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Everything posted by dst

  1. dst


    COMPLAINT: Players that already won this contest interfere with its course. Below are my hash words: MY REQUEST / COMPLAINT IS: People that won the contest should not be able to interfere (win heads).
  2. If they give a penalization for this problem then i'm gonna come for you to recuperate my 80 losess And I'm not always winning (only like 10% of the time). You make the math if it's possible for all to stay even.
  3. if you need one more ... "dst" I'd like A, but it doesn't matter too much
  4. Hi, I would like to be part of Team B (good guys). My player name is Venger.
  5. dst


    maybe you can check this also : http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=1392
  6. just forget about that +1 /+2 items get on the serious ones buy a set
  7. I vote for it
  8. I agree with the idea of having more VE after each regeneration period, according to a percentage from the total VE of a player's creatures.
  9. Now the losses counter increases much faster than the wins counter, so perhaps a limitation for losses should be implemented very soon. Otherwise, we won't be able to have "balanced" profiles from now on. Also, it's very possible that people won't gather in public places as often as until now (Willow shop), because they will get too much losses.
  10. if it will be like that i'd barely wait to have like 1k VE regenerated every 10 minutes
  11. you should, it's unballanced I have a great rit with huge combo, it I use it, most of the times i don't get a VICTOR. But the bad part of this is that people will have hard time to keep balanced. Before the new system, the system was balanced (sum of all wins and sum of all loses were equal). Now, because of this system, the difference will increase. People will no longer stay at willow shop, and ... maybe the fun will disappear.
  12. I had the same miss-fortune described above when wanting to get some armor, but that was 2 days ago. I don't know how it was implemented that counter, but I guess that it counts down from the time you last logged in. Maybe the formula should count more on the system's date which is constant.
  13. I have the same errors in Chapter 3.
  14. I think the answer is : DREAM
  15. Din cate am vazut, sunt destui jucatori romani activi (As far as I've seen, there are many active romanian players)
  16. Don't worry, there are more, but they don't really mind replaying in English Hi dude, welcome, and hurry to MP5 and I'll give you a few good battles
  17. Yes, it's a real PROBLEM. There are so far some ideas and some solutions. First I'll HAVE to remind you about something that could prevent this kind of problems: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...ic=1392&hl= And I must agree with those google ads. If you add them in the free credits page (even with no extra benefits except from the money for server) I promise I'll click on those about 10 - 20 times a day with no problem. Just read the thread above and tell me if it's not a solution (and a better one with google ads).
  18. I was thinking of more then one thing, but this is the closest one for the moment :
  19. mainly yes, just get all the "crap" later you'll appreciate that "crap"
  20. no way, the one that grows very fast during a day / week is already too strong
  21. maybe you should have some less requirements, because 70 days will exclude a lot of people I will not complain that now the base for stat increase is only 0.09 and not 0.12 as in old times. I propose something about 20-30 days, MP4, and to only play in the lottery if they were active in the past 2 days ( if the lottery is daily). as for the prize, I vote for the choice.
  22. maybe, this should be allowed for MP6 and getting to MP6 should have as requirement such a creature lets say that you can have a shrine where specific creatures (max lvl or something predefined) and turn them into another creature (also predefined). That creature should have a bit more then the sacrificed ones. for example from 2 chaos archers to create an heretic archer * (with a star) that has a bit more to attack and defense then the usual one
  23. Of course, I only played for a week or two and I just passed in MP4, but I’ll let you know what I find annoying. First. When all the creatures get dead, the ritual gets invalidated, yea, it is logic but it sucks. I, personally, had problems with them as I had to lose somehow but I still had to keep the good creatures alive. So I created the defensive rituals that got invalidated after almost every lose. And after that, the creatures were “eliminated” randomly. So, a request for this problem is to allow the creation of rituals without having to attack someone, even to create them in a sanctuary. The second request would be to keep the rituals even if the creatures were all dead so that it would not be necessary to recreate the same one over and over again. Second. When getting a random ritual (either for no rituals or for low vitality), I mostly found out that my archers were dealing “weaken defense” instead of dealing “damage” and that means almost certain “LOSE”. Third. When having a random ritual for low vitality if you have the same creatures chosen, maybe it should keep the ritual unchanged. Forth. When having a log of a fight, the names of the creatures are not always complete (or they seam like that). Example : “xxx's Elite Lorerootian Ar does damage to …”. Fifth. I’ve found out that the name of the creatures can be changed while upgrading. Well, this can be a problem on logs as you never see the name of that creature or the type of it. Sixth. Ok, the list of rituals seems to have a lot of information, but it would be nice to know the number of live creatures and the maximum number of creatures in that ritual. Also it would be nice to know what creatures are in that ritual. I don’t know about you but I am including parts of creature names in the ritual name. More to come when I have time and experience I forgot to add: try to make it load faster. And if you don’t trust me, try to play from a really, really, really low connection. Maybe it can be possible to “preload” the graphics or to have them local (see travian) as this will free your servers and bandwidth also.
  24. hmm, cred ca ar fi mai usor daca ai specifica si o data anume pentru intalnire. eventual sa faceti periodic astfel de intalniri / iesiri, macar o data la 3 luni. oricum, poate ne vedem data viitoare.
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