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Everything posted by Akasha

  1. Moderator preview..well he made 7 posts in 5 minutes.. so yeah, a moderator will approve or disapprove his posts. Unfortunately he can't understand when to stop , and i personally had enough of the spam from the forum, that's why i started to take actions. Think that more the half of his posts are spam...and look at his warning and such..if he can't stop, we must stop him..i personally want to read a topic without posts wich are put in there just to increase the post counts. The free of speech ...well he was free to post *cough* spam 658 posts ..so , i started to cook the spammers from this forums.
  2. Well, DB got another warn and a moderator preview posts. So.. who is next?
  3. Lately i saw a lot of spam in all topics. From now on i will delete the spam, count down the numbers of post counts you have, or depends on your warnings...reset your count posts. First to go : Death Bell got his first reset to 0 posts today because of repeated spam . Good luck to the rest ps: rants in this topic will be counted as spam also
  4. After a long period, the reward was pm'ed to Kafuuka. Kafuuka has access to 1 shade account, from wich the ctc's will be pméd to the winners by Kafuuka. Also : [b][size="3"]warning[/size]:[i][color="#8b0000"] account might be bugged and not fully functional in all its aspects. Its also a NPC so expect different behaviour. Abuse is not allowed, you should respect its shade identity and not mock it. Acc its tradeable, creatures on it can be given as rewards you can use it as you wish, but if you discover a possible exploit (like endless fights) you should not use but report directly to Mur (or me). creatures on it might not be fully configured, please understand these are creatures not yet released and there value matters for collection purposes most.[/color][/i][/b] Have fun. [size="1"] (p.s : so much spam on this topic... Therefor i deleted the spam and the pos counts goes down with : Chad -2 ; Totenkopf -1, Cryxus-1 ; SS -1 ; Lifeline-1 ; Observer-1 ; Grimangel-1; Druzik -1; North-1)[/size]
  5. Hmm ..coffe mug? "coffe with grasan flavor? "
  6. Here will be the texts for the items , updated and per item? And we should get some from the 'you know you've been too much on md..' If you want to discuss : [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5673-official-md-t-shirts/"]http://magicduel.inv...al-md-t-shirts/[/url] [b] [/b]Link to the products : mug : [url="http://www.zazzle.com/tamed_reindrach_special_edition_mug-168308933110480520"]http://www.zazzle.co...308933110480520[/url] t-shirt : [url="http://www.zazzle.com/wanna_play_death_tshirt-235656352039621244"]http://www.zazzle.co...656352039621244[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/roleplay_this_t_shirt-235562689324810978"]http://www.zazzle.co...562689324810978[/url] [b] [/b]magnets :[b] [/b][url="http://www.zazzle.com/pimped_grasan_i_magnet-147843532837170302"]http://www.zazzle.co...843532837170302[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/pimped_grasan_ii_magnet-147814052082434614"]http://www.zazzle.co...814052082434614[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/pimped_grasan_iii_magnet-147858206264783231"]http://www.zazzle.co...858206264783231[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/the_nutcracker_magnet-147497508567348369"]http://www.zazzle.co...497508567348369[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/santa_magnet-147355092722356572"]http://www.zazzle.co...355092722356572[/url] [b] T-shirts :[/b] "I went to Mt Kelle'tha and all i got was this lousy t-shirt" Want a cube? "I'm an LHO and proud of it!" "I might talk to a tree, but i'm not crazy" "All I wanna do is Magicduel with You" "Got Drac's?" "Dont piss me off, my drac is fully tokened" Join Necrovion. We got cookies! [i] [/i]What's a Mur? "TEAM BRIT!!!" "I play MD, therefore I never sleep" [b]"Your face. My Drachorn." [/b][b]"In the land of the modder, the tomato is king." [/b]Roleplaying:It's what I do. Arrows confuse me. Get lost! (in the Labyrinth) when i grow up i want to be dst [b]Mugs: "Bob. Bloomin' Marvelous."[/b] ---------- MAGNETS: [url="http://www.zazzle.com/pimped_grasan_i_magnet-147843532837170302"]http://www.zazzle.co...843532837170302[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/pimped_grasan_ii_magnet-147814052082434614"]http://www.zazzle.co...814052082434614[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/pimped_grasan_iii_magnet-147858206264783231"]http://www.zazzle.co...858206264783231[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/the_nutcracker_magnet-147497508567348369"]http://www.zazzle.co...497508567348369[/url] [url="http://www.zazzle.com/santa_magnet-147355092722356572"]http://www.zazzle.co...355092722356572[/url]
  7. Who is the infidel ? DST !?
  8. I will blame the wineS we had. and yeah... the one who took the pictures...
  9. err..the pics will be on forum ? That is not good
  10. *starts preparing the cauldron* infidels?
