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Everything posted by dst

  1. New update: ORGY doesn't count! It's not related to Loreroot or Tarq or any of the cyberers. Same for pig, ear, behind (with the 3 letters version) and prolly others. 3 letters words are only player names (except MRD so if you find him discard it).
  2. New update: Don't sens me the "find the words" puzzle scanned! I am not a masochist. If you send me that, you'll get qualified. Send me a nice list of words ordered alphabetically if possible :D :D
  3. Since I cannot spell, here's a free hint: Beserker should be Berserker :D. Now it's up to you to find out the rest. Laby is spelled with I. Gazebo is spelled with 2 "O"s so look for gazeboo.
  4. There are NO short names (Shadowseeker will be Shadowseeker not SS), no abbreviations (Loreroot will be Lorerroot and not LL) and no nicknames (Grido will be Grido and not Greedo).
  5. Rewards: 1st place: WP (again, it's Christmas, let's be generous). 2nd place: Trio of spells: Acoustics, SendtoGazeebo, Earfocus 3rd place : 2 GCs On top of that we'll have the Standard Christmas Points: 4-3-2. And the quest HAS STARTED! Find the link below: http://dstdst.wix.com/puzzles
  6. It's good for me.
  7. Umm...she can get heated by others. So imo it would not be fair for the mp5 people.
  8. Weeeeel...I added a personal message to MRF at the end buuut...
  9. Update: III-I & 3‡0† 2?3 need to be added to the keys. It works without the above but it's harder.
  10. So, I have designed a new quest. This SHOULD melt your brain a little and also make your vision weak. I intend for this quest to haunt your nights until you solve it. How? You need to solve 2 puzzles: one is a crossword and the other is "find the words". For each word you find in both puzzles, you get 1 point. In total you'll be able to get 133 point. But there is a bonus round: if you manage to decipher it, you'll get 25 bonus points. But for this one you MUST complete it fully as there is no way to split the points. So in total you can get 158 points. 1) Crosswords: you will find both MD characters as well as Christmas ones described by their tag or other means. Usually the tag predominates 2) Find the words: all words are MD related and they can be composed ones like " Gazeebo of Equilibrium". This one will make 1 (ONE) word and not 3. There are all sorts of words MD related so expect anything (anything = words that can be find in MD). When? Soon. Hopefully tomorrow morning (my morning so around 9-10 ST) I will release it. Deadline: 31st of Dec 00:00. If you manage to solve it full, or so you think, you can submit it before. I will NOT tell you if you're right or wrong. The first submission will count so if you realize you got something wrong, you cannot correct it. If deadline approaches and you haven't solved it fully, send me what you have. You'll be scored as well. Send solution through forum. In case of a tie, the one that sent the solution earlier, will win. Rewards: TBD (hopefully by the time the quest is released). So, if you have any questions, ask them before the quest starts. Good luck and prepare for the worse!
  11. Rewards updated: 1) Standard Christmas points - 4 for 1st - 3 for 2nd - 2 for 3rd 2) 1st place will also get a WP (it's Christmas, let's be generous!) 2nd will get one of each of the following spell stones: Tele to PC, LiC, SendToGazeebo, Acousticremains + Santa (TKs sponsored it) 3rd will get 2 GCs.
  12. Yes, I think I would prefer during week-day nights since during holidays people tend to meet other people and MD time might get cut off.
  13. Have you talked to Chew about this?
  14. For my quest deadline was stated as being 31st of December 2015.
  15. So yea, I decided to make a fool of myself this year and sing a...dst style carol. BEWARE! My voice is HORRIBLE!! https://www.powtoon.com/online-presentation/c4NAdByoYgJ/dst-is-planning-to-kill/ Forgot to add the original song: Santa Claus is coming to town Also, here are the lyrics to MY version :D I'm hearing you scream Get ready to cry You'd better drop dead You rude little guy! DST is planning to kill She's sharping her fang, She's shining her gold, She's gathering heat, She thinks you'll be cold! DST is planning to kill. She chases you around, She spells you more and more, You try to run far and then hide But you've already died! I'm hearing you scream Get ready to cry You'd better drop dead You rude little guy! DST is planning to kill. She watches you sleep You've already guessed Her name's DST Cause that she does best DST is planning to kill. She knows you have been bad She saw you use the bugs She gathered all the logs(y) So you better run and hide! I'm hearing you scream Get ready to cry You'd better drop dead You rude little guy! DST is planning to kill.
