack, to damage something. We, as humans forget to think, we blind ourselves and leave the beast that lies down in us to act![/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Yes, the beast! The only thing that separates us from animals is our brain and the power to think more and abstain, calm our beast. [/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] A land weapon is, in my definition and findings a weapon that protects the land. From what? Take a look at our Earth ! It is an organism filled with us, the parasites. Sometimes the people represent the danger. We are the ones to start the wars, we are the ones to take benefit of nature givings without giving something back, in return.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] So, yes. Land weapons are not a great dystoring weapon that you can use in war to activate it and use it at your own desire and on who you would like.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Think at them as an organism, as a part of the body, the Land. They are mechanic and spiritual. Like us. We have the body, that works as a mechanism, a machine; and the spirit, the soul that fills the body, animates the machine.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Your greed in finding how it works and use it blinds you from actual seeing things clear. To activate something and use it, you first need to understand the working. To control something you need to own it, or to know it's mechanics.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] While listening ideas and opinions I stumble upon this ''I'', I can, I will''.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Why ''I''? What made you think it is an I and not a We? What is the reason for this I? Human feelings, that want you to be the only one? The need of power? Control? That is/are the reasons why you can't find it, you can't see it. It is not you.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] I find it amusing when I see people searching for a place in Marind Bell, from where the weapon can be activated.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Again, the power of words and shapes. What do we know about Marind Bell;s weapon? We only know that it is the only land that can close; that has a gate to protect it. I say that there are too many clues about it but written in words and not shapes.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Another weapon that I find interesting, is one that I saw reacting when fed. How, what is does is part of what makes it interesting and I would like to test more on this subject, but I guess it is not the time for it.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] The other one needs human sacrifice when you simply follow the mechanics of activating it, not to speak about the spiritual part, the other magic that you are so interested in.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Spirals, Spheres, Circles, all are words that define shapes. Start at the meaning of words and put them in shapes. You will see more of this world. Just like Mirrors... same shapes, or reflections of some shapes.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] Pyramids, books and cubes, tunnels and lost past. Everything is there and I will try, one finding it to reveal to those that can read and listen to it, be it enemy or friend, information that is given to public is full of meaning and you can learn a lot from it; but, as in any other craft, you need to '''steal'' how to from your teacher, not to copy his/her steps or else you will hit a wall of blindness.[/size][/font][/color] [color="#800000"][font="Monotype Corsiva, cursive"][size="3"] PS: article for md-archives.com, only that atm it is not functional [/size][/font][/color]
  10. That's a very good idea Awii. You can't remove the market section from the forum; it is part of the market and you can't have those auctions in the place you will chose. Indeed, having a day for traders with music, dancing and all sort of things is nice. If it will be in NML you will stay in the way of some non-traders ppl or it will be too common. Who is lazy to come to the traders day, will loose the tradings..i say that they will come. Jester streets..are the streets of Jester, i guess you should choose a/some streets that do not have a personal connection with someone, or else you may end up paying tax for that day. and again, no rush in this, and those lands have more to come.
  11. I guess if you look closer to some locations from Lands of the East you could actually find some good locations for a market. Your image fits some of those locations. Lands of the east are made in a much social way... plus, they are not all released. Also, I think you all should fill what we have atm, which is way enough for the amount of population and social activities and after that come with suggestion of 'we need more'.
  12. Flubber?
  13. This should be in OFFTOPIC not in general !!
  14. The last backup i saw in the interface was from october last year, I had no time to make a new one, since someone was messing with my account ... Hope he has indeed a recent one, or else hope the users still have some copies of the entries.
  15. The current quest (I like to call it a quest)/ story from the AL it is, indeed way back then the actual date of events. At that time, I needed some specific persons from MD to help in the quest. They were involved in some activities that were, somehow bound to the quest in progres. The story still exists, I still have the logs, the history can still be written, even if it involves some of our veterans that were ''lost on front''. At that time, Awii, Handy P. , Guy and some others were not veterans; this is a point you all seem to forgot. It is more to tell in that story, then you can imagine. I like it when you cry and rant about not having AL, nor history, nor informations; but when they come , you need to find another reasn just to complain. Lately i think that some of you log in this world simply to find something to complain/rant about...maybe it is what surrounds you outside that makes you rant at everything. PS: you is used as you in general
  16. Err..what is the problem if someone buys items to collect them? His role is a collector then... You guyz simply run out of rant topics? O.o I should call out the common sence of you..this is a game. If he wats to buy items and he buys them he can do so..WHO are you to decide or to question what he does with his money and items payed in MD? Does he has something you want really really bad? then scratch your face in silent and try to buy it, but stop the random rant and go have a calming tea ... I suppose very soon you guyz will make a topic spaming the forum with RANT about avatars from alts and rare creatures . PS: this is not a rant or a post that needs a reply, it is simply what i think about you all the ranetrs out there. I am sure nothing will change regarding Shape Shifter as he is not doing something against any rule so have fun continuing to rant at things that you desire or not
  17. Dst, i would add to that the big secret things that some players like to have, the separation from the game thru ym and other forums. That is what is killing new players. If you are not 'profi' you can't simply stay in the game; So all of you profi rp should stop ranting and look at yourself. Md is not an exclusiv rp game, nor one to fight and get stats and stats but one that mixes both. Atm it is like in high school..groups that are outside of MD at first and where the plans are made and come to 'enlighten' the other ppl from the realm about what is hapening. Also the paranoia around you, introduced from several players is ruing you, the players that curently rant. Ranting is a problem..ppl ! stop living in what you dont have and what you would like, start living in what you have and build upon what it is something. Stop living in nothing is worth nor good and maybe light may come. PS: did someone noticed that rants come from ''profi' rp;s? or their group? .. what can i say..in the end that profi rp ends...leaves nothing to do more and it simply end...it limits you
  18. The adventure log does not work like that. Random stories are not for AL, especially ones that contain at least 1 real character and fiction...that is part of why the lore got stopped, and that is how the fiction lore appeared. The problem, as it was stated in his post, is that he has no time, not no story. I think that the people who tried so bad to enter the AL and sent stories or suggestions can tell you that what they sent was never used. All in all, exactly because of what you just asked/done is why he said that players can't write the AL, and do remember : it is not the story missing, but the time.