  11. I would like a BIIGG coffeee mug and also i think at having slippers ..but with a drachorn form (i know that is harder...to get)
  12. Neah, thank you for invitation but we are recovering..plus..what's too much is not the same
  13. well, after waking up with 10 min before the actual plane to start flying and waking up everyone...i could say good morning..but i did not know if it was good or bad..and it was ..at 10:00 not at 5:29 pm SO...
  14. Then how about friday night ? and it won't be in tnb..i stood and frizzed waiting for all of you. It will be in Piranha and we will all meet inside not outside to freeze to almost death.
  15. I am sorry i needed to edit the description because it is not the First annual meeting ... if you have doubts check forum history for other meetings I say it is first american meeting. Have fun
  16. All i can see in this thread are some debates about the garbage that is thrown over the wall (like thrown i mean roleplayed live in game =)) something 2 guyz know to do it on forum) so yeah..i see nothing to be closed. I see no rp that Z put the garbage in there...but thou today i went there and saw DB trying to clean the place up by ROLEPLAYING IT LIVE IN GAME ..so yeah..nothing to close but 2 thumbs up for the funniest offtopic i read until now. And i sill wait for that P67 form ! and the proof Z has against Peace [size="1"]please ..someone try to explain better then me that what the 2 rp guyz try to do ..the game is for them to do ..not the forum..you know..why try to scratch upside down ? You go and try to use the chat for its pourpuse..meaning rp ..that thing you do in forums [/size]
  17. Guyz...you know the rp is done in the game not on forums. Topic closed.and will be removed if refered like history.
  18. No, it is not a dead topic, it is alive and we hope to get more poems.
  19. Well, he will use the forum gallery so we will be able to choose what pics we like and not (only with us)
  20. It will rain, therefore, better let's meet down in the subway station
  21. Yes, indeed , thank you Dst for helping with my trivia idea and improve it with the question contest. [size="1"]The regards will be on your PM soon [/size]
  22. Best 200 removed.
  23. First 3 rounds finished. We thank to everyone that participated and invite the ones that lost this time for a second change tomorrow, [b]day 282 at 22:00 server time for the final 3 rounds.[/b] The [b]winners[/b], in order are: [color="#8b0000"][b]Shadowseeker[/b][/color] :[b] [/b]1 drachorn [b]Eigger[/b] : 1 WP [color="#8b0000"] [b]Jester[/b][/color]: 1 drachorn [b]Burns[/b]: 1 WP [color="#8b0000"][b]Observer[/b][/color]: 1 drachorn [b]zeTsu grass[/b]: $15 credit codes. Thank you and have see you tomorrow. [size="1"] Chat log attached.[/size]
  24. Ok, after discussing about USA time problem, we decided to split this trivia in 2. We have today : [b]Meeting place[/b]: Room of[b] [color="#ff0000"]Indexed Memories[/color][/b] (where else can we hold a knowledge contest then not in a place full of books?) [b]Contest time[/b]: 15:00 (we all gather). [color="#ff0000"][b]15:15[/b][/color] it will start.Time is [color="#ff0000"][b]SERVER TIME day 281[/b].[/color] And we have for [b]USA[/b] tomorrow: [b]Meeting place[/b]: Room of[b] [color="#ff0000"]Indexed Memories[/color][/b] (where else can we hold a knowledge contest then not in a place full of books?) [b]Contest time[/b]: 22:00 (we all gather). [color="#ff0000"][b]22:15[/b][/color] it will start.Time is [color="#ff0000"][b]SERVER TIME day 282[/b][/color]. [center][color="#ff0000"][b] RULES: [/b][/color] [/center] [b][color="#ff0000"] BEHAVE![/color] [/b]If not...you will be sent to GOE which will make you lose some of the questions aka you can lose the contest. And when we say behave we mean: no arguing, no shushing, no complaining and [b]no rp[/b]! We want a clean fight! The less the spam in the chat box the more the chances you get to actually see the questions. Today will be 3 rounds of 15 questions, only 1 winner /round. [b]You won 1 time you can't participate for the next rounds. [/b] Only [b][color="#8b0000"]1 winner [/color]on 1st place [/b]we will have a total of [b]7[/b] 1st winners. (6/ round and 1 from the questions.) [b]1 St place : [color="#8b0000"]1 drachorn [/color] 2 nd place : [color="#8b0000"]1 Wp or 1x 15$ [/color][/b][size="1"][b][color="#8b0000"][color="#000000"]attention ![/color][/color][/b][/size][b][color="#8b0000"][color="#000000"][size="1"] you will be asked if you want Wp or $. when the wp will be gone only the $ will remain as a prize. [/size] [/color][/color][/b] [color="#8b0000"][b][size="1"]We have added 3 more drachorns for all 1st place[/size][/b][/color] [b][color="#8b0000"]Good luck. [/color][/b]
  25. Yup. and RPCs can participate too
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