  16. Updated the prizes as to remove the 1 extra point.
  17. QUEST HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED!!! From now on you can contact me to receive the starting password. Good luck!
  18. I just got an idea that will ensure a bit of fairness considering the fact that I haven't coded the quest to calculate the amount of time a player needs in order to solve (yes, the fastest will win) so I will do it like this: Once I announce the beginning of the quest, each participant must PM me ON THE FORUM to get the starting password. The clock will start from the moment I reply. I will try to reply to you after I see you active in game (even talk to you to make sure you're awake). Piss Piss will give you the instructions. However since she sometimes forgets things or messes them up, I shall post them below as well: There are 2 sets of pictures. You must find both sets. Then you need to find 2 keys that have been broken and scattered around the realm. Once you find them (I'll not tell you how many pieces there are) you need to decode them and apply them to the pictures (how you do that...well..that will be your challenge). Once you get the messages, you PM me (that's when your clock will stop). The quest will run until 31st of Dec 00:00 ST. Rewards: 1) Standard Christmas points - 4 for 1st - 3 for 2nd - 2 for 3rd I have agreed with Chew to add one additional point if the quest proves to be difficult (I shall decide that at the end). 2) 1st place will also get a WP (it's Christmas, let's be generous!) 2nd will get one of each of the following spell stones: Tele to PC, LiC, SendToGazeebo, Acousticremains. 3rd will get 2 GCs. Sponsorship is welcomed. Also I am discussing with TKs for additional prizes. I will announce soon the official start of the quest!
  19. So we really have to SING? Or posting the lyrics will suffice?
  20. Signing in has finished. Hopefully tonight (21:00, 22:00 sometimes between that time) I'll release the quest.
  21. You abused your powers. Simple as that. Jail is admin spell. You wanted to use it for doing your dirty business, you should have checked with the GM. You're not exempted from following the normal process just because your name is grido. Yes, the log is necessary. You don't get to tell me what I can consider necessary or not. You disbanded you own ally. You don't get to ask it back.
  22. I'll wait until tonight (00:00 ST) with the signing ins. After that I will be adding the restrictions, announce the final...announcements and release the quest.
  23. Now some more stuff. This: [08/12/15 02:35] Aethon:What is the land doing to reclaim what is their's? [08/12/15 02:35] Aethon:Will it be a show of force? Or something more mechanically based? [08/12/15 02:37] *Grido*:The alliance is gone for now with Eon's departure, however I would desire it to be returned in time [08/12/15 02:38] Aethon:Some might say you do not "deserve" to simply have the badge given back. [08/12/15 02:38] Aethon:Is there something you and the other members are going to do, to prove otherwise? [08/12/15 02:39] *Grido*:We had active members in it, more than the minimum [08/12/15 02:39] *Grido*:and I am King, I have the right to reclaim it [08/12/15 02:40] *Grido*:It was unjustly taken, it was not a case of an internal dispute GG is and never was a role leader alliance. The king has no right to ask it back. GotR had active members. CotE had active members. But both of them were still destroyed. It was not unjustly taken. It was pure game mechanics. Moreover YOU disbanded it by jailing Eon. We were up for negotiation. You were not. So I don't see how you can ask for an ally that YOU destroyed yourself.
  24. Boohoohoo Grido! So what if excomunication doesn't have the jail tag? You should have addressed that as BUG (if it really is) and NOT use your ADMIN spell to "fix" things how you want to. Hell! You could have even waited and ask for permission from the GM if you wanted to use it. But noooo! You are better than anyone and you know better. Guess what! IT IS ABUSE! Yes, he uses jail! Here's the log to prove it! http://storenow.net/download/b11c1e9ad55828076e5b766576962aae/grido_abuse.png
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