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Kris Summers

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Everything posted by Kris Summers

  1. Actually, it was mother's sunday, so -I- was celebrated.
  2. Yeah, got everything I needed. Please lock this.
  3. I have observed this quest and while I have not taken part in it in a mundane sense, I have participated spiritually. Does that entitle me to a prize?
  4. In that case, 3 silver for the UP mwahahahaha. And 4 silver for the Master.
  5. [s]2 silver for weaken stone. [/s] OT: Why would anyone want a UP with stardust o.O Might turn out rather counterproductive
  6. Due to new acquaintances, the aged rusty no longer needs to be tokened
  7. That was quick o.o Now I just need one Rusty
  8. [s]1)Tokened Angien of over 350 age.[/s] [s]2)Tokened Sharptear of over 100 age.[/s] [s]3)Tokened/Untokened Water Being of over 200 age.[/s] [s]4)Tokened/Untokened Tree of over 200 age.[/s] [s]5) Untokened Bird of over 200 age.[/s] [s]6)Tokened Rusty of over 200 age.[/s] Forum PM me with details and offers, thank you and have a not so nice, but not so terrible day P.S. I only have a budget of 8 gc, so don't offer me two powerful rusties. P.S.S. Eat lots of veggies. NINJA EDIT: Added 3 more critters I'm looking for.
  9. 7 sc for the angien
  10. 13%??!! It's rigged, I tell you, it's rigged! If you ask me, giving everyone Grasans deserves 100% accuracy >: (
  11. Actually, I'm Chinese, and my native language is a dialect called Hokkien Sure, you "can say things in hard to understand ways as well", however, please do not strawman my posts. While mine may have been a little harder to read for those less familiar with English, your little rhetorical reductio ad ridiculum was plain gibberish. I shall refrain from roleplaying(actually, i initially thought it was encouraged here) with great relish, but dumbing-down my use of language, which is hardly any more advanced than what is found in MagicDuel: is going abit too far. Not only does that insult me, it insults the readers of this forum. @Krioni, thanks XD, the quest [i]are[/i] a far cry from other games, and I love how it's all constructed by real players. I can't wait to see you around as well.
  12. @Kyphis funny because the next part of the quest requires your name, which means you've inadvertently aided me twice.
  13. Pixels. What, I'm a materialist
  14. Forsooth! Thank you shade, for thy relevation. Oh and I look forward to seeing you as well, hehehe. EDIT: Oh damn it, the viscosity suddenly turned to 124. Wasted my credits Till next time I suppose. EDIT2: IT CHANGED BACK TO 120! Hooray!!!! I got in, thanks shade.
  15. Ah, friend Maebius, thanks to thy most amusing quest, I hath already quenched mine fire in the transquil waters of that fountain. My appreciations. However, it is to mine chagrin to discover the source of these waters, for consuming the oral amylase of the aquatic species may be to the detriment of mine anatomy. Would I perhaps, just as naive sisters of the ecumenical church believe that kissing blesses them with child, be impregnated despite mine musculature and dispense caviar? Thank ye all for thy timely response, and thank ye Eagle Eye for thy good will, though fortune's generosity doth not capitulate to man's wishes. I do not comprehend Burns' insinuation however, but if it hath to do with mine "thee and thous", well, "thee and thous" are fun hehehe. And to venerable Kyphis(no implications of senescence attached), the toll of the gates art 220 ap, and even if I do use these... mysterious free credits, I will still be 100 ap short. Close enough, methinks. Ah, but I forget myself, Wizard Kyphis, but let us both assume that I wrote this post before I discovered these... quaint customs of the forums from your post.
  16. Hail fellow adventurers of the realm! I'm a relatively(<dost thou not just adore the overweening amount of awesome redundancy in that adjective?) new traveller in these fair lands, and I understandeth that adversity doth foster magnificence amongst men. It [i]is[/i] however to mine concern, nay consternation, that quests purportedly mp3-friendly art not as sympathizing to newcomers as it doth claim to be. Aforementioned quests, that is "Fyrd's Lost Path" and the "Tutorial Campaign", all require mine passage through the grand gates of the Archive lands, an inconvenience which I doth lament not just for the inability to continue ridding that sordid blight on these otherwise fair lands which is the shadow army, but also because the archives art the epitome of learning for all rational beings, be it man, wizard or shade. Alas, the disproportionate toll beseeched by the gates hath wrought it impossible for me to quench mine unsatiable desire for glorious knowledge, for with 103 ap, pay I canst not. If I must wait, be it a month, 2 months, or even years, then wait I shall even as cruel eld doth snow down mine curly locks. However, I implore thee, Lords and Ladies of the realm, to perhaps shy from misleading assertions that certain quests art mp3-friendly, for it may irk newcomers to the point of departing forever from this wonderful world, and I do grieve for their cruel fate and their impatience which is their undoing. If I am wrong, please do decry mine ignorance and call for mine ignominy, for to err is to be human, and human that I am.
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