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Posts posted by phrog

  1. We need a response on this one. The few people using a def ritual of all trees are unfortunately taking advantage of this bug. I recently lost 45k vital points and 9.6k xp each for six creatures. I've seen others with similar reports. Let's get this one taken care of.

  2. My thought for the No Man's Land alliance would be one that receives less land bonus and suffers less penalty on other lands. I would even argue that there should be no penalty for others moving through No Man's Land.

  3. I see Innundo understands the role this alliance would play in society. I'm not sure mercenary works, but close. Imagine a group who joins one side of a battle or another, not for payment or even to support the cause, but simply that at that moment it suits our purposes, our fancy, our whim.

    As for another alliance in No Man's Land... it would not bother me. I'm looking for a particular group of people. The location is representative of the people who would join, but they still have to be of a certain ilk.

  4. No Man's Land, huh? No land is completely empty and without ruler. There is always somebody who knows its secrets, finds a way to live within its rules. What if you are not a Shade, but have the occasional dark thought? What if you aren't a tree hugger, but don't plan to chop down Loreroot? What if you seek knowledge and enlightenment, but would rather not spend your life buried in a book?

    Do you feel better forging your own path but would still like to know who else is out there like you?

    I like to burn my candle at both ends. I like to test the fires of many different places. I don't want to be tied to or unwelcome in any land. My flame burns brightest in No Man's Land.

    I know there are others out there like me... where are you?

  5. Well, I'm glad at least a few people are getting the whole point of this thing. Yes, more people on the forums would be useful to the game and help them play better.

    Word of mouth, in game, in forum or real life, is the best way to move any of it along. For some people, you just need to tell them to spread the word.

  6. Yes, of course I'm going to advertise, but I put it at the end because my main intent was to encourage people to be the adept of somebody or another. I wouldn't recommend swapping adeptitude with a friend (you theirs and they yours). I suspect the number of adepts you have will play into benefits you can provide them (anybody remember the protector experiment?). So, that means not everybody will be able to have a swarm of adepts. No, it will not benefit you to be one of a tiny group of adepts. If you want to be noticed, just like in every other part of this game, speak up. Make yourself known. Talk/message to people other than just your friends.

  7. I'm sure everybody has noticed some of us campaigning for adepts. You need to know that there is no disadvantage to becoming an adept (not mine or anybody else's-except for maybe Khala's :) ). If you are not an adept yet, pick somebody. Adepts will come into play and benefit you as the game progresses. So, take the time to fill out the little box on your daily progress screen. One day you'll be happy you did.

    If you have any questions about how, just ask. Or, just type *phrog* into the space and we'll all be happy.

  8. If it were me, I would step into the fire. Consumed by the flames you will weigh nothing. Ride the rising waves of heat to reach the floating pyramid. Are you willing to give everything to reach your goal?

    Before you take such a drastic step, you may want to enlist the help of one with access to the dream world and one who knows fire. Those two can help you along your way.

    How bright will your flame burn?

  9. Everybody keeps saying pen and paper.

    I've stacked enough paper next to the computer to explain all the deforestation of the Amazon and enough pens to fill a pool with ink. Still don't have a clue as to the pattern of the puzzle.

    Was I supposed to write something on the paper?

  10. You can always assume the 'baddies' are at least as strong as you. Most times they will be stronger. Choice of ritual will always be important.

    One issue is that NPC adjust according to your strength. If you checked the Loreroot Guards today and decided you need to go level up your creatures and increase your stats to win, when you come back they will be even stronger.

  11. Use chat, a LOT. There are always people around who will help. Use the Live Help button. Send messages to players who have more time than you. Just about anybody will lend a hand. Look for mods (they have ** around their names).

    Listen to razz... keep playing. You'll figure it out and find it is a very original game.

  12. Right now things are pretty open. If something isn't expressly fobidden, then it is allowed. Exploiting bugs is obviously not allowed. Everything else though, it's all good. If you find a hiding place for the head game, congrats. They are hard to come by.

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