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Everything posted by dst

  1. Why don't you all use the local legends section? Later maybe we will move them but until then post in there. All you people are for creating and creating. What about destroying and deleting from time to time for the sake of cleanness? Huh? * *yes, me being a forum freak cleaner
  2. Come on! You can tell me! Send me a Pm with the names.
  3. No MB. The other adepts. Your shadows, spies etc. You know what I mean.
  4. dst

    Reset Waiting

    Yes, this has happened to other players. It's some sort of bug that maybe it will be fixed some day. Thank you for pointing it out.
  5. So MB: how many I-BID adepts do you have?
  6. When you have time. This way, next week I can focus on other sections of the forum.
  7. Actually Grido you can help me. In the new ideas section I've made a new topic in which to put all new ideas but ONLY them (without comments from other players). If you want, copy the ideas from the topics and post them in there. Then make a list of the topics you've gone through and send it to me (it's easier to keep track of them this way since the topic names are most of the time stupid -sorry but they are). And also if you can post also the player who had the idea. Thank you.
  8. Sorry to disappoint you Boots that Ren and Robin was not the only incident. It was the first that was put on the forum (as in released to the public).
  9. Bother me. I'm done with my homework ages ago.
  10. No Glai, it's not. I will try to do it next week since I will have more time. And btw: I too have things to do (going to work, social life ... not important things like homework but still)
  11. Everything except the first 13 . You clean what you think is old and I will tell you if you need to clean more.
  12. As long as I don't see them anymore you can even put them on your wall as wallpapers.
  13. I explained you: I started with Hello because it seemed the easiest to clean. I must take it slow. But it seems that I just upset the bees' hive.
  14. Want me to? I can be a really good one (good like doing my job well not good as in...good hearted) .
  15. You're speechless!!
  16. What about old topics that are obsolete? And when I say old I'm talking, let's say, about posts from last year. I want them deleted cause there are no interest to anybody (except for Glai who wants to leave in the past ). I put the option with leave it as it is in the poll but it's not a solution. Something must be done. WE must organize a little bit the forum (and yes....I started with the less important section but from my point of view it was the easiest one until I asked you). I wanted democracy but I'm getting a rebellion.
  17. Do it then. And yes: we are on summer cleaning quest! We need to bring some life into this forum and organize it a little bit. So any suggestions will be welcome. From anyone.
  18. Then it will be your job to delete old topics.
  19. Btw: what does I-BID means? Internet-Bunny In Distress?
  20. Hi all, I want to chance something about this section of the forum so we can manage it easily. So I'm making a poll. Also I'm open to new suggestions.
  21. Don't listen to MB! he just brags . And also he will turn you all into slaves. So:RUN from MB!!!
  22. Here we will insert the ideas that we all agreed that are good and worth taking into account so it will be easier for Manu to read them.Yes...this is a filter. Btw: the list above will change accordingly.
  23. dst

    New ideas

    When you have a new idea open a topic(in which all can comment) but also post it here so it will be easier for us to keep track of them. If you already opened a topic please post the idea here and also post the link to the topic with the comments. Thank you!
  24. Better. Thank you.
  25. Please, if you wish to post something in your native language post also a translation in English. Thank you.
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