  19. closed
  20. After a period of ~ 2 months, Death Bell will be left on 'probation' , aka mod preview will be off his head. Note: all mods agreed for the probation.
  21. Pff .. why do people need to use names like Wizard of and Shades in their stories that defines their role? Everything that happened in that period is in AL and you are not in there, i am sorry to say this to you, but your story with Wizard and Shades is a lame one.. People..be more inventive..come with something new ad stop bounding your stories with the ancient LR, especially when it is connected with old AL. Last Guardian of Golemus? BTW: last scroll Wizard left was a letter ... pitty you were not in this realm at that time.. which takes me to the next remark : when you start to make up stories, at least make them according with your MD age/AL events or things like that... a bit more real (not referring to you personally but for all those that like to use important/fancy names from MD history, thou they never where in that period ) Bhaaa... be more inventive people and stop making ancient lore when that is not your job (not to say that ancient lore does not exists within MD and news for you : the only lore is us.)
  22. That was the fun from it . All players from all lands should start to meet and make a tactic of their land and we will all have a lot of fun during TC. ( at least the ones that are not interested in prize especially but in their land pride ). This contest is meant to give us so much fun, only if we try to play it and come with tactics and actually have some enemies I don't speak of doing what LR had done ... 40 vs 16-17 is a HUGE amount of points ...( meah..we had..i can't find the word ) but of coming with tactics to contra-attack the enemy and start to[b] [color="#8b0000"]PLAY[/color][/b] [u]not [b]RP[/b][/u] the game
  23. That it is called teaming up to fight for your land, only the main accounts participated, this can't be qualified as a cheating, but as a good team up between the alliances that fight for their land. Torch Competition is about between land fights. It is a tactic to win against others, this tactic as we can see was used and got LR a huge score and they got to say it all loud they are champions with this tactic..bad move Ailith, you were the only one to defeat your land and to attack the ones with other torches...i suppose in here you have my opinion in how to defeat this tactic until TC will have more specific rules about how it should be played. Indeed i suppose when the citizen system will be implemented things will change.
  24. We are simply answering to your pole, which is not in the right section btw, should be in the offtopic, considering the subject and answers. Moved to offtopic. [u][b]UPDATE :[/b][/u] A Quote from trashcan of his contest that we are speaking about in here, the true reason of this topic, at least that is what some of us think [quote]Posted Today, 11:11 AM I am commissioning everyone(not the person ) to find out how to access the hidden creature pictures. There was once a link we could go to, to see hidden creatures, but we can no longer access it. I would like you all to help me, and find out a way to circumvent(legally) the security Mur has put up. If you find a way to view these, you can choose any two creatures I own. And they will be yours. Of course, the hole in the security will be immediately reported after I have gleaned what I could from the images once again. NOTE: If I find nothing new from the images, you will not be rewarded. I have not seen any of the new creatures released yet, and I would like their images for a project I am working on. Happy Hunting! NOTE 2: Mods, yes this is questionable, but it is in good conscious and I doubt Mur would object to others finding out how to circumvent his security so that he may fix it. The Crafters Guild also accepts RP creation requests. From decorating a bar to preparing items for a tribute to your king, we are here to serve you anytime! I am the Seeker of Lockets, my knowledge on historical artefacts is extensive. My knowledge of how to build them is not nearly as great, thus I can't duplicate them. However, I can make simple items through the great art of Goldsmithing! [/quote]
  25. Would you like me to quote your previous topic? That one with the contest on who finds the hole and report it to you, so you can see the secret creatures and after you have your thing, you will go and report it to Mur ? You want to prove something stating that phrase : 'your husband' ? Do you feel like kissing his back if you go and report a bug? do you? do you ? PS: dst had a role on reporting bugs i would choose my answer wisely if i where you
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