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Status Updates posted by dst

  1. People! Check your inboxes and if they are full, delete some of the messages! Some of you cannot be contacted by mods!!

    1. Pipstickz


      Maybe you shouldn't spam people so much then! >:(


    2. Shadowseeker


      We can still spam you even if you do have reached the limit. So beware >:)

  2. People! Check your inboxes and if theya re full, delete some of the messages! Some of you cannot be contacted by mods!!

  3. That spider was a puppet in a museum. It was not real. But the size is real aka it was that big.

  4. Are you behaving?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shemhazaj


      I am! badly tho...

    3. dst


      I don't behave when I am NOT in a vacation, what do you expect from me when I am in one? :D

    4. Darigan


      We'd have to ask whoever you go on vacation with :P

  5. 645 and the dark age will begin

    1. Indyra


      even if i pay my electric bill ?

    2. dst


      Even if :D

      Oh...609 now...

  6. *grins* Z, you commenting to my status just broke the curse :P I'm logged in muahahahahaha!!!

  7. Bah! Z's condition is contagious! I can't log to MD either :(( And I just came from outside!

    1. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      mwah ha ha....I've passed on the virus. Blame sasha lilias for attacking Bob :P

  8. Bah! Z's condition is contagious! I can't log to MD either :((

  9. Bored...from head to toes...

    1. Granos


      You should go swiming :P

    2. lepus


      yes but in custard!!

    3. dst


      Why swimming?

  10. Bore...from head to toes...

  11. Guess who's bored today...c'mon! guess!

  12. Seems so. But I am a bit younger :P

  13. A spoiler would be to add:and then you'll die! or and then you win MD

  14. A spoiler would be to add:and then you'll die!

  15. I want my button!!!

    1. Grido


      here's a button, now you have to marry me

    2. dst


      >_< I want my delete button back!!

    3. Grido


      the button is there, you just can't use it, there's difference

  16. The forum administrator is away! Let's parteeeeee!!!

  17. dst

    You spelled your player name wrong :D

  18. I was careful for 3 weeks but I was a fool for about half an hour...what can I say? Too much sun will melt your brain!

  19. dst

    *pokes back*

  20. What happened to that axe? I am really disappointed...

  21. dst

    I think I gave a clear answer :P

  22. dst

    I said guys not Guy :P

  23. dst

    Liar! Btw: put some hot guys and I might visit your profile more often :P

  24. dst

    How come I never checked your profile until now? O_O

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