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Everything posted by Grido

  1. it's soooo tempting to try and beat Mur's record, does the poser of the question need to be awake through it all?
  2. i would hope for those that raised the questions to open up for debate the questions they raised, if they asked the question then i would think they want an answer to it, so the debate would be helpfull for them to discover the answer ...or something
  3. question, what body parts does Ledah have left? several bodies?
  4. [quote]Talos Salvitore (ID:152987) Why do you think that more people are born during periods of depression than periods of prosperity? Mur: answerable by psyhology explenation yet it could hold more info to it, goes to round 2 and public debate[/quote] When people are unhappy they seek something which makes them happy, children and the process leading to the children, makes people happy, so more children are born. when people are happy they dont like things to change as the happiness might go, so they try to keep things constant and thus dont have children.
  5. [quote]King Bull (ID:67761) the Question..... is not............. do you believe in God? this i know the answer too already... i have seen you actknowledge God many times... so this automatically tells me the answer... now for the question. Genesis 1st book of the bible chapter 1, 2, 3, chapter 4 verse 16 and 17 the question: in the beginning god created heaven and earth. then he created adam and eve, they had children cain and abel.... Genesis verse 16 : then Cain went out from the presents of the Lord and dewlt in the land of Nod on the east of eden, Genesis Verse 17: And Cain knew his wife, and she concieved and bore Enoch....... the question is where Cains come wife come from? at this point there was only Adam and Eve and thier children..... Where did Cains wife come from? Mur: It came from the absurdity in the logic used to create those stories. People can't simply understand complex things, they need examples, mostly from their lives. The church needed a full monopoly over the creation of man and the universe and man needed an answe above all ..who care if it makes sense? it did for over thousand years. i can't believe in those child stories, but because its a book full of wisdom, and absurdities (or missunderstand sacrated knowledge how some prefer to call them, oops, just ignore my opinion on religion....) i think its awsome for public debate. round 2 (i might give an answer in round 2)[/quote] My personal opinion is that Genesis is (cant think of the right word now but i'll go for..) a big metaphor for what happened, it was written several hundred years after the rest of the old testament (or new, cant remember which) so it being written as being what happened in the literal sense i find highly unlikely
  6. EDIT: read dst's post after i posted, made new threads for what i was saying here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=4380"]King Bull's Question[/url] [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=4381"]Talos Salvitore's Question[/url]
  7. Grido

    Scary house..

    might've wanted to make that clear
  8. Grido

    Scary house..

    hmm? this part of something you;re writing...or....?
  9. i LOVE LOVE LOVE food, the tastes, the smells, the feel in my mouth.... cooking it as well, is just perfect, soo sensuous... *coughs* errm, yeah... *puts on an evil appearance*
  10. i have next to me ''The Soddit, or Let's Cash In Again'' should be a fun read
  11. @dst's ps *achoo* what IAB reference? *whistles and looks innocent*
  12. Grido

    MD Wish Shop

    when it gets announced that it will be, only Mur knows the answer to that, and it probably wont be for awhile, he's trying to make it all automated, which takes a lot of work, and he also has a lot of other things he;s getting on with
  13. is it called SpamCake?
  14. Grido


    i've given away 2 eggs, depends if i know the player or not really
  15. Mmm Yummy! *looks down at stomach* get?
  16. dont Lies taste sweeter anyway? *does a little jig....badly*
  17. *warning* this post skips all over the place from my previous post, you might get confused it'll take a bit longer than 2 hours Shantu whilst you're not ''told'' not to speak in a lecture, try doing it and see what happens lol Mur, i've heard (and seen) a few times of you talking about circles and dots last man standing lectures sound fun prize for each timezone? me wants that book....methinks it'll look, and actually be, good
  18. epic lecture Mur, cant wait for the next one, a 12 hour one
  19. actually, you have a point there.... never quite sure which him he is when he's around
  20. i love it when you let out your crazy side Mur, makes things so much more...interesting
  21. *notices 3 forum mods (including himself) and forum admin watching this thread* we're clearly busy people
  22. *runs around like a headless chicken* Dont panic mr. manwaring, dont panic!# # - non-british people are unlikely to get this reference
  23. hehe, course it still counts as a no you havent read it yet Pamps? that's terrible, everyone has to read it, EVERYONE!!! if you watch the directors cut, extended edition versions it takes a while to watch them
  24. hmm, been a while since i read it, but i cant remember who Nimrodel in LOTR is, so *shrugs* i clicked No
  25. i'll have a play .Grido. ID: 7251
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