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Everything posted by DARK DEMON

  1. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1350728091' post='124347'] Its rather ironic if you could see who neg repped him lol [/quote] o.O lol Ignore that post... XD
  2. [quote name='Vicious' timestamp='1350723212' post='124344'] i think that certain crits should be used for HC... which is what someone else said... becuase when i was MP3 i remember some people having angiens and other powerful crits that are hard to get... ok it is a bit easy-er to get angiens and stuff at MP4 but thats not my point... i mean that a selected group of crits should be used in HC so it isn't just "oh... i have an angien... i am just going to kick your... Knator's (?) butt!!!" i think that heads contest should be about tactics AS well as strenth. [/quote] angiens can be easily beatable with simple crits, and you DO need tactics to find out if you don't know how, then don't complain
  3. 3 silver
  4. [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1350710758' post='124336'] Offtopic: Why people are neg rep Fang? Just because he made a "fun" reward comment that we know is a joke >> Great use of reputation system. [/quote] Exactly! People just seem to hate the TK's! First it was Seig, now Fang...
  5. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1350692715' post='124331'] [b]Vote[/b] for Pedro [/quote] Free creds
  6. [quote name='Fire Starter' timestamp='1350659677' post='124317'] I don't have any creative ideas, but I find it disturbing that I can't use the spells I have until this is over. How are we supposed to find less active people when I can't even use the Locate spell... [/quote] Hence, my above post ^^^
  7. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1350657386' post='124313'] Dairy [/quote] Milk
  8. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1350646995' post='124308'] Creamer [/quote] Cream
  9. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1350636433' post='124300'] caffeine [/quote] coffee
  10. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1350633826' post='124295'] White Water Rafting! [/quote] Piece of cake
  11. hApPy BiRtHdAy!
  12. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1350633061' post='124290'] Yellow Jackets [/quote] life jackets
  13. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1350585394' post='124253'] In your way, it's reduced to a game of strength. It's a pity that the tactic part died out when the active, smart players were done getting their medals, but removing the first stage makes HC even more pointless. You complain that it's just sitting out, then do something against it. Nobody manages to run forever. [/quote] Something is better than nothing And the current situation is NOTHING... Perhaps my version can just temporary then?
  14. Remove Stage 1... it's what people dislike the most : hours and hours of hiding ---> no action ---> boredom ---> no interest Stage 2 directly at the start of HC : Immediate action ---> more fun ---> more competition ---> more interest ...and more interaction, encouraging teamwork. Also gives people a chance to [b]not[/b] participate in HC by not going to the "predefined location/s" where points can be scored. In fact, there can also be a change that spells can't be cast on people in these locations cause they participate. There have been complaints of not allowing spells to be used in HC. They should only be allowed to people not participating, hence, only to those who are not in the "predefined location/s"... And keep the duration short... the last thing we want is people getting bored furthermore just due to repetition every day. (max 7 days) This way, HC can also be a test of strength, leaving the winners with "bragging rights" till the next HC (again, more competition + encourages people to improve and hence increasing their overall activity and view of HC)
  15. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1350574136' post='124246'] agreement [/quote] impossible on some MD forums
  16. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1350573241' post='124241'] thinking [/quote] consensus
  17. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1350573152' post='124240'] Umm.. not really an awesome entry.. not an artist >> *rushes and hides under the bed* please dont laugh >< [/quote] *laughs out loud*
  18. [quote name='nadrolski' timestamp='1350567305' post='124237'] [b]MOVE[/b] ON [/quote] Chess
  19. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1350486201' post='124170'] Hunger [/quote] (for) wealth
  20. [quote name='Dragual' timestamp='1350483016' post='124167'] Needed [/quote] food
  21. Definitely agreed, Dante! Thumbs up To build upon that, I strongly suggest to change completely the way HC is run, as to change the way players think of it too. Instead of letting the people who hide score all the points, make it the opposite. There was a recent change, which is: "A minimum score of 2000 points is needed to win a medal and stats at the heads contest." It was intended to increase player interest, but obviously it only decreased. People want change in the way HC is run, not for it to be made more difficult as to force people to participate. That's what makes it boring and causes people to lose interest. I openly declare, I am one of those people. Nowadays, winning HC is NOTHING to be proud of. I actually agree that it should be made difficult, but in a way that it should be enjoyable. Instead of the above change, there should be something to create more action, more fighting, make it more fun. I don't know if it's possible, but perhaps remove stage 1 completely, and just have stage 2 directly? And instead of having a headcount requirement, (though of course, would have no purpose anymore) keep a 7-day deadline after which HC would end. In this way, automatically I suppose, the headcount would have been reached. Oh, and if MP5's still won't find it enjoyable, most MP4's will. Apart from all, this is at least SOMETHING to work on. Looking at the current situation of HC... I'm sure no one would say that there are already other problems, bugs to be solved, etc. So dst, please don't say that here. You HAVE to agree that HC is definitely something to develop.
  22. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1350479235' post='124162'] spirit [/quote] evil
  23. [quote name='SkyArmy' timestamp='1350471077' post='124158'] lover [/quote] death!!!
  24. [quote name='Nimrodel' timestamp='1350467347' post='124152'] Secret [/quote] Rumor
  25. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1350466574' post='124151'] Now...why would you replace something that is working and is quite good with something that needs development and it's prone to bugs? [/quote] It's just an idea to help UPGRADE the game, for God's sake! That's the point : to DEVELOP, CHANGE and IMPROVE the game in a better way! Something that needs development? Did you say that because you're lazy? Cause I think that's something MD lacks. No real implementation of suggestions, to be honest. The way you're saying it just makes me think that you don't even want us to suggest...
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